Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network
Friday Nov 03, 2023
Awakening to True Happiness with David Hoffmeister
Friday Nov 03, 2023
Friday Nov 03, 2023
The Fear of Miscreation- A Movie Commentary by David Hoffmeister
The song "Let It Go" from Frozen reminds us to let go of the past and the belief system that projected the cosmos and memories. Jesus teaches us that judgment is on a continuum, and the ego is a belief in separation from God. The present moment is not the actual present moment; the perceptual world is the past. The movie Frozen features two main characters, Elsa and Anna, who have powers and manifestations. However, these powers are not powerful, as all power is of God and spirit. Jesus teaches us that there is only one kind of love, and everything else is an imitation. The problem with preceding power in the cosmos is that it leads to miscreation, as seen in Star Trek.Join our online community: https://programs.the-christ.net/products/communities/tribe-of-christ
Who is David Hoffmeister?: https://davidhoffmeister.com/ Recorded in the Evening of October 7, 2023, at Living Miracles Monastery in Utah, USA.
If you are interested to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.
Read A Course in Miracles online here: https://acourseinmiraclesnow.com/Learn more about David Hoffmeister here: https://davidhoffmeister.com
Friday Oct 20, 2023
Awakening to True Happiness with David Hoffmeister
Friday Oct 20, 2023
Friday Oct 20, 2023
Spiritual Commentary to the movie “Violet" with David Hoffmeister
In this talk, David discusses the importance of mind training in understanding the inner and outer world. He argues that people often focus on projections and misperceptions, believing that the external world is separate from their mind. Jesus teaches that our thoughts are images created by our ego, which misperceives everything. Mind training aims to show that the inner and outer world are the same and that there is nothing outside of us. David also talks about the concept of unified awareness, which is the belief that all consciousness is mind. He emphasizes the need for prayer, faith, and trust in practicing the teachings of Jesus and the importance of a spiritual community, which emphasizes the importance of prayer, authenticity, and heart-to-heart conversations.
You can listen to the entire talk here: https://www.spreaker.com/user/4527715/movie-session-violet-monastery-oct-4-2023.Join Living Miracles online community: https://programs.the-christ.net/products/communities/tribe-of-christ Recorded in the Evening of October 4, 2023, at Living Miracles Monastery in Utah, USA.
If you are interested to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.
Read A Course in Miracles online here: https://acourseinmiraclesnow.com/Learn more about David Hoffmeister here: https://davidhoffmeister.com
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Awakening to True Happiness with David Hoffmeister
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Being the Dreamer of the Dream Rather Than Its Floundering Hero
David Hoffmeister is introducing the movie “Mr. Nobody” (2009) a quantum roller coaster ride through the illusion of choice, past the trap of regret, direct to the simultaneity of time and the clarity that there is only one decision, to accept the Atonement for ourselves.
Like “The Butterfly Effect,” seeing the ego lie that things would be better if they were different catapults us into a present choice-less experience of being the dreamer of the dream rather than its floundering hero. Here is it clearly seen that all the roadways of the world lead to death and that there is in fact... a better Way!
Let yourself be drawn into this masterpiece of a commentary by David Hoffmeister.
To learn more about upcoming live Awakening from the Dream online retreats with David Hoffmeister and the Living Miracles community, go to
If you are interested to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.
Read A Course in Miracles online here: https://acourseinmiraclesnow.com/Learn more about David Hoffmeister here: https://davidhoffmeister.com
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Awakening to True Happiness with David Hoffmeister
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Trust that Jesus Will Carry Me - Pray, Listen and follow with David Hoffmeister
In this talk, David is going deep into the topic of prayer. Let's call it a new lifestyle of PRAY, LISTEN, and FOLLOW. In the past, we were trying to be educated and learn about the world. We learned how to analyze, compare, and do things based on past learning so we can survive as a person and a body and, hopefully, grow old and eventually die. Work hard, grow old, get sick, and die. But, hmm. Maybe there's more than that. Maybe there's more. Perhaps we had it all wrong. Maybe we were in a fantasy land trying to make the best of this world. You know, try to be a decent person and then try to make it into old age and then yeah, and then succumb to death like everyone else. Maybe we had it wrong. There may be a higher calling for us than such trivial pursuits.
Enjoy the profound commentary on the movie "'The Girl Who Believes in Miracles" by David Hoffmeister.
You can watch the introduction to the movie workshop on YouTube:
and listen to the entire talk at Spreaker:
If you are interested to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.
Read A Course in Miracles online here: https://acourseinmiraclesnow.com/Learn more about David Hoffmeister here: https://davidhoffmeister.com
Friday Sep 08, 2023
Awakening to True Happiness with David Hoffmeister
Friday Sep 08, 2023
Friday Sep 08, 2023
How To Deepen in Divine Trust - by David HoffmeisterIn this introduction to the movie ‘Jesus Revolution,' David discusses the importance of deepening our trust in God and the divine. He shares his personal stories and references to teachings from A Course in Miracles to provide insights on how to do this. He emphasizes the need to release judgments, allow healing, follow one's joy, and be kind and loving towards others. David encourages listeners to trust their intuitions and surrender control of personal relationships to Jesus for personal growth and healing. He references a movie called "The Jesus Revolution" and a story about Calvary Chapel's transformation in the late 60s and early 70s, highlighting how the search for spiritual awakening and meeting different cultures can lead to a deeper trust in God.You can watch the introduction to the movie workshop on YouTube: https://youtube.com/live/NUeQDCGydrw
If you are interested to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.
Read A Course in Miracles online here: https://acourseinmiraclesnow.com/Learn more about David Hoffmeister here: https://davidhoffmeister.com
Friday Aug 25, 2023
Awakening to True Happiness with David Hoffmeister
Friday Aug 25, 2023
Friday Aug 25, 2023
Movie 'Chaos Walking’ Introduction by David Hoffmeister
This movie is a strong reminder to all of us to see the innocence in our brothers and sisters and that being transparent with our thoughts and beliefs might seem scary at first, but is a blessing to all in the end.
Enjoy Davids's profound commentary on this extraordinary movie which has transformative potential.
Listen to the entire talk on Spreaker:
Link to the Movie Watchers Guide to Enlightenment: https://mwge.org/
If you are interested to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.
Read A Course in Miracles online here: https://acourseinmiraclesnow.com/Learn more about David Hoffmeister here: https://davidhoffmeister.com
Friday Aug 11, 2023
Awakening to True Happiness with David Hoffmeister
Friday Aug 11, 2023
Friday Aug 11, 2023
How to Fully Say Yes to Whatever Is Given by David Hoffmeister
In this talk David discusses saying "yes" to whatever is given in order to achieve spiritual awakening. David introduces a movie called "Yes Man," which encapsulates the journey from a closed heart to an open heart full of God's love. David's commentary emphasizes the importance of saying yes to God and accepting one's true identity rather than creating a false identity based on external factors. He also discusses the importance of forgiveness, humor, and remembering that error has already been corrected. Stay connected and up to date with David's and Living Miracles Event, online and in person here: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events You can watch the introduction to the movie workshop on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/live/GsKSuLXb-gk?feature=share
Or Listen to the entire on Spreaker https://www.spreaker.com/user/davidhoffmeister/yes-man-june-24-2023
Link to the Movie Watchers Guide to Enlightenment: https://mwge.org/
If you are interested to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.
Read A Course in Miracles online here: https://acourseinmiraclesnow.com/Learn more about David Hoffmeister here: https://davidhoffmeister.com
Friday Jul 28, 2023
Awakening to True Happiness with David Hoffmeister
Friday Jul 28, 2023
Friday Jul 28, 2023
David Hoffmeister talks at Living Miracles Monastery
In this talk from Living Miracles Monastery in Utah, USA, David Hoffmeister reflects on the purpose of the world and poses the question of what the ultimate purpose or end game is. He mentions how movies and animations replicate the world, but in the midst of this complexity, he suggests that we should contemplate God and seek guidance and instruction through prayer and meditation. David highlights the difference between the world's perspective of a wasted day as one without making money or serving bodies and the perspective of a Mystic, who sees a day without contemplating God as a wasted day. Ultimately, he invites us to be carefree and clueless, pulling our attention away from worldly things and seeking a deeper understanding of the purpose of our existence.
If you feel like listening to the entire Monastery talk, it’s available on Spreaker:
or on Youtube: https://youtu.be/BBf5z80XsNs
If you are interested to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.
Read A Course in Miracles online here: https://acourseinmiraclesnow.com/Learn more about David Hoffmeister here: https://davidhoffmeister.com
Friday Jul 14, 2023
Awakening to True Happiness with David Hoffmeister
Friday Jul 14, 2023
Friday Jul 14, 2023
The Only Way Out is The Only Way In - David Hoffmeister, Lisa Fair, and Frances Xu meet the interns at La Casa De Milagros
In this first Wednesday gathering, David Hoffmeister and the participants discuss the journey of spiritual awakening and the importance of trusting and following the guidance of Jesus or the Holy Spirit. They share personal experiences of receiving signs, symbols, and confirmations that affirmed their faith and led them to step outside their comfort zones. The emphasis is on renouncing the world's values, forgiving oneself and others, and having faith in the process of spiritual growth. They also highlight the transformative power of love, connection, and living in the present moment, with Jesus as the driving force behind their journey.
Enjoy this beautiful session with touching comments and questions from the interns.You can watch the gathering on YouTube: https://youtu.be/OmbgQ8VxlRo.Or listen to the entire talk on Spreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/user/4527715/the-only-way-out-is-the-only-way-in-nov-16-2022
If you are interested to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.
Read A Course in Miracles online here: https://acourseinmiraclesnow.com/Learn more about David Hoffmeister here: https://davidhoffmeister.com
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Awakening to True Happiness with David Hoffmeister
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Faith to see the Christ in everyone with David Hoffmeister
The Course in Miracles is a profound teaching that helps individuals connect with their inner teacher and release all dependencies from the world. It is a tool that allows individuals to come into direct contact with their inner teacher, releasing all dependencies from the world. The course emphasizes the importance of the desire of the heart to know God and our true reality, which activates spiritual awakening.
The Course in Miracles also emphasizes the importance of releasing beliefs in causation in the world, as the ego is a powerful tool for holding onto guilt and causing negative consequences. By focusing on the inner teacher and releasing the beliefs in causation, individuals can experience a deeper connection to God and the world.
David speaks to the German ACIM Festival on Zoom, broadcasted as well to the participants gathered in person at the festival with German translation.
If you are interested to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.
Read A Course in Miracles online here: https://acourseinmiraclesnow.com/Learn more about David Hoffmeister here: https://davidhoffmeister.com