Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network

Saturday Sep 10, 2022
Saturday Sep 10, 2022
Unbroken – Choosing Your Hard and Deciding to Thrive
Childhood trauma is something we hear a lot about. Usually in terms of it being an excuse for bad behavior. Such as, “He cheated because he had a terrible childhood.” Today’s guest is Michael Anthony “Unbroken,” a powerful coach who not only experienced many unthinkable traumas; fell into a litany of trauma-induced behaviors such as cheating on his partner, drugs, alcohol, food, and more; but he also took a hard look at himself, got brutally honest, and completely transformed his life.
Top Take-A-Ways:
How radical honesty and vulnerability about what’s really going on within and around you (which means getting out of victim mode and choosing to heal) powerfully transforms your life and ends generational trauma once and for all.
Solutions versus excuses and how to craft yourself anew so that by the end of your life you can be without regret.
The difference between taking care of yourself and taking it easy, and why most people are too easy on themselves and never make the changes they desire.
The power of coaching and having someone to push you to break free from excuses, own your desires, and take full responsibility for both the good and the bad in your life.
Michael was born to a hyper-abusive drug addict mother who cut his finger off at 4 years old, a step-father you pray you never have, and a racist grandmother that pushed him into an identity crisis. By the time he was 9, his family was in poverty and often homeless all while being a member of the Mormon Church. At twelve, he was adopted by his grandmother and quickly turned to drugs and alcohol to survive the continuing abuse. Despite multiple learning disabilities and not graduating high school on time, Michael found success in Corporate America in his early twenties. However, success only made things worse. Michael found himself morbidly obese, high and drunk daily, and ultimately self-sabotaging everything around him. It was not until finding his inner power through his Mirror Moment and choosing to do whatever it took to work through childhood trauma that his life really began.
Michael Anthony is the author of the best-selling book Think Unbroken and is a coach, mentor, and educator for adult survivors of child abuse. Michaels spends his time helping other survivors get out of "The Vortex" to become the hero of their own story and take their life back. Michael hosts the Think Unbroken podcast, teaches at Think Unbroken Academy and is on a mission to create change in the world.
And he is @ MichaelUnbroken on all social media:
Lora Cheadle is an infidelity survivor who uses the concepts in burlesque to help women reclaim their identity and self-worth after betrayal so they can move forward with confidence, embrace their sexy, and create a life they love!
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT
FLAUNT! is brought to you by Revel the new kind of social platform built exclusively for women over 40. Members make connections at virtual and in-real-life events, start conversations from super serious to silly, and learn from experts on topics from financial wellness for women, managing menopause, and dozens more. Explore our community of like minded, smart, fabulous, and fun women at hellorevel.com/flaunt.

Friday Sep 02, 2022
Friday Sep 02, 2022
Why an Affair can be a Catalyst for a Great Marriage
Changing the way we react or respond, and integrating new habits, can be hard. Whether it’s committing to walking more and cutting out sugar, or to take three deep breaths before responding to a challenging question so you don’t default into yelling, change can be challenging. If you are anything like the rest of us, even though you know what you are supposed to do, doing it can be hard! As a self-proclaimed self-help junkie, I often knew what I was supposed to do to – I just didn’t do it!
Until learning about my husband’s affairs. Suddenly because my life and I were both in shambles, there were no more excuses, no more reasons why I couldn’t create myself and my life anew. While an affair is devastating to be sure, it can also be a catalyst for something better. Whether that “something better” is a new relationship, no relationship, or a reinvigoration of the old, this show will inspire you to take action, right now, and begin creating yourself, your life and your relationships, exactly as you want them to be, Right. Now!
Top Take-A-Ways:
Using your obsessive thoughts as a cue for new behaviors, so you can restructure yourself and your life with ease.
Taking control of the quality of your relationships and life by finally doing what you’ve always known needs doing, but never got around to implementing.
Rebuilding your life and identity using the 5-Step Betrayal Recovery Process of FLAUNT!
o F-Find your Fetish
o L-Laugh out Loud
o AU-Accept Unconditionally
o N-Navigate the Negative
o T-Trust in your Truth
Lora Cheadle is an infidelity survivor who uses the concepts in burlesque to help women reclaim their identity and self-worth after betrayal so they can move forward with confidence, embrace their sexy, and create a life they love!
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT
FLAUNT! is brought to you by Revel the new kind of social platform built exclusively for women over 40. Members make connections at virtual and in-real-life events, start conversations from super serious to silly, and learn from experts on topics from financial wellness for women, managing menopause, and dozens more. Explore our community of like minded, smart, fabulous, and fun women at hellorevel.com/flaunt.

Friday Aug 26, 2022
Friday Aug 26, 2022
How to Help Someone You Love Without Losing Yourself
Your partner cheated on you. But now he’s sorry and realizes that he’s got a lot of work to do – both on himself and the marriage. Which is great because that’s what you want too. But now, you’re being asked to be patient with him as he goes through his healing! What? That’s not fair! He’s the one who cheated! He hurt you and now you have to support him through his healing! As well as continue to manage your own healing and everything else that life requires.
Because there are no easy answer and each relationship and situation is different, today’s show will walk you through a series of questions that you can ask yourself to determine whether or not it’s worth it to stay and to continue to invest in the relationship, including how much is enough to give, and how much is too much.
Top Take-A-Ways:
Why helping your partner heal without losing yourself is an art, not a science, that requires constant balancing.
The importance of knowing where you stop and your partner begins so you can assess how you are feeling and know what this journey is costing you in terms of time, money, energy, and emotion.
How the idea of codependency (while valid and important to stay aware of) can be overrated when dealing with trauma and healing.
Hard Truth 1:Why playing the victim or the martyr (“I did all of this for him and look how badly he treated me!”) is an excuse for not growing up, making some hard choices, and doing our own work.
Hard Truth 2: When you truly love another person, you want what’s best for them. Even if what’s best for them, is not what you want or what you thinkis best for them. Therefore, if you choose to help with healing, you must let go of your attachment to what you think that healing should look like.
Lora Cheadle is an infidelity survivor who uses the concepts in burlesque to help women reclaim their identity and self-worth after betrayal so they can move forward with confidence, embrace their sexy, and create a life they love!
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT
FLAUNT! is brought to you by Revel the new kind of social platform built exclusively for women over 40. Members make connections at virtual and in-real-life events, start conversations from super serious to silly, and learn from experts on topics from financial wellness for women, managing menopause, and dozens more. Explore our community of like minded, smart, fabulous, and fun women at hellorevel.com/flaunt.

Friday Aug 19, 2022
Friday Aug 19, 2022
Shadow Work – What it is & How it Helps – Solo Show
Shadow work is important any time, but especially when healing from infidelity. All humans are a mix of light and dark, positive and negative, good and bad. Ironically, in times of conflict, we tend to see ourselves in the best possible light and our significant other in the worst possible light. This sets up a victim/perpetrator dynamic that creates more contrast and pain and cuts us off from our own power. Shadow work is one way that can break that dynamic, move you out of victim mode, and empower you to take responsibility for you own healing, even if your partner refuses to cooperate or you fear that you are too broken.
Top Take-a-Ways:
The difference between therapy and coaching and how shadow work in coaching can change the way you react and respond immediately, no years of talking required!
How homing in on what irritates you the most about others can help you see your own blocks, blind spots, and shadows.
Why our best qualities and traits are often masks for our darkest shadows.
Accessing the pain beneath the shadow.
Lora Cheadle is an infidelity survivor who uses the concepts in burlesque to help women reclaim their identity and self-worth after betrayal so they can move forward with confidence, embrace their sexy, and create a life they love!
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT
FLAUNT! is brought to you by Revel the new kind of social platform built exclusively for women over 40. Members make connections at virtual and in-real-life events, start conversations from super serious to silly, and learn from experts on topics from financial wellness for women, managing menopause, and dozens more. Explore our community of like minded, smart, fabulous, and fun women at hellorevel.com/flaunt.

Friday Aug 12, 2022
Friday Aug 12, 2022
“Do Not be Afraid of the Journey” – With Kerri Hummingbird
Are you ready to break out of the “right-wrong game” that too many of us play when we’ve been wounded? Are you ready to let go of labels such as “empath, narcissist, betrayer” or “betrayed” and slip into oneness, wisdom, and the inner abundance that is your divine birthright? Then this is the show for you. Get ready to go deep, to access the wisdom and joy of your heart, and to consciously choose healing.
Top Take-a-Ways:
Hear the story, perspective, and pain of someone who cheated and how her rage, anger, and false projected images of others led to her personal unraveling – and later, to a new identity and map for her life.
How to “Claim Healing for Yourself” and take responsibility for dreaming and creating the next chapter of your life.
Understanding why pain is an opening that can take you from constriction and shame to freedom and love.
Breaking out of the pyramid of disempowerment (victim, perpetrator, and rescuer) and recreating your most important relationships in a way that’s healthy and empowering for all.
Kerri Hummingbird is a soul guide, healer, and messenger who helps bring indigenous wisdom to the Western woman. She believes that we are being called to reclaim our greatest power through a series of tough initiations that will ultimately, if we choose healing, open our hearts and set us free.
Her book, The Second Wave: Transcending the Human Drama will help you reconcile your past and claim your future. Learn more and connect with her at https://kerrihummingbird.com/ Her six month, Inner Medicine Foundations course begins in August, so if you feel called, reach out for a free discovery session soon, and if you are ready to go deep and access some serious healing and wisdom, her one year Inner Medicine program begins in February.
The Second Wave: Transcending the Human Drama Book on Amazon
Lora Cheadle is an infidelity survivor who uses the concepts in burlesque to help women reclaim their identity and self-worth after betrayal so they can move forward with confidence, embrace their sexy, and create a life they love!
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT
FLAUNT! is brought to you by Revel the new kind of social platform built exclusively for women over 40. Members make connections at virtual and in-real-life events, start conversations from super serious to silly, and learn from experts on topics from financial wellness for women, managing menopause, and dozens more. Explore our community of like minded, smart, fabulous, and fun women at hellorevel.com/flaunt.

Friday Aug 05, 2022
Friday Aug 05, 2022
Understanding Intimacy: The Truth About The Other Woman
Intimacy is a core human desire. Everyone wants to love and be loved in return. Yet very few people know the four types of intimacy, or how to create true intimacy. In this show you will learn all about the four types of intimacy, how it can be created within your relationships, and (take a deep breath) what was really going on with your cheating partner and the other woman in terms of their intimacy. Including, The untold reason why your cheating partner’s behavior truly was out of character, why you didn’t see the affair coming, and why his relationship with the other woman was meaningless.
Top Take-a-Ways:
Breaking down the word “intimacy” into: into me see.
Distinguishing between the masks that we wear to cover our flaws and the costumes we wear to accentuate our assets and learning to get metaphorically naked so we can create the intimacy – and the relationships – we desire.
The four types of intimacy: emotional, intellectual, spiritual and physical. What they are, how each is created, and why they are important in any relationship.
Why receiving intimacy, and being seen, known, and loved for who we are, is predicated on the ability to truly see, honor, and hold space for the flaws of another.
The untold reason why your cheating partner’s behavior truly was out of character, why you didn’t see the affair coming, and why his relationship with the other woman was meaningless: Understanding the false intimacy that is created when we relate from our pain body instead of from our heart.
Lora Cheadle is an infidelity survivor who uses the concepts in burlesque to help women reclaim their identity and self-worth after betrayal so they can move forward with confidence, embrace their sexy, and create a life they love!
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT
FLAUNT! is brought to you by Revel the new kind of social platform built exclusively for women over 40. Members make connections at virtual and in-real-life events, start conversations from super serious to silly, and learn from experts on topics from financial wellness for women, managing menopause, and dozens more. Explore our community of like minded, smart, fabulous, and fun women at hellorevel.com/flaunt.

Friday Jul 29, 2022
Friday Jul 29, 2022
When Everything Changes, Change Everything –with Neale Donald Walsch
Author Neale Donald Walsch is back for another illuminating interview around betrayal, love, and the power of being who you really are. In this show, Neals shares why “betrayal is not possible” when we understand “who we really are,” and seven powerful tools to deal with and manage heartbreak and change with grace.
As he says, “The most important question is not why, (the betrayal happened) but what do I want to be in response to this happening.”
Top Take-a-Ways:
Relationships as “trade deals” and changing your idea about what love is, what it hopes for, asks for, and needs.
Manifesting after betrayal: How to manifest the reality and relationships you choose.
Releasing guilt for “your part” of “creating” the infidelity and understanding that co-creation does not mean you are to blame!
Using gratitude as a way to make the heartbreak go way.
Changing your idea about change, including your thoughts about “why change occurs” and what happens to “the relationship” post-betrayal
Neale Donald Walsch has written 39 books on contemporary spirituality and its practical application in everyday life. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his early adult years thriving professionally, yet searching for greater meaning in life. He has said that this yearning led to a series of deeply personal spiritual encounters which he experienced as direct exchanges with the Divine. A series of books titled Conversations with God emerged from those moments and has been translated into 37 languages. Seven books in the series reached the New York Times bestseller list, Conversations with God-Book 1 remaining there for over two-and-a-half years.
Pick up your copy of “When Everything Changes, Change Everything” which includes ten changes that you can make in your life today that will shift the way you think about change!
Neale Donald Walsch’s is the creator of CWG Connect (www.CWGConnect.com), a global online platform connecting people who wish to more deeply explore the messages in the CWG body of work. His latest book is The God Solution, published in Dec. 2020. He may be reached at NealeDonaldWalsch.com
Lora Cheadle is an infidelity survivor who uses the concepts in burlesque to help women reclaim their identity and self-worth after betrayal so they can move forward with confidence, embrace their sexy, and create a life they love!
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT
FLAUNT! is brought to you by Revel the new kind of social platform built exclusively for women over 40. Members make connections at virtual and in-real-life events, start conversations from super serious to silly, and learn from experts on topics from financial wellness for women, managing menopause, and dozens more. Explore our community of like minded, smart, fabulous, and fun women at hellorevel.com/flaunt.

Friday Jul 22, 2022
Friday Jul 22, 2022
Learn to Love Again After the Affair
“Can you learn to love your partner again after an affair?” “Will it ever be the same again?” and “Is it possible to rekindle love after an affair?” are questions that betrayed partners commonly ask. The answers might surprise you because love after the affair is often deeper, richer, and more satisfying – whether it’s love with your current partner or with someone entirely new!
Top Take-a-Ways:
The four types of love: eros, phillia, sortge, and agape and how your love relationships are an ever changing mixture of all types of love.
Why the difference between loving someone, and being in lovewith them, is overstated.
Which types of love you willfall out of, regardless of your relationship, and which types of love that are everlasting.
Why love may not have anything to do with the happiness, length, or power of healthy relationships.
BONUS: Four journal prompts on love that will help you get clear on exactly the kind of love you want and deserve so your next romantic relationship will be your most fulfilling best!
Lora Cheadle is an infidelity survivor who uses the concepts in burlesque to help women reclaim their identity and self-worth after betrayal so they can move forward with confidence, embrace their sexy, and create a life they love!
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT
FLAUNT! is brought to you by Revel the new kind of social platform built exclusively for women over 40. Members make connections at virtual and in-real-life events, start conversations from super serious to silly, and learn from experts on topics from financial wellness for women, managing menopause, and dozens more. Explore our community of like minded, smart, fabulous, and fun women at hellorevel.com/flaunt.

Thursday Jul 14, 2022
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
"The God Solution" to Betrayal – with Neale Donald Walsch
Have you ever looked at your crumbling, pain-filled post-betrayal life, or at the polarized, angry world and thought, “Where is God in all of this?” The God Solution might be just what you’re looking for. It begins by posing (and answering) some of the deepest questions of our time: “If there really is a God, why is our world (or my world) such a mess?” and “What good does it do to have a Supreme Being who doesn’t or won’t fix anything?
Author Neale Donald Walsch calls this the “God dilemma,” and suggests that if humanity wishes to solve its problems, it must take a dramatic and revolutionary theological step: create a brand-new definition of God; an idea about the Supreme Being that none of the world's major religions now teach, that most will disagree with, and that would generate a new global ethic, dramatically improving humanity’s political, economic, social, and spiritual interactions.
This is the 39th title from Walsch, who describes it as the apotheosis of the messages in his Conversations with God series of books.
Top Take-a-Ways:
Why God “lets’ bad things happen to good people, and what you can do when your life, situation, or relationships are not what you thought they would be!
The meaning (and practical application of) God as Pure, Unconditional Love and how that shift has the potential to change humanity on the spot.
How humans mistakenly created God in the image and likeness of themselves, (instead of the other way around) and what making that shift in your own life will do for you and your betrayal situation right now.
Why forgiveness, even for the most egregious of transgressions, is unnecessary and using the power of understanding instead.
Neale Donald Walsch has written 39 books on contemporary spirituality and its practical application in everyday life. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his early adult years thriving professionally, yet searching for greater meaning in life. He has said that this yearning led to a series of deeply personal spiritual encounters which he experienced as direct exchanges with the Divine. A series of books titled Conversations with God emerged from those moments, and has been translated into 37 languages. Seven books in the series reached the New York Times bestseller list, Conversations with God-Book 1 remaining there for over two-and-a-half years.
Neale Donald Walsch’s is the creator of CWG Connect (www.CWGConnect.com), a global online platform connecting people who wish to more deeply explore the messages in the CWG body of work.
His latest book is The God Solution, published in Dec. 2020. He may be reached at NealeDonaldWalsch.com
Lora Cheadle is an infidelity survivor who uses the concepts in burlesque to help women reclaim their identity and self-worth after betrayal so they can move forward with confidence, embrace their sexy, and create a life they love!
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Friday Jul 08, 2022
Friday Jul 08, 2022
A Conversation on Love, Laughter, & Miracles – with Dr. Bernie Siegel
Sometimes the best kind of recovery – whether from an affair, cancer, or other trauma – is to step way from the “recovery” and get busy living life and having fun. Join me for a conversation with the incredible, almost 90 years old, Dr. Bernie Siegel, whose top advice to listeners is, “When you live in your heart, magic happens!”.
Top Take-a-Ways & Healing Exercises:
Why it should not be called spontaneous healing, but rather, self-induced healing.How can you self-induce your healing? Whether form an affair, illness, or emotional state?
How laughter and doing what makes you happy keeps you young and healthy.What would shift in your life if you “laughed for no reason” several times each day?
Not sure what would make you happy, considering the state of your life? Drawing is a fantastic way to figure it out!Pull out some paper and draw all possible outcomes of what might make you happy. Draw living on your own, being with a new partner, or working things out with your current partner. Which drawing speaks to you the most?
If the power of the mind, of hope, love, and joy can cure a body of cancer, think what it can do for your emotional devastation!At night, before you go to bed, try filling your heart with love, and then pumping that love throughout your entire body and filling all your organs with love!
Bernie Siegel is an author and retired pediatric surgeon who writes on the relationship between the patient and the healing process. He is known for his best-selling book Love, Medicine and Miracles, as well as 365 Prescriptions for the Soul, 101 Exercise for the Soul: Divine Workout Plan for Body, Mind, and Spirit, A Book of Miracles, Faith, Hope and Healing, How to Live Between Office Visits: A Guide to Life, Love, and Health, and many, many others.
Check out Bernie’s books and learn more at http://berniesiegelmd.com
Lora Cheadle is an infidelity survivor who uses the concepts in burlesque to help women reclaim their identity and self-worth after betrayal so they can move forward with confidence, embrace their sexy, and create a life they love!
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Spring Sale! One-on-one affair recovery coaching for women who have been cheated on by their intimate partner who are committed to:
Overcoming the devastation, pain, and obsessive thoughts and reclaiming peace,
Rebuilding trust in themselves, their intuition, and the world,
Making sense of their story regardless of their partner’s participation,
Reconciling the life they have now with the life they thought they’d have,
Moving on with confidence and clarity – whether they are working things out with their partner or moving on alone, and
Bringing themselves back to life again, stronger and happier than before!
Only $333 per month for one 90-minute session per month, a monthly, 30-minute self-hypnosis to use between sessions, weekly prep work to augment your healing, and real-time Voxer support. Lora@loracheadle for more information or to apply.
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!