Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network
Friday Jan 27, 2023
Healing Times Radio with Dr Emmett Miller: Healing Medicine
Friday Jan 27, 2023
Friday Jan 27, 2023
The Healing Medicine of Mind, Body, Emotion, and Spirit
“My 50 years of experience as a physician studying the holistic approach to medicine and healing, have convinced me that our medical system is not focused on healing our bodies, minds, emotions, and behaviors. Instead, its primary focus is to charge the highest possible prices for delivering symptomatic relief. (Note: I am speaking of the system, not the doctors). Its goal is to treat the symptoms of our illnesses, not the source of our illnesses.”
― Emmett Miller, MD
Find Dr. Miller here: www.drmiller.com
Friday Nov 18, 2022
Friday Nov 18, 2022
Staying Positive In A World Of Toxic Negativity
“My 50 years of experience as a physician studying the holistic approach to medicine and healing, have convinced me that our medical system is not focused on healing our bodies, minds, emotions, and behaviors. Instead, its primary focus is to charge the highest possible prices for delivering symptomatic relief. (Note: I am speaking of the system, not the doctors). Its goal is to treat the symptoms of our illnesses, not the source of our illnesses.”
― Emmett Miller, MD
Find Dr. Miller here: www.drmiller.com
Friday Oct 07, 2022
Healing Times Radio with Dr. Emmett Miller: Guided Imagery Meditations
Friday Oct 07, 2022
Friday Oct 07, 2022
Guided Imagery Meditations for Individual Healing and Global Transformation
This highly experiential presentation focuses on applying New Paradigm thinking most effectively through Wisdom Accessing, Mental Image Rehearsal, Deep Meditation, and (Deeper) Self-Affirmation. You will learn a series of Guided Imagery Meditations designed to accelerate your ability to use New Paradigm thinking to transform your health, your happiness, and your life.
In our experiences thus far, we have explored how:
Our happiness has been hijacked because we have been taught that more will make us happier
Our prosperity has been hijacked by those that have taught us that debt is the way to wealth
Our health has been hijacked by a “health care” system that does not serve our wellness but profits from our sickness
Our patriotism has been hijacked by fear-mongering and propaganda of the most feculent variety
...and our thinking has been hijacked by media filters that lead us to see only according to the either/or paradigm. We have seen how most of our personal illnesses, habits, emotions, and failures are the result of our having been incessantly programmed to view the world through a particular algorithmic filter that we’ve been calling the Old Paradigm. We have also seen how applying this same paradigm has severely degraded our communities, nation, and world.
The Old Paradigm is built on reductionism, analysis, fragmentation, prejudice, comparison, criticism, and other divisive activities common to violence and aggression.
On the other hand, we have seen and experienced how the New Paradigm I have offered adds crucial balancing elements including Love (with a Capital L), holism, acceptance, respect, and integration. I offered the opinion that in many essential ways, Love, Life, and Healing are all expressions of the same fundamental merge urge to merge, and create wholeness, happiness, joy, success, and positive evolution.
After so many years, we have been programmed to expect people to see the world in this Old Paradigm way. Unfortunately, we too, have been infected with the virus that leads to our losing the state of pure joy of the newborn infant. Instead, we have been converted into the frightened, self-conscious, unloving, and unhealthy people we have become in so many ways.
We have seen how the Internet, and especially social media, has amplified this through the echo chambers that produce the vicious circle of a feedback loop that is destroying the health of our families, our democracy, and even the world.
I will present a series of meditations designed to empower you to shed the false skins of the past, quiet the monkey mind through centering, awaken the true you, and to access the wisdom and spiritual guidance available through the higher levels of your mind. Be ready to experience profound relaxation, peace, and inspiration.
Our goals are to overthrow our “learned helplessness,” decondition negative states of mind and emotion, bring peace to ourselves within and awaken a wise, compassionate inner leader for ourselves and the world.
“My 50 years of experience as a physician studying the holistic approach to medicine and healing, have convinced me that our medical system is not focused on healing our bodies, minds, emotions, and behaviors. Instead, its primary focus is to charge the highest possible prices for delivering symptomatic relief. (Note: I am speaking of the system, not the doctors). Its goal is to treat the symptoms of our illnesses, not the source of our illnesses.”
― Emmett Miller, MD
Find Dr. Miller here: www.drmiller.com
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Healing Times Radio with Dr Emmett Miller: New Paradigm Thinking – Part 2
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Friday Sep 23, 2022
New Paradigm Thinking – Part 2
Why?” I asked myself as a high school student are we, a brilliant race of beings, screwing up so badly? It has taken a lifetime of research and practice to find an answer and a remedy. And, remarkably, the way to heal our personal illnesses and dysfunctions works at the collective level and is the most effective way I have found to transform the whole system
In this presentation, we will review
The story of Love as the essence of Life and Healing
The role of the Dark Force at the core of our illness and dysfunction
The New Paradigm that goes beyond the Analytic/Either-Or thinking to include Integrative, Both-And thinking
Then we will examine the way modern technology has found a way to enslave our unconscious minds with mass hypnosis to create Learned Helplessness, Polarity, and addictive dependency.
“My 50 years of experience as a physician studying the holistic approach to medicine and healing, have convinced me that our medical system is not focused on healing our bodies, minds, emotions, and behaviors. Instead, its primary focus is to charge the highest possible prices for delivering symptomatic relief. (Note: I am speaking of the system, not the doctors). Its goal is to treat the symptoms of our illnesses, not the source of our illnesses.”
― Emmett Miller, MD
Find Dr. Miller here: www.drmiller.com
Saturday Sep 10, 2022
Healing Times Radio with Dr Emmett Miller: New Paradigm Thinking Part 1
Saturday Sep 10, 2022
Saturday Sep 10, 2022
New Paradigm Thinking Part 1 How to Upgrade Your Mental Software & Defeat the Media Propaganda that has Hijacked Our Lives
“My 50 years of experience as a physician studying the holistic approach to medicine and healing, have convinced me that our medical system is not focused on healing our bodies, minds, emotions, and behaviors. Instead, its primary focus is to charge the highest possible prices for delivering symptomatic relief. (Note: I am speaking of the system, not the doctors). Its goal is to treat the symptoms of our illnesses, not the source of our illnesses.”
― Emmett Miller, MD
Find Dr. Miller here: www.drmiller.com
Friday Aug 05, 2022
Healing Times Radio with Dr Emmett Miller
Friday Aug 05, 2022
Friday Aug 05, 2022
Deep Relaxation, Guided Imagery, and Self-Healing: How to Make Them Work for You
Healing is the process by which we become more whole, more complete, better functioning at all levels. We recognize physical healing when bleeding stops, a wound closes, or pain goes away. But true healing includes wholeness at the mental, emotional, and behavioral level as well . . . and also at the social level.
Emotional signs that healing is needed are anxiety, fear, frustration, anger, resentment, and so forth. And most of us have too many negative feelings, even though we usually hide them from ourselves. But this works only temporarily and in time the internal stress from carrying them around in this hidden form tends to produce physical disease. Soon we see headaches, high blood pressure, cancer, allergies, infections, and so forth. And when we get sick from something else, such as flu or COVID our healing is slowed down or completely blocked.
Untreated emotional stress is also at the basis of our bad habits, addictions (alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, etc.), poor decisions, and failure. And all types of stress lead to the shortening of telomeres and shorten your life.
In this presentation, you will learn scientifically, why this all happens, and you will learn, experientially, how you can use deep relaxation, Self-awareness, guided imagery, and mental image rehearsal to go beyond symptomatic relief to Deep Healing.
You will be introduced to your subconscious mind and learn how to work in harmony with it, and get it to support your true goals in life.
“My 50 years of experience as a physician studying the holistic approach to medicine and healing, have convinced me that our medical system is not focused on healing our bodies, minds, emotions, and behaviors. Instead, its primary focus is to charge the highest possible prices for delivering symptomatic relief. (Note: I am speaking of the system, not the doctors). Its goal is to treat the symptoms of our illnesses, not the source of our illnesses.”
― Emmett Miller, MD
Find Dr. Miller here: www.drmiller.com
Friday Jul 22, 2022
Healing Times Radio with Dr Emmett Miller
Friday Jul 22, 2022
Friday Jul 22, 2022
How to Heal Your Physical Body with Mindfulness and Guided Imagery Meditation
In this fascinating and eminently useful session, you will discover how to apply the powerful Mind Tools Dr. Miller has developed during his 50 years of research and clinical application. You will learn to guide your “monkey mind” and your “reptilian” system to initiate and speed up recovery from illness, and to work in concert with and augment other medical interventions like antibiotics and surgery, among others.
We will focus on exactly how to use these powerful Mind Tools to deal specifically with the physical healing of the body. You will learn powerful image techniques for dealing with diseases of muscle tension including headaches, high blood pressure, asthma, backache, IBS, and other digestive problems.
“My 50 years of experience as a physician studying the holistic approach to medicine and healing, have convinced me that our medical system is not focused on healing our bodies, minds, emotions, and behaviors. Instead, its primary focus is to charge the highest possible prices for delivering symptomatic relief. (Note: I am speaking of the system, not the doctors). Its goal is to treat the symptoms of our illnesses, not the source of our illnesses.”
― Emmett Miller, MD
Find Dr. Miller here: www.drmiller.com
Friday Jul 08, 2022
Healing Times Radio with Dr Emmett Miller
Friday Jul 08, 2022
Friday Jul 08, 2022
Treating the Source, Not the Symptoms: Training Your Monkey Mind and Healing Your Self
“My 50 years of experience as a physician studying the holistic approach to medicine and healing, have convinced me that our medical system is not focused on healing our bodies, minds, emotions, and behaviors. Instead, its primary focus is to charge the highest possible prices for delivering symptomatic relief. (Note: I am speaking of the system, not the doctors). Its goal is to treat the symptoms of our illnesses, not the source of our illnesses.”
― Emmett Miller, MD
In his clinical practice, Dr. Miller has focused on discovering the source of our illnesses and dysfunctions and how to heal them. In this presentation, Dr. Miller will introduce you to a different way of thinking about human illness and dysfunction, whether it be physical, emotional, behavioral (addictions and bad habits), or simply the failure to be successful, happy, and loving.
You will be introduced to a direct experience of your subconscious mind, your “monkey brain,” and how current science indicates that up to 95% of our illnesses are the result of unnecessary stress caused by the inappropriate behavior of this ancient part of your nervous system.
Upgrade Your Mental Operating System!
You will be offered an opportunity to directly experience the operation of this “limbic system” and learn how to apply the tools of mindfulness, meditation, guided imagery, and mental image rehearsal to upgrade your mental operating system to change the course of your illnesses, your behaviors, and your life.
Why has no one taught you this till now? Simply put, in our Medical “System” there is virtually no money to be made teaching you the tools to heal yourself and take charge of your life, compared to the tens of thousands to be earned treating symptoms with MRI scans, heart surgery, medications, radiation, chemotherapy and the like.
The “System” resists approaches that put you in charge. After all, if you are making wise decisions, you won’t settle for mere symptomatic treatment, buy the superficial products, vote for the inadequate politicians, or hate whom the system tells you to hate.
Find Dr. Miller here: www.drmiller.com
Friday May 06, 2022
Healing Times Radio with Dr Emmett Miller
Friday May 06, 2022
Friday May 06, 2022
The Power of Wisdom to Transform Our Lives
“The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.”
― Isaac Asimov
Who has not looked at the world around us and wondered:
“How can the human race be so brilliant as to create computers, satellites that orbit the earth, and the internet and yet be so foolish as to spend so much time making each other uncomfortable, fighting, and destroying the very earth we all live upon?” Why is it that we are not wiser than that?
To be successful in my work of helping those who came to see me for therapy or coaching, I had to figure out how to help them be wise. In this webinar, I will share what I have learned after several decades of studying this phenomenon of wisdom – something most people think they understand but do not.
Sometime back in the 1930s, the American theologian Ronald Niebuhr wrote these words in a sermon: “God, give me the grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things which should be changed, and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.”
Although I was a militant agnostic at the time, these words made a great deal of sense to me. I had seen the enormous suffering many people experienced because they felt continuously guilty, ashamed, or resentful about things that had happened in the past, even though these feelings and thoughts could do nothing to change the past. As a result, they could not be happy and successful in their current life.
In fact, their disappointment over how things turned out in the past led them to feel helpless, so helpless they were unable to take steps to accomplish the things that they actually could do! How tragic, yet I could see this same pattern over and over . . . and I could see how most unhappiness and failure, in relationships and in life in general, was the direct result of this simple pattern.
In this presentation, you will learn what wisdom is, how it differs from knowledge, how it is blocked by stress, and how it is related to our system of spirituality (or deeply held values). Through meditation, guided imagery, and other Mind Tools, you will have an actual living experience of these principles.
"By three methods we may learn wisdom:
First, by reflection which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is the easiest;
Third, by experience, which is the bitterest."
- Confucius
Your Choice!
Find Dr. Miller here: www.drmiller.com
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Healing Times Radio with Dr Emmett Miller
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Are Vaccines good for Us, or do they Cause More Problems than they Prevent?
A controversial subject, “Are vaccines good for us, or do they cause more problems than they prevent? And, what about the mRNA vaccines for Covid 19, (which many people so they are not really vaccines, but an experiment in genetic manipulation)?
This program asks the question, “Are we allowing ourselves to Think clearly about severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 or as we have come to refer to it, Covid 19.”
When the medical profession first encountered Covid 19, we didn’t know what to do when people arrive in the hospital in distress. We were afraid to use hydrocortisone, when, many months and many deaths later, hydrocortisone turned out to be extremely useful. We immediately intubated our patients and put them on respirators and looking back it looks as though that was actually a death sentence for many of them.
It seemed that we did not have any reliable treatments available so we did the best we could and prayed for the arrival of the vaccine. In record time a vaccine appeared, and Most people stood thankfully online to receive their injections.
But then it turned out that many people were unwilling to be vaccinated. The government continues to insist that the shots are completely harmless and that is those who are resisting are simply irrational. Arguments and fights broke out with are the vaccinated trying to force those who are resistant to take their shots so that we could hurry up and get to “herd immunity.”
I have been trained to trust those that make the medications and have admired Dr. Fauci for years. But through the months of our recent pandemic, I have begun to have some doubts --- so for our conversation today I have invited my long-term colleague and friend, Jack Travis, who has been studying the vaccine question in detail and who has created and it enormously valuable website, VaccineFacts.info that I guarantee will raise your eyebrows and bring you useful well-researched information
Find Dr. Miller here: www.drmiller.com