Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network

Friday Sep 20, 2024
Conversations That Make a Difference with Teresa Velardi: Esther's Arise!
Friday Sep 20, 2024
Friday Sep 20, 2024
Esther's Arise! The Movement has Begun
Synopsis: Daughters of God, you are a MIGHTY weapon in the hand of the LORD against the onslaught of the family.
You are a much needed LINE OF DEFENSE for the moral conscience of our nation, and a stopgap for the unraveling of the FABRIC of the FAMILY.
Mother, no one else can take your place.
No one else has the same authority as you to COVER and PRAY for your CHILDREN and this generation.
For Such a Time, let us seek God's face to save the heart of a nation.
For Such a Time, let us MOBILIZE!
Today's Guest: Linette Rainville
Website: https://daughtersunited.org
Bio: Linette Rainville, a USN Veteran and Movement Leader, is on a quest to raise up the next generation of Esthers. As a mission builder, mentor and founder of Daughters United, a global equipping ministry, she empowers women to build projects and start ministries from the ground up.
With 25 years of hands-on poverty outreach experience, Linette has coached thousands of Kingdom women, guiding them to pursue their callings, lead movements, and build missions. Her greatest passion is to equip her sisters with tools and encouragement to confidently walk in their God-given callings and assignments, for such a time as this.
Daughters United MISSION is to: MEET, MENTOR & MOBILIZE around the world,so that we can equip others to GATHER, GO & GROW... To-Get-Her!
Stop Dreaming, Start Doing Blueprint Builder Guide: https://bit.ly/Stop_Dreaming_Start_Doing_Guide
Esther Calling - For Such a Time as This (Guided Prayer Journal) Seeking God’s Face to Save the Heart of a Nation: bit.ly/Esther-Calling-Guide
Video Version: https://youtu.be/kwasyLCmUbc?si=2tIyx4pePdX9Ervq
Call in with a comment or Chat with Teresa during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand. or write a question on YouTube during Show
Learn more about Teresa here:

Friday Sep 13, 2024
Friday Sep 13, 2024
World’s First Successful Face and Double Hand Transplant
In July 2018, Joe Dimeo was 20 years old and planning his future. One fateful morning, after working an extra late-night shift, Joe fell asleep at the wheel of his car on his way home. He lost control and rolled several times before the car burst into flames. He suffered third degree burns over 80% of his body.
Joe, after undergoing a nearly 24 hour surgery in 2021 is the world's first successful face and double hand transplant.
News Article on Surgery: https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/03/us/face-and-double-hand-transplant/index.html
Joe’s Website
Video Version: https://youtu.be/tB11l-LxE98?si=WmWQJr6g8aDHBvTX
Call in with a comment or Chat with Teresa during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand. or write a question on YouTube during Show
Learn more about Teresa here:

Friday Aug 23, 2024
Friday Aug 23, 2024
Pages of Wonder~ A Magical Journey with Seven Children’s Authors
The show will feature January Liddell, Catherine Stillwell, Gin Yu, Katerina Pappas, Charles Davis, Morgan Kawakami and Christine Morkert. They will each be discussing their books. Below are their bios and information on their books.
January Liddell - A proud UC Berkeley alumna, January balances her roles as a devoted wife, mother, author, and finance professional while maintaining an active, health-centric lifestyle. She continuously adapts to industry demands, investing in personal growth and inspiring those around her. January’s mission permeates every aspect of her life, making her an invaluable asset to her agency and clients. Alina the Super Saver https://amzn.to/3Al5Wy
Catherine Stillwell - Catherine Stillwell has been a pet owner and advocate for over five decades. “Paulie Finds His Forever Home” is a true story based on Beloved Paulie’s adoption. On 7/8/24, she adopted a two-year-old terrier mix named Brutus. More info on the book is on her website, www.senior-dogs-rock.com. Paulie Finds His Forever Home https://amzn.to/4fJxoX2
Gin Yu - Gin Yu was Born in Taiwan, raised in Brazil and currently lives in Los Angeles. Her Journey defines her diverse identity. With a passion for telling stories, Gin balances economic acumen and creative passion as a TV and Film Producer and Author. Why Am I Here? https://amzn.to/46KgQde
Katerina Pappas - Katerina Pappas (LadyMoon) was born in Philadelphia and raised in Greece. Her journey in public service started at the David A Clarke School of Law, followed by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and Yog Farm Ithaca. After many years of collecting life experiences, she is infusing all she has learned into her first true love, creative writing, and singing. Flow, Beena, Flow https://amzn.to/3YGo67Q
Charles Davis - Charles Davis is a U.S. Army veteran, advocates for veterans and children's welfare. He holds a degree from Keystone College and currently works with Veterans Affairs. In 2023, he launched "The Adventures of Leo the Border Collie From PA," a children's book series promoting morals, adventure, fun, and safety. The Adventures of Leo the Border Collie From PA (Not including a link to the book we are working on - It will be released on 8/31)
Morgan Kawakami - Morgan Kawakami is wife to Stephen and mother to 4 incredible children- Willow, Milo,Rio and Margo. She has a BA in English Education from Lee University and feels called to help others through her writing. She has launched several endeavors to minister to teenage girls and young mothers, and now, with "I Have Something Extra," families who have kiddos with Down Syndrome. She and her family live in Southeast Tennessee. - I Have Something Extra https://amzn.to/46L03Xx
Video Version: https://www.youtube.com/live/-oQk9_N_4C0?si=FewAs89rfOXdCXtF
Call in with a comment or Chat with Teresa during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand. or write a question on YouTube during Show
Learn more about Teresa here:

Friday Aug 09, 2024
Friday Aug 09, 2024
None of Us Are Home Until All of Us Are Home
Guests Peggy Willms & Dennis Pitocco
Peggy Willms: Peggy Willms has been a certified fitness trainer, sports performance nutritionist, and personal and executive health, wellness, and life coach for over thirty-five years. She is an entrepreneur, bestselling author, a featured contributor for BizCatalyst360, an international online magazine, hosts wellness retreats, and is host of The Coach Peggy Show. She spent over twenty years in corporate wellness and has managed multi-million-dollar medical clinics. Her unique business and work-site wellness programs have earned her multiple awards. She has two sons and two grandsons. She loves all things beach and sunshine and lives in Florida with her better half.
Website: http://www.allthingswellness.com
Dennis Pitocco: Dennis is the founder and CEO of 360° Nation, a multifaceted media enterprise promoting global positivity. In collaboration with his wife Ali, who serves as Chief Inspiration Officer, Dennis oversees several successful ventures: BizCatalyst 360°, an award-winning global media platform; 360° Nation Studios, a producer of uplifting content and events; and GoodWorks 360°, a pro bono consulting service for nonprofit organizations worldwide.
Website: https://www.bizcatalyst360.com
Unsheltered - None of Us Are Home Until All of Us Are Home:
What's your first question or thought when encountering a homeless person?
Do you wonder: Is it their choice to be on the street? Are they just lazy and don't want to work? Are they all mentally ill, alcoholics, or addicted to drugs? Are they dangerous? The list of questions and assumptions goes on and is shared by many.
Many homeless people work but, without a permanent address or transportation, often have difficulty finding and keeping jobs. While some homeless people have mental health issues or substance abuse problems, most do not. Dangerous? Homeless people are more likely to be victims of crime than perpetrators. They are often targets of violence and theft, and they live in constant fear for their safety. It is important to remember that many homeless people are just like you and me but have fallen on hard times. They are human beings who deserve our compassion and understanding versus being harshly judged based on their circumstances or appearance.
This Book had to be written! It's time for us to change the narrative, starting with changing the label. The word "homeless" is stigmatizing, immediately conjuring up the many misconceptions mentioned above. "Unsheltered" is more neutral and casts a much wider net beyond unhoused, including those whose primary nighttime residence is unsuitable for human habitation (for example, a city sidewalk, vehicle, abandoned building, or park).
Before you ignore another homeless person on the street, remember? That could be someone's father or mother. They have a story - perhaps like the real ones you will discover here - each destined to change the narrative, one human being, one voice at a time.
Video Version: https://www.youtube.com/live/egH3vteOwq4?si=5PJyTG_o683H-3zV
Call in with a comment or Chat with Teresa during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand. or write a question on YouTube during Show
Learn more about Teresa here:

Friday Jul 19, 2024
Friday Jul 19, 2024
Just Show Up! Let's Talk About It!
Michelle Rene’ Hammer is a Licensed Clinical Prefessional and Certified Pastoral Counselor, Breakthrough Coach and Motivational Speaker. A #1 International Best Selling Author, Michelle hosts a weekly online tellevision show titled Breakthrough Today with Michelle Rene’ – Navigating Life’s Challenges in Clinical and Biblical Ways.
Laurie Rowland is an author, lyricist, and Women’s Life Coach. As an ordained Women’s Minister, she’s helped women through personal and family challenges for nearly 40 years. She’s a panelist on Breakthrough Today with Michelle Rene on Win Win Women’s Network, where she seeks to positively impact a global audience.
Connie Tresseder is an equipper and liberator in the Kingdom of God for such a time as this. As an ordained minister, a Spirit-led coach, a #1 Amazon best-selling author, and a dynamic speaker, she helps Christians remove barriers and experience the love of God so they can be transformed and fulfill their Kingdom calling.
Linette Rainville, Movement Leader and Mission Builder Coach is on a quest to raise up the next generation of Esthers. She is the Founder/ CEO of Daughters United, a mentoring ministry that helps engage, equip and expand the ministries, projects and callings of women around the world. https://www.linetterainville.com/free-gift
Jill Clay is a Christian Leader and Coach dedicated to helping overwhelmed women heal from emotional and spiritual wounds. Using practical tools and biblical principles, she guides clients to discover their SOUL FUEL, unlock true freedom and clarity. With 30+ years of Human Resource experience, Jll’s expertise in mentoring and coaching helps empower women to unlock their God-given purpose. Jillclaycoaching@gmail.comMaria Crane is an Artist, Author, Coach, Speaker and Teacher who enjoys creatively solving problems to bring lasting transformation. Through their unique “See It, Say It, Be It” program she and her physician husband, Stephen, assist others in their desire to lose weight and restore their health.
www.cranetransformationcoaching.com www.Mariacrane.com
Jacquel Tucker’s signature coaching and mentoring program, “My Purpose on Fire,” has helped many professionals and aspiring entrepreneurs establish, brand, and launch their purpose-driven businesses or nonprofits for impact, income, and generational legacy. Jacquel and her husband Shun founded their nonprofit, The Jamaica Project USA in 2016 to transform rural schools and communities in Jamaica and serve lower-income communities in Georgia.
Video Version: https://www.youtube.com/live/ssHH2Q3GOxU?si=_umNOdt1jq2hbU4-
Call in with a comment or Chat with Teresa during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand. or write a question on YouTube during Show
Learn more about Teresa here:

Friday Jul 05, 2024
Friday Jul 05, 2024
Life Between Heaven and Earth
Guests are Jacquel Tucker and Christine & Andrew Morkert
Jacquel Tucker is from the island of Jamaica, where she grew up in a rural community with her 8 siblings – the daughter of a pastor and her mother a youth director for 7 churches.
She is a former Director of Sales and Marketing in the Hospitality industry in the USA with over 25 years of experience. Today she is a business, brand, sales & marketing strategist for small businesses, aspiring entrepreneurs and nonprofits.
Through her signature coaching and mentoring program, “My Purpose on Fire,” she has helped more than 70 professionals and aspiring entrepreneurs establish, brand, and launch their purpose-driven businesses or nonprofits for greater impact, income, and generational legacy.
Jacquel and her husband Shun founded their nonprofit, The Jamaica Project USA, in 2016. Their mission is to transform rural schools and communities in Jamaica and serve lower-income communities in Georgia. She learned her biggest lesson in unshakeable faith from an early age. If God could raise her up from the dead, then he is exceedingly bigger than any of her circumstances, and anything is possible on her journey to “well done.” She lives daily believing, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
Christine and Andrew Morkert reside in Chattanooga Tennessee.
They just celebrated their 29th wedding anniversary and are planning a trip to Ireland for their 30th.
This December will mark another anniversary...ten years of celebrating life after death.
On December 1, 2014 life changed for Christine and Andrew when they walked into an emergency room, thinking that fluids and medication would help Christine overcome some flu-like symptoms. However, things quickly changed when both the nurse who had just seen Christine, and Andrew left the room briefly. When they returned back in, Christine was in distress and coded. Medical professionals performed life-saving CPR measures to restore her back to life.
Afterward, there continued to be a long diagnosis and very little hope for her life to continue.
But God had other plans!!!!
It was not until after about 40 days of miraculous healing that Christine returned home to her husband, Andrew, and their three children. Christine and her family will always declare that prayer and standing on the word of God is what brought them through their death to life story.
Video Version: https://www.youtube.com/live/_wjPMmhOHEE?si=OfenSILoVM41wYhy
Call in with a comment or Chat with Teresa during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand. or write a question on YouTube during Show
Learn more about Teresa here:

Friday Jun 21, 2024
Friday Jun 21, 2024
"Wellness G.P.S.- Get Prepared for Success" Panel 2
Lori Walker is a Usui Reiki Master, Holy Fire Reiki Master and a contributing author to multiple books including Mayhem to Miracles, The Four-Fold Formula for All Things Wellness, and A Daily Gift of Gratitude. She is also a commissioned notary in the state of Pennsylvania.https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100069752775443ljwalker131@comcast.net
Dr. Keith McNally specializes in facilitating discussions by bringing like-minded people together to create real impact. Dr. McNally launched three podcasts in the past two years: The Question Guy Podcast, Coach’s Corner, and the Envision Speakers Series. The Question Guy Podcast addresses people’s personal stories. Coach’s Corner is a one-on-one conversation regarding his guests’ professional expertise. The Envision Speakers Series brings a group of subject-matter experts together at the table to propose solutions to problems currently impacting our world. He is also the author of Walking the Path – A Leader’s Journey, a leadership book focusing on personal development. Finally, Dr. K is on a mission – to eradicate the negative impact of suicide by providing help, hope, and healing. Help Dr. K with this mission by supporting his thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail in 2025!http://www.drkeithmcnally.comhttps://walkingthepath.net
Ida Ra Nalbandian is a former university lecturer who taught philology, linguistics, and comparative literature. She is the author of multiple books, including Does God Have a Bicycle, and Jacob’s Magic Vegetables: How Loving Kindness Grows. In addition, she is a contributing author to A Daily Gift of Hope: A Collection of Stories from Hopeful Hearts Around the Globe,and Portals. Energetic Doorways to Mystical Experience Between Worlds (with Freddy Silva) Ida and her family founded VSCF-Vahagn Setian Charitable Foundation in memory of her late son, whose life was tragically cut short by a drunk driver. Ida honors the foundation’s mission of promoting self-awareness, attentive choices, and the expansion of greater good. https://vahagnfoundation.org
Eileen Bild is the CEO and Executive Producer at OTELproductions, ROKU Channel Developer and Talk Show host for OTEL TALK. She is an author and internationally syndicated columnist for BizCatalyst360, Life Coaching Magazine, Women’s Voice Magazine, and NSAEN. She is also a Breakthrough S.P.A.R.K. Coach.
https://www.oteluniverse.com/ info@otelproductions.com
Coach@EileenBild.com Info@EileenBild.com
Givonna Cheeks Baker, Ph.D., PMP, CBCP serves as President/CEO of Entero Emergency Management Consulting, INC. (DBA Entero Solutions). Givonna earned a Ph.D. from Capella University where she studied Public Safety Leadership with a concentration in Emergency Management. Before attending Capella University, she earned a Master of Science in Business Management from Troy State University. Givonna has proudly served for 22 ½ years in the United States Army with two combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. Through numerous military and civilian leadership experiences, Givonna has learned exemplary leadership and genuine care, and concern are vital to sustained organizational growth and success.
Video Version: https://youtu.be/GDxw299slqk?si=18ftSzrwx0Mhl0go
Call in with a comment or Chat with Teresa during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand. or write a question on YouTube during Show.
Learn more about Teresa here:

Friday Jun 14, 2024
Conversations That Make a Difference with Teresa Velardi: "Wellness G.P.S."
Friday Jun 14, 2024
Friday Jun 14, 2024
"Wellness G.P.S.- Get Prepared for Success"
Dr. Markus Wettstein has practiced endocrinology for over thirty years. He is a diabetes, metabolic, and stress management specialist. He also works in energy medicine as a Licensed Bio-Well practitioner. He assists clients in improving their health and wellness by measuring their energy field, stress level, health status, and energy reserve via electrophotonic imaging. He lives in Colorado with his wife, has three children, and enjoys skiing and hiking. mwettst@gmail.com
Michelle Lange is an extraordinary individual who wears many hats: Mom, author, speaker, artist, and Grandmother. She is an inspiring thought leader, an advocate for the different to bring to life a lens of ability, light, and hope sprinkled with compassion and acceptance. Her place is to inspire and lift others in their moments so they can reengage in life with JOY. melange4byu@gmail.com
Martariesa Logue’s journey encompasses a blend of online and traditional education. She has a BS in Paralegal Studies from Liberty University. She is an educator at Eastern Gateway Community College. She transitioned from Virtual Learning Academy to the intricacies of the Jefferson Health Plan and Background Checks. Described as conscientious, dedicated, and possessing a tenacious drive, Martariesa’s commitment to exceeding expectations shines through. Endorsed by former mentors and colleagues, she embodies a proactive approach to problem-solving and a knack for listening intently. Beyond her professional endeavors, Martariesa embraces the joys of family life, having married her husband in 2023 and cherishing moments with her daughter and two Beagle pups. Her involvement with Impact Church and the Sycamore Youth & Community Center reflects her deep-rooted engagement in community service, showcasing her altruistic spirit beyond the corporate realm. martariesa@gmail.com
Cyndi Wilkins practices the art and science of therapeutic massage and energetic bodywork for nearly 20 years. She has a passion for writing/blogging and blazing new trails of innovative thinking. Her approach to healing is recognizing the mind and body function as one system. She believes in the co-creation of health, reinforcing mind, body, and spirit to explore the root causes of discomfort and disease. She shares her stories across multiple platforms as a featured contributor for BizCatalyst 360°, an award-winning global media digest and guest blogger for All Things Wellness. She lives in Marblehead, Massachusetts, with her wife, their beautiful daughter, and ‘pandemic pets’ Keena and Luna.
Video Version: https://www.youtube.com/live/3eABhx1ScGM?si=m6R-NVktwxxYuWsA
Call in with a comment or Chat with Teresa during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand. or write a question on YouTube during Show
Learn more about Teresa here:

Friday May 24, 2024
Friday May 24, 2024
"The Healing Power of Love"
Dr. Beth Goodman is a Visionary, Entrepreneur, Speaker, Breast Cancer SurTHRIVER, and life Advancement Coach. Her mission is to cultivate confidence in women to accept themselves in God’s image. She believes that confidence should not be a difficult goal but a fundamental aspect of everyday life.
Sharon Durbin Graves has always been creative, but an artist emerged from within me 22 years ago. She paints daily in acrylics and teaches painting classes in person and online. Sharon specializes in teaching beginners. Her YouTube channel is Beginning Acrylic Teacher, and her website is www.paintingwithacrylics101.com
Video Version: https://www.youtube.com/live/rKXG5I3g0qE?si=apbshgfaW71U6dR7
Call in with a comment or Chat with Teresa during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand. or write a question on YouTube during Show
Learn more about Teresa here:

Friday May 10, 2024
Friday May 10, 2024
"Healing for Your Heart, Soul, Body, and Your Face, too!"
Mary Dwase, mother of four, is known as The Busy Mom's Coach! She is a certified wellness coach who combines over 15 years of experience in midwifery and nursing to help mothers, especially new mothers, prioritize their wellness to live their best lives and be role models to their children.
Mary is CEO and Founder of MaryD Wellness Coaching and the author of "Busy Mum Superfood Smoothies Recipes," and creator of "The Shed to Sexy" coaching program and host of "The Busy Mum Wellness Show."
Connect with Mary at [speakwithmaryd.com]speakwithmaryd.com Find her Book at https://amzn.to/4bjI23A
Known as The Heart Healer, Ilene Gottlieb has been in nursing for over 50 years. She has spent 30 years in vibrational healing, creating holistic approaches to clearing energy blocks and promoting healing.
She has lovingly served thousands of clients globally as an International Speaker, Vibrational Healer, and Founder of The Heart Healers Ho'oponopono Community.
Ilene is currently writing her first book, "Every Day is a Good Day for Ho'Oponopono"
Connect with Ilene at Ilene The Heart Healer - Home
Renée Ambarees Isermann is the Holistic FAcelift Queen and founder of Yoga4Face® and has helped over 10.000 clients learn ways to rebalance their faces to reveal their beauty naturally.
Her philosophy is that beauty comes from within. Renee has spent the last 30 years honing her skill and knowledge to become the leading expert on naturally and holistically revealing that beauty. The Yoga4Face® Method incorporates 4 key steps to help women connect to their natural beauty: Facial Muscle Training, Essential Core Reset with essential oils, Mindset Clearing, and Intentional Breathing. She is the author of Yoga4Face, a best-selling book in Anti-Aging on Amazon Europe.
Her clients see results in one hour, but the biggest transformation is within 30 days and continues.
English Website: Start - English - Yoga4Face
English Book: https://amzn.to/3QvFuav
Video Version: https://www.youtube.com/live/PF4n28QVUD0?si=vfIXfybCrshcNpvl
Call in with a comment or Chat with Teresa during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand. or write a question on YouTube during Show
Learn more about Teresa here: