Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network

Friday May 21, 2021
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Friday May 21, 2021
Friday May 21, 2021
The Anxious Truth: Heal from Anxiety, Panic, and Agoraphobia –with Drew Linsalata
While anxiety is a normal part of life that each of us will experience time and again over the course of a lifetime, Anxiety Disorder is different. It’s the fear of the anxiety itself, where the fear of anxiety fuels itself and spirals you into more anxiety, which leads to agoraphobia, which leads to depression. No matter what level of anxiety, everything you need to fix this problem is already inside of you.
Top Take-a-ways:
Why “self-care” and “giving yourself a break” actually conditions you to be more anxious.
How being Afraid and Safe is a helpful state to be in to learn to manage anxiety.
Why you are not broken, even if you have tried many different remedies to address anxiety – yet none of them have worked.
The importance of finding the right therapist and relying on yourself instead of anything that is outside of you, and your control.
Drew was once afraid, anxious, confused and lost. Crippled with panic attacks, trapped by agoraphobia, and riddled with constant anxiety, he almost lost everything important in his life as his world became smaller and smaller. Using behavioral science, courage, tenacity, consistency, and an unquenchable desire to overcome these problems once and for all he was able to recover completely.
He is the author of The Anxious Truth and An Anxiety Story and host of The Anxious Truth Podcast.
Learn more, and download his books for free at https://theanxioustruth.com
First class is FREE, and subsequent classes are only $10. Learn more and get on the list at www.BurlesqueAndBubbly.com or sign up now, at https://loracheadle.com/product/burlesque-bubbly/ with discount code "DV7"
Stop Hiding and Start Flaunting You!
Follow me across all social and be sure to Join In The Conversation with me every Monday morning, at 10:30 Mountain in the FLAUNT flock Facebook group. I’d love to get social, interact, and answer your most pressing questions.
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Friday May 14, 2021
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Friday May 14, 2021
Friday May 14, 2021
Living Beautifully & Luxuriously Beyond 50 – with Irene Michaels
With the life philosophies, “I refuse to be defeated.” and “It’s not what happens to you in life, it’s how you handle it.” is it any wonder that Irene Michaels is a success in her 70s? A true beauty and anti-aging icon, Irene has learned hundreds of secrets and solutions, gleaned from her days as a working actress in Hollywood. No stranger to tragedy, she has overcome defeat, including a car accident that “ruined” her face at the height of her modeling career.
Top Take-a-ways:
The importance of choosing, and living by, a powerful life philosophy.
At home beauty and skin care treatments suitable for any budget.
Six Best Foods for Anti-aging and preventing and recovering hair loss.
Staying classically stylish After 60
The power of patience, self-discipline and relying on yourself.
Irene Michaels is a lifelong entertainer, entrepreneur and accomplished equestrian who has made it a priority to lead an active, healthy lifestyle. She discovered her passion for dance at the age of 11 and went on to become a dancer, model, actress, owner of a successful modeling agency, and producer. She is widely recognized as a beauty and luxury lifestyle expert. Her I On the Scene website shares the scoop on entertainment, culture and fashion. Her I On Youth Collection by Irene Michaels ™ filled the need for an effective, moderately priced, anti-aging skincare solution. She shares it all in her new book, I On Beauty: Living Beautifully & Luxuriously Beyond 50.
JOIN LORA every Friday from 4-5PM MST for Burlesque & Bubbly, a virtual dance class for women of all ages, sizes, and abilities! When was the last time you let your hair down, gently challenged your mind and body in new and different ways, and allowed yourself to embrace your beautiful body as it is right now, while thoroughly enjoying the moment?
First class is FREE, and subsequent classes are only $10. Learn more and get on the list at www.BurlesqueAndBubbly.com or sign up now, at https://loracheadle.com/product/burlesque-bubbly/ with discount code "DV7"
Stop Hiding and Start Flaunting You!
Follow me across all social and be sure to Join In The Conversation with me every Monday morning, at 10:30 Mountain in the FLAUNT flock Facebook group. I’d love to get social, interact, and answer your most pressing questions.
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Thursday May 06, 2021
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Thursday May 06, 2021
Thursday May 06, 2021
Simple Ways to Upgrade Consciousness & Answer Life’s Biggest Questions with Stephen Shaw
What are you seeking? Is it a sense of fulfillment or purpose? Perhaps it is experiencing unconditional love with another or being able to slip into the ecstasy of divine love. While we all want different things in life, there are commonalities as well. We all seek to understand that which is greater than us. We all want to love and be loved, and we all want to avoid being hurt.
Top Take-a-ways:
Overcome betrayal and learn from past experiences in a way that protects you going forward, cultivates understanding of both the blessings and the burdens, and honors your life journey.
Energize and upgrade your chakras, even if you aren’t fully aware of what chakras are, how they work, or why you’d want to upgrade them in the first place.
Invoke divine support in about a minute a day, so you will be supported and guided every step of the way.
How and why to clear the accumulation of negative energy that gathers in and around you in the daily course of living.
In his youth, Stephen Shaw, who grew up in South Africa, began having unusual experiences, including clairvoyance. By the time he was 15, he committed himself to fully explore Spirituality to find the answers to life’s most critical questions. Heavily influenced by the pragmatism of his father, he journeyed deep into all aspects of life, including military service, university, marriage and running a business. By the age of 39, he realized that his current life wasn’t enough. He still sought Answers.
He then gave up everything he knew, including his business and marriage, and spent the next decade learning from shamans in Africa, Peru and Mexico, lamas in Tibet and Bhutan, and more spiritual guides, until he found what he was seeking: Who We Really Are, the True Nature of Life, and how to Live in Deep Fulfilment, Love and Peace.
Learn more and download your free books at: www.i-am-stephen-shaw.com
JOIN LORA every Friday from 4-5PM MST for Burlesque & Bubbly, a virtual dance class for women of all ages, sizes, and abilities! When was the last time you let your hair down, gently challenged your mind and body in new and different ways, and allowed yourself to embrace your beautiful body as it is right now, while thoroughly enjoying the moment?
First class is FREE, and subsequent classes are only $10. Learn more and get on the list at www.BurlesqueAndBubbly.com or sign up now, at https://loracheadle.com/product/burlesque-bubbly/ with discount code "DV7"
Stop Hiding and Start Flaunting You!
Follow me across all social and be sure to Join In The Conversation with me every Monday morning, at 10:30 Mountain in the FLAUNT flock Facebook group. I’d love to get social, interact, and answer your most pressing questions.
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Books, Books, Book! Summer Reading Suggestions & The 2021 Colorado Book Awards
Are you ready to snuggle in with a good book? Whether it’s a steamy beach read, a heart-pounding thriller, or getting lost in poetry, Abby Kerstetter, Programs Coordinator for the Colorado Center for the Book has got you covered!
All month long, in honor of the 2021 Colorado Book Awards, Book Bar Denver will be hosting virtual books readings and events to celebrate the winners in each category. You can attend live or on demand by registering at https://coloradohumanities.org/programs/colorado-book-awards/
Book categories and celebration dates are below. Be sure to come check back weekly as winners will be announced:
Juvenile and Young Adult Literature-
Juvenile Nominations:
Born Curious: 20 Girls Who Grew Up to Be Awesome Scientistswritten by Martha Freeman and illustrated by Katy Wu.
When You Know What I Know by Sonja K. Solter.
Midnight at the Barclay Hotel written by Fleur Bradley and illustrated by Xavier Bonet.
Young Adult Nominations:
10 Things I Hate about Pinkyby Sandhya Menon
Turtle under Ice by Juleah del Rosario
Offline by Donna Cooner
Reader’s Bonus! Be sure to check out Lora and Abby’s top book selections and email Lora your top choices to be included on her Best Of book list! Lora@loracheadle.com
Young Adult: Revolution, Jennifer Donnelly
Historical Fiction: This Tender Land, William Kent Kruger. Anything by Ken Follett, especially the Knightsbridge series.
History: Heartbeat of Wounded Knee, David Treuer
Anthology: Family Resemblance: An Anthology and Exploration of 8 Hybrid Literary Genres, Edited by Marcela Sulak and Jacqueline Kolosov
Poetry: "When the Light of the World Was Subdued, Our Songs Came Through: A Norton Anthology of Native Nations Poetry". United States Poet Laureate Joy Harjo. Dante’s Iliad and Odyssey
Children: The Day I Swapped My Dad for Two Goldfish, by Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean and Wolves in the Walls.
Science Fiction/Fantasy: The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue V. E. Schwab,
Graphic Novels: The Monstrous book series by MarcyKate Connolly
Biography: His Truth Is Marching on: John Lewis and the Power of Hope, by Jon Meacham and Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants, by Robin Wall Kimmerer
Mystery/Thriller: Winter Counts, by David Heska Wanbli Weiden and Carry: A Memoir of Survival on Stolen Land, by Toni Jensen
Learn more about the Colorado Center for the Book and their programs for readers, book enthusiasts, and authors at coloradohumanities.org
In celebration of Lora’s Yogalesque ® trademark, ALL of her dance fitness classes are FREE, all month long! Burlesque & Bubbly – dance class and women’s circle, Fridays at 3 PST/6 EST and Yogalesque - Yoga inspired sacred movement, Sundays at 8 PST/11EST. Get the Zoom link at www.FLAUNTStudios.com
JOIN LORA every Friday from 4-5PM MST for Burlesque & Bubbly, a virtual dance class for women of all ages, sizes, and abilities! When was the last time you let your hair down, gently challenged your mind and body in new and different ways, and allowed yourself to embrace your beautiful body as it is right now, while thoroughly enjoying the moment?
First class is FREE, and subsequent classes are only $10. Learn more and get on the list at www.BurlesqueAndBubbly.com or sign up now, at https://loracheadle.com/product/burlesque-bubbly/ with discount code "DV7"
Stop Hiding and Start Flaunting You!
Follow me across all social and be sure to Join In The Conversation with me every Monday morning, at 10:30 Mountain in the FLAUNT flock Facebook group. I’d love to get social, interact, and answer your most pressing questions.
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Friday Apr 09, 2021
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Friday Apr 09, 2021
Friday Apr 09, 2021
Sexually Woke – Awaken the Secrets to Your Best Sex Life in Midlife-with Dr. Susan Hardwick-Smith
When you think about midlife, sex, and doctors you probably don’t think about spirituality, mind-body connection, inspired wellness, or mind-blowing sex and relationships. Dr. Susan Hardwick-Smith's is to change that, and to help women navigate midlife while remaining vibrant, connected and sexually satisfied no matter what age or limitation they are currently facing.
Top Take-a-Ways:
Why normal does not always mean optimal, and how to bridge the gap between normal life changes and experiences and optimal living.
How shifting her perspective from treating sickness to inspiring wellness allowed Dr. Susan to significantly impact the lives of her clients and how you can benefit from this shift too.
The importance of Believing it is Possible, and keeping a happy, healthy mindset now and always. You can optimize your hormones at any age, you can let go of resentment, and you can shift your body image!
Dr. Susan Hardwick-Smith is an award-winning, Board Certified Obstetrics and Gynecology physician, author and life coach based in Houston, Texas. In addition to starting one of the largest all female OB/GYN groups in the country, she is also the founder of AGIL, a line of skin care products and certified organic transdermal hormones that support optimal aging.
Passionate about menopausal health and sexuality, Dr. Hardwick-Smith completed an extensive research project that culminated with her book Sexually Woke. The mission of Sexually Woke is to help women navigate midlife while remaining vibrant, connected and sexually satisfied. Outside of her practice, Dr. Hardwick-Smith enjoys producing audio and video content exploring uncensored topics about midlife sexuality and spirituality.
Learn more at www.drsusan.com
In celebration of Lora’s Yogalesque ® trademark, ALL of her dance fitness classes are FREE, all month long! Burlesque & Bubbly – dance class and women’s circle, Fridays at 3 PST/6 EST and Yogalesque - Yoga inspired sacred movement, Sundays at 8 PST/11EST. Get the Zoom link at www.FLAUNTStudios.com
JOIN LORA every Friday from 4-5PM MST for Burlesque & Bubbly, a virtual dance class for women of all ages, sizes, and abilities! When was the last time you let your hair down, gently challenged your mind and body in new and different ways, and allowed yourself to embrace your beautiful body as it is right now, while thoroughly enjoying the moment?
First class is FREE, and subsequent classes are only $10. Learn more and get on the list at www.BurlesqueAndBubbly.com or sign up now, at https://loracheadle.com/product/burlesque-bubbly/ with discount code "DV7"
Stop Hiding and Start Flaunting You!
Follow me across all social and be sure to Join In The Conversation with me every Monday morning, at 10:30 Mountain in the FLAUNT flock Facebook group. I’d love to get social, interact, and answer your most pressing questions.
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Friday Apr 02, 2021
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Friday Apr 02, 2021
Friday Apr 02, 2021
Why Humans Need Dance – Especially Now!
Throughout all cultures, throughout all time, humans have danced. They dance to celebrate or grieve, prepare for a hunt, beg for rain, or bond together as a community or tribe. Dance is the ability to move in time to music and is uniquely human. No other animal makes or moves to music the way humans do!
What are the benefits of dance, why is it so vital to humans, and how can we utilize dance in our everyday lives, right now, to feel better? Tune in and find out the power of dance as a means of:
1) Communication,
2) Bonding,
3) Ceremony & Ritual,
4) Healing, and
5) Expression
FREE MONTH of Zoom dance classes for women of all ages, sizes, and abilities!
Whether it’s community, healing, expression or fun, join Lora for FREE dance classes all April long!
Burlesque & Bubbly (perfect for connection, bonding, and full self-expression)
Come learn a lightly choreographed dance routine (think line dancing or YMCA!) followed by discussion about how moving your body in a flirty, fun, and sexy way makes you feel. Strip out of the stress of the week and go into the weekend feeling strong, confident, and deeply in love with your own beautiful body!
Fridays at 3 PST/4 MST/6 CST/7 EST
Zoom Link at www.Flauntstudios.com
Yogalesque (perfect for healing, ceremony & full self-expression)
Join me every Sunday where we will use the sacred power of the chakras and the creativity of burlesque to move, process, heal, and become all that we most deeply desire to become. Connect with source, discover yourself, and move into the week with intention, clarity, and purpose.
Sundays at 8 PST/9 MST/10 CST/11 EST
Zoom Link at www.Flauntstudios.com
JOIN LORA every Friday from 4-5PM MST for Burlesque & Bubbly, a virtual dance class for women of all ages, sizes, and abilities! When was the last time you let your hair down, gently challenged your mind and body in new and different ways, and allowed yourself to embrace your beautiful body as it is right now, while thoroughly enjoying the moment?
First class is FREE, and subsequent classes are only $10. Learn more and get on the list at www.BurlesqueAndBubbly.com or sign up now, at https://loracheadle.com/product/burlesque-bubbly/ with discount code "DV7"
Stop Hiding and Start Flaunting You!
Follow me across all social and be sure to Join In The Conversation with me every Monday morning, at 10:30 Mountain in the FLAUNT flock Facebook group. I’d love to get social, interact, and answer your most pressing questions.
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Friday Mar 26, 2021
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Master Your Energy -Master Yourself -with Natalia Gabrea
In honor of #womenshistorymonth, instead of honoring women who have already made history, I am honoring women who are about to make history! Join me all of March as we celebrate virtual personal trainer Liz Hall, virtual personal trainer who lost over 100 pounds naturally and now helps others to do the same, Julie Ulstrup, photographer, TEDx Speaker, and Elevator of Women who helps her clients to see themselves in a way they have never seen themselves before, and Natalia Gabrea, Energy Management Coach, founder of 6th Degree Leadership, martial artist, and expert at all things energy, power, and leadership.
If you are like most successful women, you have a lot to manage. By the time you manage your career, your family, and get the basics done at home, you are toast. Time to chill on the couch, sip on wine, munch on a cookie (or five) and chill out to Bridgerton. But is that really what you need? Is that something that will recharge your energy stores? Enter Natalia Gabrea, Energy Management Coach, founder of 6th Degree Leadership, martial artist, and expert at all things energy, power, and leadership, who helps women master their own energy, so they can master themselves and have the ability to do all they most sincerely want to do in live.
Top Take-a-Ways:
The six essential levels of power: physical, mental, spiritual, creative, emotional, and social and why it’s important to understand which ones drain and which ones generate energy and which ones drain energy.
The importance of Radical Recovery, how it differs from simply chilling out, and how you can reap the rewards.
How learning to managing your energy keeps you focused, fierce, assertive, and confident.
Natalia Gabrea is a power and peak performance executive leadership coach. She brings a black belt mastery mindset to senior leaders who hold compelling long-term visions for impact. Her Sixth Degree Leadership™ Method teaches the essential pillars of energy management required for sustained exceptional results, longevity and wellbeing. As the co-creator of the Healing Martial Arts™ Method, Natalia believes that movement is the foundation for having a healthy body and mind and the catalyst for emotional healing, growth and creative self-expression. Natalia is a fierce advocate for mental health in our communities and inside corporations where she speaks openly about overcoming the stigma that exists around it. Natalia received her BS degree in Chemical Engineering from Stanford University, and her MBA from the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley. She has a third-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do and is a certified Qigong and Tai Chi instructor from the Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi in Santa Barbara.
Dreamvisions7 Listeners! Send Natalia a DM on LinkedIn telling her one “a-ha” take-away you had from today’s conversation. She will give you a 20 minute strategy session to help you identify your biggest energy leaks that are holding you back right now.
Learn more about Natalia, her programs, philosophies, and work at http://nataliagabrea.com/
JOIN LORA every Friday from 4-5PM MST for Burlesque & Bubbly, a virtual dance class for women of all ages, sizes, and abilities! When was the last time you let your hair down, gently challenged your mind and body in new and different ways, and allowed yourself to embrace your beautiful body as it is right now, while thoroughly enjoying the moment?
First class is FREE, and subsequent classes are only $10. Learn more and get on the list at www.BurlesqueAndBubbly.com or sign up now, at https://loracheadle.com/product/burlesque-bubbly/ with discount code "DV7"
Stop Hiding and Start Flaunting You!
Follow me across all social and be sure to Join In The Conversation with me every Monday morning, at 10:30 Mountain in the FLAUNT flock Facebook group. I’d love to get social, interact, and answer your most pressing questions.
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Friday Mar 19, 2021
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Transform the Way You See Yourself -with Julie Ulstrup
In honor of #womenshistorymonth, instead of honoring women who have already made history, I am honoring women who are about to make history! Join me all of March as we celebrate virtual personal trainer Liz Hall, virtual personal trainer who lost over 100 pounds naturally and now helps others to do the same, Julie Ulstrup, photographer, TEDx Speaker, and Elevator of Women who helps her clients to see themselves in a way they have never seen themselves before, and and Natalia Gabrea, Energy Management Coach, founder of 6th Degree Leadership, martial artist, and expert at all things energy, power, and leadership.
Have you ever looked at your child, partner, or friend and been filled with love because you could see both their inner and their external beauty? When was the last time you looked at yourself and felt that same way? If you are anything like most women, you dread having your picture taken and the conversation you most often have with yourself is in regard to your shortcomings. What would it be like to see yourself as those you love see you? To fall in love with yourself exactly as you are – not as you think you should be.
In this show Lora shares her story of having a boudoir photo shoot, and how it changed the way she felt about herself. And Julie Ulstrup, photographer and TedX speakers, shares her experience from the other side of the lens.
Top Take-a-ways:
The power of being seen as you are, not as you think you should be.
The importance of loving yourself, and how it launches you into your greatness.
How venturing into that greatness (especially if you are a little bit frightened or intimidated) yields big magic!
Why taking a few deep breaths before any photographs of you are taken makes you look so much better.
Born in the City of Angels, raised in the Windy City, Julie now calls the foothills of Colorado’s Rocky Mountains home. Her studio locations in Northern Colorado and Southern California are where she shares her dream of creating boudoir, headshots and business branding photographs that bring the beauty inside out, allowing others to see themselves in their most authentic and vulnerable light, so that you can have an impact in the world. Julie captures not just an image, but the soul.
As an empowerment photographer Julie helps her clients to see themselves in a way they have never seen themselves before. Julie inspires women to celebrate themselves exactly where they are.
Her passion is and always has been to empower women; because she believes empowered women make the world a better place.
For more information about her work visit www.JulieUlstrup.com
[Watch Julie’s TED talk]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmlvEila1DU
Check out Lora’s bonus video on How to Pose so you look great in any photograph: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=607891863136289&ref=watch_permalink
JOIN LORA every Friday from 4-5PM MST for Burlesque & Bubbly, a virtual dance class for women of all ages, sizes, and abilities! When was the last time you let your hair down, gently challenged your mind and body in new and different ways, and allowed yourself to embrace your beautiful body as it is right now, while thoroughly enjoying the moment?
First class is FREE, and subsequent classes are only $10. Learn more and get on the list at www.BurlesqueAndBubbly.com or sign up now, at https://loracheadle.com/product/burlesque-bubbly/ with discount code "DV7"
Stop Hiding and Start Flaunting You!
Follow me across all social and be sure to Join In The Conversation with me every Monday morning, at 10:30 Mountain in the FLAUNT flock Facebook group. I’d love to get social, interact, and answer your most pressing questions.
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Friday Mar 12, 2021
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Fitness, Mindset, and Healthy Habits -with Liz Hall
In honor of #womenshistorymonth, instead of honoring women who have already made history, I am honoring women who are about to make history! Join me all of March as we celebrate virtual personal trainer Liz Hall, virtual personal trainer who lost over 100 pounds naturally and now helps others to do the same, Julie Ulstrup, photographer, TEDx Speaker, and Elevator of Women who helps her clients to see themselves in a way they have never seen themselves before, and and Natalia Gabrea, Energy Management Coach, founder of 6th Degree Leadership, martial artist, and expert at all things energy, power, and leadership.
Spring is almost upon us, which means two things:
1) It’s time for spring cleaning, and
2) Bathing suit season is right around the corner!
Instead of dreading it, why not embrace a decluttering of your mind, body, and environment? Join Lora in the Flaunt Flock Facebook group for a 30 Day Strip Down – Decluttering Your Body & Your Environment where you can take action daily to take control of your life and body once again!
Overwhelmed by the fitness and nutrition piece of it all? You are not alone! In fact, there is such an enormous amount of information out there that unless you are an expert you can’t sort it all out. That’s why people like Liz Hall exist – to help guide you through the maze of information and to retrain your mindset for success. Liz is the founder of The V Trainer, a customized fitness and nutrition company, and she herself lost 100lbs naturally. Since then, she has dedicated her life to guiding others on their health journeys and has created a mind-body-soul micro-step approach to losing weight that drastically enhances transformational and sustainable results. Liz is passionate about empowering individuals to take control of their health and works virtually with individuals as well as small and medium size companies to provide health solutions.
Top Take-a-ways:
Weight loss and healthy living is done in small, continuous steps that you have to recommit to every day. Just like finances, marriage, or any worthwhile goal.
Mindset matters! More than you might think!
There is no shame in not being ready for a fitness and wellness journey! You are where you are, and whether you are contemplating change but are not quite ready, are actively seeking information, or are ready to roll, there is a program and a solution for you at any stage of the game.
Learn more at www.thevtrainer.com or reach out to Liz at liz@thevtrainer.com or at 734-476-7631
JOIN LORA every Friday from 4-5PM MST for Burlesque & Bubbly, a virtual dance class for women of all ages, sizes, and abilities! When was the last time you let your hair down, gently challenged your mind and body in new and different ways, and allowed yourself to embrace your beautiful body as it is right now, while thoroughly enjoying the moment?
First class is FREE, and subsequent classes are only $10. Learn more and get on the list at www.BurlesqueAndBubbly.com or sign up now, at https://loracheadle.com/product/burlesque-bubbly/ with discount code "DV7"
Stop Hiding and Start Flaunting You!
Follow me across all social and be sure to Join In The Conversation with me every Monday morning, at 10:30 Mountain in the FLAUNT flock Facebook group. I’d love to get social, interact, and answer your most pressing questions.
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Embrace Your Sexy Even If You Don’t Think You Have a Sexy Bone in Your Body or The Idea of “Being Sexy” Kind of Scares You
Sexy is a provocative word with a lot of baggage. Most women simultaneously want to be sexy and are terrified of being sexy. Being sexy means living a life of attraction - your attraction towards things you love, not other people being attracted to you because you look like an airbrushed magazine cover – and arousal, which is your connection to and enjoyment of your own senses. You will learn how to define and embrace your sexy and loosen your fears of judgment around being sexy.
Top Take-a-ways:
What it really means to be sexy and why embracing your sexy leads to a life of pleasure, joy, and enthusiasm.
Simple exercises to increase your levels of attraction and arousal every day.
Releasing what blocks you from embracing you sexy, and the power of uncovering and naming your fears.
JOIN LORA every Friday from 4-5PM MST for Burlesque & Bubbly, a virtual dance class for women of all ages, sizes, and abilities! When was the last time you let your hair down, gently challenged your mind and body in new and different ways, and allowed yourself to embrace your beautiful body as it is right now, while thoroughly enjoying the moment?
First class is FREE, and subsequent classes are only $10. Learn more and get on the list at www.BurlesqueAndBubbly.com or sign up now, at https://loracheadle.com/product/burlesque-bubbly/ with discount code "DV7"
Stop Hiding and Start Flaunting You!
Follow me across all social and be sure to Join In The Conversation with me every Monday morning, at 10:30 Mountain in the FLAUNT flock Facebook group. I’d love to get social, interact, and answer your most pressing questions.
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com