Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network
Friday Apr 02, 2021
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Friday Apr 02, 2021
Friday Apr 02, 2021
Alchemy of Inner Work: Lorie Dechar & Benjamin Fox
A redefinition of healing that brings the soul back into the conversation and links individual health to the vitality of the world soul—the surrounding community of human and nonhuman beings that make up our world. Alchemical Healing is not meant to be a replacement or even a complement to Western medicine, traditional psychotherapy, or the current symptomatic approach of modern Chinese medicine. Rather, it invites us to leap into a completely different conversation about health. It proposes a new set of values, attitudes, goals, and skills and offers a way to address the nonphysical forms of human distress, the psychic and spiritual imbalances, and disease that are at the root of so much of modern suffering and illness. As my doctor friend says, “What you do doesn’t complement Western medicine, it enhances it.”
Lorie Eve Dechar is an acupuncturist, consciousness explorer and change-maker, committed to bringing the art of alchemy and soul healing back to the modern world. She has practiced Chinese medicine for over three decades and is the author of Five Spirits: Alchemical Acupuncture for Psychological and Spiritual Healing; Kigo: Exploring the Spiritual Essence of Acupuncture Points Through the Changing Seasons; and most recently, The Alchemy of Inner Work. With her husband, astrologer and community builder Benjamin Fox, she co-founded A New Possibility, a global healing and learning community committed to the belief that inner work is a pre-requisite to lasting outer change. https://www.anewpossibility.com
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Friday Mar 26, 2021
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Bliss Brain: Dawson Church
Neuroplasticity is the law of the brain. Neuroplasticity means that what you do with your brain can actually produce changes in its structure. Whether you are aware of it or not, you are creating neural pathways in your brain by what you think, do, and feel. In Bliss Brain, researcher Dawson Church is hyper-focused on techniques that undo chronic stress and release emotions that keep you in a reactive state—responding to the past— rather than the present. He shows you how to achieve specific brain waves, the ones associated with relaxation and resilience. With these methods, you can reach a deep meditative state in minutes. He shows the remarkable effects this has on the body, from creating new stem cells to activating your mitochondria to lengthening your anti-aging telomeres.
Dawson Church, PhD, is an award-winning science writer with three best-selling books to his credit. The Genie in Your Genes (YourGeniusGene.com) was the first book to demonstrate that emotions drive gene expression. Mind to Matter, (MindToMatter.com) showed that the brain creates much of what we think of as “objective reality.” Bliss Brain (BlissBrain.com) demonstrates that peak mental states rapidly remodel the brain for happiness. He has conducted dozens of clinical trials, and founded the National Institute for Integrative Healthcare (NIIH.org) to promote groundbreaking new treatments. He shares how to apply the breakthroughs of energy psychology to health and personal performance through EFT Universe (EFTUniverse.com), one of the largest alternative medicine sites on the web. www.BlissBrain.com
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Friday Mar 19, 2021
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Big Miracles: Joanna Garzilli
The 11 Spiritual Rules of Big Miracles will teach you exactly how to make huge positive changes in your life and replace anxiety with tranquility, self-doubt with self-acceptance, and insecurity with certainty about your life purpose—how to achieve your dreams and actively create miracles. Each chapter shows you, with encouragement and grace, both how to live its lessons and how doing so will create your miracle. Laying the foundation with the first rule, “Align with Spirit,” Garzilli illustrates how to build from there to: - Be a Spiritual Vehicle - Commit to Your Breakthrough - Forgive Mistakes - Live Without Ego - Believe in Your Ability - Accept Responsibility - Aim High - Take the Right Action - Be of Service - Get Outside Your Comfort Zone With Big Miracles, you will discover how to nurture your connection to Spirit to move forward with momentum and create the outcomes you desire.
Award winning Harper Collins author of “Big Miracles: The 11 Spiritual Rules for Ultimate Success,” and spiritual success coach. For 25 years, Joanna has done personal readings for people from all walks of life. Spiritual success coaching for entrepreneurs and celebrity influencers. “Award-Winner in the Spirituality: Inspirational category of the 2019 International Book Awards and American Book Fest.” www.joannagarzilli.com
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Friday Mar 12, 2021
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Manifesting Love: Jean Adrienne
The time is now for the divine feminine to return to her place of honor on our planet and in the Universe. For over five thousand years, she’s been pushed to the background to allow the divine masculine to find his personal power. It’s all part of a plan, and now when the feminine heals her wounds and claims her power, she is able to support the masculine in doing his own inner work to heal and atone for his part in wounding her over the last age. At that point, they are finally able to magnetize each other to themselves, inside themselves. When this happens, high alchemy occurs, leading to conjunctio—the divine marriage. Conjunctio has always been used in alchemy as the symbol of culmination, and it means to unite or bind the cosmic pair of opposites.
Jean Adrienne is the author of 6 books and 2 decks of metaphysical healing and activation cards. Her latest book, Conjunctio-The Soul's Journey, is an Amazon International Best-Seller. Jean created InnerSpeak, a coaching tool for clearing karmic blocks from this lifetime, past lives and ancestors, to enable you to create the life and reality you desire and deserve! She works with clients remotely using Zoom or inner office in Tallahassee Florida.
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Thursday Mar 04, 2021
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Healing the Mother Wound: Kerri Hummingbird
A woman in her true power gives everyone a space to flourish because she is the constant gardener, she is the Mother Earth. She is not afraid to let the forest burn down or weeds to grow rampant because she knows life is a process, a cycle, and has innate wisdom. She is tapped into a greater consciousness through her feelings and intuition and surrenders to this all knowing presence to guide her way. She knows she is the voice of her ancestors, and her children are their greatest hope. She listens to the Mother Earth and feels the early tremors of the quakes and storms so she can lead the tribe to course correct and come back into harmony before a natural consequence is needed. She knows that every member of the tribe is dreaming a unique dream of their Soul, and she helps teach the respect and tolerance that allows all of these dreams to coexist.
Kerri Hummingbird, Soul Guide, is a channel of, and an embodiment of, White Eagle, an ascended master who specializes in rainbow light activation of human DNA. She is the #1 International Bestselling Author of "The Second Wave: Transcending the Human Drama" and her new book has just been released "Love Is Fierce: Healing the Mother Wound." She has served as a social activist, leader, and philanthropist for over three decades. She is the Founder of the Skills Not Pills Movement and Host of Soul Nectar Show. She is also the author of the award-winning best-selling book "Awakening To Me: One Woman’s Journey To Self Love" which describes the early years of her spiritual awakening. www.motherwoundbook.com
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Friday Feb 26, 2021
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Overwhelmed and Over It: Christine Arylo
Exhale all that pressure you have been carrying around like a twenty-five-pound sack of judgment against yourself. The guilt, expectations, obligations, criticisms, comparisons, and ideals of what you should have done, accomplished, or figured out by now. All the ways in which you deem you are not measuring up, keeping up, or doing enough. The cause of the shoulder knots, jaw clenching, anxiety, men- tal fogginess, depression, despair, and exhaustion. And then consider embracing this: if you truly want to thrive, then you have to do this differently. The current norms for how we work and operate as a society are not something you want to lean into. This is an invitation to liberate yourself from the self-sacrifice and burnout. The first step in changing what’s not working for you is awareness — becoming conscious of what you are currently blind to.
Christine Arylo, MBA, is the author of Overwhelmed and Over It. As a transformational leadership advisor, three-time bestselling author, and host of the popular Feminine Power Time podcast, she is recognized worldwide for her work helping women to make shift happen — in the lives they lead, the work they do, and the world they wish to create. Arylo offers workshops globally and lives near Seattle. Visit her online at http://www.christinearylo.com.
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Friday Feb 19, 2021
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Friday Feb 19, 2021
Friday Feb 19, 2021
The Chiron Effect: Lisa Tahir
In our astrological natal chart, also called our birth chart, the location of Chiron reveals core wounds, which block our capacity to have self-empathy and to forgive. Lack of empathy and compassion for ourselves and others obstructs our ability to both create and allow our desires. By working with Chiron, you come to understand the correlation between deep inner wounding and your greatest challenges. You can accurately identify twelve areas of core wounding, diagnosed by the astrological placement of Chiron in your birth chart. It is this placement of Chiron that identifies the causes that repeat painful, unconscious patterns.
Lisa Tahir is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) in both California and Louisiana, with private practice office locations in both Los Angeles and New Orleans. Lisa is passionately committed to working with people to heal through all of the senses of the body by utilizing: intuition, therapy, meditation, Reiki healing, fitness, podcasting, writing, and speaking on topics related to psychoastrology, spirituality, emotional health, and mental well-being. www.nolatherapy.com
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Friday Feb 12, 2021
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Friday Feb 12, 2021
Friday Feb 12, 2021
ALCHEMY: Stones of the New Consciousness
The alchemists believed that consciousness is within everything—that the world is aware and alive, and that the stones are alive in the same way. They even called the great goal of their work the Philosophers’ Stone! Alchemy is a cosmology within which the phenomena and potential of our spiritual engagement with stones made perfect sense. And alchemy could also provide a picture of where our involvement with stones and their energies can go. the metaphysical interest in stones is now worldwide, involving millions of people. It has been over thirty years since the crystal fad began; and it has not behaved like a fad. It is more like a spiritual movement—a current within a worldwide tide of transformation. Alchemy has always been a practice aimed at transformation. The alchemist’s desire is to improve or perfect something—whether it be a physical substance, one’s body or one’s own soul, or all together. In the alchemical para- digm, substance and soul are not separated.
Robert Simmons has been working with crystals and stones for over 35 years. He is the cofounder of Heaven and Earth, a company offering gem and jewelry creations for self-healing and spiritual and emotional development. The author of several books, including The Book of Stones and Stones of the New Consciousness, he lives in New Zealand. www.innertraditions.com
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Friday Feb 05, 2021
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Without Reservation: Randy Kritkausky
We are but a few generations removed from millennia spent living in intimate contact with the natural world and in close commune with ancestral spirits. Who we are and who we think we are is rooted in historical connections with those who came before us and in our relationships with the land and the sentient natural world. When we wander too far from our roots, our ancestors and kin in the natural world call us home, sometimes with gentle whispers and sometimes in loud voices sounding alarms.
Randy Kritkausky’s family tree includes Potawatomi ancestors and a French Canadian voyageur, or fur trader. These human ancestral roots, along with those of trees in the Vermont forest where he lives, have been the source of an awakening that compelled the author to listen to the beckonings of kin such as Coy-Wolf, in ways that a university education did not prepare him for. His family legacy includes both sides of the clash of civilizations that occurred when Europeans colonized the western hemisphere and created cultural conflicts that endure to this day. Living with this dual legacy has enabled the author to explore bridges between two distinct world views, and to suggest ways that we may navigate challenges of the 21st century [such as climate change and COVID]. While an enrolled Potawatomi tribal member, he lives off reservation and has spent his life in mainstream society as do millions of other tribally enrolled Native Americans.
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Friday Jan 29, 2021
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Friday Jan 29, 2021
A Mother’s Evolution During Her Child’s Gender Change: Paria Hassouri
On Thanksgiving morning, Paria Hassouri finds herself furiously praying and negotiating with the universe as she irons a dress her fourteen-year-old, designated male at birth, has secretly purchased and wants to wear to dinner with the extended family. In this wonderfully frank, loving, and practical account of parenting a transgender teen, Paria chronicles what amounts to a dual transition: as her child transitions from male to female, she navigates through anger, denial, and grief to eventually arrive at acceptance. Despite her experience advising other parents in her work as a pediatrician, she was blindsided by her child’s gender identity. Paria is also forced to examine how she still carries insecurities from her past of growing up as an Iranian-American immigrant in a predominantly white neighborhood, and how her life experience is causing her to parent with fear instead of love. Paria discovers her capacity to evolve, as well as what it really means to parent.
Paria Hassouri, MD, is the author of Found in Transition. A pediatrician, mother of three, and transgender rights activist, her essays have been published in the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Huffington Post, and Women’s Running Magazine. She lives in Los Angeles. Visit her online at http://www.PariaHassouri.com
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