Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network

Friday Jan 14, 2022
Love Never Dies Radio with Dr Jamie Turndorf
Friday Jan 14, 2022
Friday Jan 14, 2022
Use Natural Hormones to Stay Healthy, Feel Fantastic and Avoid Overpriced, Toxic Drugs with Dr. Robert Yoho
Are you all worn out and wonder if it’s your hormones?
Do you have questions about menopause and hormone replacement?
Have you heard that hormones cause cancer and heart disease?
Are some hormones dangerous? YES, and in his book, Hormone Secrets, Dr. Yoho clears up the confusion and controversies for you and explains which hormones are dangerous.
Is hormone replacement expensive? NO, not if you learn the secrets from Hormone Secrets.
In this show, we will dive into Dr. Yoho's book and explain how hormone supplementation potentially treats or improves:
Longevity: Low levels of thyroid, growth hormone, estrogen, testosterone, and DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) are linked to premature death.
Cancer: Estrogen, DHEA, testosterone, progesterone, melatonin, and human growth hormone (HGH) all have protective effects against cancer.
General health: In women under age 60, long-term estrogen replacement therapy decreases strokes, blood clots, colon cancer, diabetes, and macular degeneration. It reduces the likelihood of tooth loss, depression, osteoporosis, and death because of bone fracture. Breast cancer is unaffected, contrary to common opinion. Avoidance of estrogen was estimated to cause 50,000 excess deaths over ten years in a Yale study.
Alzheimer’s disease (AD): When long-term care costs are included, this is the most expensive ailment of all. Estrogen decreases the chances of getting AD significantly when it is started within 10 years of menopause.
Heart disease: Over 40 observational studies have shown that giving estrogen to women reduces coronary artery disease, heart attacks, and deaths. When men have higher levels, they have less heart disease. Giving natural estrogen to deficient men improves cholesterol but does not increase blood clotting.
Depression: Estrogen, DHEA, progesterone, testosterone, and melatonin all have antidepressant effects. Thyroid has been studied and used for depression for over fifty years.
Obesity: Thyroid, estrogen, testosterone, DHEA, and human growth hormone reduce unhealthy belly fat and promote weight loss.
“Bio-identical” hormones are the same as those found in humans. These are safe, affordable, and have few side effects. But since these natural body substances cannot be easily patented, they are barely profitable for Big Pharma. So the drugmakers concoct proprietary imitations from chemicals or animals. Their prices are extortionate.
THE PROMISE: Watch and listen to this show, which gives you the highlights from Dr. Yoho's book, and you will know more about hormones than 99 percent of doctors.
Robert Yoho is an award-winning author who spent a career studying and prescribing hormones. He is retired, so he can tell you the truth. Hint: Big Pharma and big money are involved, and you have been listening to lies.
Tune in and you will go to your doctor armed with exactly what to ask for.
THE GUARANTEE: Dr. Yoho will also help you find a doctor who can help. Hormones are difficult for physicians to prescribe-they are pressured to use toxic, expensive patent drugs instead.
Links: www.RobertYohoAuthor.com
“LEGAL” DISCLAIMER: Use any information here at your own risk. It is not medical advice. Make your healthcare decisions with the help of a physician or other licensed provider.
Call in and Chat with Dr. Jamie during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand
Tune-in to “Love Never Dies” and discover for yourself why reconnecting and Dialoguing with Your Departed loved ones is the only way to dry your tears and transform your grief to joy! For more information about Dr. Turndorf follow her on Facebook: askdrlove and Twitter: @askdrlove and visit www.askdrlove.com.

Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Love Never Dies Radio with Dr Jamie Turndorf
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Oxytocin - The Life-Saving Love Hormone
The neurotransmitter oxytocin is a happy 'feel-good' hormone with similar properties to endorphins (opiate chemicals) that relieve pain. Its lack is also associated with anxiety and depression. At a time when we are being told to socially distance, cover our faces and avoid human contact, we are seeing a dramatic rise in mental illness, despair and suicide as a result. What's the connection? Tune in and find out how to stimulate oxytocin release naturally, get back on top of your game, and live longer!
Bio: Sandy Sanderson, B.Arts. Uni NSW (1979) +Post grad studies (business / marketing) (QUT & Griffith Uni Qld) 1992-93
Publisher of ‘This Month on The Gold Coast’ magazine 1998-2009Founder and CEO of Elektra Magnesium 2008-present.
After her health crisis in 2008 from years of stress overload and shift working as a magazine publisher, Sandy discovered that magnesium deficiency was the primary cause of stress-related diseases. Without enough magnesium cell metabolism and recovery is diminished. Transdermal magnesium helped Sandy to recover from heart arrhythmia and other symptoms of Hashimotos hypothyroidism.
Since that time Sandy and her husband Peter, a formulating chemist, have been on the mission of their lifetime to develop an Australian range of natural magnesium body care products branded ‘Elektra Magnesium’, which is packed full of nutrition and quality ingredients. These products are far more effective at delivering magnesium to cells via skin compared to oral tablets and powders. They also work great as anti-ageing natural skin care. www.elektramagnesium.com.au
Call in and Chat with Dr. Jamie during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand
Tune-in to “Love Never Dies” and discover for yourself why reconnecting and Dialoguing with Your Departed loved ones is the only way to dry your tears and transform your grief to joy! For more information about Dr. Turndorf follow her on Facebook: askdrlove and Twitter: @askdrlove and visit www.askdrlove.com.

Friday Dec 10, 2021
Love Never Dies Radio with Dr Jamie Turndorf
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Dr. Yoho Author Butchered by Healthcare
"LEGAL” DISCLAIMER: Use any information here at your own risk. It is not medical advice. Make your healthcare decisions with the help of your physician.
Healthcare is corrupt. The US is the worst. Dr. Yoho says, "The situation with Covid, fraudulent vaccines, and the concealed therapies is the same story written large and on a world stage. We are dealing with criminals."
BIO: Dr. Yoho is 68 years old and calls himself a healthcare whistleblower whose mission it is to expose insurance, big pharma, and medical specialty wrongdoing. Dr. Yoho was a board-certified emergency physician and cosmetic surgeon who practiced medicine in the United States until he retired two years ago. He has recently published two books, Butchered by “Healthcare” and Hormone Secrets.
Listen to podcasts about his book Butchered by Healthcare at: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1300429/6572743 and https://rumble.com/vlxkmz-episode-58-robert-yoho-md.html
Go to the book’s web page if you want to order it or read the 100 five-star reviews: https://www.amazon.com/Butchered-Healthcare-Doctors-Corrupt-Government-ebook/dp/B08FVMK5GY/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=robert+yoho&qid
You can obtain the complete versions of his ebooks free at https://dl.bookfunnel.com/4kliod8a9z and https://dl.bookfunnel.com/p7dvqow83g.
Website: See www.Robertyohoauthor.com for more including amazon links, free audio and ebook download of half of each book, and podcasts.
Listen to a podcast version of this post at this LINK.
There is a copy of this document at this LINK.
If you already know a lot and want to cut to the chase, see HERE.
OVERVIEW. Covid is little to worry about if you have the proper medications and treatment. The physician lecturing at the first link, Peter McCullough, is a famed academic. He reports that 85 percent of fatalities would be prevented by ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, vitamin D, and other treatments used early and in combination.
The following two videos are more about the dangers of the “vaccine.”
ONLINE TREATMENT resources and legal help:
Ivermectin is safe and effective for Covid. It is being slammed by a wall of lies. See this LINK.
FOR COVID GEEKS: this LINK is a Swiss website.
THE BEST PODCASTS are Peter Breggin’s and Robert Kennedy, Jr’s. His lecture about the erosion of the Constitution’s Bill of Rights is at this LINK. Subscribe to his newsletter at childrenshealthdefense.org.
The best books about the whole situation are:
1) Peter Breggin’s Covid 19 and the Global Predators (see this LINK for a summary).
2) RFK, Jr.’s The Real Anthony Fauci
TO GET INVOLVED, a practical path is at this LINK.
AUSTRALIA is a nightmare and must be studied to understand what could happen to us. See this LINK and THIS ONE and HERE.
PLEASE PASS THIS ALONG. IT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT MESSAGE OF MY CAREER. Physicians are mostly sheep, but a few are stepping up. Over 10,000 signed a petition about this in Europe, and we have a few in the USA who are treating covid properly. We have to fight—we are being cannibalized.
--Robert Yoho, October 2021.
"LEGAL” DISCLAIMER: Use any information here at your own risk. It is not medical advice. Make your healthcare decisions with the help of your physician.
Call in and Chat with Dr. Jamie during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand
Tune-in to “Love Never Dies” and discover for yourself why reconnecting and Dialoguing with Your Departed loved ones is the only way to dry your tears and transform your grief to joy! For more information about Dr. Turndorf follow her on Facebook: askdrlove and Twitter: @askdrlove and visit www.askdrlove.com.

Friday Nov 26, 2021
Love Never Dies Radio with Dr Jamie Turndorf
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Heart Damage Can Happen to Anyone - With Enough Stress with Sandy Sanderson
Could you have undetected heart disease?
In this episode, we will be discussing the symptoms and risk factors of cardiovascular disease, heart rhythm disturbances or myocarditis (inflammation of the heart)?
Why are we currently facing an unusual escalation of heart ailments?
What natural supports can we use to protect and strengthen our heart?
Tune-in for a heart-to-heart and eye-opening conversation that could literally save your life!
Bio: Sandy Sanderson, B.Arts. Uni NSW (1979) +Post grad studies (business / marketing) (QUT & Griffith Uni Qld) 1992-93
Publisher of ‘This Month on The Gold Coast’ magazine 1998-2009Founder and CEO of Elektra Magnesium 2008-present.
After her health crisis in 2008 from years of stress overload and shift working as a magazine publisher, Sandy discovered that magnesium deficiency was the primary cause of stress-related diseases. Without enough magnesium cell metabolism and recovery is diminished. Transdermal magnesium helped Sandy to recover from heart arrhythmia and other symptoms of Hashimotos hypothyroidism.
Since that time Sandy and her husband Peter, a formulating chemist, have been on the mission of their lifetime to develop an Australian range of natural magnesium body care products branded ‘Elektra Magnesium’, which is packed full of nutrition and quality ingredients. These products are far more effective at delivering magnesium to cells via skin compared to oral tablets and powders. They also work great as anti-ageing natural skin care. www.elektramagnesium.com.au
Video Version: https://youtu.be/KoL4uCqj9ZU
Call in and Chat with Dr. Jamie during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand
Tune-in to “Love Never Dies” and discover for yourself why reconnecting and Dialoguing with Your Departed loved ones is the only way to dry your tears and transform your grief to joy! For more information about Dr. Turndorf follow her on Facebook: askdrlove and Twitter: @askdrlove and visit www.askdrlove.com.

Saturday Nov 13, 2021
Love Never Dies Radio with Dr Jamie Turndorf
Saturday Nov 13, 2021
Saturday Nov 13, 2021
We All Need a Dose of Comfort with Kip Baldwin and Evan Hirsch
Description: Comfort You is a song, a video, and an inspiration for a global movement for our human family to connect in a new way. Soul Twin Messiah, who wrote and recorded the song, have planted the seed and created the hashtag #comfortyou as a gathering place for all who feel attracted to the idea that offering comfort, support, and LOVE to one another is a worthy step on our journey toward creating peace in the world. The more united we become, the more we can heal past damage and trauma, and move forward together in harmony as we create a world in which we are all better supported. This will give us the bandwidth to make significant enough change happen to be on the road to recovery for ourselves, our planet, and all of the other forms of life with whom we share this sacred home.
As we witness the dramatic transformation from the current chapter in our collective story of humanity - which is largely rooted in fear - to one of LOVE, it is impossible to ignore the fact that (as futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard put it) our crisis is a birth. Birthing can be painful, and change can be a challenging thing to accept. We see symptoms of the transition all over the place. Systems don’t function smoothly, customer service has become a rare thing to find, technology foils us constantly, business just keeps on growing, and the bulk of money and power are being funneled to a very select few, while so many humans continue to suffer from a lack of resources, support, and influence. To a sensitive person, it can be heartbreaking. We carry around frustration, confusion, and loneliness, which can lead to hopelessness, desperation and isolation, which so many of us are experiencing as we witness and feel empathy for those who are suffering.
Since it feels like none of us are quite sure what will happen next, and so many feel powerless to impact significant change, we need something to bolster our motivation to stay the course for doing the work and helping to accelerate positive transformation. This is why a movement to bring comfort to one another feels vital now if we wish to narrow the growing polarization between us, and build a path to peace and thriving.
Comfort You is here to soothe the tensions of a lifetime of challenges for us all. The song reminds us to give one another the full attention, compassion, and support that we all need. We won’t always have answers and solutions, but we will always have LOVE to give. A hug, a sympathetic ear, and our time and attention are valuable things that we have to offer one another in support of healing, growth, and an acceleration to a healthier, more sustainable way to be.
Follow #comfortyou to join the movement and be part of the action. Be among the first to hear the song and see the video once it premieres. And come check out Soul Twin Messiah at soultwinmessiah.love and on all the usual social platforms.
Soul Twin Messiah is an Evolutionary Rock band for the 21st century. Evan Hirsch (The Blue Rocker!) and Kip Baldwin (Oshalla) represent the creative core of the band, and do all of the songwriting as a team. The music ranges from light rock to hard rock, and even metal, with some downright soulful (and even gospel) moments and a few ballads thrown in for the LOVE of it. Call it “neoclassic rock” if you will, and that gives a hint of the groove, but know that the music is so much more than that. Each song is highly thematic, topical, and intended to awaken and inspire people through the universal emotional power of music and the intellectually stimulating content of the lyrics and messaging.
The concept for the band’s name was introduced by friend and author Dr. Jamie Turndorf (“Ask Dr. Love” website), who declared founders Kip and Evan “soul twins” while speaking together over the phone for the first time and feeling the almost identical vibration in their voices. The soul twins LOVED that concept and sought to raise it to Infinity! They believe that we all share an even more fraternal and innate connection than that of twins; we are truly one; with one another and the Universe. The name “Messiah” was initially jokingly suggested, but they quickly realized how profound the idea of Soul Twin Messiah actually was. Not only does it represent the aforementioned universal connection shared by all, but also their mission of promoting the practice of conscious evolution, as it sets us on the path to becoming our own gurus, sages, saviors, messiahs if you will.
STM has recently been working with renowned producer Joel Jaffe to develop and record a number of their songs. Since the core of the band is the duo of Kip and Evan, Joel helped to assemble a group of world class musicians to accompany the recordings. Evan plays all guitars, bass on a few songs, and even drums on one track, as well as sings co-lead on a couple of songs and backgrounds on most. Kip sings lead on all songs, and background on many. These first recordings of eighteen songs are only the beginning, as the guys have so many more waiting to hit the recording studio.
While they did provide a couple of songs for the soundtrack of the S.O.U.L. documentary A World Worth Imagining, Comfort You will be their first official single and debut music video. Head to soultwinmessiah.love to see and hear more, and be sure to follow them on social media to stay on top of the latest!
Evan Hirsch - The Blue Rocker!
It was obvious to all who knew him at age seven that Evan was massively inspired by rock music, as he used to carry a cassette boombox to school every day and blare rock tunes. Singing, dancing, and spreading the love through music were activities he was clearly born to do, and the rock and roll lifestyle was his destiny.
The evolution of his musical discoveries helped him broadly expand his range of tastes and collect many genres of music to enjoy throughout his life. Initially attracted to the pop of the day, an early babysitter soon blew his mind with classic and hard rock. After moving, a new babysitter talked him into checking out some new wave. He was resistant at first, but soon found himself extremely attracted to that sound and culture. At age 12, he got a Billy Idol haircut, and by high school was full on new wave, goth, etc. Then a friend sold him his first three punk albums, and it changed everything. Something about punk music really resonated with him like none other before (or after). The energy, tempo, and passion attracted him, and he went deep into the scene, including the crossover to metal. Then, hanging out in front of a punk/new wave club at age 15, a new friend introduced him into the fascinating, wide world of the one and only Grateful Dead. He dove deep, and jumped into that late 80’s Dead culture, going to many shows around the west coast. A musician friend from work shared with him the rest of the San Francisco psychedelic sounds, all definitely listen-worthy guitar and Hammond B3 organ driven rock. While wakeboarding in Florida in the early 2000’s, he was exposed to underground hip hop, and finally felt an appreciation for beat-driven, rap-spoken music as well. After living half a century, these are some of the enduring bands that rank among his lifelong favorites: Rich Kids on LSD, Bad Religion, The Living End, Metallica, Duran Duran, Depeche Mode, The Cure, Grateful Dead, Cadillac Tramps, The More I See, AC/DC, Foghat, Gamma, and UFO.
As for playing instruments, he grew up with a piano in the home, and dabbled in violin and saxophone in elementary school, but it was soon clear that formal music education wasn’t the path for him. It wasn’t until age 16 that he finally got his first electric guitar from a friend who also taught him those simple power chords to jam along with his favorite punk music of the day. Ironically, after watching his guitar heroes all play Marshall amps, he accidentally bought an Acoustic brand bass amp at the pawn shop. At 21, a coworker sold him his first drum kit, and that became another form of musical expression, including on some recent recordings. And ultimately, it was out of necessity, for demoing his solo tunes, that Evan started playing the bass and keys as well. Now he has even recorded some official bass tracks for STM songs. Evan played guitar in the Band Armagetiton from 2000 - 2006 (RIP Jen Slatten). He uses Gibson, Schecter, and Paul Reed Smith electric guitars and basses, Breedlove and Eastman acoustics, Mesa Boogie amplifiers, the Kemper Profiler, and DW Drums.
Kip Baldwin - Oshallah
Kip’s first LOVE and lifelong passion in the creative realm has always been music. Early memories include dancing and singing to Nancy Sinatra’s These Boots Are Made for Walking for his Great Grandmother Ruby, listening religiously to Casey Kasem’s Top 40 on his AM Radio, and pawing through his parents’ vinyl collection, which ran the gamut from the rock of Paul Revere and the Raiders, to Marty Robbins’ country classic El Paso. In High School Kip joined the choir, did theater, and saw his musical tastes go from the pop of AM radio to the hard rock and heavy metal of FM, with some his favorites being Nazareth and Judas Priest. Kip’s current musical fascination is talent shows - like The Voice and America’s Got Talent - where he finds constant inspiration from children as young as seven (Angelina Jordan) of whom he could only hope to have half the talent.
In 1985 Kip’s passion for music saw him make the move from Camas, WA to San Francisco via semi-truck, knowing no one and with only a quarter to his name. When asked, “Why S.F. and not L.A.?” he often jokes that he came to S.F. looking for the 60s, but was 20 years too late. The ironic thing is that what he found in S.F. was pretty much the same 80s hair band scene that was going on in Hollywood. And while Kip looks back fondly on the musical and performance experience gained with his band King Roach, the scene and the industry left him creatively unfilled, burned out, and with a severe drinking problem. So he made peace with the fact that music did not seem be his career path, but instead just something he did for personal enjoyment. He then set out to find something to fill the hole in his soul that leaving the pursuit of his beloved music behind had caused.
He spent the better part of the next decade focusing on local and sustainable foods, and while a worthwhile pursuit for sure, it did little to satisfy his need to create and share. After a near death experience left him with the realization that he either had to find what his purpose was and be happy or find a quicker way out, he quit drinking. This led him to heed the call of the entertainment industry, first as an actor and then ultimately as a producer, with some success co-creating the influential cannabis series Weed Country for the Discovery Network, co-founding the United Filmmakers Association, and starting the Just LOVE Movement (his life’s purpose being sharing LOVE). Eventually this led him to co-founding S.O.U.L. Documentary with creative partner Evan Hirsch, after Kip had been recommended as a producer for a Bernie Sanders project for which Evan was looking for help. But it wasn’t until a year into doing S.O.U.L. that Kip and Evan - who are both musicians - formed Soul Twin Messiah and began writing songs to perform at the Peace in the Park Festival that S.O.U.L. co-produced with the Brahma Kumari’s in the Music Concourse/Band Shell of Golden Gate Park.
Through all of this what Kip has come to realize is that while he and Evan have done so many amazing things in the past six years with S.O.U.L., it was truly Soul Twin Messiah that he and Evan were drawn together by the creative spirit to do. And how could Kip have known when they started S.OU.L. that it would ultimately not only fulfill his musical dreams beyond his wildest imaginings, but also his longing for tribe, and his unable-to-ignore drive to share LOVE…
Video Version: https://youtu.be/RZFZtaywwVM
Call in and Chat with Dr. Jamie during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand
Tune-in to “Love Never Dies” and discover for yourself why reconnecting and Dialoguing with Your Departed loved ones is the only way to dry your tears and transform your grief to joy! For more information about Dr. Turndorf follow her on Facebook: askdrlove and Twitter: @askdrlove and visit www.askdrlove.com.

Friday Oct 29, 2021
Love Never Dies Radio with Dr Jamie Turndorf
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
"How to Slow Down Your Biological Clock and Improve Intuition"There is a tiny gland linked to the ageing process. It controls how fast we age and how fast the body deteriorates. All cultures have reveared this tiny gland as the seat of the soul and the third eye. It's called the pineal gland and "sees" beyond the physical view of our first two eyes, accounting for our sixth sense ability - our intuition. The pineal gland gives us those feelings to do or not to do something, which turns out to be for our best good. It's the sense that tells us whether something is ethical or morally right in terms of our relationships with others. It is an internal rudder and navigation tool not to be under-estimated. Join us to learn about strategies that care for and enhance the working of this very important and powerful gland.
Bio: Sandy Sanderson, B.Arts. Uni NSW (1979) +Post grad studies (business / marketing) (QUT & Griffith Uni Qld) 1992-93
Publisher of ‘This Month on The Gold Coast’ magazine 1998-2009Founder and CEO of Elektra Magnesium 2008-present.
After her health crisis in 2008 from years of stress overload and shift working as a magazine publisher, Sandy discovered that magnesium deficiency was the primary cause of stress-related diseases. Without enough magnesium cell metabolism and recovery is diminished. Transdermal magnesium helped Sandy to recover from heart arrhythmia and other symptoms of Hashimotos hypothyroidism.
Since that time Sandy and her husband Peter, a formulating chemist, have been on the mission of their lifetime to develop an Australian range of natural magnesium body care products branded ‘Elektra Magnesium’, which is packed full of nutrition and quality ingredients. These products are far more effective at delivering magnesium to cells via skin compared to oral tablets and powders. They also work great as anti-ageing natural skin care. www.elektramagnesium.com.au
Video Version: https://youtu.be/uyBVN4XnHtc
Call in and Chat with Dr. Jamie during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand
Tune-in to “Love Never Dies” and discover for yourself why reconnecting and Dialoguing with Your Departed loved ones is the only way to dry your tears and transform your grief to joy! For more information about Dr. Turndorf follow her on Facebook: askdrlove and Twitter: @askdrlove and visit www.askdrlove.com.

Friday Oct 15, 2021
Love Never Dies Radio with Dr Jamie Turndorf
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Friday Oct 15, 2021
A Clairvoyant's Guide to Overcoming Fear with Susann Wilson
Experiencing fear seems to be part and parcel of being human. However, did you know that holding onto fear -- even for a few moments -- can create a wound in your spiritual body? Over time the wounds of fear can change your spiritual frequency, lower your immune system, and deleteriously affect most every aspect of your life.
Join me for what promises to be a fun and informative interview with Susanne J. Wilson, intuition educator and gifted clairvoyant who counsels CEOs and celebrities as well as everyday people to connect with their intuition and achieve their highest vibe! Be ready to practice a few tools for overcoming fear, protecting your healthy aura, and enjoying life!
Susanne J. Wilson, MA is a Carefree, Arizona-based intuition educator, author, medium, and paranormal presenter. Susanne is known as the Carefree Medium, appearing here on Ask Dr. Love, and on Coast to Coast AM, Gaia TV, Fox News National Edition, and Amazon films. With a Master’s degree in public affairs policy, a bachelor’s degree in management, and certifications from Stanford University, Susanne is a well recognized researcher and educator on a wide range of paranormal topics.
Soul Smart: What the Dead Teach Us About Spirit Communication
When Your Partner Doesn't Believe in the Paranormal co-author with Dr. Victor Zammit and Wendy Zammit, MA. (free download) https://carefreemedium.com
I Want to Talk to the Dead
Superpower, Ignite Your Intuitive Intelligence, Episodes 8 and 10
Mom, Can You Hear Me? On Amazon.
Beyond Belief with George Noory. On Gaia
I Died, Now What? On Amazon.
Website: carefreemedium.com
Video Version: https://youtu.be/LsrefPc-fGo
Call in and Chat with Dr. Jamie during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand
Tune-in to “Love Never Dies” and discover for yourself why reconnecting and Dialoguing with Your Departed loved ones is the only way to dry your tears and transform your grief to joy! For more information about Dr. Turndorf follow her on Facebook: askdrlove and Twitter: @askdrlove and visit www.askdrlove.com.

Friday Sep 24, 2021
Love Never Dies Radio with Dr Jamie Turndorf
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Friday Sep 24, 2021
What Natural Remedy Can Protect You Against COVID-19-Induced Blood Clots? with Sandy Sanderson
Our blood forms rivers of life in our body. We need some blood clotting ability so that our blood doesn't all spill out of our vessels in the case of punctures. However, if something goes wrong with this system we can develop too much clotting, which is called thrombosis. This is where the river and estuaries can become blocked and stop flowing. It can cause damage or even death. Join us to find out how this system works in the body, and what you can do to help your body maintain healthy oxygenated blood flow and balance.... just like a healthy river system.
Bio: Sandy Sanderson, B.Arts. Uni NSW (1979) +Post grad studies (business / marketing) (QUT & Griffith Uni Qld) 1992-93
Publisher of ‘This Month on The Gold Coast’ magazine 1998-2009Founder and CEO of Elektra Magnesium 2008-present.
After her health crisis in 2008 from years of stress overload and shift working as a magazine publisher, Sandy discovered that magnesium deficiency was the primary cause of stress-related diseases. Without enough magnesium cell metabolism and recovery is diminished. Transdermal magnesium helped Sandy to recover from heart arrhythmia and other symptoms of Hashimotos hypothyroidism.
Since that time Sandy and her husband Peter, a formulating chemist, have been on the mission of their lifetime to develop an Australian range of natural magnesium body care products branded ‘Elektra Magnesium’, which is packed full of nutrition and quality ingredients. These products are far more effective at delivering magnesium to cells via skin compared to oral tablets and powders. They also work great as anti-ageing natural skin care. www.elektramagnesium.com.au
Video Version: https://youtu.be/4K6bG75K0Ak
Call in and Chat with Dr. Jamie during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand
Tune-in to “Love Never Dies” and discover for yourself why reconnecting and Dialoguing with Your Departed loved ones is the only way to dry your tears and transform your grief to joy! For more information about Dr. Turndorf follow her on Facebook: askdrlove and Twitter: @askdrlove and visit www.askdrlove.com.

Friday Sep 10, 2021
Love Never Dies Radio with Dr Jamie Turndorf
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Friday Sep 10, 2021
How Men and Women Differ in the Love Department with Evan Marc Katz
Do you know how to tell whether you and your heart throb are compatible or just enjoying good chemistry?
What does dating mean to men versus women?
How can a woman with high standards succeed in finding the right love partner?
What does a happy relationship look like?
Join me for what will be a very informative and fun conversation with my old friend, Evan Marc Katz, as we discuss the differences between men and women in the love department and how you can succeed in the game of love.
Bio: Billed as a “personal trainer for smart, strong, successful women,” dating coach Evan Marc Katz has been helping singles since 2003. He is the author of four books, most recently, Believe in Love, and has been featured in hundreds of media outlets, including Today, the New York Times, and CNN. Since 2015, Evan’s blog has over 30 million readers, his podcast has over 1 million downloads and 12,000 women have graduated from Love U, his six-month video course that helps women understand men and find love. Evan is very happily married and lives in Los Angeles with his wife and their two children.
Video Version: https://youtu.be/BQwWO2fO-Eo
Call in and Chat with Dr. Jamie during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand
Tune-in to “Love Never Dies” and discover for yourself why reconnecting and Dialoguing with Your Departed loved ones is the only way to dry your tears and transform your grief to joy! For more information about Dr. Turndorf follow her on Facebook: askdrlove and Twitter: @askdrlove and visit www.askdrlove.com.

Friday Jul 23, 2021
Love Never Dies Radio with Dr Jamie Turndorf
Friday Jul 23, 2021
Friday Jul 23, 2021
How Your Skin Reveals What is Ailing You on the Inside with Sandy Sanderson
Not only is our skin the largest organ in the body, it does extremely important work to protect our bodies against water loss, microorganisms, and sun damage - not to mention maintaining a youthful complexion.
Did you know that the more hydration in the skin, the better the electrical conductance? A healthy glowing skin relates to more than just appearance, but also indicates the energetic capacity of the skin and internal organs.
Ill health, bad diet, traumas or excessive stress will usually show telltale damaging signs in the skin, causing it to look dry and pallid, or to become inflamed with psoriasis, eczema, rashes and dermatitis symptoms.
Over time, if not nutritionally replenished, the skin can age prematurely, losing collagen structures, developing rosacea and spider veins, and losing elasticity. That means sagging and getting more wrinkly. Even worse, excessive sun damage can lead to melanomas.
Learn how to maintain a youthful complexion and protect against premature skin aging.
And, find out how to decipher what your skin may be saying to you about the overall health of your mind and body.
Bio: Sandy Sanderson, B.Arts. Uni NSW (1979) +Post grad studies (business / marketing) (QUT & Griffith Uni Qld) 1992-93
Publisher of ‘This Month on The Gold Coast’ magazine 1998-2009
Founder and CEO of Elektra Magnesium 2008-present.
After her health crisis in 2008 from years of stress overload and shift working as a magazine publisher, Sandy discovered that magnesium deficiency was the primary cause of stress-related diseases. Without enough magnesium cell metabolism and recovery is diminished. Transdermal magnesium helped Sandy to recover from heart arrhythmia and other symptoms of Hashimotos hypothyroidism.
Since that time Sandy and her husband Peter, a formulating chemist, have been on the mission of their lifetime to develop an Australian range of natural magnesium body care products branded ‘Elektra Magnesium’, which is packed full of nutrition and quality ingredients. These products are far more effective at delivering magnesium to cells via skin compared to oral tablets and powders. They also work great as anti-ageing natural skin care.
Video Version: https://youtu.be/qWdOJJKXwak
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