Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network

Friday May 03, 2024
Friday May 03, 2024
How to Fix Your Cheating Partner
Do you ever get frustrated that your partner just won’t listen? If you are anything like me, you see your partner, and all of his flaws, pretty darned clearly. You’ve said (or at least thought) things like, “If he would just _____, then things would be so much easier!” And it’s true. If your partner would just take responsibility for their actions, atone for their mistakes, admit what they did, show you their phone, cut it off with the other woman, get on the same page as you, value the same things that you value, and do what you know they need to do, things would be easier!
Here's how to do that: Get your partner a map. Show them the path to recovery. Create a proven affair-recovery strategy and work your plan. Men love instructions. They love to be successful, solve problems, and see results. You already know that men stop trying because they won’t stop and ask for directions! They would sometimes rather quit than fail. Don’t let them fail. Give them a proven strategy they can follow and let them fight for a successful resolution to the problem that they created!
Top Take-a-Ways:
Deciding how you want to clean up this affair mess that you are in, through no fault of your own.
Getting your partner on the same page as you, so you can relax because you know what progress is being made.
Why having an Affair Recovery Strategy is the number one most important step you can take to heal after infidelity and betrayal.
Schedule your Couple’s Strategy Session Here: www.BetrayalRecoveryCoach.com For only $198 you and your partner can get the roadmap you need to recover more quickly, and with fewer mistakes!
Need Help Now?
Get the understanding, clarity, & support you deserve today!
Schedule your one-hour breakthrough Zoom session with Lora today. Together we will figure out where you are at, what’s blocking you from being where you want to be and design a clear strategy for how to get you there.
*BONUS!* This session includes 30 minutes of follow-up support. Schedule and pay here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/coaching-session
Join the Facebook Community Here & Get Your Questions Answered! https://www.facebook.com/groups/affairrecoveryforwomen/
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com, a guide designed to help you take the first steps in feeling better, so you can reclaim your power, own your worth, and start putting yourself, and your life, back together again.
About Lora:
Attorney, speaker and Burnout & Betrayal Recovery Coach, Lora Cheadle believes that betrayal uncovers the truth of what’s possible when we stop focusing on what was done to us and start showing up unapologetically for ourselves. She helps women rebuild their identity and self-worth after infidelity so they can reclaim (or find for the very first time) their confidence, clarity, and connection to source and create their own kind of happily ever after.
Get the support you need to find your footing, begin making sense of it all, and feel better fast. As an attorney, betrayal recovery expert, and survivor of infidelity I can help you find the clarity and confidence to create a life that you love on the other side of betrayal. Book Your Session Here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/coaching-session
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT
SOLAWAVE Reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, dark circles, blemishes, and dark spots while de-puffing and energizing your skin. This 7x Award-Winning Skincare Wand combines Red Light Therapy, Galvanic Current, Therapeutic Warmth, and Facial Massage for an easy-to-use and effective treatment. https://www.pjtra.com/t/2-574028-273174-269792
The most comfortable shoes you will ever wear! Available in seven heel heights, these shoes will keep you comfortably on your feet for 12 hours. Made with cork, many styles are available including heels, wedges, and boots. www.EuropeanHeels.com $25 off with Discount Code Flaunt
Untangle yourself from the past, reclaim your power, and own your worth so you can create a future you love on your own terms. All with a wink and a smile! Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Friday Apr 26, 2024
Friday Apr 26, 2024
Legal Wellness – With Your Lovable Lawyer, Danny Karon, Esq.
Whether it’s taking you and the kids off of your soon-to-be-ex-husband’s cell phone plan, protecting yourself from a psychotic affair partner who is lashing out on social media, or trying to get out of a lease that you signed in haste when you found out about the affair, legal questions, and legal remedies are all around and more available to us than we might imagine. In this episode, consumer protection attorney Danny Karon shares his tips and wisdom on how to navigate just about any legal questions or concerns that might pop up during your betrayal recovery journey.
Top Take-a-Ways:
Determining if something is a legal matter, has a legal remedy, and might be worth pursuing or not.
DIY (small claims court) vs. finding a lawyer.
Demystifying the legal process, legal documents, and the power of common sense.
Download your Betrayal Recovery Tool Kit at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com , and take the first steps in feeling okay again, despite what’s going on around you.
About Danny Karon
Danny Karon is a class-action trial attorney specializing in antitrust, consumer–fraud, and wage-and-hour litigation. He began his class-action career with Much Shelist Freed Denenberg Ament & Rubenstein, P.C. in Chicago. He now manages Karon LLC. He represents individuals in antitrust, consumer-fraud, wage-and-hour, and other class-actions and has represented domestic and international corporations in domestic and international antitrust class-action matters. He also defends corporations in consumer-fraud and antitrust class actions.
Danny teaches consumer law at the University of Michigan Law School and The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law and taught complex litigation at Columbia Law School. He has also been a lecturer in law at Cleveland State University’s Cleveland-Marshall College of Law. He lectures on class-action law at multiple other law schools and serves on Loyola University Chicago School of Law’s Institute for Consumer Antitrust Studies’ U.S. Advisory Board. For thirteen years, he chaired the ABA’s National Institute on Class Actions, for five years wrote a bimonthly column for Law360, was an editorial board member and contributing author to the ABA Litigation Section’s Class Actions Today-Jurisdiction to Resolution magazine, co-chaired the American Association of Justice Class Action Litigation Group, was a member of the Ohio Association of Justice Board of Trustees, and served as an editorial board member for the Ohio Academy of Justice’s Ohio Trial magazine. He has published several law review and bar journal articles on class-action topics, and he lectures nationally on class actions for the ABA and other bar associations.
Learn more and get the support you need at: https://yourlovablelawyer.com/
Need Help Now?
Get the understanding, clarity, & support you deserve today!
Schedule your one-hour breakthrough Zoom session with Lora today. Together we will figure out where you are at, what’s blocking you from being where you want to be and design a clear strategy for how to get you there.
*BONUS!* This session includes 30 minutes of follow-up support. Schedule and pay here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/coaching-session
Join the Facebook Community Here & Get Your Questions Answered! https://www.facebook.com/groups/affairrecoveryforwomen/
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com, a guide designed to help you take the first steps in feeling better, so you can reclaim your power, own your worth, and start putting yourself, and your life, back together again.
About Lora:
Attorney, speaker and Burnout & Betrayal Recovery Coach, Lora Cheadle believes that betrayal uncovers the truth of what’s possible when we stop focusing on what was done to us and start showing up unapologetically for ourselves. She helps women rebuild their identity and self-worth after infidelity so they can reclaim (or find for the very first time) their confidence, clarity, and connection to source and create their own kind of happily ever after.
Get the support you need to find your footing, begin making sense of it all, and feel better fast. As an attorney, betrayal recovery expert, and survivor of infidelity I can help you find the clarity and confidence to create a life that you love on the other side of betrayal. Book Your Session Here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/coaching-session
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT
SOLAWAVE Reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, dark circles, blemishes, and dark spots while de-puffing and energizing your skin. This 7x Award-Winning Skincare Wand combines Red Light Therapy, Galvanic Current, Therapeutic Warmth, and Facial Massage for an easy-to-use and effective treatment. https://www.pjtra.com/t/2-574028-273174-269792
The most comfortable shoes you will ever wear! Available in seven heel heights, these shoes will keep you comfortably on your feet for 12 hours. Made with cork, many styles are available including heels, wedges, and boots. www.EuropeanHeels.com $25 off with Discount Code Flaunt
Untangle yourself from the past, reclaim your power, and own your worth so you can create a future you love on your own terms. All with a wink and a smile! Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Friday Apr 19, 2024
Friday Apr 19, 2024
Your Questions Answered -Lora Answers Your Questions
In this episode, Lora answers six questions from her Facebook group, Affair Recovery for Women – Flourish After Infidelity. If you’ve got a question that you’d like Lora to answer in her next show, reach out, join her Facebook community, and ask!
Join the Facebook Community Here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/affairrecoveryforwomen/
Your Questions Answered:
How do you “get over” the act that you will never be your husband’s “last, first,” or anything for that matter.
How to stop bringing up the affair, seeking more information, torturing yourself, and condemning him all over again.
What are the different stages of emotion to expect?
What phase is the cheater going through, and how can I manage that?
Are there key indicators to look for that your partner is really changing>
How do you get over the feeling that something bad is going to happen?
Join the Facebook Community Here & Get Your Questions Answered! https://www.facebook.com/groups/affairrecoveryforwomen/
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com, a guide designed to help you take the first steps in feeling better, so you can reclaim your power, own your worth, and start putting yourself, and your life, back together again.
About Lora:
Attorney, speaker and Burnout & Betrayal Recovery Coach, Lora Cheadle believes that betrayal uncovers the truth of what’s possible when we stop focusing on what was done to us and start showing up unapologetically for ourselves. She helps women rebuild their identity and self-worth after infidelity so they can reclaim (or find for the very first time) their confidence, clarity, and connection to source and create their own kind of happily ever after.
Get the support you need to find your footing, begin making sense of it all, and feel better fast. As an attorney, betrayal recovery expert, and survivor of infidelity I can help you find the clarity and confidence to create a life that you love on the other side of betrayal. Book Your Session Here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/coaching-session
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT
SOLAWAVE Reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, dark circles, blemishes, and dark spots while de-puffing and energizing your skin. This 7x Award-Winning Skincare Wand combines Red Light Therapy, Galvanic Current, Therapeutic Warmth, and Facial Massage for an easy-to-use and effective treatment. https://www.pjtra.com/t/2-574028-273174-269792
The most comfortable shoes you will ever wear! Available in seven heel heights, these shoes will keep you comfortably on your feet for 12 hours. Made with cork, many styles are available including heels, wedges, and boots. www.EuropeanHeels.com $25 off with Discount Code Flaunt
Untangle yourself from the past, reclaim your power, and own your worth so you can create a future you love on your own terms. All with a wink and a smile! Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Friday Apr 12, 2024
Friday Apr 12, 2024
How to Create Lasting Change In Yourself & Your Relationship
How many times have you read books, taken classes, and taken steps to change yourself or your relationship, but couldn’t quite get that change to last? Using the transtheoretical model of change, here is what you need to know in order to make the changes you desire in yourself and your relationship.
Roadmap for Successful & Lasting Change:
Identify where you are at on the transformation journey:
o Pre-Contemplation: D-day just happened and you are struggling to come to terms with what happened. (A good time to see a qualified therapist!)
o Contemplation: You’ve accepted the reality of your situation and you are starting to explore your options and learn what might be available to you. (A good time to read, listen to podcasts, and use on-line or group coaching programs.)
o Preparation: This is where you learn (and practice!) the tools, skills, and habits necessary for you to be successful and manage setbacks. (A good time for one-on-one coaching so you can be sure you are cultivating the skills necessary to soar!)
o Action: The time to take action begins only after you’ve learned how to support the changes you desire. (Accountability and support are critical here!)
90 Days to create a habit: Go slow! Be patient, have grace, and expect failure along the way.
Change one or two things at a time: Clearly identify what you want to change so you can know if you are succeeding or not. Don’t overwhelm yourself with too much.
Work on both “sides”: Change takes place on both “sides” of the coin. The logical side and the emotional side, the conscious side and the unconscious side, etc. Work to change both your actions and your thoughts.
Use journaling, meditation, & somatic movement to lock in change: These modalities are the backbone of tools necessary for successful change and to finally BECOME all that you want to be!
o Maintenance: In this phase, you refine what you want and practice living your best life!
o Termination: You and your relationship have become who you wanted them to be!
Are you ready to finally create the change you desire? Whether it’s a change withing you or a change within your relationship, this Free 5-Day Spring Awakening Workshop, April 8-12, 12-1:00 MST via Zoom will help you feel calm, confident, and sexy again so you can create the change you desire. Replays available. Sign up at www.SparkleAllSeason.com All sessions available on-demand:
LIVE! Monday April 8 – Intention Setting & Guided Hypnosis
LIVE! Tuesday April 9 – Journaling & Why The Power’s Been Inside of You All Along.
On Demand! Wednesday April 10 – Meditation, Frequency & Becoming Who You Are.
On Demand! Thursday April 11 – Somatic Movement to Process Pain & Reclaim Your Sexy.
LIVE! Friday April 12 – The Creation & Elimination of Habits, Thoughts, and Behaviors. Join for FREE at www.SparkleAllSeason.com
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com, a guide designed to help you take the first steps in feeling better, so you can reclaim your power, own your worth, and start putting yourself, and your life, back together again.
About Lora:
Attorney, speaker and Burnout & Betrayal Recovery Coach, Lora Cheadle believes that betrayal uncovers the truth of what’s possible when we stop focusing on what was done to us and start showing up unapologetically for ourselves. She helps women rebuild their identity and self-worth after infidelity so they can reclaim (or find for the very first time) their confidence, clarity, and connection to source and create their own kind of happily ever after.
Get the support you need to find your footing, begin making sense of it all, and feel better fast. As an attorney, betrayal recovery expert, and survivor of infidelity I can help you find the clarity and confidence to create a life that you love on the other side of betrayal. Book Your Session Here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/coaching-session
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT
The most comfortable shoes you will ever wear! Available in seven heel heights, these shoes will keep you comfortably on your feet for 12 hours. Made with cork, many styles are available including heels, wedges, and boots. www.EuropeanHeels.com $25 off with Discount Code Flaunt
Untangle yourself from the past, reclaim your power, and own your worth so you can create a future you love on your own terms. All with a wink and a smile! Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Friday Apr 05, 2024
Friday Apr 05, 2024
Spring Awakening- Awaken Your Calm, Confident, and Sexy Self So You Can Flourish After Infidelity
Are you ready to wake up from the nightmare of infidelity and betrayal? Do you want to feel calm, confident, and sexy again? Then join me for a Free 5-Day Spring Awakening Workshop, April 8-12, 12-12:30 MST via Zoom. Replays available. Sign up at www.SparkleAllSeason.com
Top take-a-ways:
Plant the seeds for what you want to harvest in the next chapter of your life
Find and experience calm and confidence during the betrayal recovery journey
Falling in love with yourself and feeling sexy and powerful in your own skin
The power of being seen, releasing the fear of judgment, and defining yourself, your way
Here’s what you will learn during the Spring Awakening Five Day Challenge:
LIVE! Monday April 8 – Intention Setting & Guided Hypnosis: Harnes the power of the subconscious mind to create and anchor in your Spring Awakening intention.
LIVE! Tuesday April 9 – Journaling & Why The Power’s Been Inside of You All Along: How to tap the unconscious mind to find the answers you need quickly and efficiently, and the certainty and calm of becoming your own oracle.
On Demand! Wednesday April 10 – Meditation, Frequency & Becoming Who You Are: Unleashing the creativity of the conscious portion of the mind so you can become and express who you authentically are without judgement or fear.
On Demand! Thursday April 11 – Somatic Movement to Process Pain & Reclaim Your Sexy: Why moving with intention and embodying both what you wish to release and what you desire to feel and become is the fastest way to feel sexy and confident again.
LIVE! Friday April 12 – The Creation & Elimination of Habits, Thoughts, and Behaviors: How you can use journaling, meditation, and somatic movement to go from overwhelmed and stressed out to calm, confused and unsure of your next steps to confident, and feeling old, ugly, and worthless to sexy and empowered again in the next 90 days. Join for FREE at www.SparkleAllSeason.com
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com, a guide designed to help you take the first steps in feeling better, so you can reclaim your power, own your worth, and start putting yourself, and your life, back together again.
About Lora:
Attorney, speaker and Burnout & Betrayal Recovery Coach, Lora Cheadle believes that betrayal uncovers the truth of what’s possible when we stop focusing on what was done to us and start showing up unapologetically for ourselves. She helps women rebuild their identity and self-worth after infidelity so they can reclaim (or find for the very first time) their confidence, clarity, and connection to source and create their own kind of happily ever after.
Get the support you need to find your footing, begin making sense of it all, and feel better fast. As an attorney, betrayal recovery expert, and survivor of infidelity I can help you find the clarity and confidence to create a life that you love on the other side of betrayal. Book Your Session Here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/coaching-session
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT
The most comfortable shoes you will ever wear! Available in seven heel heights, these shoes will keep you comfortably on your feet for 12 hours. Made with cork, many styles are available including heels, wedges, and boots. www.EuropeanHeels.com $25 off with Discount Code Flaunt
Untangle yourself from the past, reclaim your power, and own your worth so you can create a future you love on your own terms. All with a wink and a smile! Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Friday Mar 29, 2024
Friday Mar 29, 2024
Comparing Yourself to the Other Woman – Why You Do it & How to Stop
Comparing yourself to the other woman, while normal and healthy in ways, can also become obsessive. Instead of being led down a path of hate, revenge, and bitterness, here’s how to understand what you are doing, why you are doing it, and learn to make a healthy, more accurate comparison between you and your level of integrity and self-respect and her, and her level of integrity and self-respect.
Top take-a-ways:
How comparing yourself to the other woman can give you a sense of power, control, and certainty over the future.
Why your cheating partner never actually compared you to the affair partner, and why you shouldn’t either.
The power of buckling down, making the comparison, and choosing to either cut her down or building yourself up
Join my Facebook Group, Affair Recovery for Women and get in on the healing action www.facebook.com/groups/affairrecoveryforwomen/
Need Help Now?
Get the understanding, clarity, & support you deserve today!
Schedule your one-hour breakthrough Zoom session with Lora today. Together we will figure out where you are at, what’s blocking you from being where you want to be, and design a clear strategy for how to get you there.
*BONUS!* This session includes 30 minutes of follow-up support. Schedule and pay here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/coaching-session
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com, a guide designed to help you take the first steps in feeling better, so you can reclaim your power, own your worth, and start putting yourself, and your life, back together again.
About Lora:
Attorney, speaker and Burnout & Betrayal Recovery Coach, Lora Cheadle believes that betrayal uncovers the truth of what’s possible when we stop focusing on what was done to us and start showing up unapologetically for ourselves. She helps women rebuild their identity and self-worth after infidelity so they can reclaim (or find for the very first time) their confidence, clarity, and connection to source and create their own kind of happily ever after.
Get the support you need to find your footing, begin making sense of it all, and feel better fast. As an attorney, betrayal recovery expert, and survivor of infidelity I can help you find the clarity and confidence to create a life that you love on the other side of betrayal. Book Your Session Here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/coaching-session
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT
The most comfortable shoes you will ever wear! Available in seven heel heights, these shoes will keep you comfortably on your feet for 12 hours. Made with cork, many styles are available including heels, wedges, and boots. www.EuropeanHeels.com $25 off with Discount Code Flaunt
Untangle yourself from the past, reclaim your power, and own your worth so you can create a future you love on your own terms. All with a wink and a smile! Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Friday Mar 22, 2024
Friday Mar 22, 2024
Post-Betrayal Transformation – The Easter Story, Resurrection, & You
Post-betrayal transformation is NOT what you think it is! The other day I was driving to a venue I had never been to before. From the middle of a random parking lot, with no building in site, Google Maps announced, “you have arrived” to which I responded in frustration, “No, actually I have not!”
Although I eventually found my way to the proper venue, it made me think about the glorious moments of transformation we often seek but rarely find and how, when we do arrive, it’s not always as glorious as we thought it would be.
How many times have you achieved a milestone and felt strangely let down?
Or after all that work, nothing really changed?
Could it be that satisfaction lies in the journey, and not in the destination?
Last week, using the Stations of the Cross as an example, I shared a story about the journey of transformation and how the resurrection itself (the moment of transformation) wasn’t even an official station. Because transformation, no matter how stunning, only takes place in the present moment. Leaving you instantaneously in a space of, what’s next?
Going back to the Easter story, the actual resurrection was a private, quiet, and intensely personal moment that took place in a cave. There was no fanfare, no award, no stage lights, or adoring fans. It happened internally and was over.
What mattered most was the journey towards that moment of transformation, and the journey after transformation. The transformation itself was merely a brief, internal shift. A stopping off between journeys. What matters most is what happens next.
How different would the Easter story be if the resurrection was the end of the story? Jesus Rose! He did it! Woot-woot! The end. What is most important is the journey before and the journey after.
If you are currently seeking your own transformation, what would it be like to focus on the joy of the journey leading up to transformation, and on what you are going to do after your internal transformation? What would it be like to stop thinking of the transformation as the moment of glory?
It’s my guess that both the journey to and the journey from would be a lot more fulfilling. After all, where would I be if I had focused on my supposed “You have arrived!” transformation and stayed in the empty parking lot with no buildings in site?
Join my Facebook Group, Affair Recovery for Women and get in on the healing action www.facebook.com/groups/affairrecoveryforwomen/
Need Help Now?
Get the understanding, clarity, & support you deserve today!
Schedule your one-hour breakthrough Zoom session with Lora today. Together we will figure out where you are at, what’s blocking you from being where you want to be, and design a clear strategy for how to get you there.
*BONUS!* This session includes 30 minutes of follow-up support. Schedule and pay here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/coaching-session
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com, a guide designed to help you take the first steps in feeling better, so you can reclaim your power, own your worth, and start putting yourself, and your life, back together again.
About Lora:
Attorney, speaker and Burnout & Betrayal Recovery Coach, Lora Cheadle believes that betrayal uncovers the truth of what’s possible when we stop focusing on what was done to us and start showing up unapologetically for ourselves. She helps women rebuild their identity and self-worth after infidelity so they can reclaim (or find for the very first time) their confidence, clarity, and connection to source and create their own kind of happily ever after.
Get the support you need to find your footing, begin making sense of it all, and feel better fast. As an attorney, betrayal recovery expert, and survivor of infidelity I can help you find the clarity and confidence to create a life that you love on the other side of betrayal. Book Your Session Here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/coaching-session
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT
The most comfortable shoes you will ever wear! Available in seven heel heights, these shoes will keep you comfortably on your feet for 12 hours. Made with cork, many styles are available including heels, wedges, and boots. www.EuropeanHeels.com $25 off with Discount Code Flaunt
Untangle yourself from the past, reclaim your power, and own your worth so you can create a future you love on your own terms. All with a wink and a smile! Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Friday Mar 15, 2024
Friday Mar 15, 2024
Defensiveness & Blame – Two Toxic Behaviors that Prevent Healing
Defensiveness and blame are two toxic behaviors that both the betraying partner and the betrayed partner can easily slip into. This show, which is geared for both the betrayed partner and the betrayed, will help you both understand what’s at the root of these behaviors and most importantly, how to stop so you can move towards understanding and healing.
Top take-a-ways:
Denial, diminishment, and gaslighting are three ways that your cheating partner seeks to defend themselves and prevent you from learning the truth. Learn to quit playing defense and move into a state of acknowledgement so the truth can flow through.
The toxic nature of blame, and how blame isactually unnecessary in affair recovery once acknowledgement has taken place.
Accountability and making amends from a place of empowered acknowledgment. How to own up, stop making excuses or shifting the blame, and become the person you know you are inside
Join my Facebook Group, Affair Recovery for Women and get in on the healing action www.facebook.com/groups/affairrecoveryforwomen/
Need Help Now?
Get the understanding, clarity, & support you deserve today!
Schedule your one-hour breakthrough Zoom session with Lora today. Together we will figure out where you are at, what’s blocking you from being where you want to be, and design a clear strategy for how to get you there.
*BONUS!* This session includes 30 minutes of follow-up support. Schedule and pay here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/coaching-session
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com, a guide designed to help you take the first steps in feeling better, so you can reclaim your power, own your worth, and start putting yourself, and your life, back together again.
About Lora:
Attorney, speaker and Burnout & Betrayal Recovery Coach, Lora Cheadle believes that betrayal uncovers the truth of what’s possible when we stop focusing on what was done to us and start showing up unapologetically for ourselves. She helps women rebuild their identity and self-worth after infidelity so they can reclaim (or find for the very first time) their confidence, clarity, and connection to source and create their own kind of happily ever after.
Get the support you need to find your footing, begin making sense of it all, and feel better fast. As an attorney, betrayal recovery expert, and survivor of infidelity I can help you find the clarity and confidence to create a life that you love on the other side of betrayal. Book Your Session Here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/coaching-session
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT
The most comfortable shoes you will ever wear! Available in seven heel heights, these shoes will keep you comfortably on your feet for 12 hours. Made with cork, many styles are available including heels, wedges, and boots. www.EuropeanHeels.com $25 off with Discount Code Flaunt
Untangle yourself from the past, reclaim your power, and own your worth so you can create a future you love on your own terms. All with a wink and a smile! Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Friday Mar 08, 2024
Friday Mar 08, 2024
Confronting Betrayal from The Betraying Partner’s Perspective
This show is for the betraying partner who wants to understand themselves, figure out what led to the affair, and support their partner in healing so they can forgive and heal both themselves and the marriage.
Lora’s husband courageously shares his perspective on affair recovery and some of the things he did to understand his unacknowledged and unexpressed emotions, face his past trauma that led (in part) to him to seeking validation outside the marriage, and how he was able to transcend guilt and shame and face Lora’s questions in order to facilitate healing.
This is more than a story of infidelity from the straying partner’s point of view; it's the beginning of a roadmap for healing and transforming oneself, and their relationships after betrayal. Tune in to learn how even the deepest wounds can reveal a path to a stronger, more authentic partnership.
Top take-a-ways:
The steps taken by the betraying partner to facilitate more self-awareness and better communication, such as learning to identify and express emotions and using mini-meditations and deep breathing to maintain composure during tough talks.
How relentless commitment, openness, and, most importantly, forgiveness for himself has helped Shawn show up powerfully for himself, Lora, and the relationship.
Dealing with the storm of emotions, such as shame, guilt, and fear when the betrayal is uncovered and you feel the desire to run, instead of being strong and “standing in it” in order to heal.
Join my Facebook Group, Affair Recovery for Women and get in on the healing action www.facebook.com/groups/affairrecoveryforwomen/
Need Help Now?
Get the understanding, clarity, & support you deserve today!
Schedule your one-hour breakthrough Zoom session with Lora today. Together we will figure out where you are at, what’s blocking you from being where you want to be, and design a clear strategy for how to get you there.
*BONUS!* This session includes 30 minutes of follow-up support. Schedule and pay here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/coaching-session
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com, a guide designed to help you take the first steps in feeling better, so you can reclaim your power, own your worth, and start putting yourself, and your life, back together again.
About Lora:
Attorney, speaker and Burnout & Betrayal Recovery Coach, Lora Cheadle believes that betrayal uncovers the truth of what’s possible when we stop focusing on what was done to us and start showing up unapologetically for ourselves. She helps women rebuild their identity and self-worth after infidelity so they can reclaim (or find for the very first time) their confidence, clarity, and connection to source and create their own kind of happily ever after.
Get the support you need to find your footing, begin making sense of it all, and feel better fast. As an attorney, betrayal recovery expert, and survivor of infidelity I can help you find the clarity and confidence to create a life that you love on the other side of betrayal. Book Your Session Here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/coaching-session
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT
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Untangle yourself from the past, reclaim your power, and own your worth so you can create a future you love on your own terms. All with a wink and a smile! Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Friday Mar 01, 2024
Friday Mar 01, 2024
Communicating Effectively After Infidelity
While there are many great books or trainings on couple’s communication, one of the most empowering things you can learn how to do as the betrayed partner is learn how to communicate clearly and advocate on your own behalf. This is especially true for women who are often told to “keep it down, be nice,” or “keep the peace.”
Top take-a-ways:
Gaining clarity on the purpose of your communication, what you hope to accomplish, and what you want to know.
Slowing down, tracking your answers, and preventing emotional flooding.
Learning how to use “I statements” followed by a boundary to get what you want.
The power of citing yourself as your own authority and being brave enough to know that no matter what answers you receive, you will be able to handle it.
Join my Facebook Group, Affair Recovery for Women and get in on the healing action www.facebook.com/groups/affairrecoveryforwomen/
Need Help Now?
Get the understanding, clarity, & support you deserve today!
Schedule your one-hour breakthrough Zoom session with Lora today. Together we will figure out where you are at, what’s blocking you from being where you want to be, and design a clear strategy for how to get you there.
*BONUS!* This session includes 30 minutes of follow-up support. Schedule and pay here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/coaching-session
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com, a guide designed to help you take the first steps in feeling better, so you can reclaim your power, own your worth, and start putting yourself, and your life, back together again.
About Lora:
Attorney, speaker and Burnout & Betrayal Recovery Coach, Lora Cheadle believes that betrayal uncovers the truth of what’s possible when we stop focusing on what was done to us and start showing up unapologetically for ourselves. She helps women rebuild their identity and self-worth after infidelity so they can reclaim (or find for the very first time) their confidence, clarity, and connection to source and create their own kind of happily ever after.
Get the support you need to find your footing, begin making sense of it all, and feel better fast. As an attorney, betrayal recovery expert, and survivor of infidelity I can help you find the clarity and confidence to create a life that you love on the other side of betrayal. Book Your Session Here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/coaching-session
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT
The most comfortable shoes you will ever wear! Available in seven heel heights, these shoes will keep you comfortably on your feet for 12 hours. Made with cork, many styles are available including heels, wedges, and boots. www.EuropeanHeels.com $25 off with Discount Code Flaunt
Untangle yourself from the past, reclaim your power, and own your worth so you can create a future you love on your own terms. All with a wink and a smile! Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!