Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Awakening to True Happiness with David Hoffmeister
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Remember You are Dreaming
Our only function in this life is to remember we are dreaming to see the false as false and the true as true. This is how the world is healed.
In A Course in Miracles, it asks us "How many teachers of God does it take to save the world. Here is the answer. The answer to this question is—one. One wholly perfect teacher, whose learning is complete, suffices. This one, sanctified and redeemed, becomes the Self Who is the Son of God. He who was always wholly spirit now no longer sees himself as a body, or even as in a body. Therefore he is limitless. And being limitless, his thoughts are joined with God's forever and ever. His perception of himself is based upon God's Judgment, not his own. Thus does he share God's Will, and bring His Thoughts to still deluded minds. He is forever one, because he is as God created him. He has accepted Christ, and he is saved. M-12.1.
Thus does the son of man become the Son of God. It is not really a change; it is a change of mind. 3 Nothing external alters, but everything internal now reflects only the Love of God. God can no longer be feared, for the mind sees no cause for punishment. God's teachers appear to be many, for that is what is the world's need. Yet being joined in one purpose, and one they share with God, how could they be separate from each other? What does it matter if they then appear in many forms? Their minds are one; their joining is complete. And God works through them now as one, for that is what they are. M-12.2.
Read A Course in Miracles online here: https://acourseinmiraclesnow.com/ Learn more about David Hoffmeister here: https://davidhoffmeister.com
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Awakening to True Happiness with David Hoffmeister
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Friday Feb 28, 2020
There Is No World Apart from What You Think
The journey of awakening is not a path of sacrifice it is a journey of joy. When we put our trust and faith in the Holy Spirit our lives will change, David shares many parables of how he has been so cared for when he took the leap to follow the Spirit. He was led to teach on boats, taken in by strangers who allowed him to stay at there house, he was led to meet very inspiring devoted ones of A Course in Miracles to join in the very deep purpose of awakening. His life was completely taken care of. “Once you accept His plan as the one function that you would fulfill, there will be nothing else the Holy Spirit will not arrange for you without your effort. He will go before you making straight your path, and leaving in your way no stones to trip on, and no obstacles to bar your way. Nothing you need will be denied you. Not one seeming difficulty but will melt away before you reach it. You need take thought for nothing, careless of everything except the only purpose that you would fulfill. As that was given you, so will its fulfillment be. God's guarantee will hold against all obstacles, for it rests on certainty and not contingency. It rests on you. And what can be more certain than a Son of God?" A Course in Miracles
Read A Course in Miracles online here: https://acourseinmiraclesnow.com/ Learn more about David Hoffmeister here: https://davidhoffmeister.com
Friday Feb 14, 2020
Awakening to True Happiness with David Hoffmeister
Friday Feb 14, 2020
Friday Feb 14, 2020
A Pathway up the Mountain
A Course in Miracles is part of the universal curriculum. It is one way up the mountain to Self realization. If we are to remember our true Self we must give our mind over to the teachings, like an athlete we must give our whole being over to the path to remember the love that we are. Like athletes we need to get into the zone, the present moment and lose sense of time and space and allow the Spirit to use us in the best possible way for awakening, to shower us with miracles to convince us that we are not these tiny bodies living a short life on earth. We need to put love out front, let that be our first assumption in everything we do. We need to put our relationships first and use them to pray and listen and follow to the Spirit’s direction, community really means communion with God a coming together for one purpose which serves the whole, it is a way of seeing that there are no differences what so ever that we are all perfect in the mind of God.
Read A Course in Miracles online here: https://acourseinmiraclesnow.com/ Learn more about David Hoffmeister here: https://davidhoffmeister.com
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Awakening to True Happiness with David Hoffmeister
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Quantum Love Part 2
This is the second half of the Quantum Love Online Retreat held in January. In this session, David reads questions from the participant on the subject of special love vs unconditional love for all? How does perception shape our reality? He also shares a beautiful letter from a participant about to pay to end her life when A Course in Miracles came along and changed her whole perception.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase “each other” doesn’t make any sense. ~ Rumi
Through quantum science, there has been a discovery of an interconnected web that they call the quantum field. This is what Rumi and all the great sages and saints have been talking about throughout the ages. This is the experience of unified perception not seeing separate parts but seeing everything as perfect, whole and complete. This is our natural state of being which has never left us it was simply forgotten through ego thinking. Now is the time to let go of judgment and to remember the love that we are.
Read A Course in Miracles online here: https://acourseinmiraclesnow.com/ Learn more about David Hoffmeister here: https://davidhoffmeister.com
Friday Jan 17, 2020
Awakening to True Happiness with David Hoffmeister
Friday Jan 17, 2020
Friday Jan 17, 2020
Quantum Love
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase “each other” doesn’t make any sense. ~ Rumi
Through quantum science, there has been a discovery of an interconnected web that they call the quantum field. This is what Rumi and all the great sages and saints have been talking about throughout the ages. This is the experience of unified perception not seeing separate parts but seeing everything as perfect, whole and complete. This is our natural state of being which has never left us it was simply forgotten through ego thinking. Now is the time to let go of judgment and to remember the love that we are.
Read A Course in Miracles online here: https://acourseinmiraclesnow.com/ Learn more about David Hoffmeister here: https://davidhoffmeister.com
Friday Jan 03, 2020
Awakening to True Happiness with David Hoffmeister
Friday Jan 03, 2020
Friday Jan 03, 2020
Take me Home
In this session, David takes us into the quantum, off the screen and back into the projector room. This talk about the new documentary “Take me Home” which is a teaching tool for awakening was part of a teaching seminar in Sedona this December. The documentary was done purely by the practice of listening and following the guidance of the Holy Spirit, without a script, any knowledge on how to do a movie or a plan, but just a deep willingness to be an instrument for God. It will truly touch your heart!
Who would attempt to fly with the tiny wings of a sparrow when the mighty power of an eagle has been given him? And who would place his faith in the shabby offerings of the ego when the gifts of God are laid before him? What is it that induces them to make the shift?” A Course in Miracles. Don't miss this opportunity to enjoy this private showing of this amazing movie on this Online Retreat! Learn more about the retreat here: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/take_me_home_christmas_online_retreat
Read A Course in Miracles online here: https://acourseinmiraclesnow.com/ Learn more about David Hoffmeister here: https://davidhoffmeister.com
Friday Dec 20, 2019
Awakening to True Happiness with David Hoffmeister
Friday Dec 20, 2019
Friday Dec 20, 2019
The Forgiven World
We want to see with vision; we want to see a different way of looking at the world. We have a guide in the Holy Spirit that doesn’t see the world as we do and he wants to show us that there is no error. The Holy Spirit does not see sin, the Holy Spirit looks upon a forgiven world and that is the vision of Christ that we are opening our mind up to. As we come closer to the new year we may like to have a New Years' resolution that we share and this could be Holy Spirit help me see no error. Wow, can you imagine what life would be like without seeing an error? Just imagine if life was a divine flow no matter what anyone said or did, that there was never ever a need in us to change anything.
Here is what forgiven can offer and much more if we choose to move in this direction “What could you want forgiveness cannot give? Do you want peace? Forgiveness offers it. Do you want happiness, a quiet mind, a certainty of purpose, and a sense of worth and beauty that transcends the world? Do you want care and safety, and the warmth of sure protection always? Do you want a quietness that cannot be disturbed, a gentleness that never can be hurt, a deep, abiding comfort, and a rest so perfect it can never be upset?
All this forgiveness offers you, and more. It sparkles on your eyes as you awake, and gives you joy with which to meet the day. It soothes your forehead while you sleep, and rests upon your eyelids so you see no dreams of fear and evil, malice and attack. And when you wake again, it offers you another day of happiness and peace. All this forgiveness offers you, and more.
Forgiveness lets the veil be lifted up that hides the face of Christ from those who look with unforgiving eyes upon the world.” A Course in Miracles
Read A Course in Miracles online here: https://acourseinmiraclesnow.com/ Learn more about David Hoffmeister here: https://davidhoffmeister.com
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Awakening to True Happiness with David Hoffmeister
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Into the Kingdom
In the morning of day two of the Into the Kingdom retreat in Holland, David Hoffmeister draws the audience into an experience of forgiveness and purpose. Even though words are twice removed from reality, the Holy Spirit can use them for healing and David uses them to guide people into an experience of unified awareness, or "Into the Kingdom." We are like the prodigal son, who is welcomed by his father when he finally returns home; let us return to our beautiful mind together.
Read A Course in Miracles online here: https://acourseinmiraclesnow.com/ Learn more about David Hoffmeister here: https://davidhoffmeister.com