Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network

Friday Sep 30, 2022
Healing From Within with Sheryl Glick
Friday Sep 30, 2022
Friday Sep 30, 2022
Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within Interviews Stase Michaels author of A Little Bit of Dreams and Nightmares to help us explore the world of our subconscious mind or that which connects to the metaphysical realms of life beyond the physical. Stase who has three degrees in psychology and has written eight dream books offers a new potential in problem solving and suggests medical researchers’, scientists, and inventors, can harness the power of dream as a source of practical insights for sought after breakthroughs. Dreams, like everyday events, can teach us more about how to love learn and seek answers to age old questions. Today Stase shares how dreams and yes, nightmares, offer us a way to learn more about ourselves our relationships and lead to healing many fears and past traumas. https://interpretadream.com/
Learn more about Sheryl here: http://www.sherylglick.com/

Friday Sep 23, 2022
Healing From Within with Sheryl Glick
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within Interviews Michael Ellegion author of Prepare for Their Landing sharing his experiences with extraterrestrials over the course of his life and Intergalactic Match.com the transformational journey he experienced when he was first reunited with Celeste his own Divine Other-Half, a higher dimensional Immortal Intergalactic Goddess dedicated to restoring Heaven on Earth and the Golden Age. Michael having both a UFO researcher as well as “Experiencer/contactee from his first book Prepare for the Landings: Are You Ready?” where he documented and exposed how the vast majority of beings visiting Earth are divinely intervening to help Earth’ s humanity. We will discuss NASA STAR PEOPLE their characteristics and how and when large groups were born. Michael discusses much about the unseen world of benevolent human appearing ET’s which have been the majority of beings visiting earth rather than focusing on the negative greys and reptilian beings and the abductions of humans. https://intergalacticmatch.com/
Learn more about Sheryl here: http://www.sherylglick.com/

Friday Sep 23, 2022
Healing From Within with Sheryl Glick
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within Interviews Wendy Darling author of Create Your Miraculous Life which is a manual for reinvention of purpose and desire through the tools to reset your passion, focus, energy and mindset on the life that has eluded you. Once you remember who you are your dreams and intentions begin to unfold. Wendy will share he belief that It is never to late to recover the dreams and passions you have set aside to find the purposeful path, have the relationship you want, start a family, even find love again in later life, regardless of the reason age, money, family commitments, marriage breakdown, exhaustion, health, past failure, lack of education. There is help with and around you to ignite the pilot lights of individuals, couples and companies. www.wendydarling.com
Learn more about Sheryl here: http://www.sherylglick.com/

Saturday Sep 10, 2022
Healing From Within with Sheryl Glick
Saturday Sep 10, 2022
Saturday Sep 10, 2022
Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within Interviews Dr. Christopher Macklin author of Centering the Mind a powerful health practitioner from England who utilizes Divine Healing techniques to help people recover from all types of illness both spiritual and physical. Dr. Christopher will share his impressive healing story from being a highly aware psychic child to a successful aviation industry engineer to a series of financial difficulties and the world as he knew it turned upside down. He promised God that he would use his healing abilities to serve humanity and he surrendered the rest to God. And so started his devotion to Divine Healing methods and helping many. We will discuss raising your immune system re-balancing the brain through centering the mind dissolving the enigma of Healing discuss Covid and the vaccine agenda and the long- term effects of this pandemic and the effects on the health of the general public. Dr. Macklin shares his amazing life journey and ways to understand true healing which combines mind body and spirit unity balance and the centering of the mind.
Learn more about Sheryl here: http://www.sherylglick.com/

Saturday Sep 10, 2022
Healing From Within with Sheryl Glick
Saturday Sep 10, 2022
Saturday Sep 10, 2022
Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within Interviews Courtney Marchesani author of Four Gifts of the Highly Sensitive offering many ways and practices to embrace the science of sensitivity, heal anxiety and relationships, and connect deeply with your world. Courtney will explore how sensitivity shapes who we are and supports us in life. An Integrative health coach she demystifies the science of sensitivity to help us maximize our unique gifts of empathy intuition vision and expression. Highly sensitive people (HSP) experience and perceive the world differently with and using her Mind-Body Method which shares coping skills to manage the onslaught of intense emotions and sensations sensitives are often challenges with as the four gifts of sensitivity are so tightly interwoven with an individuals central nervous system causing them to respond to the environment differently from other sensitives and individuals. She also discusses stress reduction techniques including breath work aromatherapy sleep remedies and the ancient art of Ayurveda. https://inspiredpotentials.com/
Learn more about Sheryl here: http://www.sherylglick.com/

Friday Aug 26, 2022
Healing From Within with Sheryl Glick
Friday Aug 26, 2022
Friday Aug 26, 2022
Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within Interviews Cyndi Dale author of Energy Healing for Trauma Stress and Chronic Illness who will share with us that most illness is a result of thought based fears and intentions and if we change that we can heal and manifest our best reality. Cyndi Dale who is the author of 28 books on energy medicine intuition, and spirituality, will share an understanding of trauma and stress and why it is so important to consider the subtle inner causes of trauma rather than only the physical causes. We will discuss the energy of disease and how fear and our thought processes encourage illness to thrive and then suggest how to make changes that can heal illness and these same fearful limitations. https://cyndidale.com
Learn more about Sheryl here: http://www.sherylglick.com/

Friday Aug 26, 2022
Healing From Within with Sheryl Glick
Friday Aug 26, 2022
Friday Aug 26, 2022
Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within Interviews Julia Paulette Hollenbery author of The Healing Power of Pleasure which shares her lifelong love of the mystery and reality of sensual relationship and the life of the body as it informs each soul to merge their mind and body for optimum satisfaction during this life journey Julia Paulette Hollenbery works as a bodyworker therapist mystic healer and facilitator. Julia Paulette author of The Healing Power of Pleasure combines scientific fact with ancient spirituality, insight humor and poetry to reawaken your body, realize the dept and web of relationships within which we live and embrace the pleasure power and potency that arise when we look inward as well as confidently relate outward with the world around us. Julia shares her step by step journey and techniques to function and grow through a sensual journey of healing and transformation. http://universeofdeliciousness.com
Learn more about Sheryl here: http://www.sherylglick.com/

Friday Jul 29, 2022
Healing From Within with Sheryl Glick
Friday Jul 29, 2022
Friday Jul 29, 2022
Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within Interviews Les Jensen to discuss his new book Citizen King The New Age of Power which shares a story to help us embrace the bold ideas of heart and soul and trust that there is a way for them to manifest. Les Jensen is a former guest of Healing From Within and author of Forgiven Sinner: God’s Last Savior. Les who has worked in the broadcast television market for 30 years and is an author inspirational speaker radio host and energy master teacher who will share ideas on how to find meaning fulfillment joy and purpose in life offering a view on how to act as your own “Citizen King” to live an exceptional life in your own authentic kingdom created by your heart and soul intention and creation. https://www.lesjensen.com
Learn more about Sheryl here: http://www.sherylglick.com/

Friday Jul 22, 2022
Healing From Within with Sheryl Glick
Friday Jul 22, 2022
Friday Jul 22, 2022
Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within Interviews Matthew McKay a clinical psychologist and author of his newest book The Luminous Landscape of the Afterlife as he shares the channeled journey of his son’s travel across time and space as he shows us what really happens as we transition from a physical life to a spiritual energetic experience. Matthew specifically descries the transition experience of his son Jordan who has channeled to his father the early stages of the afterlife he experienced as he passed from this life to Spirit and shows how death is a realm of imagination and thoughts and intentions creating a luminous landscape entirely of consciousness. This wisdom provides profound relief from the fear of death, as well as exercises to learn how to communicate in spirit. We will discover the unbreakable bond between the living and dead and the love that remains forever. http://www.mathewmckay.com
Learn more about Sheryl here: http://www.sherylglick.com/

Friday Jul 22, 2022
Healing From Within with Sheryl Glick
Friday Jul 22, 2022
Friday Jul 22, 2022
Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within Interviews Kerri Hummingbird author of Love is Fierce: Healing the Mother Wound which shows us the state of our world now has been touched by the suffering of women many whom have developed victim mentalities which result in their being unable to love fully, often neglecting loved ones and even competing with their children for control and attention. Kerri guides women to courageously reclaim their power, wisdom and voice by healing the Mother Wound so they can help mend the sacred hoop of humanity. Women throughout the ages due to the patriarchal, religious systems, have often been seen as second class citizens and remain so in some undeveloped cultures still existing in this world. It will be in recognizing the equality of all human beings as sensitive souls with divine potential and not separating or segregating anyone due to gender, religion, race, class or disability, that we will improve our selves and the world as it was always meant to be by the universal creative source, will resonate with true love and compassion for all. There will be no division politically, religiously, socially, we will appreciate people as they are.
Learn more about Sheryl here: http://www.sherylglick.com/