Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network

Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Dr. Carolyn Dean Live
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Understanding Hypothyroidism -Signs and Symptoms- Carolyn Dean MD ND
Hypothyroidism is an underactive thyroid gland that is not producing enough thyroid hormone to keep the body operating efficiently leaving a person feeling sluggish and low functioning. Having an undiagnosed thyroid problem is an all too common occurrence because blood tests aren’t accurate enough and the symptoms can be easily confused with other conditions.
Tonight on Dr. Dean’s weekly LIVE show we’ll be unraveling the signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism and how to begin to restore your body to optimal thyroid and immune system function.
What do you do when you suspect that you do have a thyroid imbalance? For starters, you could see if you are experiencing 3 or more of the following common signs of Hypothyroidism:
Yeast infection/ yeast overgrowth
Weight gain or difficulty burning calories
Body temperature regulation
Stomach and digestive issues including acid reflux, bloating
Feeling tired or fatigued
Sleep apnea which can also be associated with low cortisol due to continued hypothyroid state
Low heart rate
Heart palpitations, AFib
Thinning, brittle hair
Raynaud’s syndrome (painful blue/red fingers with exposure to cold
Polymyalgia (muscle pain and stiffness around shoulders, hips)
Brain fog, memory loss
Dry skin
Muscle cramps
Lump in breast
Brittle nails
Skin problems (hives, psoriasis, eczema)
Hoarse voice
Cold hands and feet
Scalloped tongue
Sex hormone and menstrual issues
Low sex drive
Chronic infections, immune compromised
Headaches and migraines
Furthering your investigation, consider a screening blood test. Through our partnership with GrassrootsHealth Dr. Dean has added a blood test for TSH to Magnesium RBC, Omega-3 fatty acids, and Vitamin D.
With symptoms and blood tests in hand, determining the most likely culprits will help you address the causes of your condition and move into recovery. The most common causes of hypothyroidism are mineral deficiency and yeast overgrowth – two conditions that disable the thyroid from functioning properly creating a perfect storm that leads to autoimmune diseases like Hashimoto’s and chronic mineral deficiency.
Slowing the effects of Hashimoto’s and chronic mineral deficiency starts with removing inflammatory foods and introducing highly absorbed minerals helps to restore the immune system and allows the thyroid to produce thyroid hormones.
It was long believed that iodine was the only mineral for the thyroid. But within the last several years it has become apparent, through research and biochemical evidence, that there are nine separate minerals involved with thyroid hormone production.
T3 has 3 iodine molecules; T4 has 4. So, it’s safe to say that the thyroid can’t function without iodine. T4 or (thyroxine) is 68 percent iodine by weight, and T3 (triiodothyronine) is 58 percent.
A necessary cofactor in the production of thyroxine (T4) and it also converts T4 to the more active form, T3. A total of 11 selenium-dependent enzymes have been identified as necessary for thyroid function and thyroid hormone production. If you take iodine, especially the high amounts of iodine that some doctors are recommending, without selenium, you can cause selenium deficiency and all the selenium deficiency side effects that are not that well known. If you take selenium without iodine, you can cause iodine deficiency.
Required for the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Zinc deficiency, plain and simple, can result in hypothyroidism. Conversely, thyroid hormones are essential for the absorption of zinc. And here’s a scary fact – the hair loss attributed to hypothyroidism may not improve with thyroid hormone replacement unless zinc supplements are added.
Molybdenum-dependent enzymes function in the oxidative system of thyrocytes (thyroid epithelial cells). They also play an important role in T3 (triiodothyronine) release from the thyroid gland. Here’s another interesting fact, molybdenum helps to break down yeast toxins and yeast gets a leg up when your temperature is low due to hypothyroidism.
Helps the conversion of the storage form of thyroid hormone, T4, to T3, the active form.
Plays an important role in the metabolism of the amino acid tyrosine, which is a precursor to T4 (thyroxine).
Enhances insulin activity playing a major role in the regulation of insulin release and its effects on carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism. Conversion of T4 to T3 is influenced by insulin, so in a roundabout way, chromium helps this conversion.
Required to transport the hormone thyroxine into our cells.
Calcium and magnesium must be balanced in the body to ensure proper thyroid function. If there is too much calcium, thyroid hormones can become diminished. Magnesium is the regulator of calcium absorption and utilization.
Tonight on Dr. Carolyn Dean Live we’ll be talking with Dr. Dean about hypothyroidism, signs and symptoms and how to help the body recover from this imbalance
About Dr. Carolyn Dean
Dr Carolyn Dean MD ND has been featured on national media for over 30 years offering practical strategies to improve health, vitality, and well-being the natural way. As a medical doctor, naturopath, certified clinical nutritionist and master of many modalities including acupuncture and homeopathy, Dr. Carolyn Dean MD ND has authored over 33 books and 100 publications including The Magnesium Miracle, 3rd Edition, Hormone Balance, Future Health Now Encyclopedia and Heart Health. Please note that the information and opinions expressed on these broadcasts are not designed to constitute advice or recommendations as to any disease, ailment, or physical condition. You should not act or rely upon any information contained in these broadcasts without seeking the advice of your personal physician. If you have any questions about the information or opinions expressed during these broadcasts, please contact your doctor.
Disclosure: Dr. Dean does have a financial interest in the sale of all the Completement Formulas.
Video Version: https://youtu.be/eDXoKXrbBq8
Call in and Chat with Dr. Dean during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand
Dr. Dean takes questions via email. Please write questions@drcarolyndeanlive.comWe will be glad to respond to your email
Learn more about Dr. Carolyn here: https://drcarolyndeanlive.com

Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Dr. Carolyn Dean Live
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Understanding Hypothyroidism -Signs and Symptoms- Carolyn Dean MD ND
Hypothyroidism is an underactive thyroid gland that is not producing enough thyroid hormone to keep the body operating efficiently leaving a person feeling sluggish and low functioning. Having an undiagnosed thyroid problem is an all too common occurrence because blood tests aren’t accurate enough and the symptoms can be easily confused with other conditions.
Tonight on Dr. Dean’s weekly LIVE show we’ll be unraveling the signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism and how to begin to restore your body to optimal thyroid and immune system function.
What do you do when you suspect that you do have a thyroid imbalance? For starters, you could see if you are experiencing 3 or more of the following common signs of Hypothyroidism:
Yeast infection/ yeast overgrowth
Weight gain or difficulty burning calories
Body temperature regulation
Stomach and digestive issues including acid reflux, bloating
Feeling tired or fatigued
Sleep apnea which can also be associated with low cortisol due to continued hypothyroid state
Low heart rate
Heart palpitations, AFib
Thinning, brittle hair
Raynaud’s syndrome (painful blue/red fingers with exposure to cold
Polymyalgia (muscle pain and stiffness around shoulders, hips)
Brain fog, memory loss
Dry skin
Muscle cramps
Lump in breast
Brittle nails
Skin problems (hives, psoriasis, eczema)
Hoarse voice
Cold hands and feet
Scalloped tongue
Sex hormone and menstrual issues
Low sex drive
Chronic infections, immune compromised
Headaches and migraines
Furthering your investigation, consider a screening blood test. Through our partnership with GrassrootsHealth Dr. Dean has added a blood test for TSH to Magnesium RBC, Omega-3 fatty acids, and Vitamin D.
With symptoms and blood tests in hand, determining the most likely culprits will help you address the causes of your condition and move into recovery. The most common causes of hypothyroidism are mineral deficiency and yeast overgrowth – two conditions that disable the thyroid from functioning properly creating a perfect storm that leads to autoimmune diseases like Hashimoto’s and chronic mineral deficiency.
Slowing the effects of Hashimoto’s and chronic mineral deficiency starts with removing inflammatory foods and introducing highly absorbed minerals helps to restore the immune system and allows the thyroid to produce thyroid hormones.
It was long believed that iodine was the only mineral for the thyroid. But within the last several years it has become apparent, through research and biochemical evidence, that there are nine separate minerals involved with thyroid hormone production.
T3 has 3 iodine molecules; T4 has 4. So, it’s safe to say that the thyroid can’t function without iodine. T4 or (thyroxine) is 68 percent iodine by weight, and T3 (triiodothyronine) is 58 percent.
A necessary cofactor in the production of thyroxine (T4) and it also converts T4 to the more active form, T3. A total of 11 selenium-dependent enzymes have been identified as necessary for thyroid function and thyroid hormone production. If you take iodine, especially the high amounts of iodine that some doctors are recommending, without selenium, you can cause selenium deficiency and all the selenium deficiency side effects that are not that well known. If you take selenium without iodine, you can cause iodine deficiency.
Required for the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Zinc deficiency, plain and simple, can result in hypothyroidism. Conversely, thyroid hormones are essential for the absorption of zinc. And here’s a scary fact – the hair loss attributed to hypothyroidism may not improve with thyroid hormone replacement unless zinc supplements are added.
Molybdenum-dependent enzymes function in the oxidative system of thyrocytes (thyroid epithelial cells). They also play an important role in T3 (triiodothyronine) release from the thyroid gland. Here’s another interesting fact, molybdenum helps to break down yeast toxins and yeast gets a leg up when your temperature is low due to hypothyroidism.
Helps the conversion of the storage form of thyroid hormone, T4, to T3, the active form.
Plays an important role in the metabolism of the amino acid tyrosine, which is a precursor to T4 (thyroxine).
Enhances insulin activity playing a major role in the regulation of insulin release and its effects on carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism. Conversion of T4 to T3 is influenced by insulin, so in a roundabout way, chromium helps this conversion.
Required to transport the hormone thyroxine into our cells.
Calcium and magnesium must be balanced in the body to ensure proper thyroid function. If there is too much calcium, thyroid hormones can become diminished. Magnesium is the regulator of calcium absorption and utilization.
Tonight on Dr. Carolyn Dean Live we’ll be talking with Dr. Dean about hypothyroidism, signs and symptoms and how to help the body recover from this imbalance
About Dr. Carolyn Dean
Dr Carolyn Dean MD ND has been featured on national media for over 30 years offering practical strategies to improve health, vitality, and well-being the natural way. As a medical doctor, naturopath, certified clinical nutritionist and master of many modalities including acupuncture and homeopathy, Dr. Carolyn Dean MD ND has authored over 33 books and 100 publications including The Magnesium Miracle, 3rd Edition, Hormone Balance, Future Health Now Encyclopedia and Heart Health. Please note that the information and opinions expressed on these broadcasts are not designed to constitute advice or recommendations as to any disease, ailment, or physical condition. You should not act or rely upon any information contained in these broadcasts without seeking the advice of your personal physician. If you have any questions about the information or opinions expressed during these broadcasts, please contact your doctor.
Disclosure: Dr. Dean does have a financial interest in the sale of all the Completement Formulas.
Video Version: https://youtu.be/eDXoKXrbBq8
Call in and Chat with Dr. Dean during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand
Dr. Dean takes questions via email. Please write questions@drcarolyndeanlive.comWe will be glad to respond to your email
Learn more about Dr. Carolyn here: https://drcarolyndeanlive.com

Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Dr. Carolyn Dean Live
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Tips to Improve Your Vitamin D Response- Carolyn Dean MD ND
Magnesium deficiency is an important factor in the results obtained from vitamin D. According to Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, magnesium expert and author of The Magnesium Miracle, the effectiveness and benefits of vitamin D are greatly undermined in the absence of adequate levels of magnesium in the body.
"While many people are beginning to realize the amazing health benefits that vitamin D has to offer in the prevention of disease, they may not be getting the full benefits from vitamin D without also supplementing their diets with magnesium, which is a vital nutrient that works synergistically with vitamin D," says Dr. Dean.
In addition to magnesium deficiency, there are several other factors including the intake of certain nutrients that influence how an individual’s vitamin D level responds to their vitamin D supplementation.
Recently, GrassRootsHealth published compelling information about the response of vitamin D dosing in relationship to: · Vitamin K2 · Vitamin B6, B12 · Vitamin C · Probiotics And other key vitamin D nutrients including boron and zinc.
Source: GrassRootsHealth
If you are having difficulty increasing your vitamin D levels, or are just beginning the journey to a robust vitamin D supplementation routine, you’ll want to tune in for tonight’s radio show to learn more about how to maximize your dietary intake of all these nutrients through diet, supplementation and other lifestyle factors.
About Dr. Carolyn Dean
Dr Carolyn Dean MD ND has been featured on national media for over 30 years offering practical strategies to improve health, vitality, and well-being the natural way. As a medical doctor, naturopath, certified clinical nutritionist and master of many modalities including acupuncture and homeopathy, Dr. Carolyn Dean MD ND has authored over 33 books and 100 publications including The Magnesium Miracle, 3rd Edition, Hormone Balance, Future Health Now Encyclopedia and Heart Health. Please note that the information and opinions expressed on these broadcasts are not designed to constitute advice or recommendations as to any disease, ailment, or physical condition. You should not act or rely upon any information contained in these broadcasts without seeking the advice of your personal physician. If you have any questions about the information or opinions expressed during these broadcasts, please contact your doctor.
Disclosure: Dr. Dean does have a financial interest in the sale of all the Completement Formulas.
Video Version: https://youtu.be/A16mNOPcKdQ
Call in and Chat with Dr. Dean during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand
Dr. Dean takes questions via email. Please write questions@drcarolyndeanlive.comWe will be glad to respond to your email
Learn more about Dr. Carolyn here: https://drcarolyndeanlive.com

Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Dr. Carolyn Dean Live
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Tips to Improve Your Vitamin D Response- Carolyn Dean MD ND
Magnesium deficiency is an important factor in the results obtained from vitamin D. According to Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, magnesium expert and author of The Magnesium Miracle, the effectiveness and benefits of vitamin D are greatly undermined in the absence of adequate levels of magnesium in the body.
"While many people are beginning to realize the amazing health benefits that vitamin D has to offer in the prevention of disease, they may not be getting the full benefits from vitamin D without also supplementing their diets with magnesium, which is a vital nutrient that works synergistically with vitamin D," says Dr. Dean.
In addition to magnesium deficiency, there are several other factors including the intake of certain nutrients that influence how an individual’s vitamin D level responds to their vitamin D supplementation.
Recently, GrassRootsHealth published compelling information about the response of vitamin D dosing in relationship to: · Vitamin K2 · Vitamin B6, B12 · Vitamin C · Probiotics And other key vitamin D nutrients including boron and zinc.
Source: GrassRootsHealth
If you are having difficulty increasing your vitamin D levels, or are just beginning the journey to a robust vitamin D supplementation routine, you’ll want to tune in for tonight’s radio show to learn more about how to maximize your dietary intake of all these nutrients through diet, supplementation and other lifestyle factors.
About Dr. Carolyn Dean
Dr Carolyn Dean MD ND has been featured on national media for over 30 years offering practical strategies to improve health, vitality, and well-being the natural way. As a medical doctor, naturopath, certified clinical nutritionist and master of many modalities including acupuncture and homeopathy, Dr. Carolyn Dean MD ND has authored over 33 books and 100 publications including The Magnesium Miracle, 3rd Edition, Hormone Balance, Future Health Now Encyclopedia and Heart Health. Please note that the information and opinions expressed on these broadcasts are not designed to constitute advice or recommendations as to any disease, ailment, or physical condition. You should not act or rely upon any information contained in these broadcasts without seeking the advice of your personal physician. If you have any questions about the information or opinions expressed during these broadcasts, please contact your doctor.
Disclosure: Dr. Dean does have a financial interest in the sale of all the Completement Formulas.
Video Version: https://youtu.be/A16mNOPcKdQ
Call in and Chat with Dr. Dean during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand
Dr. Dean takes questions via email. Please write questions@drcarolyndeanlive.comWe will be glad to respond to your email
Learn more about Dr. Carolyn here: https://drcarolyndeanlive.com

Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Dr. Carolyn Dean Live
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Fear – Managing the Body and Mind During Stressful Times– Carolyn Dean MD ND
It’s been almost one year since people around the globe started to hear about the novel SARS Coronvirus. By now, everyone we know has been affected by the Coronovirus Pandemic in one way or another. For many, the uncertainty surrounding these dynamic, fluid changes may be more threatening than the virus itself. Yet, life has a way of demanding adaptation from us all so responding positively to these seemingly threatening conditions is important.
One powerful, positive response to protecting your #heart and mind from excessive and overwhelming stress from may be appropriate nutritional support. Researchers have found that the biological processes of the body, as well as many aspects of the brain, play a key role in fear and anxiety. The longer the body is required to sustain a state of excessive stress, panic or fear the chemical #imbalances are certain to pile up!
Dr. Dean has written about the benefits of vitamin and mineral supplementation to support the body during stressful times. In The Magnesium Miracle, Chapter One, Dr. Dean writes:
When the adrenals are no longer protected by sufficient magnesium, the fight-or-flight hormones, adrenaline and noradrenaline become more easily triggered. When they surge erratically, they cause a rapid pulse, high blood pressure, and heart palpitations. The more magnesium-deficient you are, the more exaggerated is the adrenaline release. Magnesium calms the nervous system and relaxes muscle tension, helping reduce anxiety and panic attacks.
In Chapter Three of The Magnesium Miracle, “Anxiety, Depression, Sleep”, Dr. Dean poses the following question:
How do we graduate from being a calm person in control of our nervous system to an anxious, fearful individual? I think it’s due to a gradual, but chronic, decrease in magnesium reserves. When the body is stressed – and it can be for a dozen different reasons, our magnesium reserves dump this crucial mineral into our blood stream and we immediately become one of those people blessed with the ability to cope. We are both calm and alert. Our friends and relatives think it’s just who we are but it’s really how much magnesium we have in reserve.
If the stress continues and we don’t rest or replace our magnesium between episodes, our magnesium stores become depleted. Then, when you are faced with a stressor, the stress hormones (adrenalin and cortisol) do not elicit a magnesium response with its calming effect. In its place, adrenalin revs up your heart rate, elevates your blood pressure and tenses your muscles in a fight or flight reaction.
Millions of people try unsuccessfully to cope with their problems or medicate themselves with overeating, cigarettes, alcohol, street drugs, and other addictive behavior to suppress their pain. We are a nation suffering a 32 percent incidence of anxiety, depression, and drug problems. Instead of treating stress reactions properly with magnesium, each year, millions of people are introduced to the merry-go-round of psychiatric drugs and psychological counseling for symptoms that may in fact be rooted in magnesium deficiency.
SO how do we use vitamins and mineral to stabilize our mood and support our mental health and clarity? “The way to begin a vitamin and mineral regime is to determine your deficiencies and adjust accordingly,” says Dr. Dean. Magnesium, vitamin C and trace minerals will support the adrenal glands, vitamin B, zinc, calcium and magnesium have all been proven effective to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, vitamin D – sunshine in a bottle – has wonderful mood-elevating benefits, and low potassium has been linked to mood changes and low energy levels.
Other healthy easy-to-do strategies for mood management include mindful movement, deep breathing exercises, and shutting off electronic devices in the home and in the bedroom. Listening to the evening news while you eat and listening to the TV before you go to bed will keep your mind and body in a state of agitation that is simply not healthy.
Join Carolyn Dean MD ND tonight to learn more about health strategies for managing body and mind during stressful times.
About Dr. Carolyn Dean
Dr Carolyn Dean MD ND has been featured on national media for over 30 years offering practical strategies to improve health, vitality, and well-being the natural way. As a medical doctor, naturopath, certified clinical nutritionist and master of many modalities including acupuncture and homeopathy, Dr. Carolyn Dean MD ND has authored over 33 books and 100
publications including The Magnesium Miracle, 3rd Edition, Hormone Balance, Future Health Now Encyclopedia and Heart Health. Please note that the information and opinions expressed on these broadcasts are not designed to constitute advice or recommendations as to any disease, ailment, or physical condition. You should not act or rely upon any information contained in these broadcasts without seeking the advice of your personal physician. If you have any questions about the information or opinions expressed during these broadcasts, please contact your doctor.
Disclosure: Dr. Dean does have a financial interest in the sale of all the Completement Formulas.
Video Version: https://youtu.be/F_gb9XUjs1w
Call in and Chat with Dr. Dean during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand
Dr. Dean takes questions via email. Please write questions@drcarolyndeanlive.comWe will be glad to respond to your email
Learn more about Dr. Carolyn here: https://drcarolyndeanlive.com

Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Dr. Carolyn Dean Live
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Fear – Managing the Body and Mind During Stressful Times– Carolyn Dean MD ND
It’s been almost one year since people around the globe started to hear about the novel SARS Coronvirus. By now, everyone we know has been affected by the Coronovirus Pandemic in one way or another. For many, the uncertainty surrounding these dynamic, fluid changes may be more threatening than the virus itself. Yet, life has a way of demanding adaptation from us all so responding positively to these seemingly threatening conditions is important.
One powerful, positive response to protecting your #heart and mind from excessive and overwhelming stress from may be appropriate nutritional support. Researchers have found that the biological processes of the body, as well as many aspects of the brain, play a key role in fear and anxiety. The longer the body is required to sustain a state of excessive stress, panic or fear the chemical #imbalances are certain to pile up!
Dr. Dean has written about the benefits of vitamin and mineral supplementation to support the body during stressful times. In The Magnesium Miracle, Chapter One, Dr. Dean writes:
When the adrenals are no longer protected by sufficient magnesium, the fight-or-flight hormones, adrenaline and noradrenaline become more easily triggered. When they surge erratically, they cause a rapid pulse, high blood pressure, and heart palpitations. The more magnesium-deficient you are, the more exaggerated is the adrenaline release. Magnesium calms the nervous system and relaxes muscle tension, helping reduce anxiety and panic attacks.
In Chapter Three of The Magnesium Miracle, “Anxiety, Depression, Sleep”, Dr. Dean poses the following question:
How do we graduate from being a calm person in control of our nervous system to an anxious, fearful individual? I think it’s due to a gradual, but chronic, decrease in magnesium reserves. When the body is stressed – and it can be for a dozen different reasons, our magnesium reserves dump this crucial mineral into our blood stream and we immediately become one of those people blessed with the ability to cope. We are both calm and alert. Our friends and relatives think it’s just who we are but it’s really how much magnesium we have in reserve.
If the stress continues and we don’t rest or replace our magnesium between episodes, our magnesium stores become depleted. Then, when you are faced with a stressor, the stress hormones (adrenalin and cortisol) do not elicit a magnesium response with its calming effect. In its place, adrenalin revs up your heart rate, elevates your blood pressure and tenses your muscles in a fight or flight reaction.
Millions of people try unsuccessfully to cope with their problems or medicate themselves with overeating, cigarettes, alcohol, street drugs, and other addictive behavior to suppress their pain. We are a nation suffering a 32 percent incidence of anxiety, depression, and drug problems. Instead of treating stress reactions properly with magnesium, each year, millions of people are introduced to the merry-go-round of psychiatric drugs and psychological counseling for symptoms that may in fact be rooted in magnesium deficiency.
SO how do we use vitamins and mineral to stabilize our mood and support our mental health and clarity? “The way to begin a vitamin and mineral regime is to determine your deficiencies and adjust accordingly,” says Dr. Dean. Magnesium, vitamin C and trace minerals will support the adrenal glands, vitamin B, zinc, calcium and magnesium have all been proven effective to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, vitamin D – sunshine in a bottle – has wonderful mood-elevating benefits, and low potassium has been linked to mood changes and low energy levels.
Other healthy easy-to-do strategies for mood management include mindful movement, deep breathing exercises, and shutting off electronic devices in the home and in the bedroom. Listening to the evening news while you eat and listening to the TV before you go to bed will keep your mind and body in a state of agitation that is simply not healthy.
Join Carolyn Dean MD ND tonight to learn more about health strategies for managing body and mind during stressful times.
About Dr. Carolyn Dean
Dr Carolyn Dean MD ND has been featured on national media for over 30 years offering practical strategies to improve health, vitality, and well-being the natural way. As a medical doctor, naturopath, certified clinical nutritionist and master of many modalities including acupuncture and homeopathy, Dr. Carolyn Dean MD ND has authored over 33 books and 100
publications including The Magnesium Miracle, 3rd Edition, Hormone Balance, Future Health Now Encyclopedia and Heart Health. Please note that the information and opinions expressed on these broadcasts are not designed to constitute advice or recommendations as to any disease, ailment, or physical condition. You should not act or rely upon any information contained in these broadcasts without seeking the advice of your personal physician. If you have any questions about the information or opinions expressed during these broadcasts, please contact your doctor.
Disclosure: Dr. Dean does have a financial interest in the sale of all the Completement Formulas.
Video Version: https://youtu.be/F_gb9XUjs1w
Call in and Chat with Dr. Dean during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand
Dr. Dean takes questions via email. Please write questions@drcarolyndeanlive.comWe will be glad to respond to your email
Learn more about Dr. Carolyn here: https://drcarolyndeanlive.com

Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Dr. Carolyn Dean Live
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Your Weight Loss Resolution – How to Achieve Success – Carolyn Dean MD ND
Having a new year’s fitness goal for 2021 could be a really good thing. While some eschew the idea of resolutions, the fact of the matter is that setting goals makes them easier to achieve.
Health and fitness resolutions go hand in hand with weight loss which usually translates into that four letter word: DIET. But, according to Dr. Carolyn Dean, there are other changes you can make in your daily routine that will make dieting easier, even different, and more productive!
One place to begin is with intuitive eating.
Intuitive eating takes the “die” out of diet. Yes, just think about the word association every time you say, ‘I have to get back on my diet.” No wonder so few people diet when their mind equates that action with hari kari! Intuitive eating is nutritional philosophy designed to help a person attain a healthy weight based on tuning into the body’s natural hunger signals. With many people living in limited space or circumstances, the body will adjust its appetite to balance and regulate energy. In making a commitment to eating intuitively, or for energy, you’ll notice where you’re eating foods without a corresponding demand for energy expenditure and intuitively begin to cut back your intake and bring yourself back into balance.
Drinking water may stimulate your metabolism.
The body has to expend energy to warm the fluid to body temperature, and the more energy expended by your body, the faster your metabolism runs. Adding sea salt to your water makes it a super food. Unlike table salt, sea salt contains over 72 health-promoting trace minerals, including phosphorus, bromine, boron, zinc, iron, manganese, copper and silicon which also boost metabolism and cellular performance.
You can boost your body’s efficiency with minerals
Minerals are critical to overall health because they are necessary for the proper activation of the body's nerve cells and muscle cells. They also help regulate the body's metabolism, maintain body pH and allow the transfer of nutrients across cell membranes. According to Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, author of The Magnesium Miracle, minerals are deficient in our food supply because they have been depleted from our soils and are not replenished. Adding to this depletion, most modern farming use chemicals and pesticides which bind up half of the minerals that are remaining in the soil, making our foods severely mineral deficient. Supplementing with essential minerals like magnesium, zinc, iodine, selenium and potassium will boost the body’s ability to process food and support the body’s demand for movement and exercise.
Vitamins can curb your appetite
If you think about why you are craving foods to begin with you may discover that you are chronically depleted of minerals and essential vitamins that certain foods should provide. But eating more food may not always be the solution to resolve chronic deficiencies. In that way dietary supplements play a vital role in managing food cravings. The most important vitamins for weight loss are those in the B-Complex, ReAline, and also Vitamin C. Several of the vitamin B’s are supportive of thyroid function, while vitamin B5 specifically aids in the metabolism of fat. Vitamin C supports the conversion of glucose into energy in the cells. Having these two important products on hand will help you achieve your body’s energy and metabolism goals.
What to Expect When You’re Expecting
Once all the beneficial behaviors and nutritional assets are decided, setting up positive expectations for powerful outcomes is the final step to success. Positive expectations are self-fulfilling prophecies and when you use them in the form of visualizations, affirmations, and, yes, New Year’s resolutions, these tools for the mind will help assist the body in easily achieving your best results.
Finally, get some support! That’s where my radio show team and I come in! We’re here every Monday with the information, inspiration, and motivation you’ll need to succeed in the next steps of your health journey.
About Dr. Carolyn Dean
Dr Carolyn Dean MD ND has been featured on national media for over 30 years offering practical strategies to improve health, vitality, and well-being the natural way. As a medical doctor, naturopath, certified clinical nutritionist and master of many modalities including acupuncture and homeopathy, Dr. Carolyn Dean MD ND has authored over 33 books and 100
publications including The Magnesium Miracle, 3rd Edition, Hormone Balance, Future Health Now Encyclopedia and Heart Health. Please note that the information and opinions expressed on these broadcasts are not designed to constitute advice or recommendations as to any disease, ailment, or physical condition. You should not act or rely upon any information contained in these broadcasts without seeking the advice of your personal physician. If you have any questions about the information or opinions expressed during these broadcasts, please contact your doctor.
Disclosure: Dr. Dean does have a financial interest in the sale of all the Completement Formulas.
Call in and Chat with Dr. Dean during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand
Dr. Dean takes questions via email. Please write questions@drcarolyndeanlive.comWe will be glad to respond to your email
Learn more about Dr. Carolyn here: https://drcarolyndeanlive.com

Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Dr. Carolyn Dean Live
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Your Weight Loss Resolution – How to Achieve Success – Carolyn Dean MD ND
Having a new year’s fitness goal for 2021 could be a really good thing. While some eschew the idea of resolutions, the fact of the matter is that setting goals makes them easier to achieve.
Health and fitness resolutions go hand in hand with weight loss which usually translates into that four letter word: DIET. But, according to Dr. Carolyn Dean, there are other changes you can make in your daily routine that will make dieting easier, even different, and more productive!
One place to begin is with intuitive eating.
Intuitive eating takes the “die” out of diet. Yes, just think about the word association every time you say, ‘I have to get back on my diet.” No wonder so few people diet when their mind equates that action with hari kari! Intuitive eating is nutritional philosophy designed to help a person attain a healthy weight based on tuning into the body’s natural hunger signals. With many people living in limited space or circumstances, the body will adjust its appetite to balance and regulate energy. In making a commitment to eating intuitively, or for energy, you’ll notice where you’re eating foods without a corresponding demand for energy expenditure and intuitively begin to cut back your intake and bring yourself back into balance.
Drinking water may stimulate your metabolism.
The body has to expend energy to warm the fluid to body temperature, and the more energy expended by your body, the faster your metabolism runs. Adding sea salt to your water makes it a super food. Unlike table salt, sea salt contains over 72 health-promoting trace minerals, including phosphorus, bromine, boron, zinc, iron, manganese, copper and silicon which also boost metabolism and cellular performance.
You can boost your body’s efficiency with minerals
Minerals are critical to overall health because they are necessary for the proper activation of the body's nerve cells and muscle cells. They also help regulate the body's metabolism, maintain body pH and allow the transfer of nutrients across cell membranes. According to Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, author of The Magnesium Miracle, minerals are deficient in our food supply because they have been depleted from our soils and are not replenished. Adding to this depletion, most modern farming use chemicals and pesticides which bind up half of the minerals that are remaining in the soil, making our foods severely mineral deficient. Supplementing with essential minerals like magnesium, zinc, iodine, selenium and potassium will boost the body’s ability to process food and support the body’s demand for movement and exercise.
Vitamins can curb your appetite
If you think about why you are craving foods to begin with you may discover that you are chronically depleted of minerals and essential vitamins that certain foods should provide. But eating more food may not always be the solution to resolve chronic deficiencies. In that way dietary supplements play a vital role in managing food cravings. The most important vitamins for weight loss are those in the B-Complex, ReAline, and also Vitamin C. Several of the vitamin B’s are supportive of thyroid function, while vitamin B5 specifically aids in the metabolism of fat. Vitamin C supports the conversion of glucose into energy in the cells. Having these two important products on hand will help you achieve your body’s energy and metabolism goals.
What to Expect When You’re Expecting
Once all the beneficial behaviors and nutritional assets are decided, setting up positive expectations for powerful outcomes is the final step to success. Positive expectations are self-fulfilling prophecies and when you use them in the form of visualizations, affirmations, and, yes, New Year’s resolutions, these tools for the mind will help assist the body in easily achieving your best results.
Finally, get some support! That’s where my radio show team and I come in! We’re here every Monday with the information, inspiration, and motivation you’ll need to succeed in the next steps of your health journey.
About Dr. Carolyn Dean
Dr Carolyn Dean MD ND has been featured on national media for over 30 years offering practical strategies to improve health, vitality, and well-being the natural way. As a medical doctor, naturopath, certified clinical nutritionist and master of many modalities including acupuncture and homeopathy, Dr. Carolyn Dean MD ND has authored over 33 books and 100
publications including The Magnesium Miracle, 3rd Edition, Hormone Balance, Future Health Now Encyclopedia and Heart Health. Please note that the information and opinions expressed on these broadcasts are not designed to constitute advice or recommendations as to any disease, ailment, or physical condition. You should not act or rely upon any information contained in these broadcasts without seeking the advice of your personal physician. If you have any questions about the information or opinions expressed during these broadcasts, please contact your doctor.
Disclosure: Dr. Dean does have a financial interest in the sale of all the Completement Formulas.
Call in and Chat with Dr. Dean during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand
Dr. Dean takes questions via email. Please write questions@drcarolyndeanlive.comWe will be glad to respond to your email
Learn more about Dr. Carolyn here: https://drcarolyndeanlive.com

Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Dr. Carolyn Dean Live
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
The Ultimate Holiday Wish for 2020 – ReMag for ALL- Carolyn Dean MD ND
It’s here! The holiday season is upon us and in 2020 with it comes the additional stress of the unknown with many having to navigate a whole host of circumstances and health challenges they haven’t faced before.
In this time of unprecedented contrast, stress, and mental and physical challenges, Dr. Carolyn Dean has the ultimate holiday wish for one and all – the joyful expectation of a wonderfully healthy, happy body and mind.
Achieving that outcome could be as simple as adding beneficial amounts of magnesium to your daily health routine. A recent Gallup poll suggests that eight out of ten Americans are stressed. With numbers as high as these, it pays to consider natural solutions, like magnesium, for improving wellness. In one of Dr. Dean’s most highly recommended free resource guides, Magnesium in the Central Nervous System, the correlation between magnesium and stress reduction is well documented.
This book’s research notes that magnesium is strongly associated with stress levels. More specifically, magnesium deficiency symptoms include an increase in stress levels and other health issues, which only add to stress levels. When stress is a symptom of magnesium deficiency, magnesium helps with stress.
Claims are made that both hypomagnesemia, meaning magnesium deficiency, and stress feed off each other and create adverse effects within the body. Furthermore, the book concludes that magnesium deficiency is associated with several, stress-related conditions, including:
Photosensitive headaches
Audiogenic stress
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Cold stress
Physical stress
In studies, cortisol and adrenaline production were also associated with magnesium deficiency. These byproducts, stemming from a “fight or flight” reaction, often come during times of anxiety or stress.
When the body experiences more stress, it naturally uses more magnesium. This further reduces the body’s magnesium stores, causing a greater deficiency. It doesn’t matter what causes the stress a person is experiencing; any time you experience the effects of increased worry and anxiety, the body will require more magnesium to function correctly.
To recover from stress, it’s vital to get full, restful sleep - another area that magnesium plays a role. Studies indicate that magnesium promotes healthy sleep by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps you feel relaxed and calm. Source: https://rnareset.com/pages/does-magnesium-help-with-stress
Tonight on Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE we’ll talk about the many functions of magnesium and how you can boost your health and well-being with this powerful, miraculous mineral!
Call in and Chat with Dr. Dean during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand
Dr. Dean takes questions via email. Please write questions@drcarolyndeanlive.comWe will be glad to respond to your email
Learn more about Dr. Carolyn here: https://drcarolyndeanlive.com

Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Dr. Carolyn Dean Live
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
The Ultimate Holiday Wish for 2020 – ReMag for ALL- Carolyn Dean MD ND
It’s here! The holiday season is upon us and in 2020 with it comes the additional stress of the unknown with many having to navigate a whole host of circumstances and health challenges they haven’t faced before.
In this time of unprecedented contrast, stress, and mental and physical challenges, Dr. Carolyn Dean has the ultimate holiday wish for one and all – the joyful expectation of a wonderfully healthy, happy body and mind.
Achieving that outcome could be as simple as adding beneficial amounts of magnesium to your daily health routine. A recent Gallup poll suggests that eight out of ten Americans are stressed. With numbers as high as these, it pays to consider natural solutions, like magnesium, for improving wellness. In one of Dr. Dean’s most highly recommended free resource guides, Magnesium in the Central Nervous System, the correlation between magnesium and stress reduction is well documented.
This book’s research notes that magnesium is strongly associated with stress levels. More specifically, magnesium deficiency symptoms include an increase in stress levels and other health issues, which only add to stress levels. When stress is a symptom of magnesium deficiency, magnesium helps with stress.
Claims are made that both hypomagnesemia, meaning magnesium deficiency, and stress feed off each other and create adverse effects within the body. Furthermore, the book concludes that magnesium deficiency is associated with several, stress-related conditions, including:
Photosensitive headaches
Audiogenic stress
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Cold stress
Physical stress
In studies, cortisol and adrenaline production were also associated with magnesium deficiency. These byproducts, stemming from a “fight or flight” reaction, often come during times of anxiety or stress.
When the body experiences more stress, it naturally uses more magnesium. This further reduces the body’s magnesium stores, causing a greater deficiency. It doesn’t matter what causes the stress a person is experiencing; any time you experience the effects of increased worry and anxiety, the body will require more magnesium to function correctly.
To recover from stress, it’s vital to get full, restful sleep - another area that magnesium plays a role. Studies indicate that magnesium promotes healthy sleep by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps you feel relaxed and calm. Source: https://rnareset.com/pages/does-magnesium-help-with-stress
Tonight on Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE we’ll talk about the many functions of magnesium and how you can boost your health and well-being with this powerful, miraculous mineral!
Call in and Chat with Dr. Dean during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand
Dr. Dean takes questions via email. Please write questions@drcarolyndeanlive.comWe will be glad to respond to your email
Learn more about Dr. Carolyn here: https://drcarolyndeanlive.com