Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network
Friday Jan 10, 2020
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Paul O'Brien: Intuitive Intelligence
What happens when a vision of creative freedom, courageous risk-taking and good timing come together? What if you focused on what fascinates you, then mastered some skills—including a level of intuitive decision-making that helps you make the right moves at the right time? The answer is a life filled with success on your own terms. Paul’s elegant Visionary Decision Making process and philosophy clearly define the essential skills of accessing intuition when you need it most. The book shows readers how to take charge of their life and fearlessly take the risks that will that help them realize their goals and dreams—to fearlessly take take those risks that will grow them as a person.
Paul O’Brien is a visionary entrepreneur who invented a new category of software in 1989 that evolved to become the world’s largest astrology and divination websites. He sold the company in 2007 and has since authored three books. Paul is a sought-after speaker, philanthropist and founder of the educational Divination Foundation (Divination.com).
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Friday Jan 03, 2020
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Friday Jan 03, 2020
Friday Jan 03, 2020
Jim Phillips: Discover the Simplexities of LIFE
Discover the -simplexities- of LIFE over the course of your current, unique -souljourn-. The Key to LIFE: Living In Full Expression reveals ancient wisdom within the context of modern day living that unlocks the vault of Divine wisdom within you. Jim's insights and experiences offer an opportunity to gain clarity and answer your questions concerning your soul, your purpose, and your active role as the creator of your own life. Your song is the grandest expression and experience of Self that patiently awaits your willingness to sing it loud and clear. The Key to LIFE is the songbook for singing that song.
Jim Phillips is a LIFE Strategist, author, speaker and business coach. He has also been engaged in the real estate industry for over 40 years. For 30 years or so he has been inspiring others to higher levels of achievement and understanding through his strategy sessions, coaching, writing and presentations. Jim has written two books, “The Key to LIFE; living in full expression”, published by Sacred Stories Publishing and “From Inspiration to Intention”, that was self-published. Jim is also a featured expert in the The Key Movies Trilogy ”, written and produced by award winning film producer Robin Jay. The movies also star such notables as don Miguel Ruiz (The Four Agreements), Dr. Joe Vitale (The Secret) and Dannion Brinkley (Saved by the Light), Michael Bernard Beckwith, Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul), Marci Shimoff (The Secret), John Gray (Men are from Mars. Women are from Venus) and others. Jim was featured in “Becoming the Keys.”
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Friday Dec 27, 2019
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Friday Dec 27, 2019
Friday Dec 27, 2019
Sarah Bowen: Spiritual Rebel
An indispensable guide for seekers, those in spiritual communities, agnostics, atheists, mystics, and the spiritual-but-not-religious, Spiritual Rebel is for anyone who desires meaningful experiences without having to commit exclusively to one path or fear they might be "doing it wrong." The diverse collection of interspiritual practices and resources will inspire the Force within you, by whatever name you call it.
Sarah Bowen is an award-winning author, multifaith spiritual educator, inspired speaker... and aspiring Jedi. Her first book, Void If Detached: Seeking Modern Spirituality Through My Father's Old Sermons, received numerous literary awards including a Nautilus and International Book Award. www.thisissarahbowen.com
Learn more about Simran here:
Friday Dec 20, 2019
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Friday Dec 20, 2019
Friday Dec 20, 2019
Jo Boaler: Limitless Mind
Dr. Jo Boaler, a professor of education at Stanford University and acclaimed math educator who has spent decades studying the impact of beliefs and bias on education, reveals the six keys to unlocking learning potential, based on the latest scientific findings.
Dr Jo Boaler is the Nomellini & Olivier Professor of Education at Stanford University. Former roles have included being the Marie Curie Professor of Mathematics Education in England, and a math teacher in London comprehensive schools. She is a White House presenter on women and girls. She recently formed youcubed.org to give teachers, parents and students the resources they need to excite students about mathematics. She was named by the BBC as one of the 8 educators “changing the face of education”. www.youcubed.org
Learn more about Simran here:
Friday Dec 13, 2019
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Friday Dec 13, 2019
Friday Dec 13, 2019
Money Loves You: Sarah McCrum
If you could have a conversation directly with Money, what would it say to you? Sarah McCrum says... Money is the powerful energy that underlies every form of exchange that takes place between human beings. It is an extraordinary system for dealing with the billions of financial and material requests that are made by human beings every day – many of them hopelessly confused, often desperate. Money speaks to us directly through this book, explaining simply, often with a sense of humour, exactly how our financial requests are processed and delivered, why so many of them never arrive and why we get so many bills, especially when we are broke. This post-recession blueprint for making money is for people who haven't yet been able to afford the lifestyle of their dreams but still believe they will.
Sarah is a teacher at heart, who encourages people to explore who they really are, what they stand for, what difference they make in the world and what they're creating with their life. She’s the author of two books: Love Money, Money Loves You and Energy On Demand: Master Your Personal Energy and Never Burn Out. She trained for 22 years with Chinese Energy Masters and has spent 20 years coaching business owners and leaders in Australia, UK and USA. She’s co-founder of The Consciousness of Money retreats and online programs. She’s a member of faculty for The Shift Network, teaching programs about how to transform your relationship with money and she’s a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle. www.sarahmccrum.com
Learn more about Simran here:
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Epic Sexy You: Morgan Field
Create an EPIC life that you LOVE living – Where you pinch yourself that you wonder if it is even real. Create sustainable SEXINESS! Destroy doubt. Be Unapologetically YOU! Go Get It! This Amazon #1 Best Seller, which is currently in 18 countries and counting, leads you on the journey to discover what you want, explore your options, and build, build, build a life you want, filled with love, success and happiness. Not that fake, #blessed on Instagram or “Lovin’ my life!” on Facebook happy. Real happiness that comes from fulfillment and self love. Along with being an Amazon #1 Best Seller, this book has been Awarded in the Category of “Best Motivational Books of 2016” by the Best Book Awards, “Top Self-Help: Motivational Books of 2017? by the International Books Awards, “Top Motivational Books of 2017? by the Next Generation Indie Book Awards, and has been Awarded “Top Non-Fiction Motivational books of 2017” and “5 Star Recognition” by the Reader’s Favorite Awards.
Morgan Field is a best-selling, 8 time award winning author of Epic Sexy You, and Powerful As F*ck. She is an intuitive life coach, TEDx speaker, keynote motivational speaker, and founder of the global empowerment brand Epic Sexy You, working with clients in 20 countries and counting. She plays in the artistry of alchemy, turning subconscious blocks into catalysts for forward movement—alchemizing your darkness, your fears, and your comfort zone into the playground of light that guides your path of metamorphosis and stretches you into to a whole new world of infinite possibilities. www.epicsexyyou.com
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