Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network

Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Starving Your Fears with Joyce Logan & Charlene Chiaro
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Tracey Scalzi The Therapist of the Soul
Joyce and Charlene's special guest is Tracey Scalzi. Tracey is a Life Coach, Reiki ll, Access Consciousness Practitioner and Facilitator, Angel Therapy Practitioner, Shamanic healing, Sound Therapy, and Tarot Reader.
Her practice offers many other modalities to help people to heal their mind, body and soul. Her clients call her "The Therapist of the Soul.” Listen and be enlightened by this fascinating woman - she will dazzle you with her intuitive gifts and what her practice offers for all of us.
Read more about Tracey’s practice: https://soulsynergy.org/
Learn more about Joyce here: https://joycelogan.com/
Learn more about Charlene here: www.cvpevents.com

Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Starving Your Fears with Joyce Logan & Charlene Chiaro
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Surviving November with Creativity, Prosperity and Self-Love!
Self-soothing ways to survive November, from the election to our first Covid Thanksgiving. Then, Charlene talks about business coaching and questions to ask yourself to discover what you really want to do in life and how this is truly a reset time to get out there and be creative.
Learn more about Joyce here: https://joycelogan.com/
Learn more about Charlene here: www.cvpevents.com

Friday Oct 02, 2020
Starving Your Fears with Joyce Logan & Charlene Chiaro
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Embrace the Change - Don’t Panic Just Pivot!
With restaurants now depending more on take out, people questioning what they truly want to do with their lives to make an income, there is no better time to “pivot” into what you truly desire for your life at this moment in time and to make it happen! If not now – when?
Joyce and Charlene who deal with this daily when consulting their clientele will give you insight into what others are doing and perhaps inspire you to take that leap of faith to fulfill your dreams, yes, even during these very strange times! This just might be the push you needed to get yourself on the path you’ve always wanted to be on but afraid to change careers, start a new business or perhaps even to retire.
Don’t’ be afraid of change. Don’t Panic – Just Pivot!
Learn more about Joyce here: https://joycelogan.com/
Learn more about Charlene here: www.cvpevents.com

Friday Sep 11, 2020
Starving Your Fears with Joyce Logan & Charlene Chiaro
Friday Sep 11, 2020
Friday Sep 11, 2020
We are Excited to have Life Transformative Guide, Annie Lisa, as our Guest!
Annie Lisa is a Life Transformation Guide who works with people to access subconscious beliefs that are keeping them stuck in repeating patterns and preventing them from living the life they want. Using a quantum change tool, PSYCH-K®, Annie works with clients to rewrite their self-limiting subconscious programs with self-empowering beliefs that create new potential so they can purposefully create the life they want.
For the last 30 years Annie has explored a range of spiritual modalities from Reiki, to the Silva Method of Mediation and has delved into the mystical world of the Sai Baba of Shirda with healer Nigel Taylor of Australia. She has immersed herself in the study of a host of brilliant spiritual teachers, scientists, mystics, and researchers on a variety of subjects in the realm of quantum physics. Her experience has reshaped and transformed her understanding about our infinite potential as spiritual beings.
Annie was recently featured at the Holistic Wellness and Beyond Expo in Westbrook, Connecticut where Dr. Bernie Siegel was the keynote speaker. Her talks are designed to awaken people through quantum physics education and help them identify and remove fear based beliefs, and embrace the pure knowing that we truly are the creators of our experience. Her mission is to help expand and raise the consciousness of our planet.
For more information, please visit her website: annielisalife.com
Learn more about Joyce here: https://joycelogan.com/
Learn more about Charlene here: www.cvpevents.com

Friday Aug 07, 2020
Starving Your Fears with Joyce Logan
Friday Aug 07, 2020
Friday Aug 07, 2020
Mickey Grossman, a Spiritual Reader
Mickey Grossman, has been a spiritual reader for over 35 years. He has read more than 2,000 people, and has a huge following throughout the country. He was voted "Best of Long Island" by the Bethpage Best of Long Island Program. His reviews call him "Amazing!", "Comforting" and "a kind, caring man with such a gentle soul". Mickey has such a unique connection to the spirit world and uses it to help everyone he comes in contact with. When you book a reading with Mickey, he is straight forward and talks not only about what's going on with you in life, love and your career, but he talks about your health, what to look out for and your family. He also does past-lives readings, which we will be experiencing today, and helps people find the source of their pain, as well as channel loved ones who have passed. Mickey is an avid supporter of charities including St. Judes.
He is available for private readings, parties and phone or "in-person" virtual meetings.You can connect with him on Facebook at Mickey Grossman Spiritual Reader or email him at MickeyRead1953@gmail.com.
Learn more about Joyce here: https://joycelogan.com/
Learn more about Charlene here: www.cvpevents.com

Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Starving Your Fears with Joyce Logan
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Creatively Navigate your Way to Abundance with new Co-host is Charlene Chiaro
Joyce Logan’s guest and new co-host is Charlene Chiaro brings a wealth of knowledge about marketing your business or yourself and she’ll be sharing ways to creatively navigate your way to abundance during these challenging times.
With over 20 years of experience in marketing and event planning, Charlene has held various marketing management positions with New Mass Media, the Journal Register Company and Summagraphics Corporation. As the owner and founder of Clear Vision Productions, Charlene was also the Associate Publisher of two New England based publications, New England Bride and New England Corporate Events in the greater Boston market where she worked for 10 years. In this capacity, she oversaw the sales, marketing, art and editorial departments and produced over 60 major events.
Her company, Clear Vision Productions, is an event planning and marketing company based in Connecticut; she created and branded the “Fun Girl’s Night Out” events. These events attract thousands of women and hundreds of exhibitors each year from Boston to New Jersey. Charlene has created a successful business design for the record breaking expo shows.
Charlene has recently been featured on CBS TV’s affiliate station in CT and on numerous radio shows, newspapers and magazine articles as well. She was also honored with a “Rising Star” award in Business, New Haven, CT, and in Quinnipiac University Alumni Magazine. Charlene is a graduate of Quinnipiac University in CT with a degree in Marketing. www.cvpevents.com
Learn more about Joyce here: https://joycelogan.com/

Friday Jun 05, 2020
Starving Your Fears with Joyce Logan
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Stephen Kellogg Grammy nominated American Singer-Songwriter and Author
Excited to share my special guest with you! Stephen Kellogg is a Grammy nominated American singer-songwriter and author who has toured worldwide and been named Armed Forces Entertainer of the Year. Stephen is a TED-X speaker and has a documentary about his music travels called “Last Man Standing” on Amazon Prime. His new book “Objects in the Mirror: Thoughts on a Perfect Life from an Imperfect Person” is part humor, part memoir and part self-help. Most of all, Stephen Kellogg is a storyteller and connects with his audience in a profound way.
Over the last decade, New England native Stephen Kellogg has performed more than 1500 concerts around the world, raised thousands of dollars for causes close to his heart, been named Armed Forces Entertainer of the Year, and penned singles for artists like platinum selling rock band O.A.R and American Idol winner Nick Fradiani. Stephen’s most recent writing work with legendary guitarist Robert Randolph, led to a 2017 Grammy nomination for "Best Contemporary Blues Record." He's also had his songs covered by international major label acts and released ten studio albums of his own yielding hundreds of thousands of ticket and record sales.
A father of four and married to his high school sweetheart, filmmaker Peter Harding was so moved by the everyman nature of Kellogg's story that he made a documentary called "Last Man Standing" which went on to become an Amazon exclusive film. In recent years, Kellogg has added authorship and speaking to his resume as well. He delivered a TEDx Talk on job satisfaction, the key note speech for the prestigious photography summit WRKSHP, and was invited to speak to the students at Columbine High School in Littleton, CO on the topics of social justice and 'finding your voice.’ He has appeared as a contributing author in several publications and in 2019, will be publishing his first full length book entitled “Objects in the Mirror: A Storyteller’s Take On What Matters Most.”
Kellogg’s newest studio album, “Objects in the Mirror”, was recorded over the course of a single week in Nashville, TN. Produced by Will Hoge and featuring twelve songs that explore American life in 2018, the decision was made to track the band live, keeping the results in tact with minimal overdubs. “I wanted to make an album that sounded and felt like the ones I grew up loving; Bob Seger and Cat Stevens, Tom Petty and Rod Stewart. Emotional records where the songs relate to each other and the lyrics are front and center. That’s my true north.” Kellogg’s emotion has never been in question with one music blogger succinctly describing his music as ‘a beautiful display of—well, his heart.” And as for the lyrics, Counting Crows frontman Adam Duritz can lately be heard singing their praises on his ‘Underwater Sunshine’ podcasts.
While Stephen Kellogg may have remained underneath the radar for some in the mainstream, he has succeeded in building a meaningful career alongside many of the best in the business. He’s sung duets with Sara Bareilles, Josh Ritter, Rosanne Cash, and Pat Monahan of Train and participated in the 2018 “Garden Of Dreams’ concert at the Beacon Theater. His music has found its way onto the Billboard charts and been featured in numerous films and TV shows. Whether performing solo or with a band, Kellogg’s soul and energy fuel one of the most dynamic shows anywhere. “With beautifully written songs and an engaging personality”, The Michigan Daily reports, “Kellogg appears as if he was born on stage, taking the spotlight and using it to his advantage, but never letting go of his connection with the audience.” A master storyteller in his prime, he will spend much of 2020 where he’s always been at home…the road.
For more information about Stephen visit: https://Stephenkellogg.com
Learn more about Joyce here: https://joycelogan.com/

Friday May 08, 2020
Starving Your Fears with Joyce Logan
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
When You Realize How Perfect Everything Is: A conversation about life between grandfather & grandson Bernie Siegel, MD and Charlie Siegel
At a time when our world is at a tipping point, this legacy of love is a powerful testament to the essential humanity that passes from generation to generation. I bow to the deep kinship that nourished these poems - flowers of two souls watered from the same divine Source.
-Joan Borysenko, NY Times Bestselling Author
When you realize how perfect everything is, you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky. – Anonymous
Go on a journey of wonder and grace with NY Times bestselling author Bernie Siegel, MD and his grandson, Charlie Siegel. Open your heart as grandfather and grandson weave a conversation of love across the generations, sharing what it means to see beyond the challenges of life to the beauty in life’s lessons.
Bernie and Charlie remind us that we are all knocked down sometimes by life’s difficulties, but it is the rising back up that counts. That when we dare to experience life to its’ fullest, the imperfections of life are an opportunity for us to grow.
Join grandfather and grandson as they bring you the wisdom of the ages to help men and women of all ages. Listen deeply to the profound insights contained within their poetic words. Be encouraged as their deep faith, inspired writings, and messages of hope share their belief that the imperfections of life are truly what is perfect about it.
Bernie Siegel, MD is a retired surgeon, a leading teacher of the mind-body connection, a NY Times bestselling author, and the author of nineteen books.
Charlie Siegel is a photographer, author of two books, a spiritual teacher and eternal student.
Learn more about Joyce here: https://joycelogan.com/

Friday Apr 10, 2020
Starving Your Fears with Joyce Logan
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Getting to know Dr. Joyce on her Maiden Voyage
My maiden voyage! Excited about my first show and getting to know all of you within this beautiful community of healers, seekers and those who are just putting their toes into the waters of living a joyous life – yes, even in the midst of a pandemic! With the world in a state of anxiety, fears and despair, it seems like perfect timing for me to launch a show called “Starving Your Fears” – no coincidences! I want to share my thoughts with you and on give you some “tools” that you can use to calm yourself in a moment’s notice. You may have heard to “just breathe” but I’m going to explain to you why that is so important and how easy it is to do no matter where you are. We’ll explore the amazing benefits of self-hypnosis and I’ll share stories with you about people who used it to change their entire lives in moments! If you think you’ve never been hypnotized – you’re wrong! Your greatest “hypnotists” have been your parents, teachers and most certainly the news and their views. We’ll explore how you can change your thoughts and to stop feeding what you no longer desire in your life because what you starve will most certainly fall away and disappear Join me as we travel down a different path in life called peace.
Learn more about Joyce here: https://joycelogan.com/