Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network

Friday Aug 20, 2021
Awakened Soul Stories with Pam Patalano
Friday Aug 20, 2021
Friday Aug 20, 2021
Awakened Souls Shannon Foley and David Trauterman on Consciousness
Our return guests this week on Awakened Soul Stories are Shannon Foley and David Trauterman – They have joined us today to share their collective spiritual experiences and discuss Consciousness.
Shannon, studied psychology and art therapy at Notre Dame de Namur University in Belmont California and is a licensed therapist in southern Massachusetts. Shannon has been working in the mental health field and healing arts since 1998. Shannon utilizes a holistic approach of body, mind, spirit with clients and incorporates modalities for healing in treatment such as EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing), mindfulness based strategies and energy medicine.
David Trauterman is a devoted Yogi seeking Self-Realization through meditation, selfless service, and music. Though formally trained in Hatha Yoga, he draws inspiration from the Philosophy and practices of Yoga as taught by Paramhansa Yogananda. With a background in farming, landscape design, and homesteading, David serves his community through the creative practical application of timeless spiritual principles. Through the medium of chanting he aspires to share the deep healing power of sound and vibration. His devotion, authenticity, and joy resound in all that he offers.
Together David and Shannon work as energy healers, teaching and giving classes. In their journey together they have worked with several healing techniques, such as Reiki and Ilahinoor. As recent Kriya yogi’s they work with “Divine will healing,” which is a technique taught by Paramhansa Yogananda.
David and Shannon live in Westport, Massachusetts.
Learn more about Pam here:
https://www.facebook.com/AwakenedSoulStorieshttps://www.facebook.com/TreeOLife222/Contact Pam: 401-533-1864 or pampatalano@gmail.com

Friday Aug 13, 2021
Awakened Soul Stories with Pam Patalano
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Spiritual Intuitive - Soul Guide Laura Christine
Laura Christine has a natural ability to connect with Spirit – Her sweet, gentle demeanor allows her clients to feel at ease and open to the healing energies and messages that Laura channels through her connection with the higher vibrational realms. She was sent to earth with a mission and a message for mankind. Laura has been called to manifest her spiritual service on the Earth plane to utilize her gifts to help heal and guide those in the various stages of healing and awakening. Helping to make sure the mutation of humanity and Earth is supported during the immense shift that we are experiencing. Laura’s own connection to spirit offers her the ability to connect with a variety of angels, masters, teachers and guides. Together with her guides as well as the clients guides, she is able to tailor etheric and tangible practices unique to each client.
A session with Laura will help you sift through all your questions and create a general focus for creating direction and purpose in your life. Healing any trauma and reinstating your Divine blueprint will help you gain clarity and understanding of your current perceptions and beliefs, as well as opportunities that are available to you.
Laura offers a variety of conscious Ascension tools:
Soul Guidance Light body Integration Etheric Technology Activation Energy Clearing and Healing Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis Angel Card Readings Soul Contract Decoding Human Design Readings Gene Keys Readings
We all have deeper knowing, an awareness within that contains all the answers and guidance needed to maneuver through life’s obstacles. Laura will help guide you to that inner knowing, to remember how to do this for yourself. Laura will help you to expand your own awareness to perceive more than you ever thought you could. Sometimes you just need a little “extra” insight.
To contact Laura, please call/text- 860-912-1569, or email Laurachristine2036@gmail.com
Learn more about Pam here:
https://www.facebook.com/AwakenedSoulStorieshttps://www.facebook.com/TreeOLife222/Contact Pam: 401-533-1864 or pampatalano@gmail.com

Friday Aug 06, 2021
Awakened Soul Stories with Pam Patalano
Friday Aug 06, 2021
Friday Aug 06, 2021
Awakened Soul Story-Special Guest Andrea Carlone
Andrea “DRAYA” Carlone is our Awakened Soul Story of the week. We invite you to join us this Friday, August 6th @ 10am & 10pm for a live interview with Intuitive Empath - Healer and Spiritual Teacher, Draya.
Draya will discuss what she does and how it all came to pass! We have been planning this for a while - and the time is now.
About: Andrea Carlone
I am a Sensitive and Intuitive Empath. I possess the gifts of Claircognizance (clear knowing) and Clairsentience (clear feeling). I am a Pagan Minister, an Energy, Crystal, and Sound Healer. I am a Priestess and a Witch and have been practicing for 17 years now. I am a Spiritual Life Coach and I dabble in Astrology, play the guitar, and sing.
I have had these gifts since I was a child, although I did not know it then and was very fearful of the things that I would feel, because of this, I suffered from panic and depression. It wasn’t until I started studying Wicca and Witchcraft years later that I came to realize why all this was happening to me. This all felt very natural to me, once I understood who I was and what my life purpose was, my life took on a whole new meaning for me, and along with that came an understanding and knowing that I had to help others.
I now devote myself to working with others so they can learn, understand and harness their gifts. I believe understanding is the key to unlocking your fears.
Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/MagicalWyze333 You can find me on Instagram at “magicalwyze” My email is magical.wyze@gmail.com
Learn more about Pam here:
https://www.facebook.com/AwakenedSoulStorieshttps://www.facebook.com/TreeOLife222/Contact Pam: 401-533-1864 or pampatalano@gmail.com

Friday Jul 30, 2021
Awakened Soul Stories with Pam Patalano
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Awakened Soul Story of the Week- Karen Paolino
Renowned Divine Intuitive, Soul Medium and International Speaker, Author & Trainer, Karen has been dubbed the real deal.
For over two decades, Karen has been a gifted guide known for her authenticity and passion in helping others awaken to their own truth and connect with and experience their divine potential. She helped thousands of people around the world heal, connect and rediscover their divine essence through her books, workshops, certification programs, and private sessions. Entertaining, deeply compassionate and a highly gifted intuitive, Karen offers her audience and her clients the opportunity for experiential play, deep healing and radical awakenings.
Karen Paolino is the author of several books including 101 Ways to Meet Your Angels and Everything Guide to Angels which was featured as Books to Read by Newsweek in 2016. She has been a guest speaker on Hay House Radio and she showcases her keynote speaking expertise at industry expos, retreat centers and conferences worldwide. Karen has combined her certifications in hypnotherapy, mediumship, and her work as an Angel Therapy Practitioner® and developed innovative training programs including Soul Entrainment®, Soul Mediumship® and her Angel Messenger Certification courses.
Learn more about Pam here:
https://www.facebook.com/AwakenedSoulStorieshttps://www.facebook.com/TreeOLife222/Contact Pam: 401-533-1864 or pampatalano@gmail.com

Friday Jul 23, 2021
Awakened Soul Stories with Pam Patalano
Friday Jul 23, 2021
Friday Jul 23, 2021
Awakened Soul Story of the Week- Jessica Puleo
You won’t want to miss this episode– We are so excited to speak with our Awakened Soul of the Week, Jessica Puleo! Jessica is an Astrologer and a dear friend whom I have known for almost 10 years. It is always an interesting time whenever we discuss Astrology. Tune in, for another episode of Awakened Soul Stories
A little about Jessica in her own words:
My journey into astrology began when I was 15. My dad's friend Jay, cast a chart for me the old school way, using math and the ephemeris. My mind was totally blown, to say the least, and that set me on an insatiable quest to learn more! I bought lots of books, started studying, and practiced giving readings to all my friends. Every chance I could get, even to this day, I’m always asking when is your birthday? I’ve always been fascinated by what makes everyone tick and the deeper reasons behind why life is so vastly different from one person to the other. Growing up with my mother in a very religious household was difficult! I never felt like I fit in, and I never resonated with most of the teachings, (except being kind to others and forgiveness). I was in search of what felt true to me and astrology set me free. I felt so connected to everything and everyone like never before! In 2003 I moved to Arizona and began studying astrology seriously with an accredited astrologer. In the many years, I became reiki certified, linked up with another teacher who is a psychic medium, and began practicing with her. I also am a lifelong student of A Course In Miracles. I moved back home to the East Coast in October 2011. It wasn’t until about 2013 that I actually started giving readings professionally. Many people seek me out when they are in need of answers to life’s big questions, seeking relationship compatibility readings, or they’ve hit rock bottom and need me to lift them to higher ground. People often say they feel seen, heard, validated, comforted, and inspired after receiving a reading from me. I find it very helpful and comforting that astrology can help guide us through challenging situations; and knowing that we actually chose the exact karmic mathematical degree to be born down to the very second! All is in divine alignment for soul's growth and evolution.
Learn more about Pam here:
https://www.facebook.com/AwakenedSoulStorieshttps://www.facebook.com/TreeOLife222/Contact Pam: 401-533-1864 or pampatalano@gmail.com

Friday Jul 16, 2021
Awakened Soul Stories with Pam Patalano
Friday Jul 16, 2021
Friday Jul 16, 2021
Devon Allard – High Vibe Honey
Join Pam Patalano and Mike Mooney, as they sit down with Devon Allard as the Awakened Soul Story of the week. Devon is an amazing and beautiful soul, or as we say in the Spiritual realm DEVON is FAIRY Energy!
Here is a little about Devon in her own words:
I’m Devon, first and foremost mother to the sweetest little girl, a certified Reiki Master, Mindset & Manifestation Coach, founder of the High Vibe Honey brand, A multi-business owner, and soon-to-be Hypnotherapist. Over the last decade, after building multiple businesses, it has become clear to me that working with energy and helping others to raise their vibrations is more than just my passion, it’s my purpose.
Once I started on this spiritual path of growth and personal development, I couldn’t stop it, even if I wanted to. I have poured over an endless number of books, podcasts, YouTube videos, courses & coaching on the subjects of energy, mindset & manifestation. Whatever I could get my hands on, I just had to have it! I have made understanding the connection between energy, manifestation, the mind, and source/god/universe my life’s mission, and to help every beautiful soul that I can along the way.
This is much bigger than me & my life. This is about the empowerment and divine feminine activation of you, your mother, your sister, your daughters, and your friends. Can you imagine a world where we all are the most incredible, healed, and powerful versions of ourselves?
Loving yourself properly so that you can love others the way you are meant to. It’s about sharing your own unique, personal gifts and showing them to the world with pride. It’s about being authentically, and unapologetically YOU and having that be enough. It’s about creating the life of your DREAMS and welling up with tears of gratitude, love, & connection as you watch it unfold right before your eyes. It’s about infusing your life with the energy of elated celebration. It’s about living the life you know deep down you were meant to live. You are worthy. You are capable. You are deeply loved. You are divine magic.
It’s time to claim it. It’s already yours.
Learn more about Pam here:
https://www.facebook.com/AwakenedSoulStorieshttps://www.facebook.com/TreeOLife222/Contact Pam: 401-533-1864 or pampatalano@gmail.com

Friday Jul 09, 2021
Awakened Soul Stories with Pam Patalano
Friday Jul 09, 2021
Friday Jul 09, 2021
Special Guest: Jeff McBride – Psychic/Medium
Join me for a lively discussion/interview with Jeff McBride- Psychic Medium. Jeff has been a psychic Medium for his entire life and I will delve into what this was like for him, and how it has affected his life. This guy is the real deal, and this is coming from someone who does readings and mediumship. I am a big skeptic and not afraid to admit it. I feel that the work that we do is important in helping the human race heal and assist in raising the collective vibration. Jeff is a big part of that. His readings are insightful, funny, and honest and his delivery is absolutely unique. I loved it and I hope you will too. Tune in on Friday, July 9 – at 10am!
About Jeff:
Jeff is an internationally known and tested reader with over fifty years of connecting to spirit. Jeff was born a Psychic Medium, he is the author of "Living in 2 Worlds", a Certified Reiki Master, and a former police officer. Being a natural born Psychic Medium there are no tools required to obtain your information. He connects quickly to those who have passed and provides evidence of whom it is being contacted. All energies are available, relationships, business, lost items, pets and much more. Distant viewing, energy healing and life coaching are all part of what is offered in your reading. www.JeffMcBrideReadings.com
Learn more about Pam here:
https://www.facebook.com/AwakenedSoulStorieshttps://www.facebook.com/TreeOLife222/Contact Pam: 401-533-1864 or pampatalano@gmail.com

Friday Jul 02, 2021
Awakened Soul Stories with Pam Patalano
Friday Jul 02, 2021
Friday Jul 02, 2021
Pam Patalano Shares Her Own Spiritual Journey with You!
Host, Pam Patalano and Co-Host, Mike Mooney bring you the Awakened Soul Stories Podcast as well as the Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network show, Awakened Soul Stories. Pam is an Intuitive Medium and Energy Practitioner
She uses her natural ability to connect with her clients in a spiritual way that allows that messages to be channeled through her. She connects with those that have passed from this world into the next and communicates with them through use of all the senses. Pam is able to see into the past, present & future and utilizes that information to give a thorough and concise reading. Mike is a reflexologist, as well as a small business owner. They have been working side by side since 2012.
Pam and Mike also practice Meditation, Energy Modalities such as Integrated Energy Therapy, Reiki, & Deeksha Blessing - Pam also offers sessions in Spiritual & Life Counseling. Contact Pam or Mike: 401-533-186
Learn more about Pam here:
https://www.facebook.com/AwakenedSoulStorieshttps://www.facebook.com/TreeOLife222/Contact Pam: 401-533-1864 or pampatalano@gmail.com

Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Awakened Soul Stories with Pam Patalano
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Join Us for our Awakened Soul Story of the Week - John Sullivan
We will discuss his remarkable journey through addiction and recovery. What his life is like now and how grateful he is to have had a 2nd chance.
John grew up in a family of five, which consisted of two hard-working parents, two sisters, and the youngest, John. John spent his childhood in Mystic, CT, riding his bike and playing in the woods, the way most of the other kids in the neighborhood did.
He eventually started a family of his own; He and his wife had three children – two girls and a boy. As time passed and John tried to manage a job and the responsibilities of being a father and a husband, substance abuse slowly crept its way into his life. After a long, slow progression toward destruction, John finally reached a point of desperation.
At 40, John finally surrendered and found help. Nine years have passed since then, and his life looks nothing like it once did. With the freedom of recovery, John has been able to pursue life-long dreams and became the man he always wanted to be. Freedom from addiction has allowed John access to a power greater than himself, a power he now understands was always there….inside of him.
Learn more about Pam here:
https://www.facebook.com/AwakenedSoulStorieshttps://www.facebook.com/TreeOLife222/Contact Pam: 401-533-1864 or pampatalano@gmail.com

Friday Jun 18, 2021
Awakened Soul Stories with Pam Patalano
Friday Jun 18, 2021
Friday Jun 18, 2021
John LaCross- Our Awakened Soul of the Week
We are so excited to have retired Barrington RI, Chief of Police, Reiki Practitioner, Mindfulness Instructor and creator of "Signs from Above"! John LaCross, joining us. He will be discussing his journey of bringing healing to others, signs from loved ones and the importance of paying attention to the messages you receive - so much more too!
Learn more about Pam here:
https://www.facebook.com/AwakenedSoulStorieshttps://www.facebook.com/TreeOLife222/Contact Pam: 401-533-1864 or pampatalano@gmail.com