Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Awakening to True Happiness with David Hoffmeister
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Do you see that this World is Fake?
What about you? Do you see that this world is fake? That's the key right there. The Holy Spirit, Jesus is saying, join with us. Let's see this illusion is an illusion. Don't keep believing in it. Because as long as you believe in it, you're going to experience guilt and fear and pain and suffering. What's the opposite in this world to pain, pleasure. Pleasure is the attraction to guilt. If you didn't believe in pleasure in the pursuit of pleasure and the maximizing of pleasure and doing everything that you can to, to achieve it to repeat it over and over and over, if you weren't so interested in pleasure, you also would not be so interested in its opposite, which is pain. This is a world of opposites that has been generated by the ego, to keep you from knowing who you are, to keep you from waking up to divine love and light. But just like those songs about you can't have one without the other pain and pleasure. This is a dynamic that you have to realize. And all the great non-dual traditions teach this as this is not just brand new to A Course in Miracles. But remember all the great non-dual teachings were in India and China and so on and so forth. That is as long as you believe in a world of opposite your believing in the projection. God is one. Spirit is one. Spirit is not about opposites. Spirit doesn't have anything to do with opposites. Spirit has nothing to do with the yin and the yang. Spirit has nothing to do with male and female masculine-feminine spirit is one fact. There's a workbook lesson in the Course of Miracles It says I am One Self united with my Creator Wow. Wow, that's it. Talk about where it points us so directly to the truth. I am One Self united with my Creator, that has to be the Christ. That's just another way of saying I am still as God created me. I'm not going to have an authority problem and try to make up an identity apart from the One God already gave me in creation. I'm going to surrender my authority problem, and come humbly back to God
Read A Course in Miracles online here: https://acourseinmiraclesnow.com/Learn more about David Hoffmeister here: https://davidhoffmeister.com
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Awakening to True Happiness with David Hoffmeister
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Guidance A Direct Pathway to God
Most people think the spiritual journey is about giving up everything and is a journey of pain and hardship to the end. Yes, you will have to give up everything you think you know of this world and that is a wonderful thing. To see a whole new world without any fear knowing that you are one with God. To have no attachment to time and space is true freedom. This world is meant to hold you back to get sick suffer and die but we must search and find the place in us that is timeless, that is eternal, and is free. We need to join in the one mind of ultimate reality which is our home, heaven, in which we never left.
Read A Course in Miracles online here: https://acourseinmiraclesnow.com/Learn more about David Hoffmeister here: https://davidhoffmeister.com
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Awakening to True Happiness with David Hoffmeister
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
The Inner Teacher
This world was set up for you not to find yourself. Don't search for likes on your posts on Facebook, don't look outside yourself to the things of time and space and say, where is the love, because as long as you look in the darkened glass that talked about in Corinthians in the Bible, as long as you look in time and space for love for meaning for understanding purpose. It's not there. The ego made the world as a veil. Why would you look for divine love which is who you are in a distracting device? Why would you look inside of veil to find the truth? The truth cannot be found in form. And Jesus tells us that in the beyond all idol sections in The Course, he says: Truth is universal your will is universal and cannot be found in form of any kind, you cannot be content with form of any kind. It's like the ego said, come here look in my darkened glass, come here, my pretty you believe you've separated from God oh too bad, too bad, now God will punish you. So you might as well come over and look into my crystal ball. Look into my crystal ball over here, look deep inside my crystal ball because you've lost your happiness and joy and love. I have invented a world of time and space where you can find intimacy and happiness and joy and peace and love. You can find friendship companionship, you can find success you can have status, you can have money, Outlook you can possess things in my crystal ball, you can never have possessions with God. You can possess things. And, and it's got some tricks in here, it's a competition but work hard over here and my crystal ball because you can make it to the end of the rainbow and that's somewhere off in this future because the ego invented the future, and the ego invented the past and ego says just keep playing the game over here in this crystal ball and keep your mind focused on that. And then you go into the crystal ball with your mind and you try to enter this game of time and space, and you try to find happiness there. But what did I say yesterday, I said, a son of God is only happy in the environment in which he was created. When I'm talking Son of God, I'm talking to Christ, the pure Christ idea of unconditional love, that's a pure creation of God, and the Christ can only be happy in God's love in heaven in the mind of God.
Read A Course in Miracles online here: https://acourseinmiraclesnow.com/ Learn more about David Hoffmeister here: https://davidhoffmeister.com
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Awakening to True Happiness with David Hoffmeister
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Down the Rabbit Hole
"The centrality of open-mindedness, perhaps the last of the attributes the teacher of God acquires, is easily understood when its relation to forgiveness is recognized. Open-mindedness comes with lack of judgment. As judgment shuts the mind against God's Teacher, so open-mindedness invites Him to come in. As condemnation judges the Son of God as evil, so open-mindedness permits him to be judged by the Voice for God on His behalf. As the projection of guilt upon him would send him to hell, so open-mindedness lets Christ's image be extended to him. Only the open-minded can be at peace, for they alone see reason for it."
"How do the open-minded forgive? They have let go all things that would prevent forgiveness. They have in truth abandoned the world, and let it be restored to them in newness and in joy so glorious they could never have conceived of such a change. Nothing is now as it was formerly. Nothing but sparkles now which seemed so dull and lifeless before. And above all are all things welcoming, for threat is gone. No clouds remain to hide the face of Christ. Now is the goal achieved. Forgiveness is the final goal of the curriculum. It paves the way for what goes far beyond all learning.The curriculum makes no effort to exceed its legitimate goal. Forgiveness is its single aim, at which all learning ultimately converges. It is indeed enough." A Course in Miracles
Read A Course in Miracles online here: https://acourseinmiraclesnow.com/ Learn more about David Hoffmeister here: https://davidhoffmeister.com
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Awakening to True Happiness with David Hoffmeister
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
An Open Mind is a Healthy Mind
This is such a glorious opportunity today to dive down the rabbit hole away from theology, away from philosophy beyond right and wrong and good and bad. We're gonna dive down the rabbit hole today. Deeper than ethics deeper than morality deeper than rules and regulations. So we're here to gather today to join in diving down into that experience of the light. And obviously this is not a physical light, it's not a light of sunlight or iridescent light or nothing to do with radiant radiation light or any kind of light of this world fluorescence it's just a light of Wisdom, it's a light of pure eternity. And that's what we're going to talk about today. So, what a topic we have open-mindedness it's beautiful because when we start talking about light, I think it can be very practical because we are Encouraged in a Course in Miracles to open our minds, open our hearts towards spiritual vision and the light of Christ, where the vision of Christ and Jesus is teaching us that this is something that we have in us. It's within us because we are the Christ, we have the light of Christ, we have the vision of Christ, and it's something that we can give. And it's something we need to learn how to give. In fact, that's the only portion, the only part of a Course of Miracles if you could just realize that through your desire, you can give the vision of Christ to all your brothers and sisters. You can just see Christ in them just like Mother Teresa. She was saying, telling all of her nuns just practice seeing Jesus in everyone. In all the people you meet and the babies you pick up in the home as people you pick up from the streets in everyone you meet, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if they're male or female or young or old or babies or, adolescents or adults. It doesn't matter whether they seem to be Hindus or Muslims. She was just saying, lets, practice seeing Jesus in everyone that we encounter. And that was like her core teaching, that was the core thing she was wanting to convey.
Read A Course in Miracles online here: https://acourseinmiraclesnow.com/ Learn more about David Hoffmeister here: https://davidhoffmeister.com
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Awakening to True Happiness with David Hoffmeister
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Song of Prayer“The song aspect of prayer is quite a beautiful way to bring those words together song of prayer. Songs involve sometimes lyrics but songs also involve beautiful melodies and it's beautiful to think of prayer, and a melody as being the same like a happy melody that just reverberates through you and is your very core is your very essence. The bottom of the ladder of prayer is where there's an asking and we're dealing with in the realm of specifics. And then, in heaven, it is just the greatest thing that we were blessed within our creation is just a song of gratitude just this happy song of gratitude and. And we were opening yesterday to this beautiful idea that who we are is a song. Because I think a lot of us have a strong relation like Eric was just sharing with music, and the connection and the happiness and lightness we feel with music, and to just consider the idea that who we are is is a song is very nice, because it's very light and very very happy and very joyful. So we will join together in going into the experience of ourself as that song that song of gratitude that we truly are.” David Hoffmeister
Read A Course in Miracles online here: https://acourseinmiraclesnow.com/ Learn more about David Hoffmeister here: https://davidhoffmeister.com
Friday May 22, 2020
Awakening to True Happiness with David Hoffmeister
Friday May 22, 2020
Friday May 22, 2020
Spiritual Movie Watching Part 2 Source Code
In this talk David shares his commentary of a movie called Source Code in a profound way to bring about healing. If you have never used movies for healing you are in for a retreat. Please listen to part 1 first Spiritual Movie Watching if you have not heard it yet. Here are some helpful guidelines in watching movies with the Spirit.
"Movies are an excellent way to watch your mind, to pay attention to your emotions, and to help you discover what your unconscious beliefs are. When you react emotionally to a movie, it's the same as reacting to people in your life. It's the same dynamics: if you have issues with people, it's a projection of your mind. If you have reactions to a movie, it's coming from a projection of your mind. Watching movies in this way accelerates healing."
In this talk David shares his commentary of a movie called Source Code and Letters for The King episode 3 on Netflix in a profound way to bring about healing.
“I think the value of this movie is, as with all these classics is thirst to dislodge your awareness from this fixed belief of who you are in time and space. And it starts to bring in the awareness of consciousness just like the Letters of the King we just watched, you know, the main character Tierney seem to bring the mind into a place of not knowing of ambiguity, of not being able to put the pieces together. And that's why when you see as you go deeper into the movie, Mr nobody or into Next, just as well as Source Code, there's certain level of ambiguity, this being because it's a sense of loosening the mind from thinking it knows who it is, where it is, what it is. Familiarity breeds contempt, to the sense that you believe the ego, then you believe in location you believe in your environment. You believe that the problems are on the level of form, which they are not, and therefore, you find yourself mesmerized with a false identity that seems to be stabilized.” David Hoffmeister
We would like to recommend that you rent the movies to have the full experience of David’s talk.
Weekly Online Movie Gatherings with Commentary
Discover a new way of watching movies and experience the path of Awakening like never before! Watching movies is a way of stepping back and remembering that what we see on the screen is not real. In fact, life itself is a big projection. What we see is not real but rather the out-picturing of our mind. There is a method to watch movies in an enlightened way that leads to observing the events and scenes and scripts of the world—with forgiving eyes. These spiritual movies can be used as a way of expanding consciousness and ultimately experiencing the depth and meaning of the Inner Self.
Follow the link if you wish to sign up.
Read A Course in Miracles online here: https://acourseinmiraclesnow.com/ Learn more about David Hoffmeister here: https://davidhoffmeister.com
Friday May 08, 2020
Awakening to True Happiness with David Hoffmeister
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
Spiritual Movie Watching
"Movies are an excellent way to watch your mind, to pay attention to your emotions, and to help you discover what your unconscious beliefs are. When you react emotionally to a movie, it's the same as reacting to people in your life. It's the same dynamics: if you have issues with people, it's a projection of your mind. If you have reactions to a movie, it's coming from a projection of your mind. Watching movies in this way accelerates healing."
In this talk David shares his commentary of a movie called Source Code and Letters for The King episode 3 on Netflix in a profound way to bring about healing.
“I think the value of this movie is, as with all these classics is thirst to dislodge your awareness from this fixed belief of who you are in time and space. And it starts to bring in the awareness of consciousness just like the Letters of the King we just watched, you know, the main character Tierney seem to bring the mind into a place of not knowing of ambiguity, of not being able to put the pieces together. And that's why when you see as you go deeper into the movie, Mr nobody or into Next, just as well as Source Code, there's certain level of ambiguity, this being because it's a sense of loosening the mind from thinking it knows who it is, where it is, what it is. Familiarity breeds contempt, to the sense that you believe the ego, then you believe in location you believe in your environment. You believe that the problems are on the level of form, which they are not, and therefore, you find yourself mesmerized with a false identity that seems to be stabilized.” David Hoffmeister
We would like to recommend that you rent the movies to have the full experience of David’s talk.
Weekly Online Movie Gatherings with Commentary
Discover a new way of watching movies and experience the path of Awakening like never before! Watching movies is a way of stepping back and remembering that what we see on the screen is not real. In fact, life itself is a big projection. What we see is not real but rather the out-picturing of our mind. There is a method to watch movies in an enlightened way that leads to observing the events and scenes and scripts of the world—with forgiving eyes. These spiritual movies can be used as a way of expanding consciousness and ultimately experiencing the depth and meaning of the Inner Self.
Follow the link if you wish to sign up.
Read A Course in Miracles online here: https://acourseinmiraclesnow.com/ Learn more about David Hoffmeister here: https://davidhoffmeister.com
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Awakening to True Happiness with David Hoffmeister
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Beyond all Appearance
In order to find your true self, you must uncover the mask that is your ego-self. This is done through exposing your hidden thoughts and beliefs, being transparent and open to let go of this false self. This includes all the thoughts that you think about the world and the entire cosmos must be let go if the truth is going to be revealed. The wonderful thing about this is that it is so practical, by simply looking at how you react to the world, to other personalities, to the economy, to your own thoughts about yourself and so on you can simply hand it all over to the Holy Spirit to reinterpret your whole experience. The Holy Spirit can use all the skills that you have learned from the world and use them for your awakening. By having a strong desire to awakening everything will be handled for your greater good to come into the joy and gratitude that is far beyond what you know now.
Read A Course in Miracles online here: https://acourseinmiraclesnow.com/ Learn more about David Hoffmeister here: https://davidhoffmeister.com
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Awakening to True Happiness with David Hoffmeister
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Remember You are Dreaming Part 2
A Course in Miracles teaches that we must take full responsibility for our state of mind. Things are not happening to us they are happening for us. Everything that is happening we are asking for. We do have the power to choose again and align with God. It seems so real that we are the victim of circumstances such as an unloving family, abusive relationships, addiction, dependency, self-hatred and so on but we are actually generating these ideas by listening to ego thinking. The ego does not want us to look within it tells us that we are so dark and that we must never look at who we are. As we look closely at ourselves it can seem pretty dark. But as we go deeper what is really underneath all the hate is God’s love. It is our birthright to be in joy to love unconditionally, but we must release all the blocks to loves presence to allow this experience to be remembered
“No one can suffer loss unless it be his own decision. No one suffers pain except his choice elects this state for him. No one can grieve nor fear nor think him sick unless these are the outcomes that he wants. And no one dies without his own consent. Nothing occurs but represents your wish, and nothing is omitted that you choose. Here is your world, complete in all details. Here is its whole reality for you. And it is only here salvation is.” W-pI.152.1.
“Let us today be truly humble, and accept what we have made as what it is. The power of decision is our own. Decide but to accept your rightful place as co-creator of the universe, and all you think you made will disappear. What rises to awareness then will be all that there ever was, eternally as it is now. And it will take the place of self-deceptions made but to usurp the altar to the Father and the Son.” A Course in Miracles W-pI.152.8.
Read A Course in Miracles online here: https://acourseinmiraclesnow.com/ Learn more about David Hoffmeister here: https://davidhoffmeister.com