Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network

Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Healing From Within with Sheryl Glick
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within Interviews Rev. Constance McClain author of Mindful Paths: Steps Towards a Living Spirituality which is based on a course entitled Spiritual Health that Rev. Constance McClain developed for using in a classroom setting that has been available for over ten years now. It is a key component in an accredited degree program on Holistic Health. As Listeners of “Healing From Within” are well aware Sheryl and her guests share intimate experiences and stories in an advanced metaphysical search to discover who we are. why we are experiencing this physical life, and how we may merge our energetic intuitive soul wisdom with our ego based reality for a productive happy and healthy life journey. It is we find in the knowing that we are spiritual beings having a physical life that we begin to understand the energy aspects of our thinking health and how we create with our thoughts our own reality for better or worse. As it is said, “We are the masters of our journey.” www.mindfulpaths.com
Learn more about Sheryl here: http://www.sherylglick.com/

Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Healing From Within with Sheryl Glick
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within Interviews Mina Samuels author of Run Like a Girl 365 Days a Year advocating an authentic life that embraces the mess, the complexity and the contradictions: a life where personal transformation comes from within. Mina Samuels will share with us the quickest path to authenticity, knowing who we are and then embracing our strengths while forgiving our failures. We will discover that having a friend to remind us that transformation is an ongoing process with no finish line in sight, and an unlimited potential within us that seeks to reach out into the world help us make connections that enrich our lives. www.minasamuels.com/
Learn more about Sheryl here: http://www.sherylglick.com/

Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Healing From Within with Sheryl Glick
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within Interviews Jonathan Robinson author of his new book MORE LOVE Less Conflict who will help you recognize the stress in your relationships and suggest simple easy communication skills that can set things right. Jonathan Robinson psychologist and author of 12 books has made numerous appearance on the Oprah show and has articles in USA today Newsweek and The Los Angeles Times and co-hosts the podcast “Awareness Explorers” states that everyone really wants care, understanding and empathy, in their relationship, however, the Four Culprits or the Four Horseman of the Relationship Apocalypse..Denigration Denial Dismissal and Distraction separate us from having the best interaction with our partners and indeed all people. We will discover some of the 30 simple easy to implement practical communication strategies to dissipate the tension create more connection and ramp up the love even suggesting ways to get resistant partners to participate. www.jonathanrobinson.com
Learn more about Sheryl here: http://www.sherylglick.com/

Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Healing From Within with Sheryl Glick
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within Interviews Katherine Jegede author of Infinite Possibility: How To Use The ideas of Neville Goddard to Create The Life You Want. Katherine Jegede has searched for and found ways to rethink and change old beliefs and offered her opportunities to develop strength and fortitude, important qualities for being resilient and for understanding life in its multidimensional aspects. Katherine shares with us her unique and interesting background as a British television presenter and author with a background in science. She was first introduced to metaphysics as a teenager by her mother, a former yoga teacher and educational specialist. Katherine developed a penetrating and enduring fondness for the self-empowering teachings of Neville Goddard, a philosopher and metaphysician, and she remains just as steadfastly devoted to spreading his message today. Katherine moved to Switzerland where she developed educational resources for rural communities in Sub-Saharan Africa. www.katherinejegede.com
Learn more about Sheryl here: http://www.sherylglick.com/

Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Healing From Within with Sheryl Glick
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within Interviews Patricia Hammond–Gonzalez author of The Ultimate Experience a personal non-fictional tale applying spiritual concepts from A Course in Miracles and practical experience, that await students who dare to walk a path of forgiveness acceptance and a surrender to the Universal Plan for our enlightenment and personal development. Patricia born in Spirit Lake, Idaho the third of four daughters, has lived in London and Spain and offers her thoughts on what it means to be a spiritual traveler who excels in living life with gusto and faith. She shows us how “A Course in Miracles” contributed to expanding her mind heart and soul to the higher realms of Universal Energy and brought purpose and meaning as well as a clearer view of how to merge physical and spiritual life tenants for achieving our greatest potential. http://undoingjoey.com
Learn more about Sheryl here: http://www.sherylglick.com/

Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Healing From Within with Sheryl Glick
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within Interviews Deirdre Hade author of The (not so) Little Book of Surprises known as the Mystic of Montecito who will share much needed awareness and tools for weathering the storms of this Age of Surprise. Deirdre shares her feeling that we are now at the greatest Doorway that Humanity has ever entered and where the unexpected has now become expected more often than not. Where does that leave each of us, our communities and world? We explore the storms physically and emotionally that have come to Texas Florida Puerto Rico and so on and the fires in California which burned literally right up to the hedges of Deirdre’s home in the hills of Montecito. Why is America and the world experiencing such rapid and traumatic physical political and societal upheavals? Can we not only survive but benefit from the changes and reach a higher state of consciousness and love for living? Let us explore tools to navigate these events and coming challenges with resilience and trust in a bigger plan to all that is happening.
Learn more about Sheryl here: http://www.sherylglick.com/

Friday Jun 05, 2020
Healing From Within with Sheryl Glick
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within Interviews Theresa Cheung author of 21 Rituals to Ignite Your Intuition. Theresa who was born into a family of psychics and spiritualists went to Kings College, Cambridge University graduating with a masters in theology and English and is the author of numerous bestselling mind body spirit books will share today how to think about Intuition from the simple way a mother may have a feeling about her child’s needs to how we gather information about the best plan of action from a gut feeling which have often proven to yield better results in decision making than logic. We will discover how like optimism; intuition can be cultivated.
Learn more about Sheryl here: http://www.sherylglick.com/

Friday Jun 05, 2020
Healing From Within with Sheryl Glick
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within Interviews Martin Rutte to discuss his book and movement Heaven on Earth: what it means? and why so many of us think about ways to improve ourselves the human condition and our world. It seems to be a need or calling from the soul of life. We explore the three simple questions that will help you change yourself, the world and easily provides a simple blueprint for you to discover what Heaven on Earth is for you and what simple easy concrete steps you can make in the next 24 hours to begin making Heaven on Earth real. Martin Rutte is the co-author of the New York Times business best seller Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work. He is president of Livelihood a management consulting firm in Santa Fe New Mexico and works with world corporations and addressed the Corporate Leadership and Ethics Forum of Harvard Business School.
Learn more about Sheryl here: http://www.sherylglick.com/

Friday May 29, 2020
Healing From Within with Sheryl Glick
Friday May 29, 2020
Friday May 29, 2020
Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within Interviews Diane Hartingh Price who with Susan McCullum co-authored Write Your Stress Away an outstanding book offering readers mindful exercises that not only reduce stress heal illness, but create a life style that is ultimately meaningful. Diane and Susan tell us how they met and decided to write Write Your Stress Away and how writing helped them both address serious health issues faced early on? Our story begins with our friendship for a shared passion for writing health and well being. Fast forward twenty years. Within the same year, we were each diagnosed with a life-threatening disease, Sue with Type 1 diabetes and Diane with breast cancer. In that moment life changed drastically for both of us. Our paths took us in different directions, we both relied on writing to get through the ups and downs of life, including the stress associated with facing acute and chronic illnesses. When we finally shared our experiences, we were struck by how writing had been our lifeline on each of our healing journeys.
Learn more about Sheryl here: http://www.sherylglick.com/

Friday May 29, 2020
Healing From Within with Sheryl Glick
Friday May 29, 2020
Friday May 29, 2020
Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within Interviews Kurt Koontz author of Practice and a former guest of this show to describe his open hearted life journey to discover and advanced yoga practice in India quite different than his experiences previously Kurt explores the beauty and age old wisdom of the Himalayas and the sacred Ganges River and strives to expand his own wisdom and compassion in this adventuresome and life changing experience. Kurt, an outdoor adventurer may not have been wholly guided by Spirit when he first began to explore yoga, however, when he found himself in Rishkikesh India known to many as the “Yoga Capital of the World,” Kurt was able to explore the visual cultural richness of the land and he developed a “Practice” that appealed not just to yogis and travelers, but to all adventurers who strive to expand their consciousness and love of life. https://www.kurtkoontz.com
Learn more about Sheryl here: http://www.sherylglick.com/