Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network

Thursday Sep 17, 2020
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Thursday Sep 17, 2020
Thursday Sep 17, 2020
Bring Out the Healthy Rebel in You! With Ashleigh & Tricia from Reb3l Fit
September’s Theme is Education & Learning
Traditionally September has signaled going back to school and the start of fall. Although this year is different due to COVID 19, many of us – whether we have kids in school or not – still think of September as a time for learning. Since most of are spending more time at home due to the Coronavirus pandemic, why not us that time for some learning and education? What interests you? What do you wish you knew more about? Since FLAUNT! stands for Find your Fetish, Laugh out Loud, Accept Unconditionally, Navigate the Negative and Trust in Your Truth, what if you began by learning something fun, then learned something that makes you laugh? What might you learn that you would have never had the chance to learn if the pandemic not happened? What an incredible git! Let’s open that gift now! Bonus points for reaching out and sharing with me what you’d most love to learn.
Top take-a-ways:
Why self-sacrifice benefits nobody, and how to do you, even if you are a busy mom.
How you can get fit, have fun, find connection, and be part of #REBELNATION and be a rebel witha cause.
Get a FREE MONTH with the code REB3LGETFIT!
Women share a common thread. We are all on a journey to be good and to do good for others. We are self-sacrificing and nurturing by nature, sometimes to our own detriment. Taking time for ourselves feels like we are taking time away from something we “should” be doing instead. But the truth is, taking care of ourselves helps us show up as better versions of ourselves FOR those that we love.
Ashleigh and Tricia, founders of REB3L Fit will motivate, inspire, and bring you to tears with the story of their journey into strength, happiness, and ultimately, back to themselves.
Ashleigh: “Sometimes you just have to take the leap and you will build your wings on the way down.”
Many women share a common thread… We unselfishly give, do and please others. But in the process, many of us forget who we are and what we need.
Like so many other women who are moms of small children, instead of taking care of herself or her health, Ashleigh found herself asking, “Did I shower today?” “Did I brush my teeth, eat?”. Her body looked different after babies, but there were so many other things she “should” do, so many other people to worry about, that she wasn’t motivated to change it. Until her mom convinced her to go to a dance fitness class with her, and something came alive inside of her…
Now in her 40’s, she is proud to say she is in recovery from the female disease of people pleasing and all the “shoulds’. She is stronger mentally and physically, is healthier, and has found her purpose and passion.
Tricia: “My life has been a bit of a journey the past few years. I’m a very different person now than I was back then. I’m almost unrecognizable to the people who knew me, but yet oddly familiar to myself.”
After a difficult pregnancy, where she was told that her son would not survive, Tricia became determined to fight for him. While she successfully carried him to term, it was a time of darkness that left her altered; searching and re-evaluating life…
Wanting to make a change but unsure of where to begin, she became restless, depressed, and unsatisfied. There had to be more. As a homeschooling mother of four, she was out of shape, overweight, tired, and stressed from the day to day responsibilities. She didn’t know who she was anymore.
Until she found dance, and a class that changed her attitude, her body, and ultimately her life! Through this connection she found herself, and now, at now 39 years old, she has found her purpose of helping women discover themselves and become stronger, not only externally, but internally as well. Which all started by stepping outside of her comfort zone.
Learn more at: https://reb3lfit.com/ and get two weeks FREE with the code: REB3LGETFIT
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Friday Sep 11, 2020
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Friday Sep 11, 2020
Friday Sep 11, 2020
Stop Checking your Likes & Find True Confidence -with Susie Moore
September’s Theme is Education & Learning
Traditionally September has signaled going back to school and the start of fall. Although this year is different due to COVID 19, many of us – whether we have kids in school or not – still think of September as a time for learning. Since most of are spending more time at home due to the Coronavirus pandemic, why not us that time for some learning and education? What interests you? What do you wish you knew more about? Since FLAUNT! stands for Find your Fetish, Laugh out Loud, Accept Unconditionally, Navigate the Negative and Trust in Your Truth, what if you began by learning something fun, then learned something that makes you laugh? What might you learn that you would have never had the chance to learn if the pandemic not happened? What an incredible git! Let’s open that gift now! Bonus points for reaching out and sharing with me what you’d most love to learn.
Top Take-a-ways:
Confidence comes from being comfortable being uncomfortable.
The only way to get comfortable in uncomfortable situations is to practice.
It’s your life! Live it your own way!
Are you tired of working hard to please other? As women we often get caught in the “But I want to be liked!” trap, and spend much of our lives pleasing everyone else except us. What we end up with is a life that doesn’t bring us the joy and fulfillment we crave. It’s your life, and as Susie Moore says, it’s time to stop checking your likes! Developing confidence means developing the ability to be comfortable being uncomfortable. To be comfortable not being like, and to be comfortable being unsure. And the only way to develop that kind of comfort, is by experiencing the discomfort! After all, the more we do anything, the better we get at it. So, if you want to develop rock-solid confidence, stop checking your likes, and practice being uncomfortable! Before long you will find yourself moving ahead with more confidence than you dreamed possible, and most importantly, having fun!
Susie Moore is the author of Stop Checking Your Likes and What If It Does Work Out? which was named by Entrepreneur as one of the “8 Business Books Entrepreneurs Must Read to Dominate Their Industry.” A former Silicon Valley sales director turned life coach, she has been featured on The Today Show, as well as in O Magazine, Business Insider, Forbes, Time, and Marie Claire. She lives in Miami, Florida with her husband Heath and their Yorkshire Terrier, Coconut. Find out more about her work at www.Susie-Moore.com
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Friday Sep 04, 2020
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Friday Sep 04, 2020
Friday Sep 04, 2020
Empowering Others Through Story - with Bestselling Author and Award-Winning Documentarian Leslie Zemeckis
September’s Theme is Education & Learning
Traditionally September has signaled going back to school and the start of fall. Although this year is different due to COVID 19, many of us – whether we have kids in school or not – still think of September as a time for learning. Since most of are spending more time at home due to the Coronavirus pandemic, why not us that time for some learning and education? What interests you? What do you wish you knew more about? Since FLAUNT! stands for Find your Fetish, Laugh out Loud, Accept Unconditionally, Navigate the Negative and Trust in Your Truth, what if you began by learning something fun, then learned something that makes you laugh? What might you learn that you would have never had the chance to learn if the pandemic not happened? What an incredible git! Let’s open that gift now! Bonus points for reaching out and sharing with me what you’d most love to learn.
Top Take-a-ways:
Story is powerful. Use your voice to lift others by sharing their story!
When women support each other, we change the world.
It’s never too late to revive the untold stories of the past.
The power of social media is undeniable because of the way it allows us all to tell our story. Even though we have always had story, in the past stories were only written down by those with power. Consequently, many stories were never written, shared, or remembered, and many people’s voices were silenced or lost. Today’s episode bridges the gap between the stories of the past and the power of storytelling and social media today. Today’s guest, Leslie Zemeckis, is a master of both storytelling and the power of social media. She tells the stories of women in American pop culture from the early part of the 20th century who were dismissed, ignored, or never asked for their point of view. As Kathleen McGowan, author of The Magdalene Line series said, “History is not what happened but what is written down” Leslie Zemeckis is literally changing history, by writing down the stories of powerful, unique women whose stories otherwise may have been lost to history
Additionally, Leslie is also using her power and passion to elevate the stories being told on social media. To combat the onslaught of negativity on social media today, she created an EMPOWERMENT CHALLENGE to spread love and positivity.
Her challenge is to post something once a week about someone else, an artist, friend, philanthropist, whomever, who is making the world better (in big ways and small) who needs a light shone on them.Why? So together we can empower others and rise higher and so we can start telling and sharing the stories that really matter.Who will take me and Leslie up on this challenge? You can view her glamorous video regarding her challenge here: https://www.facebook.com/leslie.zemeckis.5/videos/1211577185849875/ and you can join me in the Flaunt Flock on Facebook for continued support, sparkly-pink love, and for a daily dose of empowerment: https://www.facebook.com/groups/flauntflock/
Leslie Zemeckis is a best-selling author, actress, writer and award-winning documentarian. Leslie’s critically acclaimed films include Behind the Burly Q, the true story of old-time burlesque in America which ran on Showtime. The film was championed by such publications as USA Today and The New Yorker reveals the never-before told stories of the men and women who worked in burlesque during its Golden Age; Bound by Flesh about Siamese twin superstars Daisy and Violet Hilton which debuted at number 5 on Netflix, and Mabel, Mabel, Tiger Trainer chronicling the extraordinary story of the world’s first female tiger trainer, Mabel Stark, in the early part of the 20th century.
She the author of three best-sellers,Behind the Burly Q, the definitive oral history of burlesque,Goddess of Love Incarnate; the Life of Stripteuse Lili St. Cyr and Feuding Fan Dancers,about Sally Rand, Faith Bacon and the golden age of the showgirl. She is currently working on her fourth book.
As an actress she has worked in films alongside Tom Hanks, Steve Carell, and Jim Carrey. She currently co-stars in the film From Zero to I Love You opposite Richard Lawson.
Zemeckis continues to specialize in women in American pop culture from the early part of the 20th century Zemeckis is a frequent contributor to Huffington Post, Medium, Talkhouse and has written for W Magazine and Stork Magazine. She has presented her work and spoken at panels and Universities including Santa Barbara City College, Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, The Chicago Club, Chicago History Museum, MoMa, Burlesque Hall of Fame, Burly www.lesliezemeckis.com
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Friday Aug 28, 2020
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Friday Aug 28, 2020
The Universe Speaks, Are You Listening? – with Cassady Cayne
August is all about going back. Going back to school, back to work after summer vacation, and hopefully going back to normal after the coronavirus shutdowns and quarantines. What about going back to your connection with source? What about going back to God, back to your wise inner-being, and back to expressing and trusting yourself as a divine being? Join Lora all month long, at 7 AM and 7PM EST as she explores spirit, intuition, and balance in everyday life, so you can Trust in Your Truth, and live with confidence and joy every day!
Top Take-a-ways:
Learn a powerful, yet short exercise that connects you to the light and raises your vibration instantly, no tools or special skills required!
Breaking open your old reality brings in the light of unconditional love. Discover why your dark night of the soulcan change your life for the better.
You are a part of the divine. Learn how to consistently choose love, ascension, and joy, no matter what’s going on around you.
Have you ever felt like you could use some guidance through the jungle of life, answers of insight to problems you might be experiencing? A helping hand to lift your spirits and show you love and care? Sometimes the answer to everything your heart and spirit desires comes in an unexpected ways…
Join Lora as she discusses love, light, the unlimited wisdom of the Universe that is constantly speaking to you (if you choose to listen…) with Hay House author, solopreneur and lightworker, Cassady Cayne.
Cassady’s playful innocence, acceptance, and willingness to be a channel of divine light and love will leave you feeling refreshed and calm, even in these challenging times. For anyone who has ever wanted support, guidance and love with you wherever you went - A faithful friend who understood you and what you were going through--no matter what, then you are in luck!Cassady’s new book The Universe Speaks – Are you Listening? is that companion--a book full of invaluable, uplifting guidance from the Universe. Part channeled love notes, part oracle--a collection of high vibrational messages about love, relationships, and existence that will inspire and help you on your path.
An uplifting collection of channeled messages from the Universe to inspire and guide you to find love within yourself and in relationships, which can be read from cover to cover or used as an oracle, this book will speak directly to your heart! You can purchase her book wherever books are sold. Cassady is graciously donating her royalties from the book to the Red Cross
Cassady Cayne is a spiritual author, soulpreneur and lightworker.Founder of Twin Flames 11:11.
With an academic background in psychology and history, Cassady’s unexpected spiritual awakening connected her with the love and support of the universe. Since launching her blog 5 short years ago, Cassady’s work has gone on to reach millions of readers worldwide. After receiving the direct guidance, support and love of the universe changed Cassady’s life beyond recognition, she now wants to share that help with others.
Through channeled writing, guidance and healing sessions, Cassady’s work focuses on empowering people to unlock their divine purpose, connect with their intuition and live their highest path…
Learn more and connect with Cassady at:www.cassadycayne.comhttps://www.facebook.com/cassadycayne
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Friday Aug 21, 2020
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Friday Aug 21, 2020
Friday Aug 21, 2020
Finding the Lesson in the Drama – with Debra Valentina, holistic, intuitive coach and author of Beyond Chaos
August is all about going back. Going back to school, back to work after summer vacation, and hopefully going back to normal after the coronavirus shutdowns and quarantines. What about going back to your connection with source? What about going back to God, back to your wise inner-being, and back to expressing and trusting yourself as a divine being? Join Lora all month long, at 7 AM and 7PM EST as she explores spirit, intuition, and balance in everyday life, so you can Trust in Your Truth, and live with confidence and joy every day!
Top take-a-ways:
Two simple steps to developing your intuition.
Why trusting “bad” intuition is a good idea.
How finding the lesson helps us heal.
Are you someone who looks good on the outside, but doesn’t feel that fulfilled or satisfied on the inside? Do you sometimes think that if you were more intuitive, or had the “inside scoop” on things, that life would be easier? Did you know that you are intuitive, and that with a little practice, you can hear your inner voice and create the life of your dreams? Just like today’s guest, Debra Valentina, Owner & Principal, Creativing www.creativing.com and author of Beyond Chaos: Journey to Freedom and Joy.
If you want to develop intuition, you have to intend to hear your intuition, and then practice hearing, as well as following your intuition. As Debra says, an intention is not a goal. Being goal driven is fine, but when it comes to intuition, you are better served by setting an intention and not a goal, because it keeps you more open to hearing the voice of your higher self, and not your ego.
Debra Valentina, BBA, MPH is a Business and Life Coach, Author, Facilitator, Speaker who has been a healthcare consultant, entrepreneur, coach, workshop facilitator, author, and international speaker for over 30 years. Debra earned a Bachelor of Business Administration magna cum laude from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and a Master of Public Health in Corporate Healthcare from UC Berkeley. Debra also graduated from Stanford University's International Business Executive Program and is an Alumna of the Leadership Pittsburgh Program.
Download a free chapter of her memoir Beyond Chaos: Journey to Freedom and Joy here: BeyondChaosBook.com to learn more and to download the first chapter for free.
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Your Answers Lie Within - Develop Reliable Personal Power with Martina Barnes
August is all about going back. Going back to school, back to work after summer vacation, and hopefully going back to normal after the coronavirus shutdowns and quarantines. What about going back to your connection with source? What about going back to God, back to your wise inner-being, and back to expressing and trusting yourself as a divine being? Join Lora all month long, at 7 AM and 7PM EST as she explores spirit, intuition, and balance in everyday life, so you can Trust in Your Truth, and live with confidence and joy every day!
Top take-a-ways:
The science of intuition and using the intelligence of the whole brain.
The relationship between emotion, anxiety, and intuition.
How and why children lose their intuitive abilities and an exercise to reclaim them.
Did you know that intuition is just another form of intelligence? And just like you can get better
at math or science, you can get better at intuition too. Especially when you feel loved, supported, and free from judgment.
If you are ready to make life more serene, to quit feeling crazy, and to step into your own reliable personal power, then it’s time to pay attention to your intuition.
Exploring everything from anxiety, racism, a childhood sixth-sense, how to deal with conflicting intuitive messages, and understanding how the way we were raised impacted our intuitive abilities, this show takes a deep and enlightening dive into all things intuition.
Martina G Barnes, MS, LCMHC and author of Author of The Meditation Doctor, is a Master Intuitive, speaker, women’s empowerment coach, entrepreneur and licensed psychotherapist, Martina Barnes, partners with high-achieving women, business professionals and leaders to develop critical intuitive intelligence skills so they can harness new levels of power, purpose and inner guidance.
Martina’s 30+ years professional experience includes extensive training in economics, applied neuroscience and advanced certifications in the mystery arts of meditation and intuition. Martina’s proven approach has made her a sought-out teacher and facilitator for individuals, business groups and nonprofits.
Martina firmly believes that all our answers lie within. She uses her natural and learned abilities to see deeply into another’s psyche to facilitate accelerated learning in an environment that is safe and enjoyable.
Learn more at: https://www.martinabarnes.com/ where you can take her free Reliable Personal Power Quiz!
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Friday Aug 07, 2020
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Friday Aug 07, 2020
Friday Aug 07, 2020
Should I Trust my Intuition? Why Intuition is Never Wrong – with Lora Cheadle, Life Choreographer
August is all about going back. Going back to school, back to work after summer vacation, and hopefully going back to normal after the coronavirus shutdowns and quarantines. What about going back to your connection with source? What about going back to God, back to your wise inner-being, and back to expressing and trusting yourself as a divine being? Join Lora all month long, at 7 AM and 7PM EST as she explores spirit, intuition, and balance in everyday life, so you can Trust in Your Truth, and live with confidence and joy every day!
Top take-a-ways:
What is intuition and why does it happen?
Why trusting “bad” intuition is a good idea, and what “good” intuition feels like.
Develop your intuition with the How to Develop Your Intuition pdf that teaches you how to tune in and develop your intuition.
Intuition. What is it, how does it work, should you trust it, and how do you know when it’s right or wrong? Although every human is born intuitive, or with “gut instincts,” or an “inner knowing,” all too often we let our intellect, or the opinions of others dictate our choices.
In this show you will learn how to develop your own intuition (Hint: Get into your body – learn to BE, not to DO) and start tuning into the magical story of your life.
Intuition is simply a divine foreshadowing of things to come! Pay attention, and find the joy of watching your life unfold!
Develop your intuition with the How to Develop Your Intuition pdf that teaches you how to tune in and develop your intuition.
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Friday Jul 31, 2020
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Rule Your Life, as the Empress You Are! With EMPRESS
July Means Freedom! What would you like to be free from, and what would you like to be free to do? And interestingly, are freedom from and freedom to even related? What does it truly mean to be free, and how can you balance the tension between freedom and responsibility? Join Lora all month long, at 7 AM and 7PM EST as she explores the concept of freedom, so you can learn to be FREE to love yourself, your body, and your life, as they are right now – even in the middle of a pandemic!
Top Take-a-ways:
How to crown yourself and rule your own empire
Successful career pivots at any age
Using the power of an alter ego to achieve your dreams
“I want to empower people to be their own empress or emperor – ruler of their personal world. That’s why I call myself EMPRESS – because I’m empowering myself to rule my own life.”
As little girls, many of us delight in playing dress up. But as we grow up, we put our dreams and desires aside, forgetting how to embody our true potential. That was not the case for Shannon Rugani, now known as EMPRESS, nor was it the case for Lora Cheadle, also known as Chakra Tease! Join us for today’s jewel-encrusted show and learn how you can crown yourself as the ruler of your own life, and achieve whatever dreams you desire, with positivity, perseverance and a heaping does of your own, true power!
At four-years-old, EMPRESS had her life change forever, when her hands touched the black and white keys on a keyboard for the first time. Her love for music evolved into a career as a professional dancer, as one of the youngest members of the San Francisco Ballet, and then performing on Broadway as the lead in the Tony Award winning production of An American in Paris. Today, her career comes full-circle, as she create music as a singer/songwriter. But no matter what she does, she’ll never stop dancing.
You can learn more about EMPRESS here: www.empress-music.com
Or about her history as a dancer and Broadway performer here: http://www.shannonrugani.com/
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Saturday Jul 25, 2020
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Saturday Jul 25, 2020
Saturday Jul 25, 2020
Let Go of Self-Help & Achieve Spiritual Awakening with Royce Morales
July Means Freedom! What would you like to be free from, and what would you like to be free to do? And interestingly, are freedom from and freedom to even related? What does it truly mean to be free, and how can you balance the tension between freedom and responsibility? Join Lora all month long, at 7 AM and 7PM EST as she explores the concept of freedom, so you can learn to be FREE to love yourself, your body, and your life, as they are right now – even in the middle of a pandemic!
Top Take-a-ways:
Finding answers to life’s biggest questions and mysteries
Overcome self-sabotage and negative programming
Stop seeking, and find inner peace once and for all
Are you frustrated with personal growth and self-improvement courses that feel good for a while, but soon, you're right back where you started from?
Royce Morales has been teaching breakthrough self-discovery for decades. She is the author of three books about her teachings: "Want: True Love, Past Lives and Other Complications," "Know: a Spiritual Wake-Up Call," and "Back: Rebirth After Stroke," all available on Amazon.com
Her groundbreaking, spiritually-based teachings get to the root of what's preventing you from creating a joyful, meaningful, empowered life. Imagine consistently trusting yourself and life, free from the influence of negative, self-sabotaging, subconscious inner programming.
Maybe you've gone down many paths searching for answers to life's Big Questions. Or maybe you're just trying to find some inner peace that lasts.
You sense there's more, but you seriously doubt you'll ever get where you want to get. You're tired of disappointment and feel discouraged.
Today’s episode is all about awakening to, and living, a shifted, Higher Consciousness existence so that repetitive, destructive patterns can resolve. Once. And. For. All.
Learn more and contact Royce at www.RoyceMorales.com or www.perfectlifeawakening.com/
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
How to be Unstoppable & Find Your Bliss with Rochel Marie Lawson
July Means Freedom! What would you like to be free from, and what would you like to be free to do? And interestingly, are freedom from and freedom to even related? What does it truly mean to be free, and how can you balance the tension between freedom and responsibility? Join Lora all month long, at 7 AM and 7PM EST as she explores the concept of freedom, so you can learn to be FREE to love yourself, your body, and your life, as they are right now – even in the middle of a pandemic!
Top Take-a-ways:
Why feeling fabulous is as important as achieving success
How to improve your wellbeing naturally
Connecting with your passion in order to fuel your purpose
Rochel Marie Lawson, the Queen of Feeling Fabulous is on a mission to help women live the life of their dreams. She knows what it means to hustle and come out living a life of bliss, and she wants this for all women! Rochel Marie is a successful entrepreneur, as well as a Registered Nurse and Ayurvedic Practitioner. Her energy, guidance, wisdom, and enthusiasm have helped thousands of people to improve their wellbeing, holistically and naturally, so that they could live the life of their dreams. This year, she is ready to take on the world and help women become totally unstoppable and help them to turn their passion into purpose through Blissful Living 4 U's Unstoppable Women's Summit!
Blissful Living 4 U’s Unstoppable Women’s Summit is about helping women of all ages to realize their potential to become whatever it is they want to be and to do whatever it is that they want to do in life so that they can step into their true purpose and live the life of their dreams. It is about helping women to discover the unique gifts that they have and allow them to share these gifts, their talents, wisdom, purpose, and passion with the world. The belief is that we are living in a day and age where women no longer have to be afraid to step out into the world and take claim to what they want to do. It’s time for women to allow their voice and passion to be heard, and to take a stand for what is right while elevating and progressing humanity in a positive manner.
Learn more about Rochel at: https://rochelelawson.com/ or www.blissfulliving4U.com
Learn more (and sign up to attend!) about the Unstoppable Women’s Summit at https://www.unstoppable-womens-summit.com/ Better Still? Lora will be speaking at Rochel’s summit, so if you attend, you will have the opportunity to meet us both in person!
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com