Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network

Friday Nov 13, 2020
Living the Quantum Dream with Cynthia Sue Larson: Alchemy of Stones
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Friday Nov 13, 2020
The Alchemy of Stones with Robert Simmons Cynthia Sue Larson talks with Robert Simmons about his work and experience with crystals and stones, starting with amazing experiences with Moldavite, and culminating in his recent teachings, writings, and work. Robert explains the significance of appreciating Stone Beings, that we look more deeply into our intentional relationships with stones and crystals, which have the power to bring healing, wisdom, love, and reverence into our lives and the world.Robert Simmons has been working with crystals and stones for over 35 years. He is the cofounder of Heaven and Earth, a company offering gem and jewelry creations for self-healing and spiritual and emotional development. Simmons is the author of several books, including The Book of Stones, Stones of the New Consciousness, and The Alchemy of Stones, and lives in New Zealand. His website is: www.heavenandearthjewelry.com
Learn more about Cynthia Sue here: http://www.realityshifters.com

Friday Dec 27, 2019
Friday Dec 27, 2019
Life Beyond Victim Consciousness with Lynne Forrest
Cynthia Sue Larson talks with Lynne Forrest about her work and experience with the Karpman Drama Triangle, and ways that we can rise above victim consciousness, which she defines as the "habit of thinking something outside of us is responsible for our happiness or unhappiness." Forrest describes how we can recognize events in our lives as intentional opportunities to further our connection with ourselves and with Source, and develop our observer consciousness. Pioneering psychotherapist Lynne Forrest is author of the book, "Guiding Principles for Life Beyond Victim Consciousness." Lynne explored Theosophy and Eastern philosophy from a very early age, and has continued her pursuit of truth throughout her illustrious career. Lynne is recognized for her work assisting dysfunctional families in dealing with co-dependency issues. She is a highly regarded non-traditional psychotherapist who has been in private practice for over twenty-five years, and her website is www.lynneforrest.com
Learn more about Cynthia Sue here: http://www.realityshifters.com

Monday Nov 04, 2019
Living the Quantum Dream with Cynthia Sue Larson: Becoming Yourself
Monday Nov 04, 2019
Monday Nov 04, 2019
Becoming Yourself with Jan Engels-Smith
Cynthia Sue Larson talks with Jan Engels-Smith about her experiences coming from scientific education and training in Biology, Chemistry, and Psychotherapy to working as a shaman. Jan shares her experience of witnessing a realistic apparition who initiated her journey into shamanism, as well as real-life accounts of instantaneous transformations she has observed, including with people who have multiple personality disorder and were able to go back and forth between being blind and sighted, for example. Jan shares information about soul retrieval, including successful examples of physical and emotional healing with shamanism.
Jan Engels-Smith is an author and the founder of LightSong School of Shamanic Studies and Energy Medicine. Jan's mission is to provide excellence in energy healing and education, and to support personal growth for well-being, adapting ancient healing techniques to contemporary life in the 21st century. www.lightsong.net
Learn more about Cynthia Sue here: http://www.realityshifters.com

Saturday Jul 06, 2019
Living the Quantum Dream with Cynthia Sue Larson: Science and Spiritual Practices
Saturday Jul 06, 2019
Saturday Jul 06, 2019
Science and Spiritual Practices with Rupert Sheldrake
Cynthia Sue Larson talks with Rupert Sheldrake about spiritual practices that are open to everyone and can provide people with measurably improved health and well-being. Sheldrake describes how focusing attention on virtues such as gratitude can help us better appreciate how ultimately, everything we have is a gift. When we appreciate mysteries of everyday life experiences such as: a sense of being stared at, telephone telepathy, and dogs who know when their owners are coming home, we can envision how we better fit the metaphor of organisms, rather than mindless, unconscious machines.
Rupert Sheldrake is a biologist and author who is best known for his hypothesis of morphic resonance. At Cambridge University, Sheldrake worked in developmental biology as a Fellow of Clare College. He was Principal Plant Physiologist at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics in Hyderabad, India. From 2005 to 2010 he was Director of the Perrott-Warrick project for research on unexplained human and animal abilities, funded by Trinity College, Cambridge. www.sheldrake.org

Saturday Jun 08, 2019
Living the Quantum Dream with Cynthia Sue Larson: Real Magic
Saturday Jun 08, 2019
Saturday Jun 08, 2019
Real Magic with Dean Radin
Cynthia Sue Larson talks with Dean Radin about the science behind real magic of: mental influence in the physical world, perception of events distant in space and time, and interactions with nonphysical entities. Dean discusses parapsychology studies involving mediumship and channeling, and provides explanation for why if magic is real, we don't often see large-scale evidence of magic in the world. Dean shares some of the most surprising results he's seen when experimental subjects have observed and interacted with photons, demonstrating how our scientific understanding of the world benefits from unexpected findings.
Dean Radin is Chief Scientist at Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), a distinguished professor at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Dean was employed at AT&T Bell Labs, Princeton University, and SRI International. Dean has authored over 250 technical and popular articles, and four books including The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena; Entangled Minds: Extrasensory Experiences in a Quantum Reality; SuperNormal: Science, Yoga, and the Evidence for Extraordinary Psychic Abilities; and his newest book, Real Magic: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science, and a Guide to the Secret Power of the Universe. Radin's website is: www.deanradin.org

Saturday May 04, 2019
Living the Quantum Dream with Cynthia Sue Larson
Saturday May 04, 2019
Saturday May 04, 2019
Remote Viewing with Russell Targ
Cynthia Sue Larson talks with Russell Targ about his cutting-edge research in the fascinating field of remote viewing. As Targ states in the new documentary, Third Eye Spies, "For more than 20 years the CIA used psychic abilities in a top-secret program. You paid for it; you deserve to know about it." Targ discusses some of the principles behind remote viewing, including it's connection to quantum physics principles such as nonlocality, entanglement, and four-valued logic.
Russell Targ is a physicist and author, pioneer in the development of the laser and laser applications, and cofounder of the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) investigation of psychic abilities in the 1970s and 1980s. Targ's work investigating remote viewing has been published in scientific journals, and he is the author or co-author of many books, and producer of the new documentary film, Third Eye Spies.

Saturday Apr 06, 2019
Living the Quantum Dream with Cynthia Sue Larson
Saturday Apr 06, 2019
Saturday Apr 06, 2019
Power of Eight with Lynne McTaggart
Cynthia Sue Larson talks with Lynne McTaggart about the miraculous healing effects of small groups. Lynne describes how she accidentally discovered the miraculous transformations that occurred with participants involved in intention experiments, and provides insights as to how and why sending altruistic thoughts of healing in a group sending out focused intentions at the same time--even with participants who've not met in person--makes such an extraordinary difference both for the recipients and for the group participants themselves.
Lynne McTaggart is an award-winning journalist and international bestselling author who conducts scientific studies of the power of group intention. Lynne is author of The Field, The Bond, The Intention Experiment, and The Power of Eight: Harnessing the Miraculous Energies of a Small Group to Heal Others, Your Life, and the World. Lynne also serves as Editorial Director of internationally popular health publication, What Doctors Don't Tell You. Lynne lives and works in London, England and her website is: www.LynneMcTaggart.com

Sunday Mar 10, 2019
Living the Quantum Dream with Cynthia Sue Larson
Sunday Mar 10, 2019
Sunday Mar 10, 2019
Mary Tyler Moore and Classic TV with Herbie J. Pilato
Cynthia Sue Larson talks with Herbie J. Pilato about the influence of TV shows and movies in our lives, and the value of positive television programs such as the Dick Van Dyke Show and Bewitched. Pilato provides fascinating glimpses into the complexities of Mary Tyler Moore's life, including how she faced extraordinary personal challenges. Pilato illuminates how some favorite TV shows share a common thread of addressing prejudice (without being preachy), and the value of seeing ourselves as being flawed, yet doing our best to be good people in the world.
Herbie J. Pilato is an author, writer, producer, performer and entertainment executive who's worked on many documentary TV shows including L.A. Law, Hill Street Blues, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, The Bob Newhart Show, Bewitched and many others. Pilato has written books including: NBC & Me, The Bionic Book, Twitch Upon a Star: The Bewitched Life and Career of Elizabeth Montgomery, and Mary: The Mary Tyler Moore Story. Pilato founded the Classic TV Preservation Society (CTVPS), dedicated to the positive social influence of classic television programming. Pilato's website is: www.herbiejpilato.com

Saturday Jan 26, 2019
Living the Quantum Dream with Cynthia Sue Larson
Saturday Jan 26, 2019
Saturday Jan 26, 2019
Inspired Living with Regina Meredith
Cynthia Sue Larson talks with Regina Meredith about finding grace and inspiration amidst the twists and turns and challenges of life. Regina describes experiences--including paranormal experiences--that have made the biggest impact on her life, and shares insights into how she has managed to consistently rediscover faith, courage, and inspiration. Regina provides insider insights into how people can have extraordinary, exceptional experiences yet remain untainted by other peoples' judgments.
Regina Meredith is best-selling author of the new book, “Accidentally On Purpose: Tripping through Life with Regina” and others. Regina is a pioneer in the world of conscious media, and is one of the most respected TV hosts and bloggers in the world of esoteric studies, health discoveries, politics, and secret agendas. As the co-founder of Conscious Media Network, host of Open Minds on Gaia TV and the founder of her own free streaming video network, Regina reaches millions with messages of hope, inspiration, and enlightenment.

Saturday Aug 11, 2018
Living the Quantum Dream with Cynthia Sue Larson
Saturday Aug 11, 2018
Saturday Aug 11, 2018
Soul Vision and Afterlife Revolution with Whitley Strieber
Whitley Strieber talks with Cynthia Sue Larson about the continuity of consciousness after death, the 'soul-blindness' of western civilization, and humanity's species initiation. Whitley describes his most extraordinary out-of-body experience (OBE), which was witnessed and corroborated, and ongoing collaboration with his wife Anne, who died in August 2015. Whitley provides us with guidance for how we can individually overcome soul-blindness, as we come to realize that the soul is real, that we can learn what our soul wants from us, and that fear of death is based in ego and biological concerns, but we can witness evidence of survival of consciousness with continuing communication after death.
Whitley Strieber is a best-selling author of fiction (including The Wolfen, The Hunger, Warday, and Wolf of Shadows) and nonfiction (including Communion, Transformation, a New Vision of the Unexplained, and the Afterlife Revolution). Whitley's Unknown Country website is among the oldest and largest websites, exploring questions and possible answers about mysterious topics of 'high strangeness.'