Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network

Thursday Jun 16, 2022
Thursday Jun 16, 2022
Save Your Marriage After an Affair - Getting Past You and Me to Build a More Loving Relationship – with Terrence Real
As bestselling author Terrence Real says, if the person who cheated on you is willing to get real and do the work, you’re a fool to leave. But if they are unwilling to take accountability and change, then you’re a fool to stay.
Not much is harder than figuring out how to love your partner in all their messy humanness—and there’s also not much that’s more important. The good news: Warmer, closer, more passionate relationships are possible if you have the right tools. In his transformative new book, “Us: Getting Past You and Me to Build a More Loving Relationship” bestselling author Terrence Real brilliantly observes how our individualistic, winner-takes-all culture infiltrates affair recovery with devastating results
Top Take-A-Ways:
Avoiding “The 5-Losing Strategies” of Relationship Recovery:
Proving you are right
Controlling your partner
Unbridled self-expression
How to trade in a “power and control” model of relating for a “relational model” so you can cultivate calm when triggered, remember love, and speak, act, and behave in ways that make relationships better – even when you’ve been betrayed.
Understanding and maintaining the “biosphere” of your relationship, so both partners can win, thrive, and transform despite difficulty
Working with the partner you have, and not the partner that you deserve in order to create the relationship you want
Terrence Real is the bestselling author of “I Don’t Want to Talk About It: Overcoming the Secret Legacy of Male Depression” and “How Can I Get Through to You?: Reconnecting Men and Women.” He has been a practicing family therapist for more than twenty years and has lectured and given workshops across the country. In March 2002, he founded the Relational Empowerment Institute. His work has been featured on NBC Nightly News, Today, Good Morning America, and Oprah, as well as in The New York Times, Psychology Today, Esquire, and numerous academic publications.
His latest book is “Us: Getting Past You and Me to Build a More Loving Relationship,” and for any of us, but especially for any of us in the betrayal recovery space, this book is huge!
Could it be time to stop working on yourself as an individual and start working on your relationship as a couple? At a time when toxic individualism is rending our society at every level, bestselling author and renowned marriage counselor Terrence Real explains how – while self-reflection and working on yourself is indeed essential – too much poisons intimate relationships.
With deft insight, humor, and charm, Real guides you to transform your relationship into one that’s based on compassion, collaboration, and closeness.
“This book is a road map for all of us who seek true intimacy.”—GWYNETH PALTROW, founder and CEO of goop“Us” is a groundbreaking guide to a new science-backed skillset—one that will allow you to get past your knee-jerk reactions and tap into your wiser, more collaborative self. With a novelist’s flair, Real shares the stories of couples whose relationships have been saved by these skills and pans out to the culture that reinforces our dysfunction. If you and your partner are backed into separate corners of “you” and “me,” this book will show the way back to “us.” With Us, your true relationship can begin.
Learn more about Terry Real at: https://terryreal.com/ and buy a copy of his latest book Us: Getting Past You and Me to Build a More Loving Relationship anywhere books are sold (or on his website!)
Lora Cheadle is an infidelity survivor who uses the concepts in burlesque to help women reclaim their identity and self-worth after betrayal so they can move forward with confidence, embrace their sexy, and create a life they love!
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Spring Sale! One-on-one affair recovery coaching for women who have been cheated on by their intimate partner who are committed to:
Overcoming the devastation, pain, and obsessive thoughts and reclaiming peace,
Rebuilding trust in themselves, their intuition, and the world,
Making sense of their story regardless of their partner’s participation,
Reconciling the life they have now with the life they thoughtthey’d have,
Moving on with confidence and clarity – whether they are working things out with their partner or moving on alone, and
Bringing themselves back to life again, stronger and happier than before!
Only $333 per month for one 90-minute session per month, a monthly, 30-minute self-hypnosis to use between sessions, weekly prep work to augment your healing, and real-time Voxer support. Lora@loracheadle for more information or to apply.
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Friday Jun 10, 2022
Friday Jun 10, 2022
Why I Stayed After My Husband’s Affairs – Solo Show
One of the questions I get asked most often – with either a look of disgust, pity, or incredulousness – is why I stayed after my husband’s multiple affairs. In this show, I take a deep dive into my situation, process, and explanation of why I stayed and why my husband chose to stay as well.
Top Take-a-ways:
“Is there more?” How the second to last step in the IMAGO dialogue protocol kept me moving ahead in both my individual healing as well as in my marital healing.
The promise of moving ahead one step at a time, and being okay with whatever develops along the way for both you and your partner.
Why all relationships take a full commitment by both partners and why “choosing to stay” healthy requires a full commitment from both you and your partner. After all, as the sayings go, It takes two to tango! or, It takes two to play ball!
Lora Cheadle is an infidelity survivor who uses the concepts in burlesque to help women reclaim their identity and self-worth after betrayal so they can move forward with confidence, embrace their sexy, and create a life they love!
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Spring Sale! One-on-one affair recovery coaching for women who have been cheated on by their intimate partner who are committed to:
Overcoming the devastation, pain, and obsessive thoughts and reclaiming peace,
Rebuilding trust in themselves, their intuition, and the world,
Making sense of their story regardless of their partner’s participation,
Reconciling the life they have now with the life they thought they’d have,
Moving on with confidence and clarity – whether they are working things out with their partner or moving on alone, and
Bringing themselves back to life again, stronger and happier than before!
Only $333 per month for one 90-minute session per month, a monthly, 30-minute self-hypnosis to use between sessions, weekly prep work to augment your healing, and real-time Voxer support. Lora@loracheadle for more information or to apply.
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Friday Jun 03, 2022
Friday Jun 03, 2022
Find the Happiness you Deserve After an Affair – Solo Show
Finding out about your partner’s affair leaves you feeling helpless, confused, and hopeless. It’s hard to imagine that you will ever being happy again. But you can be happy again. Maybe, like me, even happier than you were before! All it takes is a deeper understanding of the dynamics of power, joy, and responsibility. Let me show you how to reclaim what I like to call your “sparkle,” so you can stop betraying yourself and reclaim the happiness and power you deserve.
Top Take-a-ways:
Discover the common ways and reasons why we betray ourselves every day, (including how our culture raises, teaches, and rewards self-betrayal) and how to stop.
Explore a new definition of “power” and learn how to step fully into your own power and untangle yourself from others so you can have full agency and control over your life, emotions, and happiness.
Redefine the idea of “responsibility” for yourself, your life, your happiness, and learn to celebrate both the good and bad consequences that flow from your actions or inactions without attachment.
Learn Three Exercises that will put you back in the driver’s seat, calm your nervous system, and help you find and maintain happiness no matter what happens around you.
o Get Curious with an “If-Then” practice
o Release attachment through “The Chakra Walk”
o Practice Creating through play and “Adult Field Trips”
Lora Cheadle is an infidelity survivor who uses the concepts in burlesque to help women reclaim their identity and self-worth after betrayal so they can move forward with confidence, embrace their sexy, and create a life they love!
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Spring Sale! One-on-one affair recovery coaching for women who have been cheated on by their intimate partner who are committed to:
Overcoming the devastation, pain, and obsessive thoughts and reclaiming peace,
Rebuilding trust in themselves, their intuition, and the world,
Making sense of their story regardless of their partner’s participation,
Reconciling the life they have now with the life they thoughtthey’d have,
Moving on with confidence and clarity – whether they are working things out with their partner or moving on alone, and
Bringing themselves back to life again, stronger and happier than before!
Only $333 per month for one 90-minute session per month, a monthly, 30-minute self-hypnosis to use between sessions, weekly prep work to augment your healing, and real-time Voxer support. Lora@loracheadle for more information or to apply.
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Friday May 27, 2022
Friday May 27, 2022
Addiction, Infidelity, & From Sexual Brokenness to Happy Marriage – With Roane and Eva Hunter
Have you ever wished for a roadmap that would get you through sexual addiction, porn addiction, an other forms of sexual brokenness to a place of peace, redemption, grace, and healing? You are not alone. Pornography addiction and sex addiction tear at the fabric of marriage, intimacy, and even your own sanity. But you can get through the storm and come out the other side wiser and happier than before.
Top Take-a-ways:
Defining an addiction: Why an escalation or progression of behavior, compulsory actions, a preoccupation with sex, pornography, or getting your next “fix” and distorted thinking are all hallmarks of a true sexual or pornography addiction – otherwise known as “sexual brokenness.”
Navigating the “Three Intimacy Killers” secrets, silence, and judgment.
The 5-step roadmap that will move you through betrayal, PTSD, and trauma and put you on the road to healing, happiness, and authentic intimacy.
Roane and Eva Hunter are Marriage and Family Counselors specializing in individual, couples, and family therapy. They maintain a private practice in Madison, MS (LifeWorks.MS), with offices in Southaven and Starkville with sixteen therapists across the three locations. They are both Licensed Professional Counselors, National Board-Certified Counselors, Certified Sex Addiction Therapists-Supervisors (CSAT-S), Certified Clinical Sex Addiction Specialists (CCSAS), Clinical Associates with the American Board of Christian Sex Therapists (ABCST), and Certified Multiple Addictions Therapists-Supervisors (CMAT-S).They are World Conference speakers for the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC) with over sixty years of combined experience working in the area of sexual wholeness while ministering to individuals and couples in recovery from sexual brokenness. They are popular speakers at churches, seminars, and retreats, sharing their remarkable journey from false intimacy to redemptive intimacy.
Learn more about Roane and Eva Hunter at www.sexgodchaos.com.
Their book, Sex, God and the Chaos of Betrayal! Is available on Amazon
Their book reads in a popular conversational style; it’s accessible to those who have not been to counseling and haven’t started the process of “collecting the dots in order to connect the dots.”This book’s message is solidly faith-based, culturally relevant, and clinically informed. It includes our real-life story, the wisdom that we’ve gained through our own failures and successes, and the stories of many others whom we have helped on this journey, along with insights from a wide spectrum of clinical experts and leaders in the field of Christian counseling and sexual addiction. Our book offers couples a practical, task-oriented road map of healing and restoration, both individually and for the coupleship. It is also a great resource for therapists and counselors working with clients facing this issue.
Lora Cheadle is an infidelity survivor who uses the concepts in burlesque to help women reclaim their identity and self-worth after betrayal so they can move forward with confidence, embrace their sexy, and create a life they love!
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Spring Sale! One-on-one affair recovery coaching for women who have been cheated on by their intimate partner who are committed to:
Overcoming the devastation, pain, and obsessive thoughts and reclaiming peace,
Rebuilding trust in themselves, their intuition, and the world,
Making sense of their story regardless of their partner’s participation,
Reconciling the life they have now with the life they thoughtthey’d have,
Moving on with confidence and clarity – whether they are working things out with their partner or moving on alone, and
Bringing themselves back to life again, stronger and happier than before!
Only $333 per month for one 90-minute session per month, a monthly, 30-minute self-hypnosis to use between sessions, weekly prep work to augment your healing, and real-time Voxer support. Lora@loracheadle for more information or to apply.
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Friday May 20, 2022
Friday May 20, 2022
Affair Recovery Timeline – What to Expect the First Year
No matter where you are on your post-affair journey, use this timeline as a guide to the phases, stages, and emotions that you can expect after infidelity. From-D-day, (discovery day) trickle-truth, to the first anniversary, this show breaks down what to expect each quarter of the first year.
Top Take-a-ways:
Discovery Day and why your partner uses trickle truth as a means to keep their identity intact and protect you.
The first week and month, and why receiving, recovering and getting your nervous system calmed down and out of a state of shock is vital.
Quarter One: The first 3 months after an affair and learning to live again and integrating your new reality.
Quarter Two: The first 6 months after learning of infidelity, and why learning, education and understanding will help you (and your partner if he’s interested) “own and atone” for both of your actions and choices.
Quarter Three: You and your marriage nine months after an affair. The importance of white space and just beingand not doing after an affair and allowing the learning and understanding to integrate.
Quarter Four: Creating what you want most and building life and relationships after an affair.
Lora Cheadle is an infidelity survivor who uses the concepts in burlesque to help women reclaim their identity and self-worth after betrayal so they can move forward with confidence, embrace their sexy, and create a life they love!
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Spring Sale! One-on-one affair recovery coaching for women who have been cheated on by their intimate partner who are committed to:
Overcoming the devastation, pain, and obsessive thoughts and reclaiming peace,
Rebuilding trust in themselves, their intuition, and the world,
Making sense of their story regardless of their partner’s participation,
Reconciling the life they have now with the life they thoughtthey’d have,
Moving on with confidence and clarity – whether they are working things out with their partner or moving on alone, and
Bringing themselves back to life again, stronger and happier than before!
Only $333 per month for one 90-minute session per month, a monthly, 30-minute self-hypnosis to use between sessions, weekly prep work to augment your healing, and real-time Voxer support. Lora@loracheadle for more information or to apply.
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Friday May 13, 2022
Friday May 13, 2022
How to Rebuild Trust After an Affair – With Yourself, Your Partner, & Life
What does it take to trust again after an affair? It begins with a radical understanding of the multitude of ways that you were betrayed. Contrary to what you might think, an act of infidelity is more than a single betrayal. It involves a breach of emotional, spiritual, financial, marital, and sexual trust. Even more, it violates the trust you have in the way the world is supposed to work, what it means to be married, and what you thought your life was supposed to be like. Of course it’s difficult to trust again after infidelity! But it’s not impossible. Let this show be the first step in understanding the complex nature of trust, untangling the many ways that you were betrayed, and reconnecting to yourself so you can finally get unstuck and start healing.
Top Take-a-ways:
The importance of defining and untangling the many ways that you had your trust violated.
The difference between losing trust in a person, an idea, a script that you have in your head about the way things are supposed to be, and trust in yourself.
Why rebuilding trust in yourself always comes first, and how to begin trusting your intuition and having your own back once again.
Why it takes at least two years to rebuild trust after an affair.
The eight-step process for rebuilding trust with your partner (and why facing difficulty and going through more difficult times is necessary to fully restore trust.)
Lora Cheadle is an infidelity survivor who uses the concepts in burlesque to help women reclaim their identity and self-worth after betrayal so they can move forward with confidence, embrace their sexy, and create a life they love!
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Spring Sale! One-on-one affair recovery coaching for women who have been cheated on by their intimate partner who are committed to:
Overcoming the devastation, pain, and obsessive thoughts and reclaiming peace,
Rebuilding trust in themselves, their intuition, and the world,
Making sense of their story regardless of their partner’s participation,
Reconciling the life they have now with the life they thought they’d have,
Moving on with confidence and clarity – whether they are working things out with their partner or moving on alone, and
Bringing themselves back to life again, stronger and happier than before!
Only $333 per month for one 90-minute session per month, a monthly, 30-minute self-hypnosis to use between sessions, weekly prep work to augment your healing, and real-time Voxer support. Lora@loracheadle for more information or to apply.
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Friday May 06, 2022
Friday May 06, 2022
Toxic Masculinity – What it’s Really About
Buckle up for a unique perspective on the phenomenon of toxic masculinity! Unlike Lora’s regular shows, this episode features a live Q&A session where Lora channels her guides, “The Librarians,” to answer questions around toxic masculinity, the role of religion on the planet, and how we can best manage and protect our integrity and energy when confronted with toxicity.
As with any live, channeled show, answers tend to be revealed in “spiral form,” meaning that the several peripheral answers are addressed first, before honing-in to the final, zinger of an answer. Be prepared to have your mind blown, your perspective shifted, and your heart opened.
Top Take-a-ways:
What we perceive as “toxic masculinity” is being brought onto the planet by “warrior souls” committed to pushing humanity towards spiritual growth and understanding.
A new paradigm for the idea of “being triggered,” why it’s not a trigger, but an “infection” of a preexisting wound, and how it’s our own responsibility to heal that infection.
Exploring both the positive and negative aspects of religion and how to make sure we stay in its light and away from its shadow of guilt, shame, and transferred control.
The divine soul-work of transmuting and processing your own pain, and why things like charity and helping out can disconnect people from their divinity and create toxicity instead.
Lora Cheadle is an infidelity survivor who uses the concepts in burlesque to help women reclaim their identity and self-worth after betrayal so they can move forward with confidence, embrace their sexy, and create a life they love!
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Spring Sale! One-on-one affair recovery coaching for women who have been cheated on by their intimate partner who are committed to:
Overcoming the devastation, pain, and obsessive thoughts and reclaiming peace,
Rebuilding trust in themselves, their intuition, and the world,
Making sense of their story regardless of their partner’s participation,
Reconciling the life they have now with the life they thought they’d have,
Moving on with confidence and clarity – whether they are working things out with their partner or moving on alone, and
Bringing themselves back to life again, stronger and happier than before!
Only $333 per month for one 90-minute session per month, a monthly, 30-minute self-hypnosis to use between sessions, weekly prep work to augment your healing, and real-time Voxer support. Lora@loracheadle for more information or to apply.
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Friday Apr 29, 2022
Friday Apr 29, 2022
The Top Three Ways to “Get Over” an Affair and Start Living, Loving, and Enjoying Life Again – Solo Show
“I wish I could just get over it” and “I want it all to go away!” are two of the most common refrains of the betrayed partner. Even though infidelity leaves you devastated, racked with obsessive thoughts, and wondering if you will ever feel “normal” or happy again, the truth is, you can get over your partner’s affair. Learning to love yourself and to enjoy life again takes time, but like any wound, this pain will heal too.
Top Take-a-ways:
Why realizing that some things you will never get over is the beginning of healing.
Defining what the “Getting Over It” means to you now, and in the future.
Differentiating between the things you can control, and the things that you cannot.
Spring Sale!!!! One-on-one affair recovery coaching for women who have been cheated on by their intimate partner who are committed to:
Overcoming the devastation, pain, and obsessive thoughts and reclaiming peace,
Rebuilding trust in themselves, their intuition, and the world,
Making sense of their story regardless of their partner’s participation,
Reconciling the life they have now with the life they thought they’d have,
Moving on with confidence and clarity – whether they are working things out with their partner or moving on alone, and
Bringing themselves back to life again, stronger and happier than before!
Only $333 per month for one 90-minute session per month, a monthly, 30-minute self-hypnosis to use between sessions, weekly prep work to augment your healing, and real-time Voxer support. Lora@loracheadle for more information or to apply.
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Lora Cheadle is an infidelity survivor who uses the concepts in burlesque to help women reclaim their identity and self-worth after betrayal so they can move forward with confidence, embrace their sexy, and create a life they love!
Untangle yourself from the past, release judgment, and uncover the power, beauty, and joy that’s been inside you all along. All with a wink and a smile!
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Friday Apr 08, 2022
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Healthy Hormones Despite Infidelity or Feeling Betrayed by your Changing Body – With Dr. Deb Matthew
Hormones are chemical messengers that control the way you feel, react, and relate. Hormones are what make you who you are on the inside. So, when something stressful or traumatic happens, and your hormones go out of whack, you’re not going to feel like you normally do! Whether it’s menopause, the stress of infidelity, or you suddenly feel betrayed by your own body because you no longer recognize the woman staring back at you in the mirror, this show will help. Learn to get your hormones under control so you can get back to being you and feel better fast!
Top Take-a-ways:
Why it’s not the amount of stress that matters, it’s how you let that stress impact you that matters, and how to increase your tolerance to stress and your resilience in life.
How, even though it’s so common to be exhausted in the morning – and reach for coffee, crash in the afternoon – and reach for carbs, and then get a second wind right before bed – and reach for a glass of wine. it’s not a normal way to live.
Learn all about the cortisol – the master hormone – and it’s impact on the immune system, blood sugar levels, weight gain, and all other hormones.
Discover the essential balance of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone and what signs and symptoms to look for to determine if your hormones might be out of balance, and most importantly, what to do to correct this imbalance.
Dr. Deb Matthew MD, The Happy Hormones Doctor, is a best-selling author, international speaker, educator, wife and mom of four boys. After suffering for years with fatigue and irritability, her quest to restore her personal health led her to change everything about her practice of medicine. She has been featured on national podcasts, radio, and broadcast shows, including NBC, ABC, CBS, and FOX.
As a Functional Medicine Practitioner, she helps clients finds the root cause of their hormone imbalances. Download your free book This is NOT Normal at www.ItsYourHormones.com and learn more about her practice at www.signaturewellness.org.
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Lora Cheadle is an infidelity survivor who uses the concepts in burlesque to help women reclaim their identity and self-worth after betrayal so they can move forward with confidence, embrace their sexy, and create a life they love!
Untangle yourself from the past, release judgment, and uncover the power, beauty, and joy that’s been inside you all along. All with a wink and a smile!
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Friday Apr 01, 2022
Friday Apr 01, 2022
Why Men Cheat: The Top Reasons & Secret Underlying Causes– Solo Show
If you have been betrayed, you understand the obsession with figuring out why men cheat. But here’s the thing. Too often, infidelity or affair recovery programs focus on the reasons why men cheat and miss the million-dollar question: Why does it matter? Getting radically honest about the underlying cause of the cheating is what matters. And the reason it matters is because it helps you understand what happened, disentangle from the drama of the surface reasons, and ultimately let yourself off the hook so you can move forward and heal.
Top take-a-ways:
The top seven reasons men cheat.
The truth behind why men can love you – and still cheat.
Why fear, shame, and anger are the unaddressed root cause of betrayal.
How understanding the root cause of betrayal helps you and your recovery.
The societal differences between the way men and women are raised and how those differences impact fear, shame, anger, and the tendency to cheat.
Untangle yourself from the past, reclaim your power, and own your worth so you can create a future you love on your own terms. All with a wink and a smile!
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Lora Cheadle is an infidelity survivor who uses the concepts in burlesque to help women reclaim their identity and self-worth after betrayal so they can move forward with confidence, embrace their sexy, and create a life they love!
Untangle yourself from the past, release judgment, and uncover the power, beauty, and joy that’s been inside you all along. All with a wink and a smile!
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.NakedSelfWorth.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!