Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network

Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Find Your Purpose and Ignite Your Creativity with Diana Rowan
December, the last month of the craziest year any of us have probably ever experienced. How can you close out 2020 and “Sparkle All Season” with joy, gratitude, enthusiasm, and satisfaction despite everything that’s going on? Join my free challenge at www.SparkleAllSeason.com and listen in all month long to find out how!
Since the dawn of time, humans have asked the question, “What makes a good life?” And since the dawn of time, humans have struggled to find the answer. Harpist, creative alchemist, and author of The Bright Way - Five Steps to Freeing the Creative Within shares her wisdom on activating your purpose and creativity so you can live your purpose.
Top take-a-ways:
How to find your true purpose, not just your next, short-lived obsession.
The difference between a goal and an intention.
Creating a practicum plan that works for your learning style.
Diana Rowan is a Creative Alchemist and founder of the Bright Way Guild, an academy dedicated to activating the creative within each of us. The classical inquiry of “what makes a good life?” has driven Diana from her youngest years. Recovered from a soul-crushing case of stage fright and other challenges, Diana believes that by shining light on the darkness we fear, we each become courageous purveyors of bright knowledge and can live a good life.
Diana was born in Dublin, Ireland to college student parents, setting the stage for a lifetime of lively learning and seeking. Soon thereafter, her father became a diplomat, taking his family on a cosmopolitan worldwide pilgrimage. Respect for the arts is second nature in Diana’s family, along with a deep streak of mysticism embodied by her astrologer mother. This unusual combination of intellectual seeking, cultural bridging, mystical openness and artistic engagement are the hallmarks of Diana’s life, whether that be while composing music, teaching, writing, or choosing a wine.
Diana holds an MM in classical piano performance and a PhD in Music Theory. Her book The Bright Way: Five Steps to Freeing the Creative Within released March 2020 from New World Library.
Learn more about her at www.dianarowan.com and check out some of her soul-stirring music at https://dianarowan.bandcamp.com/
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Sparkle All Season – How to Enjoy the Holidays The Way You Think You Should
December, the last month of the craziest year any of us have probably ever experienced. How can you close out 2020 and “Sparkle All Season” with joy, gratitude, enthusiasm, and satisfaction despite everything that’s going on? Join my free challenge at www.SparkleAllSeason.com and listen in all month long to find out how!
Wouldn’t it be nice to actually enjoy the holidays for a change? To let go of expectation and judgment and to let the magic of the season fill you with unquenchable joy, enthusiasm, and fulfillment? Now you can, even when COVID-19 is making everything different. Join Lora’s free challenge at www.SparkleAllSeason.com.
Top Take-a-ways:
Reconnect to the Holiday Magicyou felt as a child and consciously bring it back into your mind, body, and spirit.
Set realistic expectations and stop setting yourself up for disappointment and failure.
Choose what matters most when creating new holiday traditions. And
Learn to Recognize & Releasewhat is blocking your joy, Reveal what it is you really want, and Re-Choreograph your holiday traditions today.
Despite depression, financial concerns, dysfunctional families, the pandemic or politics, you can make this holiday season the best yet!
Join Lora in her FREE 5 day Sparkle All Season Challenge. Register at www.SparkleAllSeason.com
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Saturday Nov 28, 2020
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Saturday Nov 28, 2020
Saturday Nov 28, 2020
End 2020 With Gratitude & Grace - Tips From Today’s Top Thought Leaders
November’s theme is Gratitude & Grace. Gratitude is always important, but it is especially so during difficult times. Right now, everything is difficult! Join me every Wednesday, all November long, and learn exactly what to do to make yourself feel better, look better, and find the peace you crave, so you can enjoy the holidays – maybe even more than you have before!
“Be thankful for each new challenge, because it will build your strength and character.” – Author Unknown, Be Thankful
While 2020 has been filled with challenges, it has given us many opportunities for growth. In this group show, you will learn how to close out 2020 with Gratitude & Grace with the collective wisdom from 21 of today’s top thought leaders., just in time for 2021.
Featuring the wisdom of:
Lora Cheadle, Life Choreographer
Sherianna Boyle, Author of Emotional Deto, and Emotional Detox for Anxiety
Veronica Kirin, Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur Coach
Deborah Beauvais, CEO and Founder of Dreamvisions7 Radio Network
Dr. John Mc Grail, Hypnotherapist and Keynote Speaker
Sandra Ford Walston, The Courage Expert
Robyn Spizman, Author of Loving out Loud, The Power of a Kind Word
Royce Morales, Transformationsl Facilitator and Spiritual Teacher
Jenny Manion, Author, speaker, Intuitive Healer
Wendie Colter, Certified Medical Intuitive Practitioner, The Practical Path
Diane Uniman, aka Princess Von Brainisfried, Optimism and Positivity Speaker, Author of Bonjour Breast Cancer, I’m Still Smiling
Diane Vich, Goddess Unleashed
Debra Valentina, Mindset Coach and Author of Beyond Chaos
Michelle Dortignac, Founder of Unnata® Aerial Yoga
Emily Haruko Leeb, Transformational Life Coach
Red Velvet, Dancer and Choreographer
Kellita Maloof, Showgirl Awakening
EMPRESS, Singer, Songwriter
Christina Flach, CEO Pretty Girl Makeup, Celebrity Makeup Artist
Katia Rave, Business Strategy Coach
Minnku Buttar, Founder Circle of Joy Retreats
It’s not too late to join the Free, 5-Day Gratitude & Grace Challenge! Go to www.SparkleAllSeason.com and download your Gratitude ABC’s Challenge, then join me at noon mountain, for a daily dose of inspiration.
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Top Tips For Managing Depression & Anxiety – with Tracey Maxfield
November’s theme is Gratitude & Grace. Gratitude is always important, but it is especially so during difficult times. Right now, everything is difficult! Join me every Wednesday, all November long, and learn exactly what to do to make yourself feel better, look better, and find the peace you crave, so you can enjoy the holidays – maybe even more than you have before!
Depression, anxiety, PTSD, and suicide are on the rise brought on by the global pandemic, as well as by the natural disasters, social injustices, political, and personal stressors. While we are all in this together to a certain extent, those with a genetic predisposition to are struggling even more. Add in the fact that disinformation and conspiracy theories are at an all time high, and it’s enough for even the most mentally healthy person to sink into despair. This show will give your hope, healing, and practical tips to make yourself – or those you care about – feel better.
Top take-a-ways:
Reactive depression vs. genetic depression and how sometimes strategies that worked for genetic depression are not enough in the face of catastrophe.
The power of journaling, and how to release your deepest fears.
You are not alone. Manage the uncertainty one day, one moment, or one zoom call at a time.
Embrace each day as it comes, make right nowthe best it can be, given the tools you have, stop focusing on what may happen, and focus on what is right in front of you.
Understand the power of words, and the human tendency to remember the negative above the positive.
On August 20, 2015, after enduring years of intense workplace stress, bullying and harassment, Tracey Maxfield, a hard working, highly skilled, caring and compassionate nurse, hurtled headfirst down into an abyss of darkness, despair, pain and sorrow (she affectionately named the rabbit hole). Despite being no stranger to depression having made its acquaintance many times throughout the years, nothing could have prepared her for what was about to happen to her life, her heart, her soul, her very being.
Escaping the Rabbit Hole: my journey through depression is a brutally honest, raw, and vivid description of what life is like after experiencing an acute depressive episode. Through a series of blog posts, journal entries and a letter to self, Tracey shares the excruciating emotional and physical pain she endured, the never-ending feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness and sadness which left her inert and unable to function, and her ongoing battle against DBS (death by suicide). Every single day, she had to make a choice, to fight the battle to live, or to surrender and die. She chose to live, and so began her most difficult and challenging life journey yet, to try and escape the rabbit hole.
This book is a must read for anyone living with depression or caring for someone with depression, and for anyone who wants to know more about this greatly misunderstood mental health illness. Tracey shows us that words can be powerful and healing, and with time, it is possible to emerge from the rabbit hole of darkness and despair and reclaim your life. This is a story of courage, of hope, and of never giving up. https://traceymaxfield.com/
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Friday Nov 13, 2020
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Gratitude & Grace – A FREE Five Day Challenge to Find Happiness this Holiday Season- with Lora Cheadle
November’s theme is Gratitude & Grace. Gratitude is always important, but it is especially so during difficult times. Right now, everything is difficult! Join me every Wednesday, all November long, and learn exactly what to do to make yourself feel better, look better, and find the peace you crave, so you can enjoy the holidays – maybe even more than you have before!
Thanksgiving is going to look very different this year. Instead of feeling thankful, most of us are feeling stressed, anxious, and depressed. But it doesn’t have to be that way. No matter what is happening with the world, you can live with intention and find the happiness you are looking for. Even if nothing around you changes, the way you experience life can change. Let me show you how with my FREE five day challenge that runs November 16-20 ONLY.
Sign up at https://lora-cheadle.ck.page/gratitude-grace or by visiting www.loracheadle.com and receive:
“Gratitude ABC’s” download.
Five super-short inspirational videos.
PRIZES, community & support to make this holiday season happy.
Top take-a-ways:
Recognize your unique privileges and find authentic gratitude in what matters most to you.
Silence the “mean girl” voice in your head, let go of perfectionism, and grant yourself the grace to be human.
Make compassion and understanding your go-to emotions, and never be impacted by the “incompetence” of others again.
Crush your New Year’s Resolutions by beginning the manifesting process right now by focusing on your most positive feelings.
Hurry! The challenge runs November 16-20 ONLY! https://lora-cheadle.ck.page/gratitude-grace or at www.loracheadle.com.
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
How to Make a Difference as an Antiracist and an Ally Without Burning Yourself Out or Destroying Relationships – with Rebecca Eldredge, PhD
November’s theme is Gratitude & Grace. Gratitude is always important, but it is especially so during difficult times. Right now, everything is difficult! Join me every Wednesday, all November long, and learn exactly what to do to make yourself feel better, look better, and find the peace you crave, so you can enjoy the holidays – maybe even more than you have before!
Watching, listening, or reading the news can be extraordinarily stressful. Especially now, during the elections cycle, where everything you read, say, or hear is somehow politically or racially charged! What’s a person to do? You want to do the right thing and live in alignment with your values. You want to fight for underserved or disadvantaged populations and make a difference. But you also want to maintain your sanity and preserve important relationships. YES! It is possible, and Rebecca will show you how.
Top take-a-ways:
Feel calm, hopeful, and empoweredeven during chaotic times.
Guide and navigate tense interactions and differenceswith those you care about.
Advocate for the rights of others and stand up for your values with couragein a way that is comfortable for you.
Care effectively for yourself, while caring effectivelyfor others!
Rebecca is a licensed psychologist with a focus on providing guidance and support for aspiring allies and anti-racists as well as culturally sensitive therapy for adults. Throughout her doctoral training in counseling psychology, she pursued a multicultural specialization. Since then, she has been blessed with a variety of meaningful opportunities including teaching Multicultural Counseling graduate courses, developing and offering support groups and home visits for female refugees in Houston, TX, and providing cultural trainings and consultations to individuals and groups. Throughout the past 19 years, she has been deeply humbled and honored with the trust of hundreds of therapy clients from diverse identities and backgrounds.
In 2020, Rebecca began creating new programs offering guidance and support for aspiring allies and anti-racists wanting to break free from the status quo so that they can speak up more confidently against bias, even in their closest relationships, without burnout and with greater hope.
Download the “5 Ways to Speak Up” at www.feeldeeplylivecompletely.com/5ways . Her newsletter includes weekly emails with encouragement, tips, articles, resources, and strategies at the intersection of psychology and social justice.
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Friday Oct 30, 2020
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Friday Oct 30, 2020
Friday Oct 30, 2020
The Journey to Self-Love Through Burlesque, Family, and Homemade Italian Food. -With Angie Pontani, The Italian Stallionette
Let’s talk about Burlesque & Boobies! What? October is breast cancer awareness month, and because my work focuses on confronting taboo head on and talking about important things that we are uncomfortable talking about, we are going to spend the month talking about all things Burlesque & Boobies!
Tired of always fighting some sort of injustice? Whether it’s ageism, sexism or fighting against the traditional (and totally unattainable) standards of female beauty, sometimes the only thing we want, is to relax and enjoy life. Angie Pontani shows you how to fall in love with yourself as you are, and enjoy food, family, and life as it comes.
Top take-a-ways:
Find the perfect balance between choreography (planning your life) and connection with the audience (living in the moment).
Reclaim your sexuality and break free from traditional standards of what women shouldand should not do, wear, or look like.
Use humor to help you roll with the punches and stay out of victimhood or despair.
How to feel sexy, fit, and strong at any age, and any condition (even while pregnant, or if your butt and thighs are “too big”).
The power of food, cooking, and sharing recipes to connect you to your ancestors and create a legacy for the future.
One of today's top burlesque performers, Angie Pontani, The Italian Stallionette, dazzles on stages around the world, as well as carries her art into other fields and genres, including her popular cooking blog, fitness, writing and television. This Brooklyn bump-n-grind bombshell has spread the gospel of burlesque across the globe. The New Yorker calls Angie, “first rate, the perfect centerpiece!” and rightfully so, as her signature acts and productions set standards of style and class.
An award winning entertainer, Angie holds burlesque's highest honor, the title of Queen of Burlesque, Miss Exotic World as given to her by the Burlesque Hall of Fame in Las Vegas, Nevada. She was named Coney Island’s Miss Cyclone, in honor of the world famous roller coaster and has been cited as one of the world's leading burlesque performers by multiple media outlets. She was named Best International Touring Artist, by The Naked City/Alternative Media Group of Australia.
Angie’s performances, choreography and show curating skills are frequently sought by discriminating clients including Lady GaGa, with whom she has worked with on many stage, screen and print projects. Other clients have included Snoop Dog, Dita Von Teese, Bettie Page Clothing, Campari, Esquire Magazine, The Fox 5 Super Bowl Party, Donatella Versace, 50 Cent, and The Guggenheim. She is a staple headliner at Viva Las Vegas and has worked exclusively with Hendricks Gin to create her glass bathtub act, which has been the featured entertainment at many of their events throughout the U.S. Angie has appeared multiple times on the Conan O’ Brien Show and Gossip Girl and has also been featured in other New York productions including Delocated, Good Morning America, and The Today Show. She was honored to be the subject of an episode of PBS’ Driving Jersey, in which the show followed her back to her hometown of Trenton, New Jersey and took an in-depth look at what it means to grow up Italian-American. She appeared in Michael Imperioli’s directorial debut film, The Hungry Ghost and has appeared in several Italian television programs, including the SKY UNO series, Lady Burlesque.
Angie was featured in the Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett’s; Great Performances television special, as well as in the cover art for their grammy winning album Cheek to Cheek. She has been photographed by some of today's leading photographers, including Bruce Weber, Ellen Von Unwerth and Steven Meisel.
Angie regularly posts classic Italian recipes from her family as well as her own creations on her popular blog. She has also hosted her own podcast, The Pontani Pages where she has interviewed such diverse figures as Eli Miller, Brooklyn's beloved seltzer delivery man, to rapper Taleb Kweli. She is the co-producer of The New York Burlesque Festival, the world's longest running and largest burlesque festival, as well as the producer of Burlesque-A-Pades, the touring stage show. Angie created a fitness craze with her dance workout cult DVD series Go-Go Robics, a 1960’s style fitness workout. Angie has partnered with both Crunch Gym and World Dance New York on fitness programs and additional DVD releases.
Angie has modeled for Secrets in Lace lingerie and graced the covers and pages of many magazines including CR Fashion Book, Inked, Pin Curl, Page Six, Glamour, Spanish GQ, Java’s Bachelor Pad and countless others. Angie even made a sexy cameo in Eric Powell’s comic, The Goon (#36).
Angie lives in Brooklyn, New York with her husband, band leader and frequent co-collaborator Brian Newman and their beautiful daughter Sistilia. When she isn’t working, she enjoys being a stay at home showgirl mom and dressing her child in oversized matching head bands.
Be on the lookout for her comprehensive new burlesque project at www.burlesquegalaxy.com.
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Friday Oct 23, 2020
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Revel in Your Body, Reveal Your Radiant Essence, and Receive What You Desire. -With Kellita Maloof, The Showgirl Shaman
Let’s talk about Burlesque & Boobies! What? October is breast cancer awareness month, and because my work focuses on confronting taboo head on and talking about important things that we are uncomfortable talking about, we are going to spend the month talking about all things Burlesque & Boobies!
Have you experienced some sort of trauma? Do you feel disconnected, ungrounded, or “lonely for your own sweet self?” Have you ever felt that it’s not safe to be you, or upon leaving a situation, realized how toxic it really was? Highly sensitive are more prone to incurring trauma and have a more difficult time processing that trauma after it has occurred. Conscious burlesque can help.
Top take-a-ways:
The difference between “Boom-boom” and ”drip-drip trauma” and what to do about both.
Sensitive vs. hardiness and how your innate level of sensitivity impacts the way you perceive and process information.
How to know and acknowledging your needs and wants, even when you are not being responded to.
Nourishing yourself in a world that values self-sacrifice.
How to stay present in the moment and plan for how you want to be in the future.
For the last 20 years, Kellita Maloof has been working and creating at the intersection where burlesque dance meets attachment theory meets systemic healing meets individuation meets autoimmune recovery meets spirituality.
She’s a Performing and Teaching Artist, Soulful Burlesque Mentor and Showgirl Shaman. She helps kind, smart, soulful, sensitive women who've been over-editing, over-managing and over-giving -- and are attracted to dance theater and performance -- to trust themselves & express themselves with confidence, presence & radiance.
She integrates into her work over a decade of practice in transformative modalities, primarily Holographic NLP, EFT, Systemic Constellations and Interpersonal Neurobiology. Kellita's mission is to support women in being SEEN on their own terms and in dusting off the fountain of Self-Love that was hiding right in the center of their very own shimmy.
Go to www.showgirlawakening.com and find out your Showgirl Archetype. Pre-order Kellita’s book, Creating a Burlesque Solo From The Inside Out, at www.Burlesquesolo.com.
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Friday Oct 02, 2020
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Friday Oct 02, 2020
How to Figure Out Who You Are and What You Want (and have fun in the process!)
September’s Theme is Education & Learning
Traditionally September has signaled going back to school and the start of fall. Although this year is different due to COVID 19, many of us – whether we have kids in school or not – still think of September as a time for learning. Since most of are spending more time at home due to the Coronavirus pandemic, why not us that time for some learning and education? What interests you? What do you wish you knew more about? Since FLAUNT! stands for Find your Fetish, Laugh out Loud, Accept Unconditionally, Navigate the Negative and Trust in Your Truth, what if you began by learning something fun, then learned something that makes you laugh? What might you learn that you would have never had the chance to learn if the pandemic not happened? What an incredible git! Let’s open that gift now! Bonus points for reaching out and sharing with me what you’d most love to learn.
I have an amazing FREE offer for D7R Listeners! I am giving away my month long Yogalesque class FREE! Here is a blog I wrote about the power of creativity, which is WHY we do Yogalesque, to tap into our creative side and to create the lives of our DREAMS!
When was the last time you felt really excited and happy about something?
Let me Show you How! Come Play with me FOR FREE!
Are you tired of being stuck at your desk (or kitchen table) hunched over your computer, squinting at Zoom?
Would you like to express yourself comfortably, without worrying that your words will be misinterpreted, and you will be judged incorrectly or shunned?
Do you want to confidently stand up to bullies and confront abuses of power without slipping into angry tears, reactive behavior, or making yourself nauseous?
Do you sometimes want to let go, and just be who you are, without worrying what people will think, what you look like, or what won’t get done if you’re not the one doing it?
Yogalesque is the answer! When you combine the humor and creativity of burlesque with the breath, energy, and presence of yoga, you can.
If you can create a piece of performance art, you can create the kind of life that you desire. It truly is that simple. Let me show you how!
As a successful woman, you are adept at doing whatever it is that needs doing – and more.
You take care of everyone else, but what about you?
What about your dreams, and all the things you wanted to do before exhaustion, overwhelm and disillusionment set it?
Is doing your part to make the world a better place important to you?
What good is it to slay life, if you don’t eek the joy out of every moment and feel the kind of fulfilment and satisfaction that you dreamed you would?
By the end of our time together you will feel comfortable in your own skin, no matter how old you are or how much you weight,
Recapture the feelings of freedom and liberation in who you are at your most authentic core, before life (and the patriarchy) shut you down.
Know how to stand comfortably and express your truth without the fear of judgment or repercussion.
Take a break from life, give yourself the opportunity for some much-needed fun, and remember what it feels like to have some fun!
So you will never have to:
Cover, hide, or worry that who you are is not enough.
2020 has been a doozy for all of us. I miss my routine, I miss teaching live fitness classes, I miss the creativity and joy of performing, and I miss connecting and playing with others.
That’s why I’m offering you my 5-week virtual Yogalesque class free. Grab a friend or meet some new ones and join me every Wednesday night in October from 7-9 PM Mountain, and on Sunday, November 1st from 10-Noon Mountain for our virtual performance.
You will be able to laugh and have some fun, get creative, experience communication, and take the first steps towards remembering who you are and what you want (and deserve) out of life. Even if you have never danced before, and you don't think you have a creative bone in your body!
REGISTER FOR 6 HOURS OF FREE YOGALESQUE WITH LORA HERE: Simply click HERE or email me at lora@loracheadle.com with the subject line DV7 YES! and I will send you all of the information!
No obligation, just fun!
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Friday Sep 25, 2020
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Friday Sep 25, 2020
Friday Sep 25, 2020
Activate the Power of the Universe Within You - With Kim Stanwood Terranova
What is Your Intention? For yourself, your life, and for the world around you?
September’s Theme is Education & Learning
Traditionally September has signaled going back to school and the start of fall. Although this year is different due to COVID 19, many of us – whether we have kids in school or not – still think of September as a time for learning. Since most of are spending more time at home due to the Coronavirus pandemic, why not us that time for some learning and education? What interests you? What do you wish you knew more about? Since FLAUNT! stands for Find your Fetish, Laugh out Loud, Accept Unconditionally, Navigate the Negative and Trust in Your Truth, what if you began by learning something fun, then learned something that makes you laugh? What might you learn that you would have never had the chance to learn if the pandemic not happened? What an incredible git! Let’s open that gift now! Bonus points for reaching out and sharing with me what you’d most love to learn.
Top Take-a-ways:
True power is not what you think it is! Learn the difference and own your authentic power today.
How to surrender into the flow of the Universe and receive more connection, joy, and abundance – even when it looks like things aren’t working out for you on the outside.
Learn to connect to your feelings, claim your intentions, and release judgment of self and others so you can manifest the life of your dreams with speed and clarity!
You might think of technology as something that is outside of you, like your phone or your laptop. But each of us is born with our own inner-technology that is more powerful and accessible than any device we could buy.
Do you know how to use your inner technology to bring yourself back to your true self and create a life of joy, abundance, and wisdom? In today’s show Lora and Kim go deep on intention setting, power, surrender, how judgment can get in the way gum up the whole process!
If you are ready for some clarity, confidence, and joy as well as a no-nonsense method for getting you there, then tune in to today’s show and learn all about Kim Stanwood Terranova and The Technology of Intention, and learn how to Activate the Power of the Universe Within You!Learn more at www.kimstanwoodterranova.com
Kim Stanwood Terranova is committed to guiding people in fulfilling their greatest destiny. As a counselor, coach, speaker, author, and spiritual leader, Kim has been doing just that for 25 years. She has immersed herself in the study and practice of Universal spiritual truth and wisdom, with a degree in spiritual studies and as a licensed Practitioner of Truth through The Agape International Spiritual Center.
Her wisdom and warmth is appreciated as a lead teacher at the elite Rythmia Life Advancement Center in Costa Rica, as a Recovery Counselor at Summit Treatment Center in Malibu, California, and as a course creator and teacher of the Spiritual Liberation in Action class for the esteemed Agape University.
She has worked with and learned from world-renowned spiritual teachers including Dr. Rev. Michael Beckwith, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Rhonda Britten, Terry Cole Whittaker and many more. Additionally, Kim is the founder of Namaste‘ Retreats, where she offers spiritual seekers a space to go deeper on their individual path of self-expression; Namaste‘ Retreats for Children, where she guides young ones into embracing meditation, gratitude, self empowerment and spiritual tools to assist them in life; and World As One, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization committed to bringing the principles of peace to children all over the world.
Kim’s commitment to her clients and all those who cross her path is to hold them in the highest light, knowing the spiritual Truth for them as they awaken to their own inner greatness.
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