Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network

Friday Jul 07, 2023
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Grow Up, Queen! How to Have Difficult ConversationsIn this episode, Lora shares communication strategies for overcoming betrayal and rebuilding relationships. She provides insight about how to move from the archetype of Princess to the archetype of Queen so as ruler of your own Queendom, you can more easily get the outcome you desire. She takes a deep-dive into the nuts and bolts of having difficult conversations, whether those conversations are about finances, divorce, or infidelity.
Top Take-w-ways:
Preparation is key: Collect information and set a mutually agreed-upon time to have a conversation. When you ask for permission and prepare beforehand, you set yourself up for a productive and respectful conversation.
Build in a definitive ending time: It's important to give yourself and the person you are talking to the safety of a pre-arranged ending time. Conversations tend to devolve the longer they go. Give yourselves a break and agree to do something fun together at the conclusion of the conversation.
Don't keep talking about it: When the conversation is done, let it go! Avoid talking about difficult topics outside of the agreed-upon conversation time, as it doesn't create a sense of safety or trust in the relationship.
Remember, being a queen means taking care of yourself and those around you with elegance and grace. Growing up means learning how to do
hard things, such as having difficult conversations in service of creating a stronger bond. Listen to the entire episode to get more insights from the speaker and let us know your thoughts!
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com, a guide designed to help you take the first steps in feeling better, so you can reclaim your power, own your worth, and start putting yourself, and your life, back together again.
About Lora:
Author, speaker and Burnout & Betrayal Recovery Coach, Lora Cheadle help women rebuild their identity and self-worth so they can find the courage to claim what’s possible on the other side of betrayal.
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT

Friday Jun 30, 2023
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Intimate Conversations with Betraying Partner Shawn Cheadle Part 3 What Happened After the Affair?
Special Seven Year Podcast Anniversary Series
Part 1 – What Led to the Affair? Released June 14, 2023
Part 2 – What Happened During the Affair? Released June 21, 2023
Part 3 – What Happened After the Affair? Released June 28, 2023
This interview series with Lora and her husband Shawn – the man who betrayed her – is a raw, vulnerable, and very real conversation about Shawn’s state of mind and understanding of what happened before, during and after his multiple affairs.
These conversations are intended to serve two purposes:
First, to provide an understanding of what goes on in the heart and the mind of someone who cheats, and to shed light on some of confusing and irrational behaviors surrounding affairs, and
Second, to provide you, the betrayed partner, with something to share with the person who cheated on you, to facilitate conversation and bridge some of the gaps in your collective understanding. Especially if you are trying to reconcile or need to amicably coparent with them.
While the circumstance of everyone’s situation is different, surprisingly, there are many similarities. Affairs tend to be born out of pain and an inability to express one’s feelings. Quite often, even though an affair causes more pain, more shame, and more guilt, the cheating partner irrationally believes that cheating is a viable option to lower their pain, and then find themselves stuck in a situation they don’t know how to get out of.
It is our joint intention to step bravely into the truth of our situation. To shine a light on a subject that, while shockingly common, is still judged and stigmatized and to do our part in moving the conversation out of the shadows and into the light. May these shows provide you with more answers and understanding than you had before.
It is important to note that while nothing excuses the choices made by the cheating partner, and the blame for the affairs lies squarely on the one who cheats, it is our hope that these conversations inspire a deeper level of awareness and compassion for the plight of the betraying partner. Not to let them off the hook or to mitigate the damage and pain caused by their actions, but to help you in your journey to forgiveness, by way of understanding and acceptance.
After all, Life is hard, hurt people hurt people, and it is only when we reach out and try to understand another’s perspective are we able to rise above the collective traumas of the past and create a better, healthier world for all.
Part 1 is very raw, emotional, and intense. The angst in Shawn’s voice is reflective of his emotions at the time he first chose to have an affair.
Parts 2 and 3 are clear and powerful as they reflect Shawn’s growth in understanding about his journey.
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com, a guide designed to help you take the first steps in feeling better, so you can reclaim your power, own your worth, and start putting yourself, and your life, back together again.
Get your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide and FREE hypnotic meditation, Embody Yourself when you sign up for my newsletter at www.BetrayalRecoveryCoach.com
About Lora:
Author, speaker and Burnout & Betrayal Recovery Coach, Lora Cheadle help women rebuild their identity and self-worth so they can find the courage to claim what’s possible on the other side of betrayal.
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT

Friday Jun 23, 2023
Friday Jun 23, 2023
Intimate Conversations with Betraying Partner Shawn Cheadle Part 2 What Happened During the Affair?
Special Seven Year Podcast Anniversary Series
Part 1 – What Led to the Affair? Released June 14, 2023
Part 2 – What Happened During the Affair? Released June 21, 2023
Part 3 – What Happened After the Affair? Released June 28, 2023
This interview series with Lora and her husband Shawn – the man who betrayed her – is a raw, vulnerable, and very real conversation about Shawn’s state of mind and understanding of what happened before, during and after his multiple affairs.
These conversations are intended to serve two purposes:
First, to provide an understanding of what goes on in the heart and the mind of someone who cheats, and to shed light on some of confusing and irrational behaviors surrounding affairs, and
Second, to provide you, the betrayed partner, with something to share with the person who cheated on you, to facilitate conversation and bridge some of the gaps in your collective understanding. Especially if you are trying to reconcile or need to amicably coparent with them.
While the circumstance of everyone’s situation is different, surprisingly, there are many similarities. Affairs tend to be born out of pain and an inability to express one’s feelings. Quite often, even though an affair causes more pain, more shame, and more guilt, the cheating partner irrationally believes that cheating is a viable option to lower their pain, and then find themselves stuck in a situation they don’t know how to get out of.
It is our joint intention to step bravely into the truth of our situation. To shine a light on a subject that, while shockingly common, is still judged and stigmatized and to do our part in moving the conversation out of the shadows and into the light. May these shows provide you with more answers and understanding than you had before.
It is important to note that while nothing excuses the choices made by the cheating partner, and the blame for the affairs lies squarely on the one who cheats, it is our hope that these conversations inspire a deeper level of awareness and compassion for the plight of the betraying partner. Not to let them off the hook or to mitigate the damage and pain caused by their actions, but to help you in your journey to forgiveness, by way of understanding and acceptance.
After all, Life is hard, hurt people hurt people, and it is only when we reach out and try to understand another’s perspective are we able to rise above the collective traumas of the past and create a better, healthier world for all.
Part1 is very raw, emotional, and intense. The angst in Shawn’s voice is reflective of his emotions at the time he first chose to have an affair.
Parts 2 and 3 are clear and powerful as they reflect Shawn’s growth in understanding about his journey.
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com, a guide designed to help you take the first steps in feeling better, so you can reclaim your power, own your worth, and start putting yourself, and your life, back together again.
Get your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide and FREE hypnotic meditation, Embody Yourself when you sign up for my newsletter at www.BetrayalRecoveryCoach.com
About Lora:
Author, speaker and Burnout & Betrayal Recovery Coach, Lora Cheadle help women rebuild their identity and self-worth so they can find the courage to claim what’s possible on the other side of betrayal.
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT

Friday Jun 16, 2023
Friday Jun 16, 2023
Intimate Conversations with the Betraying Partner Shawn Cheadle Part 1
Special Seven Year Podcast Anniversary Series
Part 1 – What Led to the Affair? Released June 14, 2023
Part 2 – What Happened During the Affair? Released June 21, 2023
Part 3 – What Happened After the Affair? Released June 28, 2023
This interview series with Lora and her husband Shawn – the man who betrayed her – is a raw, vulnerable, and very real conversation about Shawn’s state of mind and understanding of what happened before, during and after his multiple affairs.
These conversations are intended to serve two purposes:
First, to provide an understanding of what goes on in the heart and the mind of someone who cheats, and to shed light on some of confusing and irrational behaviors surrounding affairs, and
Second, to provide you, the betrayed partner, with something to share with the person who cheated on you, to facilitate conversation and bridge some of the gaps in your collective understanding. Especially if you are trying to reconcile or need to amicably coparent with them.
While the circumstance of everyone’s situation is different, surprisingly, there are many similarities. Affairs tend to be born out of pain and an inability to express one’s feelings. Quite often, even though an affair causes more pain, more shame, and more guilt, the cheating partner irrationally believes that cheating is a viable option to lower their pain, and then find themselves stuck in a situation they don’t know how to get out of.
It is our joint intention to step bravely into the truth of our situation. To shine a light on a subject that, while shockingly common, is still judged and stigmatized and to do our part in moving the conversation out of the shadows and into the light. May these shows provide you with more answers and understanding than you had before.
It is important to note that while nothing excuses the choices made by the cheating partner, and the blame for the affairs lies squarely on the one who cheats, it is our hope that these conversations inspire a deeper level of awareness and compassion for the plight of the betraying partner. Not to let them off the hook or to mitigate the damage and pain caused by their actions, but to help you in your journey to forgiveness, by way of understanding and acceptance.
After all, Life is hard, hurt people hurt people, and it is only when we reach out and try to understand another’s perspective are we able to rise above the collective traumas of the past and create a better, healthier world for all.
Part1 is very raw, emotional, and intense. The angst in Shawn’s voice is reflective of his emotions at the time he first chose to have an affair.
Parts 2 and 3 are clear and powerful as they reflect Shawn’s growth in understanding about his journey.
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com, a guide designed to help you take the first steps in feeling better, so you can reclaim your power, own your worth, and start putting yourself, and your life, back together again.
Get your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide and FREE hypnotic meditation, Embody Yourself when you sign up for my newsletter at www.BetrayalRecoveryCoach.com
About Lora:
Author, speaker and Burnout & Betrayal Recovery Coach, Lora Cheadle help women rebuild their identity and self-worth so they can find the courage to claim what’s possible on the other side of betrayal.
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT

Friday Jun 09, 2023
Friday Jun 09, 2023
Betrayal – It’s Not Just a Personal Problem
Being betrayed sends you into a tailspin of shock, heartbreak, pain, and grief. Worse, it inspires a sense of shame, secrecy, and fear of judgement or blame from others. But the truth is, betrayal is not just a personal problem, it’s a societal one. Not only due to affairs that occur in the workplace, but because those struggling emotionally with the fall out of infidelity are disengaged and ineffective at work. Since 40% of relationships experience infidelity, at any given time the number of employees who are struggling has the potential to be high.
Top take-a-ways:
Why betrayal is a societal and mental health problem, not a personal fault, that is a reflection of the betrayer's issues, not your own.
How being open about your experiences and seeking help is key to no longer feeling like a victim and setting yourself free.
Deconstructing the impact of Infidelity and betrayal in the workplace and what to do to combat the stigma and shame.
It’s time to break down the stigma and shame around betrayal, (of any sort) get honest, and start talking about betrayal and its impact both professionally and personally.
Get your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide and FREE hypnotic meditation, Embody Yourself when you sign up for my newsletter at www.BetrayalRecoveryCoach.com
About Lora:
Author, speaker and Burnout & Betrayal Recovery Coach, Lora Cheadle help women rebuild their identity and self-worth so they can find the courage to claim what’s possible on the other side of betrayal.
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT

Friday Jun 02, 2023
Friday Jun 02, 2023
Self-Defense & Personal Safety After Betrayal – with Chris Natzke
Learn the ABC’s of self-defense and how to keep yourself safe. Whether things have been volatile since learning of your partner’s affair and you fear for your safety, you are concerned about navigating the dating world and meeting new people, or you just want to feel more confident, empowered, and less like a victim in your everyday life, then this is the show for you! Additionally, we have a BONUS self-defense video where Chris walks you through three basic self-defense strategies.
Top take-a-ways:
Understanding and managing the adrenal response in scary or potentially scary situations.
How to use your voice, awareness, and intuition to establish boundaries and keep yourself safe.
A basic, 1,2,3 sequence of combative self-defense moves that anyone can learn.
The importance of mindset and energy in personal safety.
Get your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide and FREE hypnotic meditation, Embody Yourself when you sign up for my newsletter at www.BetrayalRecoveryCoach.com
About Lora:
Author, speaker and Burnout & Betrayal Recovery Coach, Lora Cheadle help women rebuild their identity and self-worth so they can find the courage to claim what’s possible on the other side of betrayal.
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT

Friday May 26, 2023
Friday May 26, 2023
Bridging the Gap Between Heartbreak & Healing – with Lee Harris
Infidelity and betrayal leave you heartbroken, shattered, and wondering if you will ever be healed, happy, or whole again. This show takes you beyond healing and catapults you into a vision for what’s possible when you embrace next-level, multidimensional healing. In it, we will explore channeling, spirituality, and the empath/narcissist relationship dynamic so you can find the clarity, peace, and progress you deserve and desire.
Top take-a-ways:
Grief as “the great transformer” and how dark nights of the soul can inspire you to work through the layers of human wounding and find healing, boundaries, and personal power.
The power of the heart, and why heartbreak does not actually come from the heart, which lives in the present, but the head, which is replaying stories from the past.
How to trust yourself, spirit, and intuition again after you have been betrayed by others and understanding the process of spirituality so you can open yourself up to the possibility of what’s possible on the other side of betrayal.
Understanding “the abandoned self” and how to differentiate between unhealthy power and power that is rounded, grounded, and kind so you can find and create satisfying relationships.
FREE BONUS! Get a free healing practice that helps you to get everything that is not yours out of your body, so you can be free to embody yourself as you are. FREE when you sign up for my newsletter at www.BetrayalRecoveryCoach.com
About Lee:
Lee Harris is the author of Awaken Your Multidimensional Soul, which is the second book in his Conversations with the Z’s series, and Energy Speaks. A gifted energy intuitive and channeler, he leads a vibrant online community that reaches 1 million people every month. His acclaimed online events, members community The Portal, and top 50 spirituality podcast Impact the World are adventures into the deepest aspects of living, loving, and awakening. Lee is also an accomplished music producer and singer-songwriter whose acclaimed albums have charted as high as No. 1 on the iTunes and Amazon New Age charts. For more information visit http://www.LeeHarrisEnergy.com.
Join Lee Harris on June 14-26 for Soul Magic, an immersive journey online where channeled messages are integrated with the transcendent music of composer Davor Bozic to create a rare transformative collaboration - channeled teachings and customized musical performances. The music, created in real time in direct response to the teaching, is tuned to 528 Hz, the Love Frequency, to deepen the experience, promote healing and expand our consciousness.
This online experience includes 7 sessions, each lasting about 60-90 minutes, from June 14th - 26th. This will include live broadcasts from Lee, unique sessions with Lee & Davor creating magic in the room together, audience Q&A with Lee and an exclusive live performance from Grammy-nominated music mantra artists Deva Premal & Miten. www.LeeHarrisEnergy.com
Get your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide and FREE hypnotic meditation, Embody Yourself when you sign up for my newsletter at www.BetrayalRecoveryCoach.com
About Lora:
Author, speaker and Burnout & Betrayal Recovery Coach, Lora Cheadle help women rebuild their identity and self-worth so they can find the courage to claim what’s possible on the other side of betrayal.
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT

Friday May 19, 2023
Friday May 19, 2023
How Being Broken Sets You Free to Define Yourself & Embody Who You Are
Infidelity and betrayal shatter your soul and leave you feeling broken, empty, and confused. But what if this shattering was an opportunity for the pain, toxicity, and everything that is not yours to escape your body? What if it was an opportunity for us to define who we were, and to come home to ourselves as we most authentically are? This show will shift your heart and your mind and will set you free from the pain, drama, and ruination of your partner’s affair so you can be free to live life your way.
FREE BONUS! Get a free healing practice that helps you to get everything that is not yours out of your body, so you can be free to embody yourself as you are. FREE when you sign up for my newsletter at www.BetrayalRecoveryCoach.com
Top take-a-ways:
How do you come home to yourself when you don’t know who you are? Learn to define yourself authentically.
Why a dark night of the soul is often the precursor to transformation and how to use your feelings of being broken as a bridge to grounded presence.
The power of losing yourself so you can find yourself anew.
How to be free from whatever it is that’s holding you back, so you can be free to do whatever is you most desperately want to do!
Get your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide and FREE hypnotic meditation, Embody Yourself when you sign up for my newsletter at www.BetrayalRecoveryCoach.com
About Lora:
Author, speaker and Burnout & Betrayal Recovery Coach, Lora Cheadle help women rebuild their identity and self-worth so they can find the courage to claim what’s possible on the other side of betrayal.
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT

Friday May 12, 2023
Friday May 12, 2023
What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do
Nobody can be prepared for the unexpected, and betrayal is typically unexpected. Discovering your partner’s infidelity leaves you with a multitude of decisions that you suddenly have to make, even when you are unprepared. Here’s a 5-step process that you can follow whenever you feel stuck and don’t know what to do next.
Top take-a-ways:
Using the 5-step FLAUNT! process to figure out your most immediate next steps – even when you feel completely at a loss.
The power of curiosity, trying new things, and doing what you have never done before, in order to get what you have never gotten before.
How to not get caught up in the idea of “doing it right” or “doing it wrong” and to instead be in the ever-changing present moment.
About Lora:
Author, speaker and Burnout & Betrayal Recovery Coach, Lora Cheadle help women rebuild their identity and self-worth so they can find the courage to claim what’s possible on the other side of betrayal.
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT

Friday May 05, 2023
Friday May 05, 2023
Guilt, Shame & Empowerment After Your Partner’s Affair
Why do I feel guilty, like I somehow caused my partner’s affair? This question is one of the most perplexing aspects of betrayal recovery. While the answer is NO, you did not cause your partner’s affair, EVER, it’s also appropriate to be able to self-reflect on the relationship, realize what you know now that you didn’t know then, see where you can do better going forward, and take steps to get healthy and clean up your side of the street. So that going forward, you are clear, strong, empowered, and confident enough to manage any situation with grace.
Top take-a-ways:
The rush of clarity and empowerment that comes from owning your so-called mistakes, and choosing to heal and grow so you can live differently and make healthier choices going forward.
A guided practice to release yourself from any guilt that you may feel for things you did that contributed to the break-down of the relationship.
Why your partner is minimizing the affair, refusing to take responsibility for his actions, and is blaming you for his choices.
About Lora:
Author, speaker and Burnout & Betrayal Recovery Coach, Lora Cheadle help women rebuild their identity and self-worth so they can find the courage to claim what’s possible on the other side of betrayal.
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.BetrayalRecoveryGuide.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this podcast! Take charge of your mental health and get 10% off your first month of therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/FLAUNT