Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network
5 days ago
5 days ago
The Power of Divine Love with Marc Aronoff
Love is something we all want. Divine Love, is something the deepest part of us years for. How do we bridge the two? And, in daily life, can we access Divine Love on a continual basis?
"The God Chord” running through each of us—a chord of understanding beyond words, ever present and ever wise, connected to the divine. In a sense, all we have to do is remember and trust in this connection to cultivate the experience of God.
A relationship with God is nurtured through both a formal practice of meditation and prayer and our informal awareness and intention to allow for a mystical and ultimately spiritual union with God, moment- to-moment. Humans have an innate capacity to experience and awaken a transcendent experience of God. Our potential to experience the mystical reality of life speaks to the role of Divine Love in the world today: God’s presence in our every breath, calling us to awaken, feel, and see with eyes of Christ." - Marc Aronoff
Marc Aronoff, MA, LMHC (Author) is a Mystic, psychotherapist, and award-winning playwright. After completing his BA in The Interpretation of Literature at Northwestern University, Marc lived abroad where he wrote for film and theatre and worked as a professional actor, dancer, and choreographer. Marc’s drama, The Lantern Bearers, has won several awards, attracting an international audience, and was translated into Italian in 2021. Marc has published feature articles with several national publications and has worked as a ghostwriter with authors from around the world. Marc holds a Masters in Counseling Psychology and currently offers wellness programs including meditation and contemplative retreats with individuals and organizations across the nation. www.lovesguest.com
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Friday Dec 20, 2024
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh: The Satisfied Woman
Friday Dec 20, 2024
Friday Dec 20, 2024
The Satisfied Woman: Alanna Kaivalya, Ph.D.
The 'Satisfied Woman' challenges the conventional wisdom that has long pushed women to model themselves after male-defined notions of success. For centuries, the female struggle for equality has meant fighting for the same opportunities as men to make their own choices, build independent lives, craft powerful careers, and exercise their agency. But has this been the wrong approach? Could striving to be "equal to men" actually be holding women back from realizing their fullest potential? Focusing too narrowly on integrating into masculine systems and hierarchies. women have forged paths laid out by men, emulating what men identify as desirable. These preconceived notions of what society has deemed standard have forced the modern woman to overlook the extraordinary power of developing and expressing her innate femininity. Could this be why many women remain unsatisfied and overwhelmed?
Alanna Kaivalya, Ph.D. is an author, educator, speaker, and thought leader in the field of women's empowerment and femininity. She has written 5 books, developed international training programs, and taught audiences around the world. She has spent more than 20 years studying psychology, the human condition, the nature of the feminine and femininity, eastern spirituality, and earned a doctoral degree in Mythological Studies and Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute in 2015. Her work centers on empowering women through a better understanding of femininity in the modern world. Her most recent book, The Way of the Satisfied Woman, helps women redefine femininity on their own terms and gives them clear pathways to become fully satisfied. https://www.thesatisfiedwoman.com/
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Friday Dec 06, 2024
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh: Aikido Teachings
Friday Dec 06, 2024
Friday Dec 06, 2024
Aikido Teachings of Robert Nadeau: Bob Noha
A widely influential figure in the development of Aikido in America, Robert Nadeau is known as one of the few American direct disciples of Aikido’s founder Morihei Ueshiba Osensei. Now an 8th dan Aikido master teacher, Nadeau has taught generations of students, and several have become prominent teachers in their own right. However, he has never written about his life or philosophy, always reserving his most pointed lessons for those who practice with him in person. Nadeau’s core concepts, describe his simple-but-effective practices for personal development, and convey his time-tested approach to the inner training at the heart of Aikido in a very accessible way. Gain insight into some of these powerful teachings and how they influenced.
Bob Noha, 6th Dan Bob began practicing Aikido in 1966 in Mountain View and shortly thereafter began training with Robert Nadeau Sensei, which started a lifelong friendship. Bob opened the first Aikido school in the Washington, D.C. area in 1970 and taught arrest/restraint tactics to U.S. Military Police at Andrews Air Force Base in 1974. Then, in 1975, he established the first Aikido school in Buffalo, New York. He founded Aikido of Petaluma in 1983 and continues to serve as its chief instructor. Bob traveled to Japan to further deepen his Aikido training in 1998, 1999, and 2006. In addition, he is also a devoted student and teacher of t’ai chi and has a background in several other martial arts.
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Friday Nov 29, 2024
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh: Intuition & Inner Wisdom
Friday Nov 29, 2024
Friday Nov 29, 2024
Intuition & Inner Wisdom: Happy Ali
The ability to thrive amidst a constant barrage of external input lies in our ability to connect with the innate power of our intuition. Each of us has a great resource within that is wired to our life’s purpose, and it is waiting to guide us one step at a time. Hunches, precognition, dream analysis and building to direct communication with a multidimensional level of intelligence is always available. Ready to discover more about intuition and inner wisdom?
Happy Ali is the author of The Intuition Bible: How and Why to Tap Into Your Inner Wisdom. With a BA degree in psychology from UCLA, he is a prophetic dreamer, certified master NLP practitioner, certified master clinical hypnotherapist, and host of the Happy Insights podcast. Happy’s spiritual journey began in 1995 when he dedicated his life to the exploration of metaphysical disciplines after a near-death experience inspired a dramatic awakening. Now, Happy teaches and shares the Subconscious Manifestation Methodology he created globally. www.HappyInsights.net.
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Friday Nov 22, 2024
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh: Relationships & Astrology
Friday Nov 22, 2024
Friday Nov 22, 2024
Relationships & Astrology: Kate Rose
Wouldn’t you like a cheat sheet telling you whether a relationship is meant to last? Bestselling author Kate Rose gives you the insight you need to differentiate between soulmate, twin flame, and karmic relationships. Using an astrological birth chart — a cosmic fingerprint — you can see not just personality traits but also the wounds and lessons, specifically in love, you will encounter and learn from in this lifetime. Discover the true nature of soulmate relationships (contrary to popular belief, they do not yield the highest form of love) as well as the essential lessons to be learned in karmic relationships and the incomparable fulfillment of merging with your twin flame.
Kate Rose is the author of Written in the Stars: The Astrology of Soulmate, Karmic, and Twin Flame Relationships and You Only Fall in Love Three Times. As a therapist, relationship expert, spiritual intuitive and astrologer, Kate uses the stars to help her clients clarify their purpose and recognize the blocks that are keeping them from living the life they are destined to live. She holds an MS in clinical art therapy from Springfield College and writes regular columns for YourTango, Elephant Journal, and her newsletter, Unedited. www.WordsOfKateRose.com
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Friday Nov 15, 2024
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh: Dr. Elson Haas
Friday Nov 15, 2024
Friday Nov 15, 2024
New Medicine: Dr. Elson Haas
The health of our young people is particularly important because bad habits learned early can have disastrous short-term and long-term consequences, as we see with the alarming rates of childhood obesity and early onset diabetes. Therefore a key passion is to teach young people to caring for the one and only body they each possess, with love and respect. Teaching children about how their bodies work and how to take care of themselves by making nourishing choices and learning the difference between real food and treats is critically important work for each of us as individuals and as a society.
Integrative Family Physician 40 Years. Author of 11 health books Dr. Haas approaches diagnosis and treatment with the maxim “Lifestyle first, Natural therapies next, drugs or surgery last.” His unique integration of Natural, Eastern and Western medical approaches, which he calls NEW Medicine, is built on restoring proper body physiology, and supporting healthy cells and tissues in order to promote healing. It recognizes proper nutrition as the cornerstone of health and also includes elimination diets and detoxification practices, often with a seasonal focus. Dr. Haas has practiced this philosophy for more than 40 years in his work as an integrative family physician, incorporating these practices within an insurance model at his clinic, the Preventive Medical Center of Marin in San Rafael, CA, where he and an extensive team of practitioners and staff have provided care to their patients since 1984. The origin of the word doctor is the Latin “docere” meaning “to teach” and Elson believes that health education is crucial in helping people become proactive in their journey towards optimal health. He is the author of 11 books on various aspects of integrative healing including the classic Staying Healthy with the Seasons, as well as Staying Healthy with Nutrition, The Detox Diet, The False Fat Diet, Ultimate Immunity and his latest, Staying Healthy with NEW Medicine.
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Friday Nov 08, 2024
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh: Your New Reality
Friday Nov 08, 2024
Friday Nov 08, 2024
Your New Reality: Maureen St. Germain
There is a new, amazing game ahead of us. This transformation is a mental and physical exercise that can only be driven by spiritual willingness to shift and change. Your wake-up call helped you recognize your situation. Get ready to race to . . . not the finish line, but the starting block! Live Your Best 5D Life!
A lifelong interest in the Akashic Records resulted in her being granted access to this dimension that has been off limits to most of humanity for millions of years. Founder of ARI - Akashic Records International, Maureen is an extremely accurate Akashic Records Guide and instructor. Maureen is the founder of the St. Germain Mystery School, the Ascension Institute, and Founders Circle. An internationally recognized teacher and intuitive, she is also the creator of the app Illuminate which is rich with guided meditations, tunings, chants and activations. Living Your Best 5D Life is Maureen St Germain’s 8th book, and the 3rd in the 5D series following the international best-sellers, Waking Up in 5D and Mastering Your 5D Self. She currently lives near Sedona, Arizona, and offers workshops worldwide. Website: https://practicalmystic.komi.io/
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Friday Nov 01, 2024
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh: Achieve Enlightenment
Friday Nov 01, 2024
Friday Nov 01, 2024
Achieve Enlightenment: Master Del Pe
Meditation, prayers, yoga, vegetarianism and spiritual practices alone can be a waste of your time, resources and effort. They are only pieces of the puzzle which are not assembled to complete the enlightenment formula. You need a curriculum of self-mastery to achieve enlightenment in this lifetime. Don't leave this life merely rich, famous or successful. Travel and cross crystallizing borders of religiosity and aging spirituality... override the humps of contemporary ignorance ... escape the ditch of modern preoccupations... transport your consciousness far away, beyond the geography of obsolescence ... and expect to arrive at the doorstep of enlightenment. Depart enlightened.
A Modern Sage and Enlightened Master, who brings the alchemy of eastern wisdom and western knowledge, MASTER DEL PE is a guru who wears many hats. Having healed and taught over 400,000 students and clients during his travels to more than 100 countries around the world, Master Del Pe is also a Miraculous Healer, Esoteric Scientist, Esoteric Psychologist, Divine Alchemist, a world-expert of the 8 types of yoga and the 12 styles of meditation as well as a true pioneer in Spiritual Technology. He founded the BElife Institute for Higher Consciousness (BIHC), the Wisdom Institute for Leadership and Global Advancement (WILGA) and World Institute for Incurable Diseases (WIID) with his 4 decades (and many lifetimes) of experience on the Enlightened Life Path. An author of 12 books, and a Mentor-Healer to several billionaires, Fortune 500 companies, world leaders and advanced soul servers, Master Del Pe welcomes students to his 200+ online courses and Enlightened Life Retreats online and in-person at his MDP Village Retreat Resort in the Philippines. His vision is to train humanity to master life ahead of its time. www.masterdelpe.com
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Friday Oct 18, 2024
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh: The Medicine Wheel
Friday Oct 18, 2024
Friday Oct 18, 2024
Eight Directions of The Medicine Wheel
Guest: Carlos Philip Glover
Our personal transformation serves the collective healing, This is a journey of self-empowerment around the Medicine Wheel of Earth Wisdom - to ignite your spirit fire, awaken new levels of consciousness, and inspire you to meet the outer challenges through deep inner work. It opens aspects of your innate Earth Wisdom, including your creative, sensory, emotional, and intuitive intelligences, the wisdom of your body-mind and heart-knowing. Illustrated with heartful stories and inspiring images, this is a great read that's full of engaging humour, lyrical story-telling and practices for the next step of human evolution.
Carlos is a carrier of ancient Earth Wisdom, and the author of Earth Wisdom Teachings. He is a teacher of these old ways, working in England, Spain and Denmark. He is also a Drum Dance Chief and Vision Quest guide. After travelling widely he explored various spiritual traditions and has been working in the field of consciousness expansion ever since. www.carlosphilipglover.com
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Friday Oct 11, 2024
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh: Savoring Aging
Friday Oct 11, 2024
Friday Oct 11, 2024
Savoring Aging: Kamla Kapur
This is a clarion call to the aging to awaken before they die, embark on the adventure of self-discovery, become warriors on the spiritual path to embrace and ensure safe passage with the ultimate triumph of conscious living and dying. The privilege of aging is to experience with engagement this precious, painful life and to achieve vitality, satisfaction, joy in life we are fortunate to still have. Learn the art of resting, happiness, letting go, facing death to live in its light with greater intensity, enthusiasm, passion, and anchoring in a spirituality that transcends death.
Kamla K. Kapur was born and raised in India and studied in the United States. Her writing has included plays, novels, poetry, essays and reimaging Indian and Mid-Eastern spiritual writings. She is the author of 8 books. Her latest book, The Privilege of Aging, Savoring the Fullness of Life, Inner Traditions in July 2024. She is based in Del Mar, California, and spends 6 months in the remote Himalayas with her husband and Yorkie. https://www.kamlakkapur.com/
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