Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network

Friday Feb 26, 2021
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Manage Your Menopause Naturally – with Maryon Stewart
In 2020, more than 50 million women are going through menopause in the United States, and it’s estimated that one billion women around the world will be experiencing menopause globally by 2025. And while more than 75 percent of these women will experience symptoms for a decade or longer — issues like hot flashes, mood swings, difficulty concentrating, sleep problems, and loss of sex drive — 55 percent won’t do anything to try to alleviate them. If you are interested in managing your perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause naturally and effectively, this is the show for you!
Top Take-a-ways:
Why common symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, depression, aches, pains, and mood swings occur and how to address them naturally.
Meal plans and recipes and supplements that have been medically proven to soothe menopause symptoms and boost overall health and well-being.
How to start lowering your risk for many life-disrupting (and often life-threatening) conditions, including heart disease, osteoporosis, estrogen-related cancers (such as breast cancer), memory loss, and dementia.
Maryon Stewart is the author of Manage Your Menopause Naturally and 27 other books. A world-renowned healthcare expert, she has helped tens of thousands of women around the world overcome PMS and menopause symptoms without using drugs or hormones. In 2018 she was awarded the British Empire Medal and was recognized as one of the 50 most inspirational women by the Daily Mail. Visit her online at http://www.maryonstewart.com
Follow me across all social and be sure to Join In The Conversation with me every Monday morning, at 10:30 Mountain in the FLAUNT flock Facebook group. I’d love to get social, interact, and answer your most pressing questions.
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Friday Feb 19, 2021
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Friday Feb 19, 2021
Friday Feb 19, 2021
Bigger Love with Sam and Patrick Cullinane
For many people, being in a relationship is the end goal. But having a relationship and having a happy relationship are two entirely different things! Relationships take work. They take introspection, understanding, time, energy, and a whole lot of self-care.
In today’s episode you will learn what to do to find and keep the kind of love that you desire. Top Take-A-Ways: • Why the best way to find, maintain, or revive a love relationship is to take care of yourself first. • The importance of sex, honesty, and clear non-negotiables in relationships, and how to renegotiate the terms of your relationship at any time. • What analyzing the amount of energy, joy, and passion you bring to other areas of your life will tell you about the success or failure rate of your romantic relationships.
Sam and Patrick have been married for twenty-five years and they would tell you they are one of the happiest couples they know. But they weren’t always this happy. After ten years of marriage, they signed the divorce papers. During the first ten years of their marriage, they struggled through like most people do: trying to navigate life together without any real tools, realizing they were in many ways opposites, fighting often, having sex less and less, distrust and jealousy rearing their ugly heads, and what they believed was falling out of love. They were under tremendous pressure, as many families are these days, raising their two children and each of them pursuing their rigorous careers. After a year apart, against all odds, they decided to get back together. Since then they’ve grown their love, their bond, and created an amazing life together. They became students of love and they never looked back. Eventually all they had experienced and learned culminated into a book, Marriage: From Miserable to Magnificent. How to Keep the Love of Your Life for the Rest of Your Life (available on Amazon). They also have a Podcast: The Not So Perfect Couple Podcast where they share experiences and interview guests that help keep relationships moving forward. Most recently Sam gave a TEDx talk called, “Sex: The New Wonder Drug” that can be seen on Youtube, the TED website Sex: The New Wonder Drug | Sam Cullinane | TEDxNormal or on their website www.Biggerlove.com.
Patrick Cullinane is a serial entrepreneur who has started and sold multiple businesses and developed several software applications in the logistics and supply chain industries. His newest project is a company called Zipi which develops software and services in the real estate space. Patrick also serves on the board of 1Life Fully Lived, a non-profit geared towards helping young people find their passion through the entrepreneurial spirit and to dream, plan and live their best lives.
Sam Cullinane began her career climbing corporate ladders to achieve the rank of Chief of Staff to the President of an international five-billion-dollar company. Eventually, she also took to entrepreneurial endeavors – starting a few businesses, serving as CFO to multiple corporations, and then joining Patrick. Now they build businesses together. Sam is a songwriter, recording artist with an album on iTunes (Band Name: Sol y Momma Album: Searchlights), and she also runs a successful women's mastermind called Symmetry7.
Follow me across all social and be sure to Join In The Conversation with me every Monday morning, at 10:30 Mountain in the FLAUNT flock Facebook group. I’d love to get social, interact, and answer your most pressing questions.
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Friday Feb 12, 2021
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Friday Feb 12, 2021
Friday Feb 12, 2021
Gina Hatzis, motivational speaker and founder of #Too Much Woman
Living, Loving, and Being a #TooMuchWoman -with Gina Hatzis
Dedicated to woman everywhere who have ever been told to sit down, shut up, or back off. Today’s show will empower you to own your glorious too muchness, in whatever form your too muchness takes. Join the incomparable Gina Hatzis, founder of the #TooMuchWoman movement, and shift the way you think about your power and worth.
The untold story of the Too Much Woman.
Too intense. Too sensitive. Too emotional. Too passionate. Too driven. Too smart. Too sensual. Too needy. Too ambitious. Too fat. Too plain. Too bitchy. Too honest. Too pretty. Too wild. Too successful. Too intimidating. Too sexy.
She is dangerous.
The Too Much Woman is forced to cram the Bigness of who she is into a tight box of predictability and stability.
Her bright sparkle must be dimmed.
Her radiance must be kept in check.
The Too Much Woman is not safe in a world that is afraid of her power. She is shunned, misunderstood, ignored, rejected, abused, threatened, objectified. Anything, anything, anything that will keep her tucked in her smallness and not threaten the status quo.
As women, many of us straddle these two debilitating paradigms: subduing our Too Muchness and ruminating in our Not Enough-ness –they are in fact opposite sides of the same coin after all.
A recovering journalist, Gina has spent the past 26 years as an International Corporate and Public Speaker, specializing in soulful leadership, conscious communication and epic empowerment.
She’s also a blogger, a writer, a spoken word artist and the host of her show Spiritual G Spot, broadcasting in over 70 countries worldwide.
Gina has two viral videos amassing over 40 million views, and is currently on a global tour as the Spearhead and Visionary for the Too Much Woman Movement, a platform for women shine fully in their glory.
She recently shared the stage with Elizabeth Gilbert, Lisa Nichols, Glennon Doyle Dr. Christiane Northrup, Cheryl Strayed and Laverne Cox at the International Women’s Summit, proudly celebrating the Rise of the Feminine!
Her first book, Celebrating the Too Much Woman is hot off the press! You can connect with her on social media at Gina Hatzis or at www.ginahatzis.com
Website: http://ginahatzis.com
Follow me across all social and be sure to Join In The Conversation with me every Monday morning, at 10:30 Mountain in the FLAUNT flock Facebook group. I’d love to get social, interact, and answer your most pressing questions.
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Friday Feb 05, 2021
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Love Simplified, Practical Habits to Creating the Ultimate Loving Relationships with Shmaya David
February means Valentine’s Day, and Valentine’s Day means love. And sadly, many people spend their lives in search of love that they just can’t seem to maintain. In today’s episode you will find a new understanding of what love really is, and a set of practical, simple steps to make love bloom in your life and your relationship, now and forever.
Top Take-A-Ways:
Why love is a habit and an action and not simply a feeling.
What it means to take total responsibility in your relationship and for your own happiness.
The power of attention and listening to hear, not just to respond.
Making room for what and who is truly important in your life.
Follow me across all social and be sure to Join In The Conversation with me every Monday morning, at 10:30 Mountain in the FLAUNT flock Facebook group. I’d love to get social, interact, and answer your most pressing questions.
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Friday Jan 29, 2021
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Friday Jan 29, 2021
How did I end up here? New Year’s Resolutions You Can Keep
Did you know that only 8% of people keep or succeed at their resolutions? Crazy isn’t it? Most people make the same few resolutions year after year – to lose weight, get in shape, stop smoking, get a new job, or figure out what they want to be when they grow up.
But by January 15th (apparently that’s the magic date) most people give up on their resolutions and have gone right back to doing the things they have always done.
Wherever you are at with your resolutions, here’s what you need to know in order to make successful New Year’s Resolutions.
Top take-a-ways:
Differentiating between I should... resolutions that look good on the outside and require more doing, and I desire... resolutions that feel good on the inside and require more being, so you can be excited and positive about your resolutions instead of dreading them and having them feel like punishment or denial.
How to be happy now, even if you and your life is a hot mess, so you can enjoy the journey and not waste another precious day being miserable, frustrated, or embarrassed by where you are at.
Create resolution success by defining your own standards for success and validating yourself instead of following the expectations of others and seeking external validation.
The power of dropping your cover and unconditionally accepting where you are – instead of where you wish you were – in order to accurately determine your resolution’s starting point and map out a journey that will get you where you want to go with ease.
Change is hard, and I am an expert at helping people change and rewire their brains permanently! My Free-to-Flaunt Program starts soon, and because it’s been a tough year for everyone, I’m offering it at a super discount price of only $97 a month for 3 months. It takes 90 days to create a habit, but typically it takes three months to get a consecutive 30 days—see, I told you I was an expert, I know all the tricks and I can absolutely get you there! https://loracheadle.com/free-to-flaunt/ and you can get the details and sign up. You won’t regret it.
Next week, in honor of Groundhog Day, we are talking about self-sabotage, and the things we do that get in our own way – over and over again. So if you have ever thought to yourself, “Not again! Why did I fall for that same kind of guy/eat that same unhealthy meal/spend over my limit/ or whatever it is.” You will finally have the opportunity to understand what is driving your behavior and how to overcome self-sabotage.
Follow me across all social and be sure to Join In The Conversation with me every Monday morning, at 10:30 Mountain in the FLAUNT flock Facebook group. I’d love to get social, interact, and answer your most pressing questions.
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Friday Jan 22, 2021
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Friday Jan 22, 2021
Friday Jan 22, 2021
The Final 8th - With Bridgit Dengel Gaspard
Have you ever worked diligently to achieve something you really wanted, but stopped short at the last minute? You are not alone, and it is not your fault! Discover your limitless, creative, resourceful (hidden) world of alter egos and tap into what you need to cross the finish line with ease!
Top take-a-ways
How to bring all facets of yourself on board so you can achieve the success you desire quickly and easily.
Learn to identify where self-defeating messages are coming from, how they may there to protect you, and what to do to tone them down and loosen their hold.
Discover empowering parts of yourself that can offer the guidance you need, shift your perspective, reveal your buried strengths, and get you moving toward success and fulfillment.
Bridgit Dengel Gaspard, LCSW, is the author of The Final 8th and the founder of the New York Voice Dialogue Institute. She is a former performer who earned a master’s degree from Columbia University and teaches at numerous professional settings including Omega Institute. She lives in New York City, where she maintains a thriving private practice. Visit her online at https://www.final8th.com.
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Friday Jan 15, 2021
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Friday Jan 15, 2021
Friday Jan 15, 2021
Creating a Vision for 2021 and Beyond
Welcome to FLAUNT!, a podcast for women ready to get to know themselves again, show themselves unapologetically for who they authentically are – not who they think they should be, and rechoreograph the next stage of life on their own terms, so they can live with enthusiasm, joy, and satisfaction. I’m Lora Cheadle, former corporate attorney turned burlesque dancer, author, and Life Choreographer® and I can’t wait for us to connect!
If you have ever done a vision board, then you know what it’s like to focus on the things that you want. But what about the vision for how you want to feel and be? Most of us would rather feel happy or be satisfied than simply have a red car. Because how often have you gotten the thing that you desire, only to be disappointed or for it to be anticlimactic?
In today’s show you will learn the three steps to creating your authentic vision:
How to accurately assess where you are right now (your current location) and where you want to go, (your desired destination) so the universe can light up your path and tell you where to go.
The importance of tuning into the why behind your vision, and
Why integrating your past and your present with what you want for your future is essential.
Keep the inspiration going strong all year long! Join in the conversation every Monday in the Flaunt Flock Facebook group at 10:30 AM MST. Meet other women who have lost touch with themselves, are experiencing some sort of life transition, and who just want to be happy again. Together you can get clear on who you are exclusive of your labels, roles, and scripts; what you want; and show up authentically as you are, not as you think you should be; so you can re-choreograph the next half of life on your own terms, and finally feel the joy, enthusiasm, and satisfaction you are looking for.
Want to learn more about visioning and vision boards? Go to www.yogalesque.online and learn my trademarked method for becoming a living vision board and creating the life and body of your dreams!
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Friday Jan 08, 2021
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Friday Jan 08, 2021
Friday Jan 08, 2021
Second Act Women with Barbara Brooks and Guadalupe Hirt
Don’t lie. You’ve heard all the stories about ageing, and they aren’t pretty. Especially for women. Society says we're over the hill, too old, gray, wrinkly, and used up. Once the kids leave home we might as well resign ourselves to the rocking chair. It’s too late for a new career, education, or to follow our dreams. But women over 40 and 50 say otherwise. We know that at 40, 50 and beyond, we are just getting started.
Just ask Lora, a former corporate attorney who followed her dancing dream and became a burlesque dancer at age 44, created Life Choreography® and the FLAUNT! process, and had her first book published at age 50.
Barbara Brooks, 54 years young, and Guadalupe Hirt, 47, are the founders of SecondActWomen, an organization for women 40, 50 and beyond who are in their second act, and proudly own their number and receive the gifts, learnings, opportunities and new friendships that this life stage brings.
As they like to say, it's all about swiveling into “middlescence” with faith, grace, love, gratitude, and confidence knowing this is your time to design the life you want to live - the life you deserve.
Top take-a-ways:
How to combat, reject, and reeducate around ageism.
The power of the pivot, especially in middle age.
Why redefining who you are at 40 & 50+ helps you to FLAUNT all that you’ve been all along
For more information go to www.secondactwoman.com and find them across all social media at #secondactwoman.
Check out this amazing Denver Post feature article about Barbara, Guadalupe, and SecondActWoman: https://www.denverpost.com/2020/12/29/women-business-network-second-act-copes-in-pandemic/
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Saturday Dec 26, 2020
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Saturday Dec 26, 2020
Saturday Dec 26, 2020
Learn Which Beauty Products & Procedures Work, and Which Waste Your Money - With Christy Hall
December, the last month of the craziest year any of us have probably ever experienced. How can you close out 2020 and “Sparkle All Season” with joy, gratitude, enthusiasm, and satisfaction despite everything that’s going on? Join my free challenge at www.SparkleAllSeason.com and listen in all month long to find out how!
Beauty industry overwhelm is REAL. In a seemingly endless world of “miracle” creams and ever-trendy aesthetic procedures, you may find yourself asking “what really works and what doesn’t?” By demystifying HOW your skin works and illuminating the different phases of aging, a pathway forward begins to emerge based on your personal goals and educated expectations. Learn to look your best, save money, and Sparkle All Season!
Top take-a-ways:
Stop wasting money, build confidence, and learn which skincare products and procedures work and which don’t.
Understand the difference between daily skin care, facials and spa-type skin care, lasers, and beneath-the-surface skin care such as injectables and neurotoxins.
Gain a clear understanding of what to expect from both topicals and procedures.
Learn why skin rejuvenation lasers and lights are invaluable, and why injectable dermal fillers and neurotoxins might be your best aesthetic investment yet!
Christy Hall is a board-certified Physician Assistant with nearly 20 years of experience and expertise in cosmetic dermatology and medical aesthetics. She is the owner and operator of a prestigious medical aesthetics practice, Skin Appeal, and of Mikel Kristi Skincare in Tucson, AZ. She is passionate about educating and simplifying the confusing world of skincare and beauty treatments. She has become an elite injector of dermal fillers and was voted Most Loved Injector in SW USA by Real Self. She is the author of the #1 best-selling book Your Beauty Advocate: A No-nonsense Guide to Age-Defying Skincare. Christy brings real-world advice and straight talk to an industry that can be anything but transparent.
Learn more at https://www.yourbeautyadvocate.com/
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Friday Dec 18, 2020
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Overwhelmed and Over It – Lead With Your Heart, Choose What Means the Most, & Find Your Calm With Christine Arylo
December, the last month of the craziest year any of us have probably ever experienced. How can you close out 2020 and “Sparkle All Season” with joy, gratitude, enthusiasm, and satisfaction despite everything that’s going on? Join my free challenge at www.SparkleAllSeason.com and listen in all month long to find out how!
Do you feel like you are constantly treading water, hoping not to sink? If so, like successful women everywhere, you are overwhelmed. Being overwhelmed keeps you stressed, unhappy, and not in your power. It doesn’t have to be that way! Join Christine Arylo and learn simple tips for breaking out of overwhelm and finding the peace you crave.
Top take-a-ways:
How to stay focused on your mission and your part and stop getting distracted because you are doing everything for everyone else.
Learn to balance between being a non-stop-work-machineand self-sacrificing martyr and stand in your power with clarity.
The art and practice of getting real with yourself, so you can release what no longer serves you, preserve what does, and create the kind of life you desire.
Christine Arylo combines 20 years of corporate and entrepreneurial experience in brand marketing, business strategy, human resources, and leadership development for companies like Gap Inc., Visa, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Tyco and PepsiCo, with 20 years of wisdom-based training on conscious leadership, human potential, indigenous and feminine wisdom, and yogic science to guide people to lead their lives, businesses, organizations and relationships differently.
For more than a decade, through her transformation-based consulting company, Expanding Possibility, she has been a catalyst, mentor, and advisor for established and emerging leaders on 6 continents.
From business organizations such as Salesforce, Genentech, and Google, to social impact entrepreneurs daring to make change, to change makers and influencers in a wide spectrum of industries, including healthcare, law, government, financial, tech, education and academia and more. Her work and presence hits home for all people seeking to create a better world – for humanity, the people they love and lead, and themselves.
Her blended approach to leadership gives those who work with Arylo access to expanded levels of self-awareness, resilience, presence, insight and the courage to lead the way to new ways of working, living, creating and relating.
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com