Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network

Sunday Jun 03, 2018
Sunday Jun 03, 2018
Raising Awareness for Children & DIPG with Janet Demeter
In memory of Jack Demeter and Neil Fachon Blessed with varied interests and an artistic and musical upbringing, Janet had health challenges throughout her young adult life. Despite these she graduated Cum Laude from Wellesley College with an award of distinction for acting, and had also been a champion equestrian. She began a family with her husband Barry later in life, and had finally found happiness with daughter Sophie-Marie (3/12/06) and then baby (Jack 8/30/08). Five weeks after his birth, the family escaped a wildfire in which all worldly possessions were lost. The family relocated in December of 2008 to Agua Dulce CA where they currently reside. Jack began to have unsettling symptoms at the age of 3; he was taken to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and was diagnosed with DIPG, or diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, on Friday Oct. 28, 2011, indisputably the darkest experience of Janet’s life. The outrage of it made her determined to find the good in the situation, and she asked God to “Put me to work!” After Jack’s death, she remained determined to start working to find solutions to DIPG and incorporated Jack’s Angels at the end of 2012; the Foundation began its work in 2013. Despite the fact that DIPG is responsible for the majority of brain tumor deaths in children, she had been told there were no solutions for Jack because “the numbers aren’t great enough for investors.” This remains the primary motivation in her advocacy work, to prioritize children’s lives in our medical system in the United States. In 2016 Janet Demeter started “Childhood Cancer Talk Radio” as an advocacy arm for children with cancer, and the “Relay for Kids” program, debuting with “Relay for Jack” this May 2016 to raise funds for the most urgently needed pediatric cancer research.

Saturday May 26, 2018
Kids 4 Love Project Radio: Kindness is Contagious & Cozys for the Cure
Saturday May 26, 2018
Saturday May 26, 2018
Kindness is Contagious & Cozys for the Cure with Nicole & Jordan Phillips
Kindness is Contagious: 100 Stories to Remind You God is Good and So are Most People What if there really were a secret to happiness well within our grasp? Perhaps there is! We often think of kindness as something that flows from our surplus: our extra time, extra energy or extra resources, leaving us to ask, "How can I possibly give to others when I don't have enough for myself?" But kindness is like a secret passageway through which God blesses us while we bless others. Columnist, blogger and motivational speaker Nicole J Phillips challenges your focus through the stories that often go untold in our society. Let Kindness is Contagious: 100 Stories to Remind You God is Good and So are Most People, become your secret passageway to a life full of purpose and joy! These are real life stories sent in by kindness lovers from across the United States for original publication in The Forum of Fargo-Moorhead Newspaper. Nicole J Phillips is a champion for using kindness to overcome all of life’s difficulties, including her own battle with breast cancer. She spreads the message of the healing power of kindness through her public speaking and weekly column, “Kindness is Contagious” which runs in newspapers in North Dakota and Minnesota. Nicole has her Broadcast Journalism degree from the University of Wisconsin and has worked as a television anchor and reporter in Milwaukee and Madison, Wisconsin and Fargo, North Dakota. As Miss Wisconsin 1997, she spent the year touring the state talking to children and adults about overcoming crisis. Nicole lives in Athens, Ohio, has three children and is married to Ohio University Men’s Basketball Coach, Saul Phillips. 13yr.old Jordan Phillips Founder of Cozy for the Cure, as seen on NBC “Hi, I’m Jordan! I started making Cozy for the Cure products in 2015 to support my mom during her fight with breast cancer. I was just 11 years old when I started, but since then, I’ve raised more than $12,000 for the Susan G. Komen foundation. I’ve even been featured in a national awareness campaign, but the best part is knowing that I’m helping to fund programs that serve women where I live in Southeastern Ohio. Thanks to your purchase of this hand-made product, SEW are you!”

Saturday Feb 17, 2018
Kids 4 Love Project Radio: Project 365 & Hello World
Saturday Feb 17, 2018
Saturday Feb 17, 2018
Project 365 with Campbell Remess & Hello World with Christina Li Co-Host
13yr.old Campbell Remess CNN Young Wonder and Founder of Project 365 When Campbell Remess was 9 years old, he asked his parents if he could buy Christmas presents for the children in his local hospital. His mother told him that it would cost too much. But Campbell, one of nine children whose family lives on the Australian island of Tasmania, was undeterred. He took matters into his own hands — literally. He founded Project 365 by Campbell, and using his mother’s sewing machine, started crafting one-of-a-kind teddy bears to give to sick children in the hospital and around the world. Now 13 years old, Campbell has made between 1,200 and 1,400 bears by hand. This year, he began auctioning some of his bears and using the proceeds to send children and their families on “Kindness Cruises,” a much-needed escape from their battles with cancer. Campbell is also working on organizing a fundraiser dinner in Hobart for cancer research. “I think the magic in the bears is the hope,” he said. “It’s the hope that the bears give the people.” https://project365.org/ Co-Host 19yr.old CNN Younger Wonder Christina Li Founder of Hello World Most 19-year-olds don’t know how to code or build robots, let alone teach others. But that’s exactly what Christina Li is determined to do through Hello World, her annual computer science camp for middle school girls. Christina started her free, weeklong classes as a high school junior in Macomb, Michigan. Today, each camp hosts about 30 girls, in the hopes of bridging the gender gap that exists in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and math). Now in her sophomore year at Stanford University, where she is studying computer science and mechanical engineering, Christina will be interning this summer at SpaceX, a company that strives to enable people to live on other planets. “It’s not that I want (the girls) to exactly follow in my footsteps,” Christina said. “I really hope to show them that … their ability is unlimited.” Honored by the White House, featured on CNN Heroes, Nickelodeon’s HALO Effect, and Amy Pohelor’s Smart Girls! Christina Li is a sophomore studying computer science/electrical engineering and mechanical engineering at Stanford University. Currently at Stanford, she’s working on the Mars Rover robotics team as the mechanical co-lead. Christina created Hello World four years ago to teach young girls how to code websites, robots, apps, and games, to help them say “hello” to the world of computer science. http://tina98.github.io/HelloWorld/

Saturday Feb 03, 2018
Kids 4 Love Project Radio: Cozys for the Cure and Books N Bros Book Club
Saturday Feb 03, 2018
Saturday Feb 03, 2018
Cozys for the Cure with Jordan Phillips & Books N Bros Book Club with Sidney Keys III
Co-Host 13yr.old Jordan Phillips Founder of Cozy for the Cure, as seen on NBC "Hi, I’m Jordan! I started making Cozy for the Cure products in 2015 to support my mom during her fight with breast cancer. I was just 11 years old when I started, but since then, I’ve raised more than $12,000 for the Susan G. Komen foundation. I’ve even been featured in a national awareness campaign, but the best part is knowing that I’m helping to fund programs that serve women where I live in Southeastern Ohio. Thanks to your purchase of this hand-made product, SEW are you!" Co-Host CNN Younger Wonder Sidney Keys III, Founder of Books n Bros Book Club 11 year old rising entrepreneur decided to take his love for reading to the next level and create Books N Bros LLC. Reading Club! Having multiple meet ups with different boys, ages 7-13 years old, he is paving the way for change. Books n Bros focuses on the bond of boys who are interested in reading African American literature that encourages Entrepreneurship, Financial Literacy, Technology and more! Sidney started his own book club which he titled Books n Bros Book Club to make reading fun for boys particularly between 8-12 years old but we welcome within the reading level of 4th-6th grade. Boys, especially African American boys statistically stop reading within this age group and we wanted to combat that stereotype and encourage literacy within the young African American community. Sidney loves reading all genres of books like Grumpy Cat to Diary of a Wimpy Kid to books like the featured Danny Dollar: Millionaire Extraordinaire: Lemonade Escapade. We held his first meetup with his new reading friends Saturday, September 10th 2016 at the African American Childrens Bookstore EyeSeeMe. The owners agreed to open their space monthly to allow Sidney to encourage reading in the community. At the first meetup, Sidney had a successful turnout, fun music and even had the idea to host his own lemonade stand in light of the plot of the featured book. During this event not only did he make new friends, but he learned skills of leadership, public speaking and entrepreneurship. After finishing the first book, we hope that all of the readers learn the previous mentioned as well as financial literacy.

Saturday Jan 06, 2018
Kids 4 Love Project Radio: CNN Young Wonder Ryan Hickman
Saturday Jan 06, 2018
Saturday Jan 06, 2018
CNN Young Wonder 8yr.old Ryan Hickman, founder of Ryan’s Recycling and his Dad Damion Hickman
In 2012 at the age of 3, Ryan went along with his dad to the local recycling center and cashed in a few small bags of cans and bottles and decided that recycling was in his future. The day after going to the recycling center, Ryan notified his mom and dad that he wanted to give empty plastic bags to all the neighbors and maybe they would save their recyclables for him. Not only did the local neighbors save their cans and bottles for Ryan but so did their friends, families and co-workers. Today, Ryan has customers all over Orange County, CA and he has a passion to recycle that is amazing. His goal is to recycle to keep cans and bottles from reaching the ocean where it’s harmful to the environment. Ryan spends a part of every week sorting thru cans and bottles from his customers and getting them ready to take to the recycle center. http://ryansrecycling.com/

Sunday Dec 10, 2017
Kids 4 Love Project Radio
Sunday Dec 10, 2017
Sunday Dec 10, 2017
Guests Barbara Saltzman & Wendy Fachon
Founded in 2000, the non-profit The Jester & Pharley Phund developed from the overwhelming national response to David Saltzman’s illustrated children’s book The Jester Has Lost His Jingle.
This year, The Jester celebrates its 22nd anniversary, with more than 330,000 books in circulation.
The Jester was David’s senior project at Yale. Before his death from cancer at 22 in 1990, his family promised him that his book would be published as he envisioned it and that its universal message of hope, laughter and self-empowerment would be shared with children coping with cancer and other illness.
The Jester & Pharley PHund has received many awards and honors for its programs benefiting ill children and literacy.
Phund Accomplishments Include:
●189,000 Jester books and dolls donated
●51 Jester & Pharley Smile Carts in hospitals, shelters nationwide
●263-plus schools participating in Jester Read-A-Thons to help young patients
●45 million pages read by students to help ill children
All Donations Welcomed
Call 1-800-9 JESTER

Saturday Oct 07, 2017
Kids 4 Love Project Radio
Saturday Oct 07, 2017
Saturday Oct 07, 2017
Stand For The Silent (SFTS) with Kirk Smalley: Kids being Bullied & Suicide
Stand for the Silent was started in 2010 by a group of high school students in Oklahoma City, OK, after they heard the story of Kirk and Laura Smalley’s son, Ty Field- Smalley. At eleven years old, Ty took his own life after being suspended from school for retaliating against a bully that had been bullying him for over two years. Stand for the Silent exists as a platform to allow Kirk and Laura to share their story, and offer education and tools that will prevent their tragedy from happening to another child and family. Kirk and Laura’s mission is to continue to change kids’ lives and bring awareness to bullying and the real devastation it causes.
Since May 2010, Kirk and Laura Smalley have traveled to over 1,000 schools and spoken with over 1,000,000 kids! In March 2010, Kirk and Laura met privately with President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama in The White House prior to attending the first ever White House conference on bullying.
The Program
The Stand For The Silent (SFTS) program addresses the issue of school bullying with an engaging, factual, and emotional methodology. With the help of student leaders, Kirk Smalley presents his inspirational story, and students are shown first-hand the life and death consequences of bullying. Through this unique approach, lives are changed for the better. Students, some for the first time, develop an empathetic awareness through education and understanding.
The goal of the program is to start a SFTS chapter at each participating site. Each chapter consists of a group of students committed to change. These students will no longer stand for their peers to suffer at the hands of a bully. At the end of each event, pledge cards are given to those who agree to stand for the silent. The pledge speaks of respect and love…hope and aspiration. Above all, it illustrates the main lesson taught through the Stand For The Silent program: I AM SOMEBODY.

Saturday Sep 16, 2017
Kids 4 Love Project Radio
Saturday Sep 16, 2017
Saturday Sep 16, 2017
Katie’s Krops Founded by Katie Stagliano, Co-Host Ce Ce Hartford
“Katie’s Cabbage is the inspirational true story of how Katie Stagliano, a third grader from Summerville, South Carolina, grew a forty-pound cabbage in her backyard and donated it to help feed 275 people at a local soup kitchen. In her own words, Katie shares the story of the little cabbage seedling and the big ideas of generosity and service that motivated her to turn this experience into Katie’s Krops, a national youth movement aimed at ending hunger one vegetable garden at a time
Katie's Krops...Growing a dream!
The idea for Katie’s Krops began with a 9-year-old girl and a 40 pound cabbage. In 2008 Katie brought home a tiny cabbage seedling from school as part of the Bonnie Plants Third Grade Cabbage Program. She tended to her cabbage and cared for it until it grew to an amazing 40 pounds. Knowing her cabbage was special she donated to a soup kitchen where it helped to feed over 275 people. Moved by the experience of seeing how many people could benefit from the donation of fresh produce to soup kitchens, Katie decided to start vegetable gardens and donate the harvest to help feed people in need.
Katie's Krops now has 100 gardens growing across the country and has donated thousands and thousands of pounds of fresh produce to people in need. The mission of Katie's Krops is to empower youth to start and maintain vegetable gardens of all sizes and donate the harvest to help feed people in need, as well as to assist and inspire others to do the same.
Co-Host Ce Ce , a Katie’s Krops Grower
CeCe, who is a Katie’s Krops grower in Urbana,MD. She first became connected to Katie’s Krops, two years ago while watching “The Chew” with her mom and saw Katie Stagliano on one of the episodes. After hearing Katie speak about her mission, CeCe knew she had to apply. That night, with the help of her mom applied for a grant and has been blessed to be part of the KK family.
Since the age of 3, CeCe has always had a passion to help others. CeCe donates 100% of her harvest to families in need of food. Starting at the age of 10, she began with 3 donated plots by her local Twin Hills Community farm and presented a proposal to elementary school last year to revitalize their school garden. With the help of the STEM teacher, she has engaged 22 other students to start a Garden Club that meets twice a week during the school year. During the off season, she hopes to hold a food drive.
Last year, CeCe donated over 500 lbs of fresh food and with the help of the gardens at the school, she has set her goal to 1,000 pounds. CeCe will be moving on to the middle school, but the principals at both schools have agreed to bridge the gap and work together, by expanding the garden at the elementary school and building a garden at the Middle School. She is very dedicated to the mission of Katie’s Krops and appreciates the help from her classmates.
CeCe serves on the Katie’s Krops Youth Advisory Board and has partnered with the University of Maryland extension office for additional resources. She passionately donates her harvest to the seniors in her community and to the Frederick Soup Kitchen and Pantry. Her dream is to open her own restaurant, where she can offer free meals to feed families in need on specific days out of the month.

Saturday Sep 02, 2017
Kids 4 Love Project Radio
Saturday Sep 02, 2017
Saturday Sep 02, 2017
Welcome Kylee’s Kare Kits forKidz, Inc with Kylee McCumber and Twin 14yr. olds Lleyton & Kyle Rutz with BrickDreams
Kylee's Kare Kits for Kidz, Inc
Kylee McCumber and the kare kits team of Brenda Menjivar, Ava D'Eon, Chloe D'eon, Olivia Gallo, Mia Losey, Rachel Hinckley, Katerina Zahariadis, Kassie Diaz, Emily Brown & Cassie Boas pack kare kits of non-perishable food that are currently given to seventy elementary school children in Leominster every Friday. These are children who wouldn't have enough food over the weekends when they are not receiving breakfast and lunch at school.
In Kylee’s Words
In September of 2012, at the age of ten, I started Kylee's Kare Kits for Kidz, Inc to help children who did not have enough food at home on the weekends. I had noticed that there were many children eating breakfast at my school each day and asked my grandmother why this was. We spoke with my school principal and began to research ways that we could help these children. We currently provide food every weekend for children in the Leominster public school system. Each Friday the children receive a kare kit that includes cereal, juice, fruit cups, applesauce, pudding, macaroni & cheese, Chicken noodle soup, Chef Boyardee or Spaghettio products, granola bars, fruit snacks, peanut butter crackers.... The contents of the kare kits vary week to week depending upon what we can purchase on sale or what may have been donated that week. My original goal was to be able to provide food for 10 children each week. With the support of family, friends and our community we are now providing food to over 300 children on a weekly basis. This has been such a heart warming experience for me. Thank you to everyone who has helped me to help these children!!
BrickDreams with Lleyton & Kyle Rutz
A child’s dream is to play with bricks forever. A brick’s dream is to be played with forever. Our mission is to make both dreams come true.
BrickDreams is a charity that changes lives. We collect, clean, and redistribute LEGO bricks to children in need. Any and all LEGO is appreciated. We were founded on May 7, 2012.
One might ask, “Why LEGO bricks? Why not other toys?” It is because LEGO stimulates the mind. They allow children to learn, and use their imagination. It is possibly the only toy where a child of any age can build a car, then take it apart and build an airplane, a house, or whatever their imagination desires. Who wouldn’t want that for a kid?
Lleyton Rutz
My name is Lleyton Rutz and I am 14 years old. I was excited to be asked to take over the charity Bailey began. I believe in BrickDreamsmission and I like the opportunity it gives me to communicate with adults and do good things for other kids.
Kyle Rutz
My name is Kyle Rutz and I am 14 years old. I am excited too and think I can do a lot to make sure BrickDreams has all the tennis ball cans it needs. I am a great LEGO sorter too!

Saturday Apr 15, 2017
Kids 4 Love Project Radio
Saturday Apr 15, 2017
Saturday Apr 15, 2017
Heaven on Earth? Is It Possible?
Description: Well, this family seems to think so. Meet Children’s Book Author, Monica Iglesias and her children, the characters in her books. They are actively co-creating heaven on earth first in their hearts, then in their home and expanding out to everyone they meet and everywhere they go. Creating a beautiful ripple in the world. They are no strangers to pain, disharmony and discord. In fact, they lived in dysfunction, control, abuse, and manipulation. But they have been able to shift and transform their family dynamics and are now each taking an active role in consciously creating the life they choose to experience individually and together, the children along with their parents. Hear their inspiring and transformational story from abuse to powerful creators of Love, Peace, Joy, Connection and so much more. This family is empowering children and families worldwide to consciously create the heaven on earth they seek. Their desire is to share the magic of the power within.
Bio: After being raised in abuse, Monica became the abuser. She knew she had to change and poured out her soul for heaven’s help. Since then, she has been able to break the cycle of control and abuse by discovering the value within herself and ways to empower the children in her stewardship, transforming her life from victim and blame to powerful creator. When asking how she could be her highest contribution to the world, the answer came to share her children’s stories. Sharing her knowledge and wisdom to empower others is one of the highlights of her life. Today, in addition to being a wife and mother of four, Monica Iglesias is also an Inspirational Children’s Book Author, Speaker, Mentor, and Angel Intuitive. She lives her passion and purpose by guiding others through their own personal transformations, angelic connections, and teaches mothers how to empower the children in their stewardship.