Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network

Friday May 20, 2022
Conversations That Make a Difference with Teresa Velardi
Friday May 20, 2022
Friday May 20, 2022
Life Skills for The Journey
Gloria Sloan is the author of two books Abundant Faith and her newest book, Life Skills for the Journey, which has been endorsed by world-renowned motivational speaker, teacher, and author, Les Brown. See that video at https://gloriasloan.com/books/. Gloria has a passion for helping people achieve their goals and find greater joy in life by using valuable life skills. She is an author, speaker, life coach, and strategist. She is on a mission to energize, impact and influence individuals and organizations to lead a vibrant life through engaging possibilities. She encourages self-directed learning to achieve heightened performance. Her career background covers over forty years of business management, workforce development, implementing job training programs, employment recruiting, conference management, hotel sourcing, and contract negotiations. Her most rewarding position is sharing the knowledge for self-discovery and personal development.
Life Skills for the Journey
Abundant Faith
Video Version: https://youtu.be/SujDTxQstbk
Call in with a comment or Chat with Teresa during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand. Or click YouTube icon to write a question
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Friday May 06, 2022
Conversations That Make a Difference with Teresa Velardi
Friday May 06, 2022
Friday May 06, 2022
More Mayhem to Miracles with Sister Dr. Jenna, Kat Kanavos, and Rev. Temple Hayes
Sister Dr. Jenna's Bio
Sister Dr. Jenna is the author of the recently released book Meditation: Intimate Experiences with the Divine through Contemplative Practices, which includes over 30 contributing authors. As an acclaimed, trusted spiritual mentor she is committed to bridging divides in societies and building relationships between global influencers. She has impacted lives around the globe, inspiring change and finding solutions to current day crises as the founder and director of the Brahma Kumaris Meditation Museum, located in the metropolitan Washington D.C. area. Sister Dr. Jenna is also the host of the popular America Meditating Radio Show and recipient of the President’s Lifetime National Community Service Award.
She is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle and was selected by Empower A Billion Women 2020 as one of 100 most influential leaders of 2015. Sister Dr. Jenna’s voice of influence is particularly needed in the wake of tragedy and increasing violence in our world. Websites: www.MeditationMuseum.org & www.AmericaMeditating.org
Kathleen O’Keefe Kanavos Bio
Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos, aka The Queen of Dreams, is a co-publisher/WEBEBooksPublishing.com, three-time Breast Cancer Survivor, taught Psychology at USF Fort Myers Branch, hosts Dreaming Healing on DreamVisions7 Radio/TV Network, is a PR Guru, internationally syndicated columnist for BIZCATALYST360, and Desert Health Magazines, Author/Lecturer and Internationally award winning, bestselling author of many books including Chaos to Clarity, Crappy to Happy, Mayhem to Miracles, Dreams That Can Save Your Life, and Surviving Cancerland, seen on Dr. Oz , The DOCTORS, CBS and NBC. Kat promotes patient advocacy and connecting with Inner and Divine Guidance through Dreams for success in health, wealth, and relationships. Kat says, “Don’t tell God how big your problems are. Tell your problems how big your God is.” Learn more @ http://kathleenokeefekanavos.com/
Rev. Temple Hayes Bio
Temple Hayes is a spiritual trailblazer. Raised in South Carolina, she was born to question everything. Why must everything be just as her southern Baptist family told her it should be? Enduring a heartbreaking childhood and a traumatized youth, she turned to a new understanding of Spirit to pull her from the car wrecks of alcohol addiction and through a hundred different fears. Firm in her conviction that the Creator loves you as you are and wants to have a conversation, Temple forged a new life from the ashes of her day-by-day death, a life that embraces bringing others to this realization and opening their hearts. Temple is an accomplished and practicing shaman.
She is revered internationally and a key member of the Leadership Council of the Association of Global New Thought. Her popular radio show The Intentional Spirit reaches millions around the world. Temple is the founder of Life Rights, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the right of all to live the life of their intention in freedom and peace, and the SOFI Project, a nonprofit organization that rescues and rehabilitates dogs and cats globally. For more information, visit www.templehayes.com
Video Version: https://youtu.be/hBPunLwIsF8
Call in with a comment or Chat with Teresa during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand. Or click YouTube icon to write a question
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Friday Apr 22, 2022
Conversations That Make a Difference with Teresa Velardi
Friday Apr 22, 2022
Friday Apr 22, 2022
How To Navigate Life Without Losing Yourself
Lily Sanders Author, Speaker, Coach
Lily Sanders is the award-winning author of Truth To Triumph, Speaker, Intimate Partner Violence Expert, and Major Media Expert. She specializes in helping young adults identify the disguises behind IPV and learn how to forge healthy relationships. She is also a survivor with a powerful story.
Lily’s mission is to build services that prioritize young adult well-being, opportunities for healing, building resilience, and breaking the mold for positive generational change.
She has been consecutively awarded one of the Top Ten Coaching Experts in NYC, and recently featured by NBC, CBS, USA Today, Yahoo, Boston Herald, Thrive Global, Zoosk, eHarmony, and iHeartRadio.
Free Ebook download for all listeners: https://mailchi.mp/6fc0f64c3645/lily_sanders_soulbread_free-ebook
Lily says, “The reason I wrote ‘Truth to Triumph’ was to help you learn how to navigate any life situations without losing yourself.”
Site: https://lilysanders.live
Podcast: https://anchor.fm/lilysanders
Follow Lily: https://lilysanders.live/youtube/
Buy her Book: https://lilysanders.live/truth-to-triumph/
Video Version: https://youtu.be/ECNJu6McSck
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Learn more about Teresa here:

Friday Apr 08, 2022
Conversations That Make a Difference with Teresa Velardi
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Living Fearlessly 2.0
Erin Ley is a World-Class Speaker, #1 Bestselling Author and Empowerment & Success Coach. She is Host of the streaming “Life On Track” summit and TV show, inspiring viewers worldwide about making the most of life’s opportunities. For decades, audiences and clients across the globe have enjoyed her warmth and wisdom, inspired by her transformational power. She is the creator of the popular “Life On Track” coaching program.
They call Erin “The Miracle Maker!” As a cancer thriver at age 25, happily unstuck single Mom of 3 at age 47, successful Entrepreneur at age 50, and serial manifester when it matters most, Erin has shown thousands upon thousands across the globe, how to become victorious by being focused, fearless, and excited about life and your future! Ms. Ley is the author of several books, including the popular #1 bestseller “WORKLUV: A Love Story”. Clients are empowered for life-change through her coaching, audio programs, educational videos, and live seminars.
Erin says, “Celebrate life and you’ll have a life worth celebrating!”
To see more about Erin and the release of her 4th book, #1 Bestseller “WORKLUV: A Love Story”, along with her “Life On Track” Course & Coaching Programs, please visit https://erinley.com/
Jeria Arthur, aka "Ace" is the mother of two. Her daughter, Jayah, and son, Jayce, are the inspiration for and the characters in her children’s book, “Girls Play Football Too,” The first in her book series. Through her Girls Play Football book series, Jeria aims to uplift, inspire and encourage little girls and young women to walk out their purpose and live their dreams.
Ace’s brand, Ace Athletics is housed at ACEquarters, a health and wellness complex. Although she doesn't look like a football player, Ace plays the game well. She is committed to being the best version of herself and inspires others to do the same.
She believes that everyone has a purpose and encourages others to walk in that purpose, no matter what it is. Find yours and live it out… make a difference and encourage others to do the same!
Jeria lives by the phrase, "There is no limit to what you can achieve." She says, "If you can see it in your mind, then you will hold it in your hand!"
In 2021 Jeria took on the title of “firefighter!” She underwent rigorous training and now is a fully certified member of her local fire department.
Keep striving to be your very best!
Email: Theaceathletics@gmail.com
Instagram: @ace_wfla, @j_ace07, @ace_athletics1
Eldonna Lewis Fernandez is CEO of Dynamic Vision International Inc., and Baskets and Beads Kenya, Eldonna Lewis Fernandez showcases leadership, communication training and negotiation skills to corporate clients and small business owners internationally. Her business and fair trade verified organization are built on a 23-year career as a contract specialist in the United States Air Force, where she negotiated hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of domestic and international contracts – everything from pens and paper to office machines, automotive parts and aircraft maintenance.
After retiring from the Air Force, Eldonna worked as a contracts administrator, negotiator and systems analyst for aerospace companies such as Raytheon, Parsons and L3Harris. She worked with Raytheon and the U.S. Navy on the F-18 Radar program, and with Sparta and Parsons on satellite launch programs for the Space and Missile Systems Center at Los Angeles Air Force Base and on the U.S. Navy Virginia and Columbia Submarine programs with L3Harris. She is one of 89 Accredited Speakers worldwide honored by Toastmasters International for outstanding platform and presentation skills. She animates every keynote, workshop and breakout session with experiential participation, games or simulations. “You remember it because you’re experiencing the information rather than passively listening to it,” she says.
Eldonna is the author of Think Like A Negotiator ~ 50 Ways to Create Win-Win Results by Understanding the Pitfalls to Avoid, and GoPINK Rules of Engagement: 5 Foundational Principles for Taking Control of the Handlebars of Your Life. She also co-authored Heart of a Military Woman, an award-winning anthology of stories by, for, and about military women and families. She is also published in 7 other books including Heart of a Woman in Business and Heart of a Toastmaster
Video Version: https://youtu.be/BCPccYPWUaA
Call in with a comment or Chat with Teresa during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand. Or click YouTube icon to write a question
Learn more about Teresa here:

Friday Mar 18, 2022
Conversations That Make a Difference with Teresa Velardi
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Living Fearlessly
Eileen's Bio
Eileen Bild is CEO of Ordinary to Extraordinary Life/OTEL Universe, Executive Director/ROKU Channel Developer, Founder of The Core Thinking Blueprint Method, OTEL TALK show host, and Breakthrough S.P.A.R.K. Coach. She is a published author and Internationally Syndicated Columnist.
Eileen teaches Mindfulness Meditation, Mindfulness Leadership, Validation, Communication Skills, and Leadership Skills. She works with purpose driven professionals, celebrities and executives to SPARK the next step by helping to re-engineer the brain while upgrading thinking to a new level. As part of a power couple, Eileen and her husband, Trevor Bild offer a platform with their ROKU channels for people to have a voice to share their passions, visions and dreams, bringing a 360 view of life.
P.J. Dixon Bio
P.J. Dixon is an International Speaker and Success Strategist—who focuses on results! Despite his disability, which was expected to take his life by 7, he chose to live, and live well! P.J. truly lives an extraordinary life: sailing, outdoor skydiving, indoor skydiving, trapezing, ziplining, hiking, mountain climbing, snow skiing, water skiing, aqua jetpacking, and the list goes on!
He's a former wheelchair athlete, international traveler, amateur watercolorist, founder of two non-profit organizations and four disabled sports programs, a published author, 10th degree black belt, martial arts and women’s self-defense instructor, and a meditation teacher.
Additionally, P.J. has been:
inducted into the National Hall of Fame for People with Disabilities,
awarded the distinguished Gold Dragon Medal from the Bujinkan International Dojo,
recognized with the extremely rare Communication and Leadership Award from Toastmasters International, and . . .
was nominated to carry the Olympic Torch through Tucson in 2002.
Video Version: https://youtu.be/75c32K9HU84
Call in with a comment or Chat with Teresa during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand. Or click YouTube icon to write a question
Learn more about Teresa here:

Friday Feb 25, 2022
Conversations That Make a Difference with Teresa Velardi
Friday Feb 25, 2022
Friday Feb 25, 2022
Abundant Living 2.0
Tony Hubbard
Tony Hubbard is a serial entrepreneur for the last 21 years, 18 of those years are counted in the Network Marketing and Direct Sales space. He is laser focused on serving the masses to success.
Tony has been married for 32 years and is blessed with 6 beautiful children. He credits his success to being a servant leader following the philosophy of one of his first mentors, Zig Ziglar who said, “you can have everything you want out of life if you simply help enough other people get what they want!” He has also affectionately been called the “Quote Master”
Scott Zuckman
Scott Zuckman is a nationally known and highly sought-after entrepreneur, business owner, internet marketer, investor and public speaker.
He began his career as a highly successful product creator and advertising copywriter. In 1992 his Internet Advertising agency was born. He then began selling web sites and Internet advertising. Scott was interviewed and written up in Wired Magazine for the founding and development of his huge internet marketing company.
For the last 37 years Scott has been a successful real estate investor, entrepreneur and independent contractor for many top training companies. For the last 13 years he has been one of the most sought-after seminar/workshop speakers and trainers. Currently, Scott proudly teaches people from all walks of life how they can build wealth in their spare time then scale up to a full-time business and financial freedom.
Video Version: https://youtu.be/SogbUSF7WFs
Call in with a comment or Chat with Teresa during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand. Or click YouTube icon to write a question
Learn more about Teresa here:

Friday Feb 18, 2022
Conversations That Make a Difference with Teresa Velardi
Friday Feb 18, 2022
Friday Feb 18, 2022
Abundant Living
Tasha Chen
Tasha Chen is an expert in taking businesses from struggling and on-the-verge-of-giving-up to opening their can of dreams again, having fun, and making money!
Her wildly impactful manifestation and mindset training and coaching have helped entrepreneurs around the globe generate an additional $47.5 million in revenue in their businesses in the past 8 years.
She has a knack for seeing the big picture for others and also helps them see their own power. Her inspirational talks cover the magic of manifesting, mindset and developing personal superpowers, sales from the heart, and calling in abundance.
“Every Entrepreneur Deserves Financial Freedom Doing What They Love.”
Her new book, “Deservingness: The Art of Getting More of What You Want” can be found on Amazon.com https://amzn.to/3gE9O0r
Tasha's Money Gratitude Journal Gift
Video Version: https://youtu.be/vCQop2okxG4
Call in with a comment or Chat with Teresa during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand. Or click YouTube icon to write a question
Learn more about Teresa here:

Friday Feb 04, 2022
Conversations That Make a Difference with Teresa Velardi
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Friday Feb 04, 2022
What’s Your God Given Purpose?
Denise Harvey is a published author passionately writing about God's grace. Her children's book Growing up Sassafras -Where is my Daddy? and her newest book, Emergence of Me - Discovering My Identity and Courage Within, are filled with faith, hope in God, and hope that the family can be restored and reunited.
She strives to help implant God's love and understanding in the lives of the young, our women, and the aging. Denise believes all can experience transformation, deliverance, and healing when God lives and operates in their hearts.
Denise and her retired Air Force husband of 38 years, Junius, have two adult kids and fivegrandchildren. A graduate of Liberty University, she holds multiple degrees.
Free Gift: E-Book (PDF) called "Emergence of Me" ... go to http://www.deniseharvey.com
Mandy Leigh is a mental health and spiritual wellness coach specializing in trauma recovery. She is also an author and a public speaker. She is trained in inner healing and deliverance, psychology, and Christian counseling. She is a survivor of many things, including narcissistic abuse and sex trafficking.
Free Gift: E-Book (PDF) "Stuck in the Pain of the Past? 5 Keys to Transform Your Trauma Into Triumph" Go to... https://www.mandyleigh.com/free-gift
Michelle Rene' Hammer, MS, LCPC, is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, Board Certified Clinical Supervisor, Certified Pastoral Counselor, International #1 Best Selling Author, & Motivational Speaker. CEO of twin programs she founded, Turning Leaf Counseling & Consultation & Crowned Courageous Coaching, Michelle's mission is to help people who are stuck in hurtful, even toxic patterns, BREAKTHROUGH to healthier, happier connections freeing them for abundant, joy-filled lives. She lives in Annapolis, Maryland with her husband Dave, has two grown daughters and several grands whom she adores. Michelle enjoys music, writing, traveling, spending time with family and friends, dancing, and working out so she can keep eating Chef Hubby's amazing food. She also loves walking her dogs, boating, hiking, or beaching it. You can often find her outdoors anywhere near, or better yet, on the water. Most of all she loves God who is her everything.
Free Gift: E-Book (PDF) "The #1 Step You MUST Take on Your Path to Purpose w/ BONUS CONTENT of In Order to Say YES to Your Purpose, You Must Be Able to Say No"
Go to... https://www.michellerenehammer.com/free-gift-michelle-rene-hammer-1-1
Lu Ann Topovski is a high-level Biblical counselor and coach. She is certified in spiritual formation, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). She obtained her master’s in divinity degree through Ashland Theological Seminary in 2007, and her MBA in 2010 from Ashland University. She has owned two counseling centers and has published four books: with her most recent book release being, “Rise Above Your Past and Soar Into Your Future.”
Lu Ann teaches 12-week on-line classes and she is the TV host for The Kingdom View.
Free Gift: E-Book (PDF) "Arise: Keys to The Kingdome Lifestyle"
Goto... https://www.thekingdomview.com/
Jacquel Tucker is the youngest of 8 siblings from a rural community in Jamaica where her dad is a pastor and her mother a youth director. She is a former Hospitality Executive with solid expertise in sales, marketing, branding and training. She fully launched into her true Kingdom purpose in 2016, as an entrepreneur and launching her non-profit The Jamaica Project USA which she co-founded with her husband Shun Tucker. Her first book, It's Time for YOUR Transition was published in 2019 and Jacquel was one of 100 women in the USA featured in the 2020 release of the Unselfish Women coffee table book. During the pandemic her non-profit fed up to 2,000 families per month in Georgia and served up to 10 communities in Jamaica. God has set her Purpose on Fire and through her My Purpose on Fire Coaching Program, she now helps kingdom minded aspiring entrepreneurs and professionals discover, ignite and launch their true kingdom purpose in just 90 days. She currently lives in Georgia with her husband and best friend Shun and her parents. She lives by "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" - Philippians 4 vs 13
Free Gift: E-Book (PDF) "You've Found Your Purpose, Now What? 5 Keys to set your purpose on fire and create a life of joy, passion and fulfillment"
Go to: https://www.mypurposeonfire.com/free-gift
Video Version: https://youtu.be/OLS1c6h3Zfg
Call in with a comment or Chat with Teresa during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand. Or click YouTube icon to write a question
Learn more about Teresa here:

Friday Jan 21, 2022
Conversations That Make a Difference with Teresa Velardi
Friday Jan 21, 2022
Friday Jan 21, 2022
Coaching with Passion and Purpose
Laurie Rowland
Laurie is an Ordained Women’s Minister, Poet, Author, Speaker and Coach. She helps and inspires women struggling emotionally in difficult relationships and past trauma break free and start walking in their God-Given identity, just like she did. She enjoys boating, cooking, and spending time with her family. She and her husband of 40 years reside in the Panhandle of Florida. She can be reached at
lilroyawrites@yahoo.com or on FB www.facebook.com/laurierowland.writes
Lisa Tuggle
EvangeliNation "Evangelizing the nation for the best and brightest future of our country, our world, and our eternal souls... and what could be more important than that?"
Lisa holds a B.A. in Great Books from the University of Notre Dame and a Master of Arts degree in Theology and Christian Ministry from Franciscan University. After 20+ years in the performing arts and 10+ years as a youth minister and Director of Religious Education at her church, she is dedicating the "second half" of her life to global catechesis initiatives while enjoying family, friends, and a simple life of prayer.
Kelly Williams Hale
Kelly Williams Hale is a writer, speaker, and leader. She’s an Amazon #1 best-selling author and is passionate about equipping believers to be brave. As a confidence coach, Kelly empowers discouraged Christian women to overcome self-doubt, worry and fear so they can live a life of significance, courage, and confidence.
WEBSITE: thebebravelife.com
FREE GIFT: You are enough. 5 steps to slay self-doubt and start living your best life.
Jill Clay
Jill has devoted her life to helping leaders be authentic and effective! As a leader of leaders for many years, she has realized the importance of anchoring Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) to ensure a rock-solid foundation.
Jill has a lengthy background in human resource management and 25 years of leadership and training experiences with both churches and national/international companies. Jill is also a Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-CSP) with the Society for Human Resource Management.
Jill’s passion is to help ambitious leaders in ministry and in the marketplace build an unshakable foundation by unleashing the HEART of their leadership. jillclaycoaching.com
Video Version: https://youtu.be/y-zhLEDgjQs
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Learn more about Teresa here:

Friday Jan 07, 2022
Conversations That Make a Difference with Teresa Velardi
Friday Jan 07, 2022
Friday Jan 07, 2022
Coach Peggy Willms, Successful Entrepreneur and owner of All Things Wellness, LLC.
Coach Peggy Willms has been a Trend Setter for more than years, with her unique approach, tools, and strategies shattering the “Norm” in the health, wellness, fitness, and medical fields.
She is an author, certified personal trainer, sports performance nutritionist, personal and executive health, wellness and life coach, consultant, educator, and speaker.
Peggy has managed multi-million-dollar medical clinics. Her unique business and work-site wellness programs have earned her multiple awards. She is a successful entrepreneur and owner of All Things Wellness, LLC. Her internationally syndicated radio show: The Coach Peggy Show focuses on All Things Wellness: heart, spirit, mind, and body.
Peggy is the host and executive producer of a transformation docuseries, Coach Peggy Real-Time, which takes viewers on a wellness journey in real-time over 10-weeks. Real People with Real Problems finding Real Solutions. Peggy also conducts wellness retreats in SW Florida.
A native of N.H., Peggy worked for the U.S. Army in Heidelberg, Germany. She raised her two sons in Colorado and is now a grandma. She enjoys kayaking, biking, swimming, and all things fun and sun. https://peggywillms.com/
Video Version: https://youtu.be/oHEW6Up5ChE
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Learn more about Teresa here: