Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network

Friday Dec 29, 2023
Conversations That Make a Difference with Teresa Velardi
Friday Dec 29, 2023
Friday Dec 29, 2023
A Daily Gift of Hope Part 2
Donna Guary is an Air Force Veteran, a Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother and member of the National Women in Agriculture Association. Also a children’s book author, Donna’s first two books in the Veggie Stories series are “Broccoli! It’s My Favorite Vegetable” and “Where is the World Does Broccoli Come From?” Both are available on Amazon. Broccoli It’s My Favorite Vegetable https://amzn.to/3NwCmKe Where in the World Does Broccoli Come From? https://amzn.to/4aftAKa
Denise Herndon Harvey is a best-selling author, Speaker, Transformation Coach, and Voice Actor. Denise is a Liberty University graduate with an MA in Human Service Counseling Family Advocacy. BS in Psychology – Christian Counseling, BS in Psychology – CrisisCounseling, a minor in Biblical Studies, and a Certified Life Coach https://www.deniseharvey.com/
Kathleen O’Keefe Kanavos is a three-time Breast Cancer Survivor seen on Dr. Oz, The DOCTORS, NBC, CBS. She’s a Video Podcaster, Columnist, WEBE Books Publisher, and award-winning Author/Lecturer who promotes patient advocacy and connecting with Inner-guidance through Dreams for success in health, wealth, and relationships. Learn more https://www.kathleenokeefekanavos.com/
Gloria Sloan is CEO of Personal Dynamics, Inc., She is an author, professional certified life coach, and strategist. She has a passion for helping people to achieve their goals and find greater joy through self-discovery and using essential life skills. Her work focuses on transformation, ethical principles, empowerment, and personal development. https://gloriasloan.com/
Kimberly Rinaldi, success coach, hypnotherapist, speaker, author, psychic-medium and radio show host, guides you through Lessons in Joyful Living. Because the secret to life itself is JOY. You’ll connect with your intuition, self-healing, Divine intervention, miraculous outcomes and so much more. Join her for online events live from Southern California where she shares space with Mr. Rinaldi and their Basenji boy Jake. http://kimberlyrinaldi.com/
Tammy Hader is known as the bashful storyteller, Tammy authored Walking Old Roads: A Memoir of Kindness Rediscovered https://amzn.to/47cdnmq and she is working on the second book of her memoir series. She is an essay writer at BizCatalyst360, WebMD, Medium, the National Association of Baby Boomer Women, and Inspirations for Better Living. https://www.tammyhader.com/
Brooke Peterson, an 'Agent for Change' in her eighth decade, says, "It's never too late to rejuvenate!" Searching for alternative solutions for health issues led her into a world of freedom and helping others create new paths to health in network marketing for over five decades. She now lives a life filled with passion, health, and excitement.
Beth Goodman, Dr. is a Visionary, Entrepreneur, Speaker, Breast Cancer SurTHRIVER, and life Advancement Coach. Her mission is to cultivate confidence in women to accept themselves in God’s image. She believes that confidence should not be a difficult goal but a fundamental aspect of everyday life.
Johnny Tan is an Experiential Keynote Speaker, Executive Career and Life Coach, Mentor, Multi-Award-Winning and Bestselling Author, Talk Show Host, Social Entrepreneur, Founder and CEO of From My Mama's Kitchen®, and Words Have Power store, Publisher of “Inspirations for Better Living” digital magazine, and a REIKI Master Teacher and Healer.
Mark Nelson O’Brien is the principal of O'Brien Communications Group https://obriencg.com/ a B2B brand-management and marketing firm he founded in 2004. He’s also the co-founder and President of EinSource. And he’s a lifelong writer. You can see all of his published work on Amazon. Random Thoughts https://amzn.to/4azLeZe
Brenda Warren, The Soulutionist, is a Retired Marine with over three decades of experience in leadership, self-care, spiritual growth, and cultivating healthy relationships. Three-time best-selling author, pattern for living, and self-publishing coach. Brenda has helped countless individuals transform their lives using her innovative TAPIN Method™ (Transformation Announce Prepare Imagine Nurture). https://linktr.ee/brendathesoulutionist
Robyn Drothler, MED CCC-SLP, author of ABCs of Speech, is the owner of Advantage Speech Therapy Services, a mobile-based speech therapy company in the Milton, Ga area - EST in 2004. She works 1:1 with children of varying diagnoses to help them learn to communicate. https://advantagespeech.com/author/robyn-drothler/
Bonita Joy bring the experience of joy to your events through speaking and emceeing. Her witty ventriloquism puppets pop up to surprise and delight your attendees. Her forthcoming book is “Tickle Their Funny Bone: Use Humor to Polish Your Presentations.” For a complimentary Humor Journal go to https://joy.funandfunnier.com BonitaJoySpeaker@gmail.com
Katerina Pappas was born in Philadelphia and grew up in Athens, Greece. She is a licensed attorney, author, and soon to be kundalini yoga instructor. Her passions are cooking, writing children’s books, and long impromptu walks. Her dream is to help others re-awaken the divine wisdom of their bodies.
Video Version: https://youtu.be/FBLCax2d1HE?si=vn4_jN3zxSRVBrUA
Call in with a comment or Chat with Teresa during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand. or write a question on YouTube during Show
Learn more about Teresa here:

Friday Dec 22, 2023
Conversations That Make a Difference with Teresa Velardi
Friday Dec 22, 2023
Friday Dec 22, 2023
A Daily Gift of Hope
Mark Heidt is an award-winning writer, director, producer of $30 Million in half-hour infomercials. He has performed music at Carnegie Hall and fought forest fires in Idaho. Mark is husband to Sandy, father to Ken and Ruth, and grandfather to Graeme. His mission is to enlighten and empower. Faith is above all.
Ilene Gottlieb is known as The Heart Healer, Ilene has been in Nursing for over 50 years and 29 years in Vibrational Healing, creating holistic approaches to clearing energy blocks and promot-ing healing. She has served thousands globally as an International Speaker, Vibrational Healer, and Founder of The Heart Healer Ho’oponopono Community. http://ilenethehearthealer.com/
Gin Yu was born in Taiwan, raised in Brazil, and currently living in Los Angeles. Gin Yu’s journey defines her diverse identity. With a passion for telling stories, Gin balances economic acumen and creative passion as a TV and Film Producer. She is the author of “Why Am I Here?” https://whywhygee.wixsite.com/iahtg
_____________________________Faith James is CEO of The Personal Branding Consultancy, LLC, and is affectionately known as the Queen of Branding. She is an award-winning branding expert and has worked on brands like IBM and Liberty Mutual. She is a 2x Int’l Amazon Best Selling Author and is currently working on her next book, God is My Brand Strategist. @faithajames on Instagram
Donna Guary is an Air Force Veteran, a Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother and National Women in Agriculture Association member. Also a children’s book author, Donna’s first two books in the Veggie Stories series are “Broccoli! It’s My Favorite Vegetable” and “Where is the World Does Broccoli Come From?” Both are available on Amazon.
Charla Anderson Award-winning flight attendant retired. Best-selling Author. Speaker. Coach. TV/Podcast host. Ziglar Legacy Certified. Olympic Torch Bearer. Engaging podcast guest. Personal development junkie. Charla is outrageously optimistic and courageous. Joy is her lifestyle, unconditional love is her message, and mindset is her method. Entering her 7th decade with a wealth of life experience and wisdom to share. http://charlaanderson.com/
______________________________Marla Hamann is Mom to two handsome young men and a TARS Warrior Princess. She is also Grandma to a beautiful baby girl. She and Emma are the Authors of the Emma’s Adventures Children’s Book Series, encouraging others with TARS to live their best lives. Marla believes in God and “can do everything through Christ who strengthens me.”
Sally Mary DeLeon is a US Army veteran, nurse, paralegal, warrior, healer, and advocate. Mother of two and domestic violence survivor, she founded a nonprofit combating veteran homelessness. A survivor of military sexual trauma, Sally conquers daily battles of suicide ideation. VUCA trained, MindValley Evercoach Certified Life Coach—dedicated to transforming pain into resilience, HOPE, and triumph. http://www. operationbetterme.com/ __________________________________Will Pollock, a Native New Yorker, is an award-winning author, blogger, multimedia journalist, photographer, and creator of CrankyYank.com. Now in Midtown Atlanta, Will is a permaculture and green-living evangelist and lifelong tennis player. As the world’s proudest papa to Cam, his new children’s book, Gentle with Gertie, is a story of human-and-furry siblings, available on Amazon.________________________________Amanda Gust is the co-founder and President of Born Abel, a non-profit dedicated to celebrating the worth and humanity of children born with complex medical needs. She enjoys spending time with her family, volunteering at her church, and cheering on her five children in their various sports and activities. Amanda@BornAbel.com__________________________________Fran Asaro is a Virtual Partner, helping entrepreneurs start and grow their business. She is the founder of the Senior Tuber Community, where she helps mature people share their legacy and gifts by teaching them how to become YouTube Content Creators. https://www.thriveanyway.com/ https://www.youtube.com/@FranA-saro/featured Schedule a call with Fran https://calendly.com/seniortuber/30_minute_meet_fran_youtube_call__________________________________Jeniece Paige is the Founder and CEO of Black Vegan Health & Well-ness Enterprise and The Foundation of Get Ready 4 The Dress Pod-cast (GR4TD). She’s a certified Nutrition, Personal Trainer, and Life Coach. Jeniece is currently working on her PhD in Holistic and Sports Nutrition. www.linktr.ee/bvfitness___________________________________Jodie Fitzgerald is a Licensed Family Dog Mediator ®, owner of Fitz Your Dog Training and a former nurse. After working with rescue for five years, she is dedicated to educating dog lovers about the dogs’ truth and creating amazing relationships that will keep dogs in homes with their families.___________________________________Linda B. Kaye pushed through tough times to become a digital marketing agency owner. To get there, she combined seemingly unrelated education and job skills. She is a U.S. Army Veteran with an MBA and Marketing Certificate from Southern NH University. Linda started working with computers in the early 1970s as technology was emerging. https://interactivesynergy.com/ Rhonda Douglas Charles is the immigrant career strategist and founder of Adnohr Docs in Brooklyn, NY, who champions professional growth for 1st and 2nd-generation immigrants. With 25+ years of providing career services, she has guided everyone from new grads to top execs. An immigrant herself, Rhonda’s mission is to ease the transformation from survival jobs to thriving careers.__________________________________Sharon Durbin Graves has always been creative, but an artist emerged from within me 22 years ago. She paints daily in acrylics and teaches painting classes in person and online. Sharon specializes in teaching beginners. Her YouTube channel is Beginning Acrylic Teacher, and her website is https://paintingwithacrylics101.com/ slgraves6@gmail.com__________________________________
Book links: A Daily Gift of Hope https://amzn.to/3v3L503
Gentle with Gertie https://amzn.to/3TmGy2Q Will Pollock
Broccoli It’s My Favorite Vegetable https://amzn.to/3NwCmKeWhere in the World Does Broccoli Come From https://amzn.to/4aftAKa Donna Guary
Emma Goes to the Circus https://amzn.to/41o94Dg Marla and Emma Hamann
Born Abel Series https://amzn.to/48lfRQ6 Amanda Gust
Video Version: https://youtu.be/FBLCax2d1HE
Call in with a comment or Chat with Teresa during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand. or write a question on YouTube during Show
Learn more about Teresa here:

Friday Nov 24, 2023
Conversations That Make a Difference with Teresa Velardi
Friday Nov 24, 2023
Friday Nov 24, 2023
“Unsheltered” with Mark O’Brien and Dennis Pitocco
Mark Nelson O’Brien is the founder and principal of O’Brien Communications Group (obriencg.com), a B2B brand-management and marketing firm he founded in 2004. He’s also an Irish storyteller and lifelong writer. You can see all of his published work, including his latest book, Random Thoughts: A Writer’s Notebook, on Amazon. mark@obriencg.com
Learn About Mark’s Show “The Anxious Voyage” Mondays 1am/1pmET
Dennis Pitocco believes that “enthusiasm opens the door, but vision grabs hearts and minds and pulls everyone to the other side.” He carries a vivid image in his head of what our future could be. The friction between “what is” and “what could be” burns him, stirs him up, and propels him forward. When our team is facing insurmountable challenges or the prospect of defeat, he radiates hope, confidence, and possibility. His unshakable optimism and overwhelming confidence in the 360° Nation vision is palpable, day in and day out. In all of his endeavors, Dennis champions integrity, connection, and radical positivity.
Video Version: https://www.youtube.com/live/E7852o6KYco?si=qknwLVXBBNSXs8lb
Call in with a comment or Chat with Teresa during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand. or write a question on YouTube during Show
Learn more about Teresa here:

Friday Nov 10, 2023
Conversations That Make a Difference with Teresa Velardi
Friday Nov 10, 2023
Friday Nov 10, 2023
Let’s Talk About Being Good Moms with Alysia Lyons
Alysia Lyons is a Master Neuro transformation Results Coach, the Co-Director of Raising Enlightened Children, an author, and a podcast host. She is passionate about helping moms become the CEOs of their homes and lives, guiding them to find more joy from the inside out.As the proud mother of a son who has been the course corrector for her own life, she now leads the parents she works with through long-lasting neurological shifts to help ease their guilt and increase their emotional peace to find their happy.
Her new book, Good Mom Rules: Ditch Mom Guilt and Find Your Happy is now available on Amazon.com https://amzn.to/3FGDgiL
Video Version: https://www.youtube.com/live/eUCxKfAITuw?si=j4XnOlZQ0CBl6bmn
Call in with a comment or Chat with Teresa during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand. or write a question on YouTube during Show
Learn more about Teresa here:

Friday Oct 20, 2023
Conversations That Make a Difference with Teresa Velardi
Friday Oct 20, 2023
Friday Oct 20, 2023
Knowing Your Worth and How to Communicate It with Faith James
Faith James is CEO of The Personal Branding Consultancy, LLC, and is affectionately known as the Queen of Branding. She is an award-winning branding expert and has worked on brands like IBM and Liberty Mutual. She is a two time Int'l Amazon Best Selling Author and is currently working on her next book: God is My Brand Strategist.
Video Version: https://www.youtube.com/live/57CkDf0-0Qk?si=rdpaGsbOFepDqls3
Call in with a comment or Chat with Teresa during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand. or write a question on YouTube during Show
Learn more about Teresa here:

Friday Oct 06, 2023
Conversations That Make a Difference with Teresa Velardi
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Migraine Management with Tammy Hader
Tammy Hader possesses no official academic writer’s pedigree. With a BBA in accounting from Wichita State University, her history resides in numbers. After a 30-year accounting career, Tammy reinvented herself as a writer in 2018. She is an essay writer at Medium, BizCatalyst360, and WebMD. Tammy is an editor for the Medium publication Journal of Journeys and a contributing author in the Daily Gift Book Series. When not writing, she enjoys caring for her mom, cooking for her family, and serving her two rescue kitties with the royal attention they deserve. Several years ago when WebMD started a patient perspective program, they found Tammy's migraine-related personal essays on Medium.com. She now writes 2 articles a month for WebMD where her big message is migraine management. Tammy emphasizes developing a knowledge base of migraine illness and learning everything you can about your own version of migraine illness.
Video Version: https://www.youtube.com/live/NY6_ecxKOVo?si=bMeY8wMfNNflfxPe
Call in with a comment or Chat with Teresa during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand. or write a question on YouTube during Show
Learn more about Teresa here:

Friday Sep 22, 2023
Conversations That Make a Difference with Teresa Velardi
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Life on the Go with Rene Kamstra
Business on the Go and Imposter Syndrome
Guest Rene Kamstra, an internationally recognized businesswoman and communications expert, has more than 35 years of experience in consulting and coaching leading corporate executives and entrepreneurs from humble beginnings to $millions.
Rene teaches people how to communicate excellently, sell without pressure, become unstuck, and grow businesses. Tony Robbins, Chet Holmes, Sally Hogshead, Corelogis, VISA, and Wells Fargo are among her many clients.
Learn more about Rene at https://renekamstra.com/
Video Version: https://www.youtube.com/live/2aHSyWgW-E8?si=1d5fN2rrQhQ86t_A
Call in with a comment or Chat with Teresa during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand. or write a question on YouTube during Show.
Learn more about Teresa here:

Friday Sep 08, 2023
Conversations That Make a Difference with Teresa Velardi
Friday Sep 08, 2023
Friday Sep 08, 2023
"Untied"- Live Free Women’s Retreat
Boundaries, Breakthrough and Forgiveness
Richard Bradshaw Bio: Richard serves as a Pastor in the United Methodist Church, a role he has embraced for over seven years. Beyond his pastoral duties, Richard is a loving husband of over twenty-five years and a dedicated father of five.
His professional journey is marked by a wealth of experience in business and the corporate non-profit sectors, where he has honed his skills in organizational management, strategic planning, and leadership.
However, what truly drives Richard is his deep faith, which serves as the foundation of his life. His unwavering passion for service and community is deeply rooted in his faith, guiding his commitment to a life of love and dedicated service.
Michelle Rene' Hammer is a Licensed Clinical Professional and certified Pastoral Counselor, BREAKTHROUGH Coach, and Motivational Speaker. A #1, International, Best-Selling Author of Boundaries for Breakthrough-Live by God's Design: Eight Essential Keys for Emotional Wellbeing, Michelle hosts a weekly television show on the Win-Win Women Network - BREAKTHROUGH Today with Michelle Rene- where she helps women Navigating Life's Challenges in Clinical & Biblical Ways.
Having founded Turning Leaf Counseling, Consultation & Coaching, Inc., Michelle's vision is to help people discover what she calls their 'God-Why, the purpose for their pain and all they have endured. A sought-after motivational speaker, her message is one of hope for the hurting, delivered with wit, humor, grit, and grace.
Living on Kent Island, Maryland, Michelle has been married to her husband, Dave, for 31 years. She has two grown daughters and four grandchildren whom she adores, and you can often find her anywhere near, or better yet, on the water. To read more about Michelle, you can go to https://www.turningleafcounselingandconsultation.com/ or find her on Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/michelle.h.hammer.7
Video Version: https://www.youtube.com/live/NayWGfcCSBE?si=2RIKDS31OKQN3rzi
Call in with a comment or Chat with Teresa during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand. or write a question on YouTube during Show
Learn more about Teresa here:

Friday Aug 25, 2023
Conversations That Make a Difference with Teresa Velardi
Friday Aug 25, 2023
Friday Aug 25, 2023
Win the Wellness W.A.R We Are Responsible Panel 2
Guests Andy Vargo, Alysia Lyons, Cyndi Wilkins, Lara Scriba and Ziggy Salvation
Andy Vargo
Bio and Contact Information: Andy is a Podcast host, Own Your Awkward, Best-selling Author, and creator of the Awkward Journal series and Own Your Awkward Life Changes. He is a motivational speaker, business and life-change coach, and comedian. He lived the first forty years of his life feeling “awkward.” Coming out of the closet at forty doesn’t define him, pursuing his passion to help others does. Having changed everything about his life, Andy leads others as a motivational speaker and helps people live their fullest lives as a business and life-change coach. At night you can find him working stages around the northwest as a comedian, making light of his journey with the gift of laughter. Awkward is not only his brand but his style as Andy encourages us all to ‘Own Your Awkward’ and be true to your genuine self. https://linktr.ee/OwnYourAwkward
Alysia Lyons
Bio and Contact Information: Alysia is a mom first, an entrepreneur, a life coach, and an author second. She is passionate about helping women live their lives with more joy from the inside out. She has her Bachelor of Science in Business Management and is a certified Master Neuro-Transformational Life Coach. Alysia guides her clients through long-lasting neurological shifts to help ease their guilt and increase their emotional freedom. She is the author of the blog The Mom Support Coach, which focuses on relationships, mom guilt, communication, and lessons she has learned throughout her daily life.
Cyndi Wilkins
Bio and Contact Information: Cyndi has practiced the art and science of therapeutic massage and energetic bodywork for 20 years. She believes in co-creating health, reinforcing mind, body, and spirit to explore the root causes of discomfort and disease. She is an author, blogs for All Things Wellness, and a featured contributor for BizCatalyst 360°, and. She lives in Marblehead, Massachusetts, with her wife, their beautiful daughter, and 'pandemic pets' Keena and Luna.
Lara Scriba
Bio and Contact Information: Lara loves exploring new places, and whether she’s sailing the world with her family or discovering the nuances of her inner world, her curiosity always leads her to look just below the surface. Her passion to support others to heal through a holistic lens has been nurtured by her background in nursing, work as a Reiki practitioner, Yoga Teacher specializing in stress resilience, ayurvedic habits and eating disorder recovery, and Numerologist. She delights in co-creating an experience with others to reignite their inner spark, shine a light on the wisdom that already exists, and cultivate a deep sense of connection and trust with one's self.
Ki to kaizen yoga (larascriba.com)
Keith Zygland, aka Ziggy Salvation
Bio and Contact Information: is a husband, father, and Master Barber with over 20 years of experience. When he is not behind the barber chair, he spends time with his family, takes day trips to Legoland with his wife and kids, and live streams video gameplay on Twitch.
Video Version: https://www.youtube.com/live/9DkyJ8U0LoE?si=AhEtVY7yy_-36veH
Call in with a comment or Chat with Teresa during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand. or write a question on YouTube during Show.
Learn more about Teresa here:

Friday Aug 18, 2023
Conversations That Make a Difference with Teresa Velardi
Friday Aug 18, 2023
Friday Aug 18, 2023
Win the Wellness W.A.R We Are Responsible
Guests Eileen Bild, Mark Reid, Dr. Rachelle Sweet and Faith Pearce. Bios:
Eileen Bild is the CEO and Executive Producer at OTELproductions, ROKU Channel Developer and Talk Show host for OTEL TALK. She is an author and internationally syndicated columnist for BizCatalyst360, Life Coaching Magazine, Women’s Voice Magazine, and NSAEN. She is also a Breakthrough S.P.A.R.K. Coach.
Mark Reid inspires independent thinkers on his Zen Sammich podcast. He has an MA from Florida State University in philosophy and religious studies and graduated from Syracuse University of Law. He is an attorney and professor turned Washi (Japanese paper) Maker. Mark is also an award-winning contributor at BIZCATALYST 360.
website: https://www.zensammich.com/
Dr. Rachelle Sweet: Rachelle’s background is in Neuropsychology, Health Coaching, and Genetics. She evaluates epigenetic blueprints to guide stressed, tired women, to achieve more energy and clarity, and helps them wake up confidently to rock their day. She maximizes client results by using genetics as a guide and understanding biological individuality. She is the author of Expressive Origins.
Faith Pearce is a single mum with an adult daughter. Faith has worked in Banking & HR. She spent 10 years working for a private medical company in Quality management, reviewing, updating, and issuing all company documents, and departmental onboarding. After a career change, she is retraining in Pharmacy. Faith loves animals. She is an author and blogs for All Things Wellness. She loves art, photography, and getting creative in the kitchen.
Her favorite place is the beach. She is passionate about self-development and empowering others to discover their own potential through a holistic approach. She dreams of traveling the world.
Video Version: https://www.youtube.com/live/3h_D-plsE2c?feature=share
Call in with a comment or Chat with Teresa during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand. or write a question on YouTube during Show
Learn more about Teresa here: