Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network

Friday Feb 23, 2024
Friday Feb 23, 2024
How to Love Yourself – Especially After Infidelity
Self-love is not just self-care. Self-love is the ability to be comfortable with yourself and to develop the habit of asking yourself what you need and fulfilling your needs consistently. While you might believe that self-love is optional, or something that you will develop one day when, unless you love yourself, you can’t expect anyone else to love you. Nobody can love you any more than you love yourself. Todays’ episode covers the topics of loving yourself versus loving others, conditional versus unconditional love, and how to give and receive love simultaneously.
This week’s challenge is to name three things you want someone to do for you, and to do them for yourself.
Top take-a-ways:
Discover if you are subconsciously holding yourself apart from love and creating unnecessary pain,
Learn to keep promises you make to yourself so you can stay filled with self-love no matter what happens around you,
Understanding the power of unconditional love for yourself and for others.
Join my Facebook Group, Affair Recovery for Women and get in on the healing action www.facebook.com/groups/affairrecoveryforwomen/
Need Help Now?
Get the understanding, clarity, & support you deserve today!
Schedule your one-hour breakthrough Zoom session with Lora today. Together we will figure out where you are at, what’s blocking you from being where you want to be, and design a clear strategy for how to get you there.
*BONUS!* This session includes 30 minutes of follow-up support. Schedule and pay here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/coaching-session
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com, a guide designed to help you take the first steps in feeling better, so you can reclaim your power, own your worth, and start putting yourself, and your life, back together again.
About Lora:
Attorney, speaker and Burnout & Betrayal Recovery Coach, Lora Cheadle believes that betrayal uncovers the truth of what’s possible when we stop focusing on what was done to us and start showing up unapologetically for ourselves. She helps women rebuild their identity and self-worth after infidelity so they can reclaim (or find for the very first time) their confidence, clarity, and connection to source and create their own kind of happily ever after.
Get the support you need to find your footing, begin making sense of it all, and feel better fast. As an attorney, betrayal recovery expert, and survivor of infidelity I can help you find the clarity and confidence to create a life that you love on the other side of betrayal. Book Your Session Here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/coaching-session
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT
The most comfortable shoes you will ever wear! Available in seven heel heights, these shoes will keep you comfortably on your feet for 12 hours. Made with cork, many styles are available including heels, wedges, and boots. www.EuropeanHeels.com $25 off with Discount Code Flaunt
Untangle yourself from the past, reclaim your power, and own your worth so you can create a future you love on your own terms. All with a wink and a smile! Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Friday Feb 16, 2024
Friday Feb 16, 2024
Understanding Trauma – What it is & Why it Matters
Everybody seems to be talking about trauma and triggers, but what does “being traumatized” or “experiencing a trigger” really mean? Having a bad day, feeling upset or uncomfortable is not trauma. Experiencing something that renders you unable to function the way you previously functioned is.
Trauma is not linear or logical and is stored in the body and brain subconsciously as well as consciously. Working with a coach, counselor, therapist, or member of the clergy who is trained in, and understands trauma is essential if you want to heal! Why? Because even the most loving, kind, talented and caring individual can inadvertently cause harm if they don’t understand trauma.
YES! Both Lora, and today’s guest, Trey Malicoat, are trained in trauma.
Top take-a-ways:
What is trauma, and how does it impact you after infidelity?
What does “healing from trauma” mean and how do you become emotional responsible and create healing?
Knowing the difference between triggers and hurt feelings,
Why working with professionals who understand trauma is essential!
Join my Facebook Group, Affair Recovery for Women and get in on the healing action www.facebook.com/groups/affairrecoveryforwomen/
Need Help Now?
Get the understanding, clarity, & support you deserve today!
Schedule your one-hour breakthrough Zoom session with Lora today. Together we will figure out where you are at, what’s blocking you from being where you want to be, and design a clear strategy for how to get you there.
*BONUS!* This session includes 30 minutes of follow-up support. Schedule and pay here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/coaching-session
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com, a guide designed to help you take the first steps in feeling better, so you can reclaim your power, own your worth, and start putting yourself, and your life, back together again.
About Lora:
Attorney, speaker and Burnout & Betrayal Recovery Coach, Lora Cheadle believes that betrayal uncovers the truth of what’s possible when we stop focusing on what was done to us and start showing up unapologetically for ourselves. She helps women rebuild their identity and self-worth after infidelity so they can reclaim (or find for the very first time) their confidence, clarity, and connection to source and create their own kind of happily ever after.
Get the support you need to find your footing, begin making sense of it all, and feel better fast. As an attorney, betrayal recovery expert, and survivor of infidelity I can help you find the clarity and confidence to create a life that you love on the other side of betrayal. Book Your Session Here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/coaching-session
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT
The most comfortable shoes you will ever wear! Available in seven heel heights, these shoes will keep you comfortably on your feet for 12 hours. Made with cork, many styles are available including heels, wedges, and boots. www.EuropeanHeels.com $25 off with Discount Code Flaunt
Untangle yourself from the past, reclaim your power, and own your worth so you can create a future you love on your own terms. All with a wink and a smile! Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Friday Feb 09, 2024
Friday Feb 09, 2024
Why it’s Okay to Stay with Your Cheating Partner
If your partner cheats, the assumption is you’ll leave. Others trying to support you will often say things like “take him for all he’s worth!” or “make him pay!” Perhaps in the past you’ve even claimed that “if he ever cheats, I’m outta here!” The decision seems so clear – until you’ve been cheated on.
In reality, there’s more drama, emption, and pain to contend with than you ever anticipated, and leaving is not always the right option. Or if it is, now may not be the right time. Here’s what you need to know.
Five Reasons Why it’s OK to Stay:
You need time to “catch up!” How long has your partner been unfaithful? You need at least that amount of time to process what he already knows.
Staying for now doesn’t mean staying forever. Marriage and relationships are complex. Deciding to work it out doesn’t mean you are trapped forever. Give it as much time as you need to figure things out.
Divorce is hard! The average divorce costs between $10,000 and $15,000 if it’s not contested. Family, friends, home, investments, retirement, and everything changes. If you want a divorce, get divorced, but don’t dive in unless you are sure.
Marriages that face infidelity can be stronger and happier than they were before. It takes intention, desire, and a whole lot of work, but this could be the catalyst you need for a fresh start.
Staying can help you get honest about yourself, your needs, and your marriage. Now is the time to look inside, do some deep self-reflection, and assess who you are, what you want, and how you want your marriage to be. There are always trade-offs. Staying, or the idea of staying, can push you to get honest about what you will and won’t tolerate, and what you do and don’t want.
Join my Facebook Group, Affair Recovery for Women and get in on the healing action www.facebook.com/groups/affairrecoveryforwomen/
Need Help Now?
Get the understanding, clarity, & support you deserve today!
Schedule your one-hour breakthrough Zoom session with Lora today. Together we will figure out where you are at, what’s blocking you from being where you want to be, and design a clear strategy for how to get you there.
*BONUS!* This session includes 30 minutes of follow-up support. Schedule and pay here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/coaching-session
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com, a guide designed to help you take the first steps in feeling better, so you can reclaim your power, own your worth, and start putting yourself, and your life, back together again.
About Lora:
Attorney, speaker and Burnout & Betrayal Recovery Coach, Lora Cheadle believes that betrayal uncovers the truth of what’s possible when we stop focusing on what was done to us and start showing up unapologetically for ourselves. She helps women rebuild their identity and self-worth after infidelity so they can reclaim (or find for the very first time) their confidence, clarity, and connection to source and create their own kind of happily ever after.
Get the support you need to find your footing, begin making sense of it all, and feel better fast. As an attorney, betrayal recovery expert, and survivor of infidelity I can help you find the clarity and confidence to create a life that you love on the other side of betrayal. Book Your Session Here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/coaching-session
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT
The most comfortable shoes you will ever wear! Available in seven heel heights, these shoes will keep you comfortably on your feet for 12 hours. Made with cork, many styles are available including heels, wedges, and boots. www.EuropeanHeels.com $25 off with Discount Code Flaunt
Untangle yourself from the past, reclaim your power, and own your worth so you can create a future you love on your own terms. All with a wink and a smile! Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Friday Feb 02, 2024
Friday Feb 02, 2024
Betrayal Uncovers the Truth: A Journey to Truth and Self-Discovery
Betrayal, as painful as it is, can serve as a profound revelation about oneself. Betrayal not only exposes the truth about the person who betrayed us but also unveils deep-seated wounds within us. While betrayal hurts, it doesn't damage our core self. When we delve into the idea that external actions, no matter how hurtful, cannot change the essence of who we are, we heal. For real.
Taking responsibility and control over one's life means moving beyond blaming others and focusing on that which we can control – ourselves and our personal growth and healing. Facing uncomfortable truths, unlearning negative patterns, and embracing a journey of self-worth and integrity is ultimately what empowers us to navigate the aftermath of betrayal.
Top take-a-ways
The Power of Decision: Making the decision to embark on a journey of self-discovery is the first crucial step. It involves acknowledging the need to understand oneself better and committing to the process.
o Key Takeaway: The journey starts with a conscious decision to look within and figure out who you are, instead of focusing on the harm that was done to you.
Navigating the Work: Once the decision is made, the real work begins. Understanding what this work entails and how to stay committed is essential. Internal and external support become valuable tools in navigating this journey.
o Key Takeaway: Stay committed to building up your inner resources, and use external support until you are strong enough to do things on your own.
Questioning Addiction to Pain: Reflect on whether there might be an addiction to pain and drama. Understanding why some individuals avoid addressing issues and choose to live in cycles of pain is essential for growth.
o Key Takeaway: Challenge the addiction to pain and consciously choose a path of healing and self-improvement.
Join my Facebook Group, Affair Recovery for Women and get in on the healing action www.facebook.com/groups/affairrecoveryforwomen/
Need Help Now?
Get the understanding, clarity, & support you deserve today!
Schedule your one-hour breakthrough Zoom session with Lora today. Together we will figure out where you are at, what’s blocking you from being where you want to be, and design a clear strategy for how to get you there.
*BONUS!* This session includes 30 minutes of follow-up support. Schedule and pay here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/coaching-session
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com, a guide designed to help you take the first steps in feeling better, so you can reclaim your power, own your worth, and start putting yourself, and your life, back together again.
About Lora:
Attorney, speaker and Burnout & Betrayal Recovery Coach, Lora Cheadle believes that betrayal uncovers the truth of what’s possible when we stop focusing on what was done to us and start showing up unapologetically for ourselves. She helps women rebuild their identity and self-worth after infidelity so they can reclaim (or find for the very first time) their confidence, clarity, and connection to source and create their own kind of happily ever after.
Get the support you need to find your footing, begin making sense of it all, and feel better fast. As an attorney, betrayal recovery expert, and survivor of infidelity I can help you find the clarity and confidence to create a life that you love on the other side of betrayal. Book Your Session Here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/coaching-session
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT
The most comfortable shoes you will ever wear! Available in seven heel heights, these shoes will keep you comfortably on your feet for 12 hours. Made with cork, many styles are available including heels, wedges, and boots. www.EuropeanHeels.com $25 off with Discount Code Flaunt
Untangle yourself from the past, reclaim your power, and own your worth so you can create a future you love on your own terms. All with a wink and a smile! Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Friday Jan 26, 2024
Friday Jan 26, 2024
My Betrayal Recovery Journey – The One Thing You Need to Heal
Healing from betrayal does not have to be hard. When you are clear about what being on the other side of betrayal looks like, it’s easier to get yourself there – to figure out which steps you need to take and what kind of help you need.
This is the story of my recovery journey, what I did, what made that journey easier and quicker, and what you can do to mend your broken heart, shattered soul, and reclaim yourself.
Top take-a-ways
The power of a clear decision and how deciding what you want, what you will and will not tolerate, and how you want to feel can impact your healing journey for the better.
Why grief and rage are necessary first steps to recovery and why they should be embraced and felt fully.
How choosing yourself and your own growth is the single most important piecr of recovery, not ”fighting for your marriage.”
Join my Facebook Group, Affair Recovery for Women and get in on the healing action www.facebook.com/groups/affairrecoveryforwomen/
Need Help Now?
Get the understanding, clarity, & support you deserve today!
Schedule your one-hour breakthrough Zoom session with Lora today. Together we will figure out where you are at, what’s blocking you from being where you want to be, and design a clear strategy for how to get you there.
*BONUS!* This session includes 30 minutes of follow-up support. Schedule and pay here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/coaching-session
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com, a guide designed to help you take the first steps in feeling better, so you can reclaim your power, own your worth, and start putting yourself, and your life, back together again.
About Lora:
Attorney, speaker and Burnout & Betrayal Recovery Coach, Lora Cheadle believes that betrayal uncovers the truth of what’s possible when we stop focusing on what was done to us and start showing up unapologetically for ourselves. She helps women rebuild their identity and self-worth after infidelity so they can reclaim (or find for the very first time) their confidence, clarity, and connection to source and create their own kind of happily ever after.
Get the support you need to find your footing, begin making sense of it all, and feel better fast. As an attorney, betrayal recovery expert, and survivor of infidelity I can help you find the clarity and confidence to create a life that you love on the other side of betrayal. Book Your Session Here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/coaching-session
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT
The most comfortable shoes you will ever wear! Available in seven heel heights, these shoes will keep you comfortably on your feet for 12 hours. Made with cork, many styles are available including heels, wedges, and boots. www.EuropeanHeels.com $25 off with Discount Code Flaunt
Untangle yourself from the past, reclaim your power, and own your worth so you can create a future you love on your own terms. All with a wink and a smile! Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Friday Jan 19, 2024
Friday Jan 19, 2024
Is “Once a Cheater Always a Cheater” True? – Will He Cheat Again?
Let’s break down the saying, once a cheater, always a cheater. How do you know when is it true and when is it not true? What are the signs that your partner will or will not cheat again? Is there anything you can do to prevent your partner from cheating again? Can people really change? What if they don’t want to change? How would it feel for you to be labeled as the worst thing you had ever done? Let’s talk about all of this and more so you can be the best, healthiest version of yourself even after learning about your partner’s infidelity.
Top take-a-ways
Can the cheater really change, and can you ever trust a cheater again?
What emotional intelligence and the ability to understand, communicate, and advocate for your needs has to do with cheating.
Why cheating is a coping strategy and how to find new strategies that work.
Neruoplasticity and what it takes for change to be permanent.
Join my Facebook Group and Get IN on the Healing Action! https://www.facebook.com/groups/295371218873642/
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com, a guide designed to help you take the first steps in feeling better, so you can reclaim your power, own your worth, and start putting yourself, and your life, back together again.
About Lora:
Attorney, speaker and Burnout & Betrayal Recovery Coach, Lora Cheadle believes that betrayal uncovers the truth of what’s possible when we stop focusing on what was done to us and start showing up unapologetically for ourselves. She helps women rebuild their identity and self-worth after infidelity so they can reclaim (or find for the very first time) their confidence, clarity, and connection to source and create their own kind of happily ever after.
Get the support you need to find your footing, begin making sense of it all, and feel better fast. As an attorney, betrayal recovery expert, and survivor of infidelity I can help you find the clarity and confidence to create a life that you love on the other side of betrayal. Book Your Session Here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/coaching-session
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT
The most comfortable shoes you will ever wear! Available in seven heel heights, these shoes will keep you comfortably on your feet for 12 hours. Made with cork, many styles are available including heels, wedges, and boots. www.EuropeanHeels.com $25 off with Discount Code Flaunt
Untangle yourself from the past, reclaim your power, and own your worth so you can create a future you love on your own terms. All with a wink and a smile! Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Friday Jan 12, 2024
Friday Jan 12, 2024
Understanding Anger After Infidelity – Using Your Anger as a Catalyst for Change
Let’s talk about anger after infidelity and betrayal. How much is too much? When are you wallowing in anger and when are you justifiably angry? What does it mean when you “bash your partner?” Is it possible to be both positive and forward leaning while also being angry? What about the whole concept of “female anger?” What if you don’t know how to be angry because you spent your whole life being a good girl who kept the peace, smiled, and made nice?
Sit down, grab a cup of tea and let’s talk about anger..
Top take-a-ways
What is anger?
Understanding the difference between constructive and destructive anger.
Why anger is one of the most important stages grief
How to process (as opposed to mask, ignore, or vomit) your anger in a way that’s healthy for you and for others.
How getting in touch with your anger can move you out of depression and be the first step in healing.
Tips for processing your anger.
Join my Facebook Group and Get IN on the Healing Action! https://www.facebook.com/groups/295371218873642/
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com, a guide designed to help you take the first steps in feeling better, so you can reclaim your power, own your worth, and start putting yourself, and your life, back together again.
About Lora:
Attorney, speaker and Burnout & Betrayal Recovery Coach, Lora Cheadle believes that betrayal uncovers the truth of what’s possible when we stop focusing on what was done to us and start showing up unapologetically for ourselves. She helps women rebuild their identity and self-worth after infidelity so they can reclaim (or find for the very first time) their confidence, clarity, and connection to source and create their own kind of happily ever after.
Get the support you need to find your footing, begin making sense of it all, and feel better fast. As an attorney, betrayal recovery expert, and survivor of infidelity I can help you find the clarity and confidence to create a life that you love on the other side of betrayal. Book Your Session Here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/coaching-session
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT
The most comfortable shoes you will ever wear! Available in seven heel heights, these shoes will keep you comfortably on your feet for 12 hours. Made with cork, many styles are available including heels, wedges, and boots. www.EuropeanHeels.com $25 off with Discount Code Flaunt
Untangle yourself from the past, reclaim your power, and own your worth so you can create a future you love on your own terms. All with a wink and a smile! Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Friday Jan 05, 2024
Friday Jan 05, 2024
How to Manifest & Create New Year’s Resolutions That Work After Infidelity
(Why Dreaming Big Shuts You Down & How to Manifest Miracles)
Dreaming big is great, but it doesn’t work. When you dream too big, you pinch off what’s available and accessible for you in the moment. It cuts you off from healing, from identifying what’s blocking you right now, and it makes you feel discouraged and incapable. Instead, Learn the three keys to successful manifestation, whether you are manifesting the ability to get through the day without crying or a beautiful new life and relationship
Top take-a-ways
Step One: Focus on What you Want. This includes identifying what’s getting in the way of knowing what you want and wither you need strategy or support to manage that block.
Step Two: Feel How you Want to Feel. Don’t worry if you can’t feel it yet! Nobody can jump from heartbreak to joy in a short period of time. Focus instead on the next highest level. Focus only on what you can feel. Rest, and then find the next highest level.
Step Three: Emit What you Want. Send the frequency of how you feel out to others, strongly enough that they can feel what you feel. This is a tricky on, but it’s where the magic happens! Until you vibrate at the frequency you desire, you won’t attract the life you desire.
WORK WITH ME! Annual 12 Days of Christmas Sale!
For the 12 DAYS before and after Christmas ONLY you can book a one hour, One-on one session with me for $97
Start 2024 strong with a one-hour breakthrough coaching session via Zoom. Together we will get a clear picture of where you are, where you want to be, and create a clear strategy for how to get you there. Schedule and pay here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/12-days-of-christmas-sale
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com, a guide designed to help you take the first steps in feeling better, so you can reclaim your power, own your worth, and start putting yourself, and your life, back together again.
About Lora:
Attorney, speaker and Burnout & Betrayal Recovery Coach, Lora Cheadle believes that betrayal uncovers the truth of what’s possible when we stop focusing on what was done to us and start showing up unapologetically for ourselves. She helps women rebuild their identity and self-worth after infidelity so they can reclaim (or find for the very first time) their confidence, clarity, and connection to source and create their own kind of happily ever after.
Get the support you need to find your footing, begin making sense of it all, and feel better fast. As an attorney, betrayal recovery expert, and survivor of infidelity I can help you find the clarity and confidence to create a life that you love on the other side of betrayal. Book Your Session Here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/coaching-session
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT
The most comfortable shoes you will ever wear! Available in seven heel heights, these shoes will keep you comfortably on your feet for 12 hours. Made with cork, many styles are available including heels, wedges, and boots. www.EuropeanHeels.com $25 off with Discount Code Flaunt
Untangle yourself from the past, reclaim your power, and own your worth so you can create a future you love on your own terms. All with a wink and a smile! Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Friday Dec 29, 2023
Friday Dec 29, 2023
Self-Care As a Way of Life
Sure, self- care is a great way to recover after infidelity or betrayal, but to be your best, to feel good, live fully, and have the energy to connect or take care of others, you must take care of yourself first! Here are ideas on how to do that.
Top take-a-ways
Developing the habit of self-care, feeling good, and asking yourself what you want.
Investing in yourself as a way to stay accountable to your own growth and development.
Tips on sleep, nutrition, vitamins, and wellness for you to try.
Living in alignment with the seasons and how to stay grounded, connected, and feeling good all year. Join me at www.SparkleAllSeason.com and learn how.
WORK WITH ME! Annual 12 Days of Christmas Sale!
For the 12 DAYS before and after Christmas ONLY you can book a one hour, One-on one session with me for $97
Start 2024 strong with a one-hour breakthrough coaching session via Zoom. Together we will get a clear picture of where you are, where you want to be, and create a clear strategy for how to get you there. Schedule and pay here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/12-days-of-christmas-sale
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com, a guide designed to help you take the first steps in feeling better, so you can reclaim your power, own your worth, and start putting yourself, and your life, back together again.
About Lora:
Attorney, speaker and Burnout & Betrayal Recovery Coach, Lora Cheadle believes that betrayal uncovers the truth of what’s possible when we stop focusing on what was done to us and start showing up unapologetically for ourselves. She helps women rebuild their identity and self-worth after infidelity so they can reclaim (or find for the very first time) their confidence, clarity, and connection to source and create their own kind of happily ever after.
Get the support you need to find your footing, begin making sense of it all, and feel better fast. As an attorney, betrayal recovery expert, and survivor of infidelity I can help you find the clarity and confidence to create a life that you love on the other side of betrayal. Book Your Session Here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/coaching-session
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT
The most comfortable shoes you will ever wear! Available in seven heel heights, these shoes will keep you comfortably on your feet for 12 hours. Made with cork, many styles are available including heels, wedges, and boots. www.EuropeanHeels.com $25 off with Discount Code Flaunt
Untangle yourself from the past, reclaim your power, and own your worth so you can create a future you love on your own terms. All with a wink and a smile! Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Friday Dec 22, 2023
Friday Dec 22, 2023
Six Tips to Navigate the Holidays After Betrayal
Are you worried about navigating the holiday season after infidelity or betrayal? These six tips will help you navigate the season with ease, so you can find some joy, connection, and grace despite the stress of changing or uncertain times. BONUS! Metaphysical interpretation of the Christmas story and the Virgin Mary and what you can learn about birthing a blessing from a burden.
Top take-a-ways
Prepare for conversations ahead of time: Having a list of memorized soundbites will help you navigate parties, events, or family questions with confidence.
Privacy vs. Secrecy: Learn how to keep your private situation private without lying, feeling awkward, or excluding family and friends who are trying to help.
Don’t over (or under) do it Strike the perfect balance between tradition, festivity, reflection, and the beginning of a new ear.
Fee your feelings (or not): Find acceptance and peace in whatever you are (or aren’t feeling)
Gratitude & Grace: How focusing on the small steps and giving yourself and others grace for mistakes and uncertainty will keep you peaceful and sane.
Get pretty and SPARKLE!: Never underestimate the power of looking good to make you feel good!
BONUS Christmas Story. How the Virgin Mary’s unintended impregnation (total burden!) coupled with the need to travel to pay taxes, while pregnant, achy, tired, and while there was no room at the inn led to the birthing of a blessing that has rippled through eternity. Learn the meaning of the star, frankincense, gold, and myrrh.
WORK WITH ME! Annual 12 Days of Christmas Sale!
For the 12 DAYS before and after Christmas ONLY you can book a one hour, One-on one session with me for $97
Start 2024 strong with a one-hour breakthrough coaching session via Zoom. Together we will get a clear picture of where you are, where you want to be, and create a clear strategy for how to get you there. Schedule and pay here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/12-days-of-christmas-sale
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com, a guide designed to help you take the first steps in feeling better, so you can reclaim your power, own your worth, and start putting yourself, and your life, back together again.
About Lora:
Attorney, speaker and Burnout & Betrayal Recovery Coach, Lora Cheadle believes that betrayal uncovers the truth of what’s possible when we stop focusing on what was done to us and start showing up unapologetically for ourselves. She helps women rebuild their identity and self-worth after infidelity so they can reclaim (or find for the very first time) their confidence, clarity, and connection to source and create their own kind of happily ever after.
Get the support you need to find your footing, begin making sense of it all, and feel better fast. As an attorney, betrayal recovery expert, and survivor of infidelity I can help you find the clarity and confidence to create a life that you love on the other side of betrayal. Book Your Session Here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule/coaching-session
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Untangle yourself from the past, reclaim your power, and own your worth so you can create a future you love on your own terms. All with a wink and a smile! Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!