Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network

Monday Dec 20, 2021
Awakened Soul Stories with Pam Patalano
Monday Dec 20, 2021
Monday Dec 20, 2021
Awakened Soul Story~ David Chandler Part 1
I was super excited to interview my dear friend David Chandler! This is the first part of a 2-part interview.
David and I met about 10 years ago at an event in Woonsocket, RI. The back story is that I was having visions of sunflowers, and they would appear randomly for about 3 weeks – However, I could not figure out why I was seeing them. On a Saturday afternoon, I was going to an event to see another Psychic and friend, Roland Comtois. I walked into the space that the event was being held and was looking for a place to sit. It looked like an old church inside with rows of pews. I stopped at the end of a row, and I recognized David from his FB photo – He came walking over and said, “it is so nice to finally meet you, I was waiting for you”, and then he said “I have something for you.” He handed me a CD, and on the cover of that CD, was a picture of a sunflower, as well as the title of the CD – “SUNFLOWERS”. Coincidence? I think not!! When I turned to see the speaker, who was up in the front, I noticed on either side of the pedestal that he was standing at, there were 2 very large vases of Sunflowers!!
Needless to say, David and I struck up an immediate friendship. I love his music and his ethereal voice, and David as a person is an amazingly talented and gifted human being. I feel that David is an Awakened Human and has a true understanding of what is happening in the world and where the future to the human race is going. He is part of the journey – to help AWAKEN THE PEOPLE OF EARTH with his music. I hope you all enjoy this interview!
A little about David Chandler:
David is a Musician, Singer/Songwriter, Sound Designer, Soundtrack Artist and Sonic Therapies Practitioner.
David’s Sonic Journey has evolved over the past three decades in many areas of creative expression. As a singer/ songwriter, he has released 6 CDs, co- producing with David Correia, seven- time Grammy Award nominee, and two- time Grammy Award winner. His instrumental work has charted in the Top Ten in New Age radio. There are currently 6 instrumental CDs available on David’s website.
David has enjoyed a full spectrum musical life in performance and recording and has a long history of exploring the Healing Arts through sound and music in many forms since the1980s.
He studied Behavioral Sciences and Therapeutic Music at Lesley University in
Cambridge, MA, USA. His academic research was in the area of Energetic Anatomy and Sound. As a therapeutic sonic explorer, David has used Vibroacoustic Therapy and many of his own clinically proven soundtracks to assist in the tuning of the human instrument over the past 30 years.
He believes in “bigger and better” things for our consciousness and recognizes the potential for our conscious evolution, both personal and collective. David’s mission is to awaken as many people as possible to the deeper dimensions of our existence through sound and music.
David believes that sound is the carrier wave of consciousness and is an amazing tool to access and orchestrate our individual and collective transformations. There has never been a more poignant moment in history for this Mission.
David’s latest work is a 10 song CD “Tears of Light” (from his “Song of The Sun” series) is dedicated to the Humanity’s Global Awakening, and will be released in early 2022.
You can find his work at: www.songofthesun.com His facebook page is: Songofthesun
Learn more about Pam here:
https://www.facebook.com/AwakenedSoulStorieshttps://www.facebook.com/TreeOLife222/Contact Pam: 401-533-1864 or pampatalano@gmail.com

Friday Dec 10, 2021
Awakened Soul Stories with Pam Patalano
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Awakened Soul Story~ Shaman Debbee Radcliff
Debbee and I met about 12 years ago at several Holistic and Spiritual events and we have traveled in the same circles since then. I have admired her work and the live sessions she offers on her social media page are simply wonderful. I believe that she is a true healer in every sense of the word and uses her healing gifts to help mankind heal and awaken! I hope you enjoy this interview with Debbee.
Debbee Radcliff, M.Ed., RMT, is a Shaman Practitioner, a certified Reiki Master Teacher, Integrated Energy Therapy Master-Level Instructor, Aromatherapist, Akashic Record Practitioner, and is the owner of Creatigo, LLC.
Debbee has a Master’s in Education, B.S. in Human Development and Family Studies, and certified Special Educator K-12. She has taught children of all ages and skill levels throughout her career from PreK through high school. She enjoys collaborating with children, parents, and teachers.
Creatigo is a different Holistic Center, where traditional education and holistic practices come together to support individuals to discovery, wellness, and connection in all areas of their lives. Creatigo celebrates play and creativity as tools to open the mind and heart to wisdom and information, helping people to see non-linear possibilities so they can create their best life as they go; thus, the name “Create I go.” Creatigo offers individual sessions, group sessions, and a variety of classes in person or virtual. Individual and Group Sessions include Positive Discipline Parenting sessions, Creatigo Healing Method™ and Reading Sessions, Dream Circles, Touch Drawing, Integrated Energy Therapy™ (IET), Reiki, and Shamanic/spiritual counseling sessions. Creatigo continues to develop new programs and will be offering children and young adult groups in the new year. One example of Creatigo’s practices in action is our parent coaching and groups, applying the principles of Positive Discipline through interactive experiences. Parents are empowered to make changes in their parenting skills. They create a home where they use long-term parenting skills that encourage their children to think for themselves, become more responsible, and have greater respect for themselves and others. The teachings of Positive Discipline are filled with non-punitive and non-permissive methods that will build relationships and keep the lines of communication open. Parents leave with tangible, practical tips and tools that are easy to implement and work right away.
Learn more about Debbee and Creatigo here: http://www.createasigo.com/ https://www.facebook.com/creatigo
Contact Debbee: (401)702-2072 or debbee@creatigo.org
Learn more about Pam here:
https://www.facebook.com/AwakenedSoulStorieshttps://www.facebook.com/TreeOLife222/Contact Pam: 401-533-1864 or pampatalano@gmail.com

Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Awakened Soul Stories with Pam Patalano
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Awakened Soul Story Astrologer Jessica Puleo
Join me on Awakened Soul Stories - as I explore the world of Astrology with, special guest, Astrologer and my friend, Jessica Puleo. Jessica will share insights into how the stars and planets align with current events and your own personal journey from the time you were born. Tune in!
About Jessica:
“My journey into astrology began when I was 15. My dad's friend Jay, cast a chart for me the old school way, using math and the ephemeris. My mind was totally blown, to say the least, and that set me on an insatiable quest to learn more! I bought lots of books, started studying, and practiced giving readings to all my friends. Every chance I could get, even to this day, I’m always asking when is your birthday? I’ve always been fascinated by what makes everyone tick and the deeper reasons behind why life is so vastly different from one person to the other.
Growing up with my mother in a very religious household was difficult! I never felt like I fit in, and I never resonated with most of the teachings, (except being kind to others and forgiveness). I was in search of what felt true to me and astrology set me free. I felt so connected to everything and everyone like never before! In 2003 I moved to Arizona and began studying astrology seriously with an accredited astrologer. In the many years, I became reiki certified, linked up with another teacher who is a psychic medium, and began practicing with her. I also am a lifelong student of A Course In Miracles. I moved back home to the East Coast in October 2011. It wasn’t until about 2013 that I actually started giving readings professionally.
Many people seek me out when they are in need of answers to life’s big questions, seeking relationship compatibility readings, or they’ve hit rock bottom and need me to lift them to higher ground. People often say they feel seen, heard, validated, comforted, and inspired after receiving a reading from me. I find it very helpful and comforting that astrology can help guide us through challenging situations; and knowing that we actually chose the exact karmic mathematical degree to be born down to the very second! All is in divine alignment for soul's growth and evolution.”
Jessica Puleo – Astrologer
Learn more about Pam here:
https://www.facebook.com/AwakenedSoulStorieshttps://www.facebook.com/TreeOLife222/Contact Pam: 401-533-1864 or pampatalano@gmail.com

Saturday Nov 13, 2021
Awakened Soul Stories with Pam Patalano
Saturday Nov 13, 2021
Saturday Nov 13, 2021
Awakened Soul Story of the Week- Karen Regan
Karen is a Certified Hypnotist who combines her hypnotism skills with spirituality and brings her clients to a relaxed and receptive place where she facilitates a Soul Journey session through a conversation with their spirit guides to relay messages of hope, healing and insight. The messages may come through from their guides, angels, deceased loved ones or from the persons higher self. All messages are delivered with love and to help clients who feel that they have lost their meaning, purpose and direction. She also does Aura readings and Energy Clearings with a colleague, Jen Byers. Just from a picture, Jen gets a reading on the person's energy, and under Karen's guidance Jen is hypnotized and Karen facilitates an Energy Clearing for the client. Together Karen and Jen identify and release whatever is draining their energy and negatively having an impact on their life. They replace that negative energy with positive healing energy through angels, guides, loved ones that have passed and other light healers. After a clearing people feel peace of mind, body and spirit and they are able to feel rested, less anxious, restful sleep and improved health.
“I thought my whole world collapsed when I lost my spouse.
I lost my best friend, my rock, my protector, my own identity. When Dan died, it felt like I had lost everything. In the days, weeks, and months that followed his passing, I found myself drowning in a pool of emotions. Emptiness like I had never felt. Alone for the first time in my life. Fear of what the future held and confusion of who I was not being a wife anymore.
I threw myself into the gym, friends, managing the house on my own, anything to avoid the emptiness and feeling of being lost. But I knew he wouldn't want that for me. I couldn't let his death be in vain and because of that, I began to reconstruct my life. MY way. MY terms.
I began to heal. I studied to be a certified hypnotist, EFT and NLP Practitioner and Reiki Master.
I offer Reiki and Life Coaching to patients and staff at a local hospital. After years of inner work, I discovered who I was. I split my time between a two-room stone cottage up North and the beautiful home I shared with my husband. I have fulfilling work that gives me meaning, purpose and direction. I surround myself with people who uplift me and I have released those that sucked the life out of me.
Today I have a business doing not only what I love but what I feel is my calling because I serve other amazing widows on their path to healing and self-discovery. It became my personal mission to help other widows who have experienced the same devastation of not only losing a spouse but themselves too. I help them rise from the ashes and rebuild a life they love. Are you a widow trying to discover her passion, confidence, and vision? I have an amazing opportunity for you.
Apply for a spot in my 12- week Redefined Widow Coaching Empowerment Program where you will learn:
* The secret to finding your purpose and be a confident bad-ass woman that has found her voice.
* The art to trusting yourself and have confidence that you CAN do this alone and still be happy.
* How to no longer ache for what was and you are ready to move forward into a beautiful new life as a new you.
Schedule a 30- minute session and find out how!”
Way to contact Karen Regan: https://www.facebook.com/groups/283605283622635
978-302-4074- cell
Learn more about Pam here:
https://www.facebook.com/AwakenedSoulStorieshttps://www.facebook.com/TreeOLife222/Contact Pam: 401-533-1864 or pampatalano@gmail.com

Friday Oct 22, 2021
Awakened Soul Stories with Pam Patalano
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Spiritual Journeys and Near Death Experiences
Doreen Savaria also known as Dori is by trade, a licensed Esthetician & Lash Technician and owns a small business named Dori’s Skin & Lash Spa.
Dori has always been a believer of God and she started an intense spiritual journey a little over a year ago when her daughter started experiencing a recurring dream the Dori herself experienced. Dori’s father was a preacher and has always had a strong connection with God and doing his work. She lived in a very “Connected” and “Spiritual” environment, so she always had an understanding and a knowing of something larger than herself.
Dori is a mother of two daughters, married to her best friend and has been working in the Spa environment for 20 years. Dori is a non-denominal Christian with the purpose of doing God’s work to bring others to that spiritual Connectiveness and universal love that we call “God” or “Creator of all things”. She is certified is a Certified Reiki Practitioner and she has many “Gifts” that she is ready to share with the world to help mankind heal and evolve. Dori has the innate ability to connect with the energy of others as well as connecting with their soul and emotions which makes her a very strong empath. She has recently started doing readings for some of her clients and is on the verge of branching out, to let the world know what she is all about.
Animal loving -People loving -God loving
Business: Dori Skin & Lash Spa (860)908-8724
Maricel Witko is a mother of two sons, Caiden and Reese, and a wife to her husband Aaron, residing in Griswold CT. She grew up as the daughter of a Naval Officer, the family was stationed in Japan, California, Hawaii and Pennsylvania.
She gained a lot of insight into human nature through her travels around the world. Knowing she was "different" from the time she was a small child gave her the confidence and understanding needed, to become a Sensitive or quasi-psychic. She is Empathic and uses her abilities of Clairaudient and Clairsentient to feel and read the energy around her and others. Her innate intuitive abilities often warn her of danger or of people she should stay away from.
Maricel has had 2 Near Death Experiences in her lifetime. - Narrowly escaping true death, both times. She died during a surgery at the age of 7 during an operation. The 2nd near death experience happened at the age of 10, when she was electrocuted while grabbing a metal Rod over the sink in her home.
She lives a much quieter and (safer) life now, working for the past 15 years as a Massage Therapist at the Mohegan Sun Spa, and Dori's Skin & Lash Spa in Uncasville, CT. She continues her Spiritual Awakening journey through learning of new modalities, meditation and through the enlightened people that she meets on a daily basis, delivering messages and being the kind, gentle soul that she is.
Learn more about Pam here:
https://www.facebook.com/AwakenedSoulStorieshttps://www.facebook.com/TreeOLife222/Contact Pam: 401-533-1864 or pampatalano@gmail.com

Friday Oct 15, 2021
Awakened Soul Stories with Pam Patalano
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Matt’s Mission: End the Stigma of Drug Addiction & Substance Abuse Prevention with Griswold PRIDE
Pam Patalano, the host of Awakened Soul Stories, will sit with Miranda Mahoney of Griswold Pride and Kelly Barrett of Matt’s Mission to discuss what they are doing to help combat drug and alcohol addiction through their dedication and passion along with their organizations. They will discuss how they help those that suffer from these diseases. They are both from Griswold Connecticut, and they understand the direct ramifications and consequences of addiction in our society and are here to help fight this fight.
Kelly Barret is the sister of Matthew Barrett. Matt, unfortunately, lost his battle with addiction in 2015. Born out of this tragedy was “MATTS MISSION”. Kelly and her mom, Kathy have worked hard to create and get funding for MATTS Mission. Matt’s Mission is a grassroots non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that connects individuals battling substance use disorders to treatment and services, as well as providing education and awareness of the disease of addiction.
My son, Matthew lost his 12 year battle to drug addiction at the age of 32 on 11/23/15. Losing my son, was the most devastating experience I have ever faced. My life was forever changed. There are no words to describe the loss of a child and parents should never outlive their children.
I decided to channel my grief into something positive in the memory of my son, Matthew with a non-profit organization called “Matt’s Mission - End the Stigma of Drug Addiction”.
Our mission is to end the stigma of drug addiction and to provide awareness of addiction as a disease, focusing on treatment, not punishment. Individuals suffering from substance use disorders will be treated as patients of the healthcare system, not criminals. They will receive the treatment they desperately need and deserve without shame, stigma, or judgment.
With your support, Matt’s Mission is working hard to end the stigma and shame associated with addiction and makes a difference in the lives of individuals impacted by substance use disorders.
“When we talk about addiction, we are dealing with a disease. It’s not just someone who is weak-willed or choosing to go down this particular path . . . We can visibly see, through the use of imaging technology, where drugs bind in the brain and what impact they have on the brain.”
— Dr. Jack Stein, Director of the Office of Science Policy & Communications
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
Together we can and will make a difference!
Miranda Nagle Mahoney Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist And Community Organizer
Miranda Mahoney is a Prevention Specialist with Community Health Resources and serves as the Coordinator of the Griswold PRIDE substance use prevention coalition. The coalition works collaboratively to reduce and prevent underage drinking and youth substance use while reducing adult substance use and its impact on the community. They utilize a data-driven approach to identify evidence-based strategies to create community change.
Griswold PRIDE is challenged with a history of community and family norms around underage drinking and substance use as well as a high ratio of overdoses and opioid use disorders. Together with their partners, like Matt's Mission, they provide outreach, resources, information, and connections to services.
Miranda has over 20 years of experience in the substance use prevention field, and has worked with 4 different coalitions in eastern CT. Her work with the CT State Police on their pilot program, the CRISIS Initiative, received an award from the US Attorney's Office, for Excellence in Community Policing. Most recently, under Mrs. Mahoney's leadership, Griswold PRIDE was selected as the State of CT Association of School's Distinguished Friend of Education for 2021.
Learn more about Pam here:
https://www.facebook.com/AwakenedSoulStorieshttps://www.facebook.com/TreeOLife222/Contact Pam: 401-533-1864 or pampatalano@gmail.com

Friday Sep 24, 2021
Awakened Soul Stories with Pam Patalano
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Awakened Soul Nicole Majik, A Mile in Her Shoes
We look forward to this live interview with empowering leader, speaker and spiritual guru; Nicole Majik. The discussion will include the latest projects she is involved in and the latest book she is mentioned in, A Mile in Her Shoes.
At little something about Nicole:
She has overcome many adversities in life including severe mercury poisoning while being the sole provider for her family. Nicole is a mom of 4 with 1 girl and 3 boys - one of which is in the Air Force Special Operations training program.
Nicole holds a bachelor’s degree in Biology/Chemistry and a Masters in Metaphysics. She is an accomplished leadership and empowerment strategist and educator, and has created a highly effective, life-transforming empowerment program: The Alchemy of Transformation™. She awakens your true potential by erasing limiting beliefs and showing you how to live a life you deserve without compromising who you are or what you love.
Nicole has appeared on various radio shows, local TV, as a keynote speaker for international conferences and has even appeared on the Travel Channel for Greatest Mysteries: Smithsonian as well as Beyond the Unknown.
Using the strategic formulas of her empowerment program, The Alchemy of Transformation ™, she helps you permanently erase self-sabotaging beliefs and transform your obstacles into the opportunities to achieve the success you desire!
Erasing Limiting Beliefs/Self Sabotage
Defining Your Desire
Conscious Leadership
Near Death Experiences
Overcoming Adversity
Becoming Fearlessly Authentic
Social Media Links:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSwkQFiEaIYmKEgMSsRuGhw
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicole_majik/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/majikllc
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicolemajik
Learn more about Pam here:
https://www.facebook.com/AwakenedSoulStorieshttps://www.facebook.com/TreeOLife222/Contact Pam: 401-533-1864 or pampatalano@gmail.com

Friday Sep 10, 2021
Awakened Soul Stories with Pam Patalano
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Special Guest Author, Teacher, Speaker and Founder of the Rhys Thomas Institute, RHYS THOMAS
Tune in to listen to this amazing interview with Rhys Thomas who is a visionary author of the International Best-Selling Book, “Discover Your Purpose, How to Use The 5 Life Purpose Profiles To Unlock Your Hidden Potential And Live The Life You Were Meant To Live." He is a speaker and trainer in the energy healing field, a Shift Network Faculty member and the creator of the 4D Healing System that is taught exclusively in the Rhys Thomas Institute of Energy Healing, Life Mastery Training program.
Rhys has 20 years’ experience in energy healing and transformational practice. He founded the Rhys Thomas Institute in 2005 where he teaches hundreds of students each year how to align with their unique purpose, optimize their energy body and chakras, and embody their soul joyfully.
He is a certified Energy Medicine Practitioner, 2nd Degree Black Belt with 25-year Martial Arts Training and a Reiki Master. Before entering the healing arts, he had a successful 27-year career as a tennis professional and was a national speaker for the tennis industry.
Join Rhys for this 3-day event: Awaken
with Rhys Thomas at AWAKEN! Virtual Live Event
The Theme of This Year’s Awaken! Virtual Live Event Is
Stepping Into Your Hero’s Journey
There has never been a more important time in history than right now for you to break free of the old and step into the new and become the hero/heroine you were born to be! Sign up here: www.awakenevent.com
for these life-changing three days, where I will help you distill your greatness into actionable steps to connect to a deeper sense of fulfillment with your unique body, emotions, abilities, manifestation powers, and spirit.
Watch this video and start to AWAKEN! to your Hero’s Journey…
Learn more about Pam here:
https://www.facebook.com/AwakenedSoulStorieshttps://www.facebook.com/TreeOLife222/Contact Pam: 401-533-1864 or pampatalano@gmail.com

Friday Sep 03, 2021
Awakened Soul Stories with Pam Patalano
Friday Sep 03, 2021
Friday Sep 03, 2021
Awakened Soul Special Guest Elizabeth "Rainbow Dancer" Desrochers
She brings wisdom and healing from the spiritual world. I am excited for her to bring this information to all of you!
Elizabeth " Rainbow Dancer" is a Doctor of Divinity, Author, Shaman, Spiritual Healer, Reiki Master Teacher, Master Healer of Shamballa 13D Multi-Dimensional Healing, Certified QHHT Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner, Certified in Clinical Hypnosis, Certified NLP Practitioner, Certified Biofeedback Specialist, Certified BQH ~ Beyond Quantum Healing practitioner, creator of the Divine Guidance Quantum Healing, who has trained with Masters from all over the world and beyond.
Elizabeth is a Teacher of Healers; a gifted Visionary with a unique ability to activate Wellness and Joy in each client’s life.
Contact Elizabeth for Holistic Sessions, Divine Guidance Sessions, Biofeedback Sessions, QHHT Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy Sessions, Speaking Engagements, Intuitive Consultations, Home or Business Clearings, Ceremony and Certification Classes.
(401) 447-3671
Learn more about Pam here:
https://www.facebook.com/AwakenedSoulStorieshttps://www.facebook.com/TreeOLife222/Contact Pam: 401-533-1864 or pampatalano@gmail.com

Friday Aug 27, 2021
Awakened Soul Stories with Pam Patalano
Friday Aug 27, 2021
Friday Aug 27, 2021
Soul Story: Paul Dunion - Author, Philosopher, Psychotherapist, & "Eclectic Mystic”
Join us as we sit down with Paul Dunion - Author, Philosopher, Psychotherapist, & "Eclectic Mystic" to discuss his books, the future of the human race, and healing.
Paul Dunion is a healer, teacher, author, and an “Eclectic Mystic”, committed to remaining mindful of life as a mysterious and unpredictable journey. He offers individual and couples sessions, group supervision for psychotherapists, consultants, and coaches, and seminars aimed at deepening our capacity to receive the mystery of life and to travel our unique path. Paul approaches his work with deep compassion, a wide and deep heart for each of his clients, a gentle spirit, and a playful sense of humor.
Often described as an eclectic mystic, Paul teaches how to make peace with the unknown. He focuses on what it means to be on the descended path, characterized as a commitment to accountability, carrying one’s truth with compassion, and viewing life as a path to personal discovery. Committed to a Socratic method of teaching, Paul’s intention is to serve as a muse, awakening the truths that live in his students.
A steadfast believer in the power of community, in 1992 Paul founded Boys to Men, a mentoring program for teenage boys in Norwich, Connecticut, and COMEGA, the semi-annual Connecticut Men’s Gathering, now in its 30th year of service. In 2013 Paul created and established The Croton Mystery School, to assist others in crafting a devotion to living in unity with life. Paul currently is a Senior Faculty with Mobius Executive Leadership and taught at Mobius’ Next Practice Institute in 2019. He also offers customized Leadership Immersions globally.
Storytelling, speaking, and writing are some of Paul’s strongest gifts. He is a regular contributor to Medium.com. To date, he has published five books. His next book is Wisdom: Apprenticing to the Unknown and Befriending Fate scheduled for publication in 2021.
Paul believes that our primary spiritual task is learning how our wills can dance rhythmically with fate — creating our own destiny. From his own waltz, Paul writes:
“I have discovered just how challenging it is to commit to authentic individuating where we access the courage and resourcefulness needed to honor the uniqueness of our own depths, discovering how we are called to serve.
I believe that the most authentic way to represent myself is by describing what and whom I love. I love cycling, playing tennis, and hanging out at the beach. At the beach, I love eating breakfast with Connie, talking, swimming, walking, reading, writing, and napping. The beach is extremely restorative for me. I’ve been a gym rat since I was eight years old. I love helping build genuine expressions of community where people are comfortable being authentic, compassionate, creative, and generative. I love being a husband, not in some conventional way, but because I am deeply grateful to be joined in learning so much about human relationships. I love participating in the deepening of a marriage where I am asked to honor the diversity of two unique souls. I remain appreciative of the opportunity to learn how to love and be loved. I love writing, especially when the words tell a story about the beauty, wonder, and challenge of being fully alive. I am deeply fond of teaching with the use of stories and facilitating healing that supports folks to step into a larger story, living with more integrity and compassion. I continue to be deeply touched by the soul work of men. Lastly, I certainly experience an endearment with our Golden Retriever BoBo who is a loyal companion and whose penetrating eye contact suggests something other than canine obedience.”
Paul's Website: https://pauldunion.com/
Paul Dunion’ Books available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/wisdom-apprenticing-befriending-paul-dunion/dp/1662907346
Learn more about Pam here:
https://www.facebook.com/AwakenedSoulStorieshttps://www.facebook.com/TreeOLife222/Contact Pam: 401-533-1864 or pampatalano@gmail.com