Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network

Friday Nov 03, 2023
Friday Nov 03, 2023
Beyond the Chaos: Finding Serenity and Power in Spiritual Awareness Part 2
Amidst the turbulence of the COVID Pandemic, it is understandable how the world's challenges may have impacted your spiritual well-being. The goal of this presentation is to empower (or re-empower) you to embrace, revive, or awaken your spiritual awareness and energy like never before!
In a world besieged by soulless confrontations, relentless commercials, self-serving politicians, and deceptive crooks driven by greed, it's easy to lose touch with our true spiritual selves and the profound connection we share with each other and the world we inhabit. But with a little thought, openness, and care, we can rise above these struggles and rediscover the magic that resides within us!
Irrespective of your spiritual path or philosophical beliefs, you are invited to join in this experiential journey to explore the realms beyond the merely intellectual. Get ready to unlock the hidden potential of your higher being, tapping into its boundless power and wisdom through the art of awareness, deep meditation, and transformative guided imagery.
“My 50 years of experience as a physician studying the holistic approach to medicine and healing, have convinced me that our medical system is not focused on healing our bodies, minds, emotions, and behaviors. Instead, its primary focus is to charge the highest possible prices for delivering symptomatic relief. (Note: I am speaking of the system, not the doctors). Its goal is to treat the symptoms of our illnesses, not the source of our illnesses.” ― Emmett Miller, MD
Find Dr. Miller here: www.drmiller.com

Friday Oct 13, 2023
Friday Oct 13, 2023
Beyond the Chaos: Finding Serenity and Power in Spiritual Awareness
Amidst the turbulence of the COVID Pandemic, it is understandable how the world's challenges may have impacted your spiritual well-being. The goal of this presentation is to empower (or re-empower) you to embrace, revive, or awaken your spiritual awareness and energy like never before!
In a world besieged by soulless confrontations, relentless commercials, self-serving politicians, and deceptive crooks driven by greed, it's easy to lose touch with our true spiritual selves and the profound connection we share with each other and the world we inhabit. But with a little thought, openness, and care, we can rise above these struggles and rediscover the magic that resides within us!
Irrespective of your spiritual path or philosophical beliefs, you are invited to join in this experiential journey to explore the realms beyond the merely intellectual. Get ready to unlock the hidden potential of your higher being, tapping into its boundless power and wisdom through the art of awareness, deep meditation, and transformative guided imagery.
“My 50 years of experience as a physician studying the holistic approach to medicine and healing, have convinced me that our medical system is not focused on healing our bodies, minds, emotions, and behaviors. Instead, its primary focus is to charge the highest possible prices for delivering symptomatic relief. (Note: I am speaking of the system, not the doctors). Its goal is to treat the symptoms of our illnesses, not the source of our illnesses.” ― Emmett Miller, MD
Find Dr. Miller here: www.drmiller.com

Friday Aug 11, 2023
Healing Times Radio with Dr Emmett Miller: Power of Selective Awareness
Friday Aug 11, 2023
Friday Aug 11, 2023
"Love, Life, and Healing Through the Doorway of Here and Now”
How to Apply the Extraordinary Power of Selective Awareness and Your Inner WisdomIn this very experiential presentation, we reviewed the fundamental oneness of Love, Life, and Healing presented through my film, The Story of Life, and explored how to use this core understanding to guide our lives and our choices more wisely.Especially, we examined the power of the present moment and how to stay aware of it, by overcoming the increasingly chaotic cultural environment and cherishing the healing qualities of here.
“My 50 years of experience as a physician studying the holistic approach to medicine and healing, have convinced me that our medical system is not focused on healing our bodies, minds, emotions, and behaviors. Instead, its primary focus is to charge the highest possible prices for delivering symptomatic relief. (Note: I am speaking of the system, not the doctors). Its goal is to treat the symptoms of our illnesses, not the source of our illnesses.” ― Emmett Miller, MD
Find Dr. Miller here: www.drmiller.com

Friday Jul 07, 2023
Healing Times Radio with Dr Emmett Miller: The Extermination of Reality
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Friday Jul 07, 2023
The Extermination of Reality: The Toxicity of Lies and How to Safeguard Your Mind
“My 50 years of experience as a physician studying the holistic approach to medicine and healing, have convinced me that our medical system is not focused on healing our bodies, minds, emotions, and behaviors. Instead, its primary focus is to charge the highest possible prices for delivering symptomatic relief. (Note: I am speaking of the system, not the doctors). Its goal is to treat the symptoms of our illnesses, not the source of our illnesses.” ― Emmett Miller, MD
Find Dr. Miller here: www.drmiller.com

Friday Jun 16, 2023
Healing Times Radio with Dr Emmett Miller: Ultrapowering Self-Talk Part 2
Friday Jun 16, 2023
Friday Jun 16, 2023
Ultrapowering Self-Talk – Fusing Affirmations with Deep Relaxation and Guided Imagery Part 2
In part two, we will examine exactly how much affirmations work. We will examine the algorithms programmed into our minds and how they mislead us. We will see how our daily problems, illnesses, and bad habits result from these algorithms guiding our behavior. And we will examine how to use deep relaxation (entering the present), guided imagery, and ultra-powered affirmations to create a different way of being, healing, and acting in the future.
We will examine how it is that when we react emotionally, we are actually not in the present moment. In fact, we are reacting based on imaginary ideas about the past and the future., And we will see that these do not exist. The present moment is the only moment that exists.
Once we have entered the present moment, we see how to use guided imagery to “become” our future selves (future pacing).
Finally, we will see how our affirmations from this future self can transform our present reality and overcome negative algorithms, behaviors, and reactions.
This program contains two meditations and a variety of affirmations for different purposes, such as increasing self-confidence, diminishing anxiety, tapping into our spiritual resources, etc.
“My 50 years of experience as a physician studying the holistic approach to medicine and healing, have convinced me that our medical system is not focused on healing our bodies, minds, emotions, and behaviors. Instead, its primary focus is to charge the highest possible prices for delivering symptomatic relief. (Note: I am speaking of the system, not the doctors). Its goal is to treat the symptoms of our illnesses, not the source of our illnesses.” ― Emmett Miller, MD
Find Dr. Miller here: www.drmiller.com

Friday May 26, 2023
Healing Times Radio with Dr Emmett Miller: Ultrapowering Self-Talk Part 1
Friday May 26, 2023
Friday May 26, 2023
Ultrapowering Self-Talk – Fusing Affirmations with Deep Relaxation and Guided Imagery
I was a sweet little guy when I was a kid, but I think I was a bit of a nerd. I wasn’t athletic, but I got all A’s in my academic courses. One of my favorite pastimes was reading Bartlett’s familiar quotations (yeah, a real nerd) and memorizing the ones I liked. One day I found a quote and wanted to, but I couldn’t memorize it. So, I practiced it daily, reading from a slip of paper in my pocket.
When I finally succeeded in memorizing it, my life changed forever. I went from Chump to Champ.
The quote was:
“Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, though checkered by failure than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much because they live in that gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.” ---Theodore Roosevelt
There may be quotes or aphorisms that have changed your life. In effect, these are Affirmations.
Self-affirmations’ power lies in their ability to change your thoughts and feelings about yourself. They can help you focus on your strengths, overcome your fears, and achieve your goals. Examples of affirmations are “I am calm and confident in every situation” or “I am strong and capable, and I will achieve my goals.”
In this presentation, you will learn how to use the tools of deep relaxation, self-hypnosis, and guided imagery to magnify the power of the Affirmations you want to become true or stay true for you. And you will learn why they are so powerful.
“My 50 years of experience as a physician studying the holistic approach to medicine and healing, have convinced me that our medical system is not focused on healing our bodies, minds, emotions, and behaviors. Instead, its primary focus is to charge the highest possible prices for delivering symptomatic relief. (Note: I am speaking of the system, not the doctors). Its goal is to treat the symptoms of our illnesses, not the source of our illnesses.”
― Emmett Miller, MD
Find Dr. Miller here: www.drmiller.com

Friday May 12, 2023
Healing Times Radio with Dr Emmett Miller: The Magic of Relationships Part 3
Friday May 12, 2023
Friday May 12, 2023
The Magic of Relationships #3: Tools for Creating Relationships Based on Love
In this, our third and perhaps final program on the magic of relationships, we’re going to apply the powerful theories and discoveries we’ve been exploring.
We’ve seen there is very strong evidence that those who have many warm relationships live longer and are healthier and happier. We’ve seen how exclusive use of the Old Paradigm, which relies exclusively on the Cartesian principles of analyzing, comparing, criticizing, judging, and polarizing creates personal and relational problems. We have also seen how employing the New Paradigm, according to which we are accepting, caring, compassionate, and open to Love (with a capital “L”) can create fulfilling, lasting relationships.
We will touch on the theories of Harville Hendrix, author of “Getting The Love You Want,” John Gottman and the Four Horses Of The Apocalypse approach to rescuing relationships. Then we will apply these tools to learn how to relate with others by creating dialogues that invite deeper and more expansive communications instead of debates that only increase polarization.
Finally, we will explore ways to be open to life and goodness in others, to create true dialogue, and deeper sharing and to embody these new behaviors through guided imagery meditation.
“My 50 years of experience as a physician studying the holistic approach to medicine and healing, have convinced me that our medical system is not focused on healing our bodies, minds, emotions, and behaviors. Instead, its primary focus is to charge the highest possible prices for delivering symptomatic relief. (Note: I am speaking of the system, not the doctors). Its goal is to treat the symptoms of our illnesses, not the source of our illnesses.”
― Emmett Miller, MD
Find Dr. Miller here: www.drmiller.com

Friday Apr 28, 2023
Healing Times Radio with Dr Emmett Miller: The Magic of Relationships Part 2
Friday Apr 28, 2023
Friday Apr 28, 2023
The Magic of Relationships #2: Practical Tools for Creating, Healing and Transforming Them
We have seen how a lack of close relationships creates some diseases, exacerbates others, and can shorten our lives. We have experienced the quality of Love that is at the basis of all truly functional relationships.
This presentation will explore the most powerful understandings and the most effective tools for transforming relationships. The mindfulness techniques and the guided imagery will apply to all relationships, from the most personal ones at home to the more formal ones at work or out in the world.
You will learn the SAD system of peacefully and sensitively resolving situations in which another’s words or actions have caused hurt, fear, anger, or other upset in you. Usually, we avoid discussing such situations because they feel like conflicts. Most of us are afraid of conflict, or we are inept at transforming conflict into deeper understanding, closer relationships, and more Love. Actually, conflict is a beautiful thing. In fact, most of our most valuable learnings in life begin with conflicts, the solution of which yields the greatest treasures and the closest friends.
You will also learn how to transform a discussion that is basically a debate into a conversation that is a dialog, a communicative process in which people with different viewpoints seek mutual understanding, engaging each other in light of their different views and reaching toward that mutual understanding.
“My 50 years of experience as a physician studying the holistic approach to medicine and healing, have convinced me that our medical system is not focused on healing our bodies, minds, emotions, and behaviors. Instead, its primary focus is to charge the highest possible prices for delivering symptomatic relief. (Note: I am speaking of the system, not the doctors). Its goal is to treat the symptoms of our illnesses, not the source of our illnesses.”
― Emmett Miller, MD
Find Dr. Miller here: www.drmiller.com

Friday Mar 03, 2023
Friday Mar 03, 2023
Part 1: The Magic of Relationships –Key to Healing, Joy, and Longevity
I initially considered entitling this presentation “Life Discoveries from One Who, Throughout Grade School, Consistently Failed ‘Works and Plays Well with Others’ and ‘Respects the Rights of Others’.”
As the years passed, as I experienced the constant progression of people approaching, lingering for a while, and then moving away, I began to get the distinct feeling that someone, somewhere, was trying to communicate with me.
Then, suddenly, reality dawned! Relationships really are magic! Science has shown us that:
When epidemics (and pandemics) strike, those with close friendships have a better immune response, a critical factor in survival.
People with serious illnesses heal faster when they have warm and loving relationships. Studies show that even cancer patients present with less metastatic disease and are less likely to die of their disease.
People with warm social relationships have longer telomeres, leading to longer and healthier lives. In animal studies, social isolation and exposure to social stress are associated with greater telomere shortening.”
And happiness? The amazing Harvard Study of Adult Development followed nearly 1000 men from their teens to their 90s and concluded that there is a strong link between happiness and close relationships with family and friends.
In this webinar, you will discover why relationships became so important to animals and humans and how the need for relationships is programmed into our nervous system. You will learn the central importance of love and the creation of success, happiness, and health and see how most illnesses result from our resistance to love.
You will learn a simple communication formula for transforming troublesome relationships into rewarding ones and experience how to apply these principles to your life through deep relaxation, mindfulness, meditation, and mental image rehearsal.
“My 50 years of experience as a physician studying the holistic approach to medicine and healing, have convinced me that our medical system is not focused on healing our bodies, minds, emotions, and behaviors. Instead, its primary focus is to charge the highest possible prices for delivering symptomatic relief. (Note: I am speaking of the system, not the doctors). Its goal is to treat the symptoms of our illnesses, not the source of our illnesses.”
― Emmett Miller, MD
Find Dr. Miller here: www.drmiller.com

Friday Feb 10, 2023
Healing Times Radio with Dr Emmett Miller: Deep Healing
Friday Feb 10, 2023
Friday Feb 10, 2023
Experiencing Deep Healing from the Highest Level of Mind– The Transforming Power of the Human
I have been trying to simplify the set of principles for healing body, mind, emotion, behavior, and relationship into a single process, a kind of psychological unified field theory. The set of experiences I will guide you through comes pretty close to achieving this. Your experience will be moving, inspiring, and perfectly designed for you employing the use of your higher mind. The deep and powerful experiences you are going to be exposed to here, comprise the essence of the self-healing tools I have discovered and developed through my 50 years of clinical practice and research. I offer you nothing less than the experience of healing yourself deeply from the highest level of your mind, and the opportunity to experience the transformational power of the human spirit. I have watched it bring healing to thousands of people and I now want to offer it to you.
You will learn, experientially, a complex imagery process consisting of five basic movements:
• Entering the Now
• Centering
• Deep Self-Awareness
• Opening to Inner Wisdom and Spiritual Resources
• Mental Image Rehearsal for creating your future
Continue to practice daily and you can create a grounded, centered, empowered, and inspired response to any obstacle or challenge, and turn it into an opportunity. Hard to beat that, eh?
“My 50 years of experience as a physician studying the holistic approach to medicine and healing, have convinced me that our medical system is not focused on healing our bodies, minds, emotions, and behaviors. Instead, its primary focus is to charge the highest possible prices for delivering symptomatic relief. (Note: I am speaking of the system, not the doctors). Its goal is to treat the symptoms of our illnesses, not the source of our illnesses.”
― Emmett Miller, MD
Find Dr. Miller here: www.drmiller.com