Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network

Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Conversations That Make a Difference with Teresa Velardi
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Frank Zaccari, Best Selling Author
Bio: Frank Zaccari is a best-selling author who has written seven books based on life-altering events. Business Secrets for Walking on Water and Business and Personal Secrets for Avoiding Relationship Landmines are the first 2 books in a three-book series.
An accomplished speaker, Frank teaches aspiring entrepreneurs at Arizona State University, is a mentor with the Veterans Treatment Court, and a mentor and judge with the University of California Entrepreneurship Academy. His International Voice America radio show, Life-Altering Events, is now on Roku TV and has 220,000 listeners in 42 countries.
With 30 years of expert experience as a successful executive, author, and entrepreneur, Frank teaches aspiring entrepreneurs and leaders to uncover hidden opportunities, find the connections to create solutions to business and personal challenges, and build high-performing teams to succeed.
A native of western New York, Frank Zaccari served as a medic in the U.S. Air Force, then spent over 20 years in the high-tech industry. Holding senior positions with Fortune 50 organizations and turning around small and mid-size companies, Frank brings immense knowledge of business, finance, organizational development, people, and success to his engaging spoken presentations and books.
Connect with Frank at www.FrankZaccari.com
Video Version: https://youtu.be/jnb1ZHbmLyQ
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Friday Dec 10, 2021
Conversations That Make a Difference with Teresa Velardi
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Friday Dec 10, 2021
The ABC’s of Children’s Books
Kenyetta Obie is a native of Atlanta, Ga. where she is raising her son. Her college major in child development led her to a career as a teacher both in mainstream and special needs development. Kenyetta's journey has fueled her passion for developing the minds of young children by encouraging them to fall in love with reading at an early age. Her book, Goose Farm Adventure is the first in a series of books Kenyetta plans to bring to the world of early childhood learning. www.sillygooselearning.com
Amazon link: https://amzn.to/3ouo2pz
Dr. Melvyn Wolk and his wife Marilyn live in Scranton Pa. Dr. Wolk established his Pediatric practice then became board-certified in Allergy and Immunology. He served as Chief of Pediatrics at Community Medical Center for over 25 years where he established the first Neonatal Intensive Care Center in the area. Because parents needed to be close to their children, he established the Ronald McDonald House of Scranton, "The house that love built" with the help of Carol and Albert Mueller.
Marilyn, co-author of their book, The Illphabet has been happily married to Dr. Wolk for 61 years. She served as his office manager throughout his practice. Together they are the parents of three children, eight grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.
Amazon link: https://amzn.to/3okEAju
Jane McCarter-Caponigro is a native New Yorker. She was a board member of the PTA and an active volunteer at her children's school.
Jane saw a need for her book, YES, I AM! A to Z, believing that although every child is different, none should ever feel "less than." She wants every child to recognize their abilities and value.
Jane's greatest desire is to be positively changing the lives of children with the powerful words found in her first book. It invites conversation between the adult and the child to share their points of view. Jane encourages curiosity and celebration on both sides of the conversation through the reading of her books. www.yeschildrensbooks.com
Amazon link: https://amzn.to/3dkUXpS
Video Version: https://youtu.be/Pt6guqEkkzk
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Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Conversations That Make a Difference with Teresa Velardi
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
"Children's Books that Build Confidence"
Jeria Arthur "Girls Play Football Too"
Jeria "Ace" Arthur, from Conyers, GA is the mother of two, a professional women's football player and gym owner.
Her children, Jayah and Jayce are the children in her book, "Girls Play Football Too" and a huge inspiration for her book series.
Ace owns "ACEquarters" where her brand, "Ace Athletics is housed and where she trains her clients to live healthier lifestyles, and athletes to perform at their highest level.
The WFLA, the first women's football league that will pay it's players will make its debut in early 2022! Ace plays wide receiver and running back for the "Atlanta Amazons."
She lives by the phrase, "There is no limit to what you can achieve." www.girlsplayfootball.org
Link to "Girls Play Football Too" https://amzn.to/3xycWmj
Sarah Jibrin "Kip the 'Copter and the Rushing River Adventure"
Sarah Jibrin is excited to share her first children's book, which was birthed while inventing a bedtime story for her children.
It's important to Sarah that we take advantage of the opportunities we have with children to empower them to see their value and live with integrity. She hopes to contribute to your child's growth through this story and others to come.
Sarah loves spending time with her husband and children where they live in New England.
She believes it's never too late to be like Kip the 'Copter and discover the unique qualities that enable us to strengthen those around us while using our talents. www.telotownadventures.com
Link to Kip the 'Copter and the Rushing River Adventure" https://amzn.to/3liX0z8
Melanie Francis "Poop Shoes"
From an early age, Melanie Francis loved to draw. She earned admittance to New York City's prestigious High School of Art and Design.
While in college, Melanie discovered that she enjoyed writing stories as much as she liked drawing and painting.
She has combined her love of art with her love of writing to create "Poop Shoes."
Ms. Francis is currently working on her next children's book, "Miss Abby Crabby."
Link to "Poop Shoes" https://amzn.to/3E0Zdqk
Video Version https://youtu.be/auv4Z-u69eo
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Friday Nov 19, 2021
Conversations That Make a Difference with Teresa Velardi
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Meaningful Children's Books Just in Time for The Holidays!
"I Am Not What They Say"
Joshua D. Blocker is an Award-Winning Actor, Author, Screenwriter, Director, and Founder of DAWAY ENTERTAINMENT. An all-around creative who is spontaneously comedic, intriguing, intelligent, and widely influential. Joshua Blocker, affectionately known as JoshDaWay, is dedicated to changing lives through the power of storytelling. This Texas native has huge dreams with no plan to stop his pursuit of them anytime soon. Joshua holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Texas State University (San Marcos, TX) and is currently represented by Cachet Talent Agency. Joshua's website is www.DaWayENT.com
"The Case of the Missing Baby"
Caden C. Whitlock is a motivated, energetic Fifth Grader with a heart of gold. He enjoys school and loves playing and watching soccer. Caden has brothers, his twin, Cody, who lives in Heaven with Jesus, Jonathan Jr., Dondre, and Jordan. He also has a sister, Madison.
Madison is writing, "What Does Jesus Do?"
Madison loves to ask her Mommy all kinds of questions. She is a fun and lively 9-year-old who loves writing, reading, and drawing unicorns. She also loves to play soccer and basketball with her twin brother, Jordan, and her older brother, Caden. Maddy taught herself how to play the guitar and wants to learn the drums next. She also loves to dance and sing.
Caden and Madison's parents are Marian and Jonathan Whitlock. The family lives in Leesburg Georgia. Their website is www.TheWhitlockCREWChildrensBooks.com
"Grampy Goes to Heaven"
Dr. Anne Worth is a Christian counselor, speaker, and author of "Call Me Worthy." She has a heart for those who are lost and forgotten, including doggies. Dr. Anne is "Grannie Annie" to six grandchildren and "GG" to two great-granddaughters. As a hobby, she creates Christian art. Her "Tessie's Tears" book series, the first of which is "Grampy Goes to Heaven" helps young children deal with the difficult issues of loss, whether it be the loss of a loved one, a friend, or a pet. Dr. Anne's website is www.DrAnneWorthAuthor.com
Video Version: https://youtu.be/yIG18vwhUUY
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Friday Oct 22, 2021
Conversations That Make a Difference with Teresa Velardi
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Friday Oct 22, 2021
In Honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Dannielle Weiler is a 2 time breast cancer survivor. At 48, she is mother to 2 boys aged 27 and 11, and grandmother to a 10 month old. Originally from Binghamton NY, Dannielle moved to Northeastern PA in 2006 where she settled into her first home. In 2015, she was diagnosed with cancer in her right breast and required a lumpectomy and radiation. Then, in 2021 she was diagnosed with cancer in her left breast, also requiring a lumpectomy and radiation. Both were caught in very early stages.
Dannielle encourages regular self examination. Connect with her of Facebook @DannielleMarie
Tyra Glaze is a single mother of two. In March 2013 at the age of 29, she was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast cancer. Tyra discovered a red bruise on her left breast. When she went to the doctor, she was told that there was nothing wrong…her breasts were “normal.” Tyra felt differently, so before leaving the doctors office, she persisted and suggested she have a mammogram done. Breast cancer has affected several women in Tyra’s family. She was diagnosed with cancer. She then took the genetic BRCA test and her results were positive. Tyra’s treatment plan included chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation. Her new childrens book, “My Mom Is My Hero” is her story about her journey and the importance of God and family… especially when going through cancer. Connect with Tyra on Instagram@fierce_emporium_llc and visit her upcoming website www.FierceEmporium.com
Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos, aka The Queen of Dreams, is a co-publisher/WEBEBooksPublishing.com, three-time Breast Cancer Survivor, taught Psychology at USF Fort Myers Branch, hosts Dreaming Healing on DreamVisions7 Radio/TV Network, is a PR Guru, internationally syndicated columnist for BIZCATALYST360, and Desert Health Magazines, Author/Lecturer and Internationally award winning, bestselling author of many books including Chaos to Clarity, Crappy to Happy, Mayhem to Miracles, Dreams That Can Save Your Life, and Surviving Cancerland, seen on Dr. Oz , The DOCTORS, CBS and NBC. Kat promotes patient advocacy and connecting with Inner and Divine Guidance through Dreams for success in health, wealth, and relationships. Kat says, “Don’t tell God how big your problems are. Tell your problems how big your God is.” Learn more @ http://kathleenokeefekanavos.com/
Dr. Jennifer Finn is a board-certified chiropractor since 1996. After a routine mammogram in 2008 showed some suspicious grains. Comparison with a previous mammogram prompted a biopsy that showed breast cancer. After consulting with several doctors and a breast surgeon about her diagnosis of DCIS stage 0. After carefully considering her options and risk factors, at age 40, Dr. Jennifer chose to have a double mastectomy with reconstruction. The surgeries were performed consecutively, and she woke up cancer-free with no further treatment required.Dr. Jennifer says that the 13 years since her recovery (physical and emotional) from surgery, has been a journey of growth and spiritual awareness.
Learn more about and connect with Dr. Jennifer at https://www.finnchiropracticcenter.com
Video Version: https://youtu.be/lC-_XGU9jHg
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Friday Oct 08, 2021
Conversations That Make a Difference with Teresa Velardi
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Spreading the Message of Mayhem to Miracles
Bio: Eileen Bild, CEO of Ordinary to Extraordinary Life has, along with her husband, a world-renowned multi-media and production company. She works with purpose driven professionals, giving them platforms to share their passion, visions and dreams through OTELproductions and OTEL Universe, a Universal Voice. They specialize in ROKU Channel Development for individuals, businesses and non-profits; video productions; and extended services for growth, innovation and creative expression. Eileen is also an internationally syndicated columnist, published author, and Breakthrough S.P.A.R.K. Coach.
www.oteluniverse.com, www.corethinkingblueprint.com.
Bio: Dominique "Dom" Brightmon, DTM is an award-winning speaker and certified member with the John Maxwell Team. He is the bestselling author of "Going North!: Tips & Techniques to Advance Yourself", "Stay the Course: The Elite Performer's 7 Secret Keys to Sustainable Success" and contributing author for “Crappy to Happy: Sacred Stories of Transformational Joy”. Dom hosts the Going North podcast, a top-rated self-help podcast that interviews authors from all over the world. His mantra is "Advance others to advance yourself."
Video Version: https://youtu.be/H74awnjzM90
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Friday Sep 24, 2021
Conversations That Make a Difference with Teresa Velardi
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Mayhem to Miracles, Sacred Stories of Transformation Change
Bio: Sharla Charpentier is a lawyer and recovered alcoholic who shares a passion for writing creative children's stories, a love for teaching, family, travel, adventure, and all of the world's amazing creatures − most certainly llamas! Sharla is a mother of four, artist, writer, and poet. She created The Llove Llama character, and co-authored The Llove Llama And Friends series with her cousin Monica Kerkes. www.thellovellamaandfriends.com
Bio: Dr. Anne Worth is a Christian author, speaker, counselor, and workshop leader. She has a heart for animals and people, especially those in need of fostering. Anne serves the homeless and refugee communities in Dallas, Texas. Her mission is to “champion the forgotten.” https://dranneworthauthor.com/
Bio: Diane Vich RN- COVID RN-Anxiety, pain and symptoms used to control my life. Holistic remedies, hypnosis, nutrition and fitness helped establish a BALANCE in my body to enable healing and relief. You can THRIVE again. https://dianevich.com
Video Version: https://youtu.be/cULvG22tcIg
Call in with a comment or Chat with Teresa during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand. Or click YouTube icon to write a question
Learn more about Teresa here:

Friday Sep 10, 2021
Conversations That Make a Difference with Teresa Velardi
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Are Your Dreams a Conversation with the Divine?
Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos, aka The Queen of Dreams, is a co-publisher/WEBEBooks.com, three-time Breast Cancer Survivor, taught Psychology at USF Fort Myers Branch, hosts Dreaming Healing on DreamVisions7 Radio/TV Network, is a PR Guru, internationally syndicated columnist for BIZCATALYST360, and Desert Health Magazines, Author/Lecturer and Internationally award winning, bestselling author of many books including Chaos to Clarity, Crappy to Happy, Mayhem to Miracles, Dreams That Can Save Your Life, and Surviving Cancerland, seen on Dr. Oz , The DOCTORS, CBS and NBC. Kat promotes patient advocacy and connecting with Inner and Divine Guidance through Dreams for success in health, wealth, and relationships. Kat says, “Don’t tell God how big your problems are. Tell your problems how big your God is.” Learn more @ http://kathleenokeefekanavos.com/
Video Version: https://youtu.be/SujDTxQstbk
Call in with a comment or Chat with Teresa during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand. Or click YouTube icon to write a question
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