Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network
Friday Nov 25, 2022
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Friday Nov 25, 2022
Friday Nov 25, 2022
How the World Speaks To Us: SIMRAN
You are here to reunite mind, body, and spirit by creating, experiencing, and expressing. This will always engage a beginning, middle, and end. It will often encompass a challenge that unfolds a deeper lesson. Your jour- ney to planet Earth was intended for experiential engagement. This would require both, the process of involution and that of evolution. There are parts on the inside and outside of every human being that are at war with the Self. It is the journey of victim, villain, and hero . . . the unknown, the question, the answer . . . living, being, and knowing. The greatest gift of the soul is to release fully, so that it can be all that experience offers in knowing its true expansiveness. The journey involves predetermined obstacles within the self and in the outside world. It is through being at war, in love, and of peace, the soul journey unfolds. The experience and integration of love, poured on every circumstance, brings the peace being sought. Love would have you discover that everything is loving and good, even those things that seem ugly, wrong, or bad. Love would show you the steps along the path. Love would never leave you or stop being your guide. But it requires you to be present and loving to the Self, so that you see, and can be seen, through the eyes of Love rather than distorted perceptions. This is the place that holds all illusion, reality, and truth.
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Friday Nov 11, 2022
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Friday Nov 11, 2022
Friday Nov 11, 2022
Choose You First: Vicki Dobbs
Are you all ready to crack open just a bit more today and let your Light shine brighter? Isn’t that an awesome a concept…sharing our Light? If you believe what you may have been told, and have come to know, that you are a child of the Divine, created in the image of God, the Creator, the Source of All that Is, then when I talk to you about Resurrecting Your Light, I am talking about you bringing forth a brighter presence of that Essence of The Sacred that you are! It is time to put you first.
As the founder of Wisdom Evolution and head cheerleader for The You First Revolution, Vicki Dobbs brings 40 years of entrepreneurial experience into her spiritual writing and work. For the past two decades, she has been helping people navigate their lives and business in a way that allows them to gift the world the best of themselves. As a Spiritual Entrepreneur co-creating with the Divine, Vicki is opening existential gateways through which individuals can face their challenges and opportunities, embracing them both as the revered teachers that they are. Using her best-selling books, courses, personal work with individuals and speaking to groups, she endeavors to inspire others to create their lives intentionally by blending ancient wisdom techniques and tools with modern modalities in her experiential classes, ceremony, sacred art, and story. Vicki’s goal is to see everyone live every day empowered by the voice of their own authentic truth, seeing this life’s journey as an ever-upward, spiraling ascension of the human spirit leading it toward wisdom, wholeness, and joy.
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Friday Oct 28, 2022
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Friday Oct 28, 2022
Friday Oct 28, 2022
Surviving the Storms: Mark Nepo
We live in a turbulent time. Storms are everywhere, of every shape and size. And like every generation before us, like every soul’s journey on Earth, we must learn the art of surviving storms, so we can endure and build a better world. The reason heartwork is so important in surviving storms is that, as a tree needs to deepen its roots and widen its trunk to endure the force of unexpected storms, we need to know our true self so we can deepen our roots and solidify our connection to all Spirit and all life. Then, we, too, can endure the force of unexpected storms. This is especially relevant now. Every generation has its share of turbulence and chaos—personal storms, relational storms, life storms. And all the traditions offer practices and resources to help us be strong enough and kind enough to meet the challenges of our day. It is our turn to rediscover these practices and resources in order to repair ourselves and our world. This is inner practice; heartwork. Join me and best-selling author, Mark Nepo!
With over a million copies sold, Mark Nepo has inspired readers and seekers all over the world with his #1 New York Times bestseller The Book of Awakening. A beloved poet, spiritual teacher, and bestselling author, he has published twenty-two books and recorded fifteen audio projects. His most recent book is The Book of Soul (2020). In his thirties, Mark was diagnosed with a rare form of lymphoma, a transforming struggle that helped to form his philosophy of experiencing life fully while staying in relationship to the difficulties and uncertainties inherent in life. Mark devotes his writing and teaching to the journey of inner transformation and the life of relationship and continues to offer readings, lectures, and retreats. For info on his courses, books and his upcoming webinars, visit: www.Live.MarkNepo.com or www.ThreeIntensions.com
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Friday Oct 14, 2022
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Friday Oct 14, 2022
Friday Oct 14, 2022
You Are The Rock Star: Alexander Woodrow
Yoga traditionally means a union, a bringing together of things. You can look at it as your mind and body being one, or as a marriage of your breath with your body. Either way, yoga brings us into oneness with what we call the flow state—that effortless, being without thinking state. The state where you just are, in every sense of the word. Ask yourself, how does performing this activity, whether it’s yoga or something else, is a reflection of how you want to live? If it is, great! If it isn’t, find a way to make it. How we do one thing is how we do most things. We become what we practice, and practice what we become. Do more of what reflects how you want to be in the world. Test different solutions until you find the one that works best for you. It’s all about making it accessible for yourself.
Alex “Woody” Woodrow is a bestselling author of the series "You Are the Rock Star," as well as a coach, yoga and meditation guide, and was a founding member of the rock band Our Last Night, one of the biggest independent rock bands on the planet. www.youaretherockstar.com
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Friday Sep 30, 2022
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Friday Sep 30, 2022
Friday Sep 30, 2022
The Art of Living: Mark Matousek
Being alive is a risky business. No matter who you are, where you live, or how much privilege you enjoy, insecurity is the price tag on human existence, with danger, loss, and suffering close at hand even in the best of times. Science is finally catching up to what sages have been saying forever. Thanks to recent breakthroughs in MRI technology, neurologists are now able—for the first time in history—to observe the human brain in the act of feeling. This has revealed a phenomenon known as neuro- plasticity, which in turn has revolutionized how we think about personal change.
Mark Matousek is an award-winning author of two memoirs, Sex Death Enlightenment: A True Story (an international bestseller) and The Boy He Left Behind: A Man's Search For His Lost Father, as well as When You're Falling, Dive: Lessons in the Art of Living, Ethical Wisdom: The Search for a Moral Life, and Mother of the Unseen World. A MacDowell Fellow and former editor at Interview Magazine, he has contributed to numerous anthologies and publications, including The New Yorker, O: The Oprah Magazine (contributing editor), Harper’s Bazaar, Yoga Journal, Tricycle: The Buddhist Review, and The Saturday Evening Post, and is a columnist for Psychology Today. A popular speaker and teacher, he offers courses in creativity and spiritual growth in the U.S., Canada, Australia, and Europe, based on his book, Writing To Awaken: A Journey of Truth, Transformation, and Self-Discovery. Matousek is a founding member of V-Men (with Eve Ensler), an organization devoted to ending violence against women and girls, and lives in Springs, New York. www.markmatousek.com
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Friday Sep 16, 2022
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Uncompromising Intimacy: Dr. Alexandra Stockwell
Have hot, passionate, and deeply satisfying sex with your partner, and fall in love all over again. Are you in a sexless marriage? Wanting more passion and intimacy and afraid that without it you’ll end up divorced? Do you yearn to fall in love again...adored, cherished, and enjoying the feeling that comes with knowing your partner is deeply devoted to you? Explore how to: ~ Escape the trap of being roommates with your spouse ~ Make love as if you’re on your honeymoon ~ Fall deeply in love again, no matter how distant you are today ~ Move from sexless and affection starved to cherished and adored ~ Learn to communicate so you and your partner are working towards the same goals ~ Create and maintain a sensual, intimate, dynamic relationship ~ Be a role model for your kids so they know what a great relationship looks like.
Known as “The Intimacy Doctor,” Dr. Alexandra is an Intimate Marriage Expert who specializes in coaching couples to build beautiful, long-lasting, passionate relationships. She is the bestselling author of “Uncompromising Intimacy” and host of The Intimate Marriage Podcast. For over 20 years she has shown men and women how to bring pleasure and purpose into all aspects of life-- from the daily grind of running a household to intimate communication and ecstatic experiences in the bedroom. A wife of 26 years and a mother of 4, Dr. Alexandra believes the key to passion, fulfillment, intimacy and success, isn’t compromise--it’s being unwilling to compromise. Because when both people feel free to be themselves, the relationship becomes juicy, nourishing, and deeply satisfying. Dr. Alexandra has been featured in the Huffington Post, Rolling Stone, USAToday, Cosmopolitan, Business Insider, thriveglobal, mindbodygreen, FOX NEWS NYC, and Disruptors Magazine recently named her one of “30 Inspiring Women to Watch in 2022.” www.alexandrastockwell.com
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Saturday Sep 10, 2022
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Saturday Sep 10, 2022
Saturday Sep 10, 2022
BEING: 7 Illusions That Derail Personal Power, Purpose & Peace
Are you seeking to serve the world in a way that fulfills your true purpose? Do you want to be an agent of change for yourself and your world? Are you ready to answer the call? We are at a point in time where the scales of universal justice are rebalancing elements of crisis, chaos, and dysfunction within our social systems and global structures. By becoming aware of our individual expressions of fear, obsession, and separation we have the opportunity to transcend the human condition, creating a greater good for all. Find that direction with Being, the second book in the Self-Realization series. By addressing the seven illusions of social conditioning (time, duality, money, hierarchy, identity, evolution, and war), Being engages the bold and courageous conversation that can move us from conformity to courage, from vice to virtue. Discover how embodying these seven keys of awakening and cultivating seven corresponding aspects of essence allows access to the natural divine expression that has always been available to us. The world needs you now, in the most courageous, yet vulnerable, way. Answer the call of your soul ... and that of the world soul.
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Friday Aug 19, 2022
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Friday Aug 19, 2022
Friday Aug 19, 2022
The Kabbalah of Light: Catherine Shainberg
Kabbalistic practices to connect with the natural genius of your subconscious and liberate the light within. Tap instantly into the subconscious and receive answers to urgent questions. This method, called the Kabbalah of Light, originated with Rabbi Isaac the Blind of Posquieres (1160-1235) and has been passed down by an ancient kabbalistic family, the Sheshet of Gerona, in an unbroken transmission spanning more than 800 years. The modern lineage holder of the Kabbalah of Light, Shainberg shares 159 short experiential exercises and practices to help you begin dialoguing with your subconscious through images. The images that pop up during these practices are unexpected and revelatory, and she discusses how to open them to greater understanding. At first, they may show you aspects of yourself you don’t like. But seeing them serves as both a diagnosis and a direct path to transformation. Fast and simple, the practices can help you discover your areas of “stuckness,” release past traumas and ancestral patterns, free the imagination, and open the way to the bliss promised us in the Garden of Eden. Beginning this fertile dialogue with your inner world leads you to uncover your soul’s purpose and manifest your dreams in this world. Once your inner dream world and outer reality have merged, you will be able to see your superconscious--your soul’s blueprint--and experience the ecstatic illumination of a heart-centered life.
Catherine Shainberg, Ph.D., is an internationally renowned teacher, healer, psychologist, and dream and imagery expert. She is the lineage holder for the Kabbalah of Light, as transmitted to her by Colette Aboulker-Muscat, revered Kabbalist and teacher, with whom Shainberg spent 10 years of intense study in Jerusalem and an additional 20 years in collaboration. In 1982 she founded the School of Images, dedicated to teaching the techniques of this ancient tradition. The author of Kabbalah and the Power of Dreaming and DreamBirth, she conducts imagery and dreaming workshops internationally and at the nine International Schools of Imagery she created around the world.
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Friday Aug 05, 2022
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Friday Aug 05, 2022
Friday Aug 05, 2022
Belief, being and BEYOND: Granddaughter Crow
A radical new cognitive framework for under- standing the mysteries of the complex Universe in which we live. Encompass the views and perspectives of seemingly disparate belief systems to create a foundational new paradigm for understanding cultural perspectives. What does Christianity have in common with the tarot? What does Paganism have in common with Navajo creation stories? What does Jesus have in common with the Hindu deity Manu? Granddaughter Crow will enlighten you to the fact that there is far more that unites our varied human systems of belief than we may have ever considered.
Granddaughter Crow (Dr. Joy Gray) holds a doctorate in leadership. Internationally recognized as a medicine person, she comes from a long line of spiritual leaders as a member of the Navajo Nation. She is an award-winning author. Her three titles are The Journey of the Soul, Wisdom of the Natural World (Llewellyn 2021), and Belief, Being, and Beyond (Llewellyn, June 2022.) Founding CEO of The Eagle Heart Foundation, a non-profit organization. She dedicates her life to inspiring, encouraging, and empowering individuals to be their authenticity.
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Friday Jul 22, 2022
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Friday Jul 22, 2022
Friday Jul 22, 2022
Roar Like a Goddess: Acharya Shunya
Within you is a wellspring of strength and resilience, the ability to create and enjoy abundance, and an expansive sense of inner freedom and divinity. Yet after centuries of living in patriarchal societies, many women don’t realize how powerful they are?or how much they’ve been enculturated to keep their true nature hidden. In Roar Like a Goddess, trailblazing Vedic spiritual teacher Acharya Shunya empowers women everywhere to step into their divine immensity and lead powerful, abundant, and wise lives through her revolutionary revisioning of ancient India’s primary goddess archetypes: • Part 1 features the Goddess Durga: a role model who vanquishes internalized misogyny and institutionalized patriarchy, Durga teaches you how to take back your full feminine power. • Part 2 introduces the Goddess Lakshmi: known for her beauty and generous spirit, Lakshmi guides you to cultivate unshakable inner contentment and soul-aligned abundance. • Part 3 celebrates the Goddess Saraswati: the ultimate teacher of our deepest journey to Self, Saraswati illuminates the gifts of wisdom, peace, and inner freedom. Sharing classic myths, original insights, and empowering practices, Shunya offers a profound process for awakening the many faces of the goddess within. “It is time for all women to come out of the closet and roar with all their spiritual power,” she writes, “because that is our true sound.”
The first female lineage-holder of her distinguished Vedic tradition, Acharya Shunya is an internationally renowned scholar, teacher, author, speaker and scholar of nondual wisdom (Advaita) from India, and a classically-trained master of Yoga and Ayurveda. She is the Founder of The Awakened Self Foundation and the nonprofit Vedika Global, Inc., platforms headquartered in Northern California, that empower, educate, and inspire a global community of students through online courses, workshops, and retreats. These conversations are furthered by Shunya’s top-rated podcast, “Shadow To Self.” An award-winning author of international repute, Shunya’s most recent book, Roar Like a Goddess: Every Woman's Guide to Becoming Unapologetically Powerful, Prosperous, and Peaceful will be published by Sounds True in July, 2022. www.acharyashunya.com