Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network
Friday Nov 19, 2021
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Trust Your Animal Instincts: Tabitha Scott
If you're struggling to stay positive, you're not alone. The pace of change and the nonexistent norm make us feel off-balance, burned out, and disconnected. Trust Your Animal Instincts reveals how to recharge your life and spark positivity through your own limitless source of power. Exhausted from the burnout of trying to please everyone, including herself, Tabitha Scott quit her job, gave away most of her belongings, and lived near a remote jungle in Costa Rica. Teetering between the wilderness there and the jungle back home, clarity and freedom emerged, along with a passion to share her insights to help others. Identify personal insulators, harmful pressures, and negativity leading to burnout Reconnect to your intuition for direction and renewed purpose Defend against energetic attacks and maintain positivity Learn how to reignite your life and tap into unbridled joy and unconditional love There's no need to travel across the world to discover your personal power--just take a journey through this book to find the answers.
Tabitha Scott is an international speaker, award-winning author, and energy thought leader. She serves as Principal of Southern Growth Studio and specializes in leading purposeful transformation through innovation, strategy, and sustainability. Tabitha has over 17 years of executive level, international experience and was honored at the White House for her thought leadership on leveraging behavior change and smart tech. Her new book, Trust Your Animal Instincts, received the prestigious Nautilus Award--putting it among prior recipients like Eckhart Tole, Deepak Chopra and His Holiness the Dali Lama. http://www.powering-potential.com/
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Saturday Nov 13, 2021
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Saturday Nov 13, 2021
Saturday Nov 13, 2021
The Wisdom Principles: Ervin Laszlo
Dr. Ervin Laszlo, authority in the fields of new science, consciousness, and spirituality, bridges the chasm between our understanding of science and the truths of spirituality, bringing an essential and timely message of wisdom to the world. Laszlo offers readers principles of empowerment that will guide the choices they make for years to come and will allow them to move confidently toward a better future. Experience the distillation of Laszlo’s sixty plus years spent delving into the mysteries of science and a lifetime of keen spiritual insight. The nuggets of timely wisdom offered in The Wisdom Principles, and the timeless truths revealed on its pages, are a precious resource for wise thinking and living. As we stand at a crossroads of civilization there has never been a greater need for them than today. Deepak Chopra, Neale Donald Walsch, and Gregg Braden are among the renowned thought-leaders who lend their voices to Laszlo’s work, framing the book and underscoring the power of its life-changing principles.
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Friday Oct 29, 2021
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
God has Infinite Frequency: Jonathan Masters
Blending art and insight, Jonathan Masters is penetrating, amusing, and sometimes provocative, as it takes us on a tour of many of our dearly held beliefs - challenging them, and giving us the precious opportunity to reconsider, feel, and to see things anew. As our worlds break apart, and a new consciousness emerges, here is an invitation to explore, be inspired and reformulate. The experience is multi-dimensional, artistic, and joyful, and one that touches the core of who we are. Its gentle whisper resonates in our hearts, and helps remind us, ground us, and open us to new ways of seeing and experiencing ourselves and the world. We are accompanied on a journey of re-creation, and as we take the journey, we find the destination is more of ourselves.
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Friday Oct 22, 2021
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Somatic Practices to Heal From Trauma: Rochelle Calvert
As psychologist and mindfulness teacher Rochelle Calvert explores one of the greatest sources of healing from trauma is all around us — nature. Dr. Calvert shows how to relate to and connect with nature through the practice of mindfulness to calm and relax the nervous system, tune in to the somatic wisdom of the body to face lingering trauma and rewire it, and work with painful experiences to transform them in ways that heal the individual and contribute to healing the wider world. Healing with Nature pioneers a path not just to recovery but to lifelong healing and resilience.
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Friday Oct 15, 2021
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Friday Oct 15, 2021
The Kingdom: Paul Selig
Paul Selig’s profound gift is to channel the unfiltered wisdom of The Guides higher beings who exist beyond the borders of traditional human understanding and share it with the world. The Kingdom is a transcription of Paul’s channeled messages, direct from the Guides in their complete and unedited form. With beautiful language and profound wisdom, The Guides share an awe-inspiring glimpse into an understanding apart from and above our own. The first two books of the Beyond the Known series urged readers to step beyond their own understanding and enter into the transformational work this knowledge demands. This process of growth and transformation finds its ultimate completion and fulfillment in The Kingdom as readers are invited to dwell in a world transformed by a new understanding.
Paul Selig is considered to be one of the foremost spiritual channels working today. In his breakthrough works of channeled literature, I Am the Word, The Book of Love and Creation, The Book of Knowing and Worth, The Book of Mastery, The Book of Truth, and The Book of Freedom (see books page), author and medium Paul Selig has recorded an extraordinary program for personal and planetary evolution as humankind awakens to its own divine nature. www.paulselig.com
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Friday Oct 08, 2021
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Starseed Letters & Activations: Rebecca Campbell
What is the soul, where did it originate and why have we chosen to come here at this time? As a planet, we are waking up to the fact that the ancient prophecies and warnings from the elders and wise ones are no longer predictions, but our waking reality. They are not just coming or even near... we are living them right now. What we do now matters to the future of this planet. And we all have a role to play. Do you remember why you have come? We are living in a time between myths and stories, and are currently re-weaving the fabric of life on Earth. Rebecca Campbell will share insights and experiences illuminating the connection between our souls, the Earth and the cosmos, to encourage you to commit fully to your incarnation, embrace your human experience and plant yourself here.
Rebecca Campbell is a world renowned writer, mystic, poet, mother, channel and creative. A bestselling author, her books and oracle decks are published in over 20 languages. Rebecca believes that we ARE nature and all of her creations are in devotion to the beauty of nature and weaving the soul back into everyday life http://www.rebeccacampbell.me/
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Friday Oct 01, 2021
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Friday Oct 01, 2021
The Art of Stopping: David Kundtz
Stopping is not slowing down. There are many books on slowing down the frantic pace of life. This is not one of them, even though an important aspect of Stopping, even one of the reasons for Stopping is, in fact, to slow down. The process of Stopping is very different from the process of slowing down. Trying to slow down does not slow you down. We have been trying to do that for many years now; it generally doesn't work. It's like trying to cut down on smoking: in a short time you end up where you started, except more frustrated. Slowing down doesn't work because everything around us is going so fast. We get revved-up even if we don't want to be. In his book Timeshifting, Stephan Rechtschaffen, MD, writes about entrainment, which he describes as an unconscious “process that governs how various rhythms fall into sync with one another.” For example, if you were to place two out-of-sync pendulum clocks next to one another, in a short time they would be exactly in sync. “The same principle works,” says Rechtschaffen, “with atomic particles, the tides and human beings.” With human beings? That's quite a remarkable idea. We pick up each other's rhythms and the accumulated rhythms of the world around us. If most of the rhythms around us are fast, so are ours, automatically. That's entrainment. The word can also mean “getting on a train.” Stopping can bring us both an answer and a solution.
David Kundtz, SThD, MFT, has enjoyed several careers, including nineteen years as a Catholic priest, twenty years in the practice of psychotherapy, and over two decades teaching courses on managing stress and emotional health, and writing. He has graduate degrees in psychology and theology, and a doctorate in pastoral psychology. Among the seven books David has authored are Quiet Mind, Moments in Between, Awakened Mind and his most recent, The Art of Stopping: How to Be Still When You Have to Keep Going. www.DavidKundtz.com www.stopping.com
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Friday Sep 24, 2021
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Friday Sep 24, 2021
The Land of Attachments: Eve Marko & Wendy Nakao
Zen koans, beginning some 1500 years ago, refer to stories or questions arising in encounters between monks and old Chinese and Japanese masters, and include commentaries designed to help the Zen practitioner awaken. Koans like Hakuin’s What is the sound of one hand clapping? are well-known, and the word koan has even gone mainstream. The koans deal with the challenges of relationships, raising children, work, money, love, loss, old age, and death, and come from practitioners across three continents, and with commentaries by two Western teachers. The collection is based on the premise that our lives as householders contain situations rich with challenge and grit, the equivalents of old Zen masters’ shouts or blows meant to sweep the ground right from under their students. They become koans, or koan practice, when they jolt us out of our usual way of thinking, when we’re no longer observers of our lives but plunge in, closing the gap between ourselves and the situation we face.
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Friday Sep 17, 2021
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Friday Sep 17, 2021
Friday Sep 17, 2021
Rolling With It: Vikash Shivdasani
We are each dealt a hand; one that we must learn to accept and embrace. What are you doing with yours? What if you were made to sit down? Would yo fight it... get depressed... get angry... or roll with it? Rolling With It is a depiction of Vik’s raw and humorous personal spiritual journey that started with an accident that left him a paraplegic at 22 years old. This catalytic event sparked a seeker’s journey to understand the relationship between our thoughts and emotions and the reality we are creating because of it. This story isn’t like any spiritual book you’ve ever read because this one is about a guy who had to come to terms with a sitting perspective of life, an unwavering curiosity to understand reality, and the hard lessons he received because of it. In addition, you will also gain a better understanding on how to identify and release the emotional blocks that are holding you back from living the life you truly want to live.
"At the age of 22 years old, in the wee hours of the morning on July 29, 2006, life threw a huge curveball at me. I had an accident where I fell off my 3rd-floor apartment balcony after a night of drinking. As a result of this accident, my body suffered a spinal cord injury and became a paraplegic. It took me a few years to accept and move forward in this situation, but little did I know at the time that this situation was the best thing that ever happened to me. After this situation occurred, I went through many periods of depression, anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts. I didn’t know how I was going to live this life. This experience led me to ask deeper questions on how to overcome obstacles and truly attain fulfillment in life, and I have been on an incredible journey of self-realization and empowerment ever since." https://behererightnow.com/about-me/
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Friday Sep 10, 2021
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Healing Ourselves Whole: Emily A. Francis
As a trained body worker, Emily Francis offers a refreshing perspective into healing trauma. She reveals unique knowledge of the body as a holder for memory. Emily will lead you on a path deep within yourself to rearrange the ways that pain and trauma have been holding you back from whole body, mind, spirit, and energy healing. You will rearrange the dialogue within your body memory systems as well as learn a practice to re-birth by healing your inner child and adolescent selves, coming into the present to create the best adult self possible. Learn to get in touch with various parts of the physical and energy body, and how to use them to let go of stored traumas and rediscover the deeply held joys that have also been stored within the body. From this, you will learn to live from a new mindful and powerful space.
Emily A. Francis is a highly sought-after speaker, bestselling author, and wellness expert with an array of education and experience spanning over 20 years. Her knowledge of the body as well as the body/mind connection is extensive and her commitment to total body, mind, and spirit wellness is her driving force. She believes in a whole body, proactive approach to wellness where balance is the key, and kindness paves the way. Emily is the host of the internet radio show All About Healing on Healthy Life Radio www.HealingOurselvesWhole.com
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