Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network

Saturday Jan 07, 2017
Living the Quantum Dream with Cynthia Sue Larson
Saturday Jan 07, 2017
Saturday Jan 07, 2017
Understanding Consciousness with Max Velmans
Max Velmans talks with Cynthia Sue Larson about how to understand consciousness from considering both our direct first person experiences of consciousness, and a classical scientific perspective. Velmans describes how we can make sense of the nature of mind as being essentially a psycho-physical processor, where our conscious experiences can be described by us as we experience them, and also by those observing measurable outcomes outside of ourselves. Velmans talks about his theory of reflexive monism, and how we might get closer to the structure of human consciousness.
Max Velmans is Emeritus Professor of Psychology at Goldsmiths, University of London. He co-founded the Consciousness and Experiential Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society in 1994, and served as its chair from 2003 to 2006. He was appointed National Visiting Professor by the Indian Council of Philosophical Research, and was elected to the British Academy of Social Sciences. Velmans has around 100 publications in the area of consciousness studies, including his book, "Understanding Consciousness."

Friday Nov 04, 2016
Living the Quantum Dream with Cynthia Sue Larson
Friday Nov 04, 2016
Friday Nov 04, 2016
Shamanic Secrets with Michael Peter Langevin
Michael Peter Langevin talks with Cynthia Sue Larson about his travels to meet and study with Peruvian and Bolivian shamans, experiencing such things as shapeshifting, healing, and teleportation in parts of the world where magic is real and an everyday way of life. Michael talks about the new release of his book "The Secrets of the Amazon Shamans" and how we can overcome fear and step out of perceived limitations in the material world to connect with deeper meaning, spirituality, and energy. Michael describes how he came to find real shamans, and witness some of their secrets and magic.
Michael Peter Langevin is Co-Publisher & Editor of The Echo World Magazine, and was the publisher/editor for 27 years of Magical Blend Magazine. Michael has has lived and traveled extensively in Latin America, and has authored three books: Secrets of the Ancient Incas, Secrets of the Amazon Shamans, and Spiritual Business. Michael leads workshops in reclaiming Rituals and Ceremonies to enhance your life. He has a BA in Political Science and a Master’s Degree in Social Work and Family Therapy, and his company LangevinAxelsson Marketing specializes in Social Media Marketing and Public Relations.

Friday Oct 07, 2016
Living the Quantum Dream with Cynthia Sue Larson
Friday Oct 07, 2016
Friday Oct 07, 2016
Conscious Attention with Carlos Montemayor Carlos Montemayor talks with Cynthia Sue Larson about the similarities, differences, and overlap between consciousness and attention--and why this matters. Montemayor describes how evolution helps us better understand why consciousness and attention truly are separate processes. Montemayor also delves into the fascinating world of memory, dreams, and perception, exploring implications of human rationality based on recent scientific studies. This discussion also touches on the meaning and experience of time, and how a better appreciation about cognitive processes might assist the legal process. Carlos Montemayor is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at San Francisco State University. Carlos graduated from Rutgers University with a PhD in Philosophy and a Certificate in Cognitive Science. His research focuses on the intersection between philosophy of mind, epistemology and cognitive science, and he has worked on philosophy of law and human rights. He is author of the book, “Minding Time: A Philosophical and Theoretical Approach to the Psychology of Time,” and co-author of, “Consciousness, Attention, and Conscious Attention.”

Saturday Aug 27, 2016
Living the Quantum Dream with Cynthia Sue Larson
Saturday Aug 27, 2016
Saturday Aug 27, 2016
The Wonder of You with Burt Harding
Bio: Burt Harding, founder of the Awareness Foundation in Vancouver, offers a radical invitation to recognize the truth of our being as already whole and fulfilled.
He reminds us of the love we really are beyond the personal stories we carry. In this way, we come to recognize what we have always known but did not live from – the beauty and wonder of our own true essence.
Burt has written 5 books and has over 700 You Tube videos with talks and Q & A’s and conducts sessions and workshops in Supersentience, a system devised to help heal deep wounds and promote a shift in the perception of who we really are.
He has conducted studies in higher consciousness for thirty years and had his own television series on the mind/body connection.
Burt started teaching after an experience with Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, who appeared to him in 1974 while he was living in Toronto, Ontario. As a result of this experience, he acquired the sure knowledge that the only reality lies in the present moment, the Now, and that everything else is just an illusion. His spiritual search ended in that realization.
His Work
Burt is here to remind us of the love that we really are, beyond the personal stories that we carry, so we may come to recognize what we have always known but have forgotten – the beauty and wonder of our own true essence. This is why today’s show is called, “The Wonder of You,” which also happens to be the title of his new book. Burt created a 5 Step Program, which came from an inspiration and it shows the individual a direct route to their own true being. Therefore, the 5 steps are steps towards the realization of one’s true state of Emptiness as Joy itself. Burt uses his 5-step program in his Skype sessions, which when repeated a few times, brings clarity and healing to many areas of one’s life.
Burt has conducted studies into higher consciousness for thirty years, teaches internationally and had his own TV series on the “Body/Mind connection.” Burt’s final enlightenment was revealed inwardly to him by Shree Ramana Maharshi, that being, “That there is only the present moment and everything is just an illusion.” Burt speaks of his miraculous experiences of the Light that is really Unconditional Love.

Friday Aug 19, 2016
Living the Quantum Dream with Cynthia Sue Larson
Friday Aug 19, 2016
Friday Aug 19, 2016
Dr. PMH Atwater, L.H.D
An international authority on near-death states, Dr. PMH Atwater, L.H.D. uses the culmination of her research to establish that the near-death phenomenon is not some kind of anomaly, but is rather part of the larger genre of transformations of consciousness. She combines her 33 years of near-death research with what she was doing in the 60s and 70s, experiencing, experimenting with, and researching altered states of consciousness, mysticism, psychic phenomena, and the transformational process, to reveal what transformations of consciousness really are, why we have them, and where they lead us. This lifetime endeavor covers over 43 years of work, involving nearly 7,000 people. Her meticulous and unique protocol gives validity to what she has discovered, and verified, about the percentage worldwide of people who have undergone near-death experiences.

Saturday Jul 23, 2016
Living the Quantum Dream with Cynthia Sue Larson
Saturday Jul 23, 2016
Saturday Jul 23, 2016
Conscious Creation at the Movies with Brent Marchant
Brent Marchant talks with Cynthia Sue Larson about the principles characterizing conscious creation, and how they appear in cinema. This fascinating interview delves into a discussion of how movies provide us with examples of how we formulate beliefs, go beyond surface perceptions, and understand our relationship to the world in spirit in our lives. Marchant shares examples of stories that teach us how we can harness the power of choice and free will, face our fears, evolve our beliefs, and benefit from our interconnectedness.
BRENT MARCHANT is the award-winning author of "Get the Picture?!: Conscious Creation Goes to the Movies," and "Consciously Created Cinema: The Movie Lover’s Guide to the Law of Attraction," describing how the practice of conscious creation is illustrated in film. Brent blogs about metaphysical cinema and self-empowerment topics, and is a guest contributor for numerous magazines. Brent is a movie review radio correspondent on Frankiesense & More and on New Consciousness Review’s Reviewers Roundtable, and holds a B.A. in magazine journalism and history from Syracuse University.

Saturday Apr 23, 2016
Living the Quantum Dream with Cynthia Sue Larson
Saturday Apr 23, 2016
Saturday Apr 23, 2016
Pressure Points and Korean Martial Arts History with Barry Harmon
Martial arts Master Barry Harmon talks with Cynthia Sue Larson about pressure points, Ki, healing, and self defense--including some of the most important aspects of Ki and pressure point principles. Harmon describes how he first became interested in pressure points and martial arts, and how personal self defense has much more to do with protecting oneself from disease and bad lifestyle. Harmon shares some surprising aspects of Korean history, including how monks were able to successfully protect Korean peasants and villagers from Mongolian invaders, and the artistic and scholarly side of ancient Hwarang warriors.
Master Barry Harmon is a teacher, an acupuncturist, a speaker, a master in the martial art of Kuk Sool Won, and author of the books, “The Power of Pressure Points,” and “5,000 Years of Korean Martial Arts.” He earned his B.A in Psychosomatic and Alternative Healing from San Francisco State University, and holds national and state level certification as a licensed acupuncturist. Now a ninth degree black belt in Kuk Sool Won, Barry Harmon became the first American master in this martial art after training with Grandmaster In Hyuk Suh in South Korea.

Saturday Apr 02, 2016
Living the Quantum Dream with Cynthia Sue Larson
Saturday Apr 02, 2016
Saturday Apr 02, 2016
Perception, Truth, and Reality with Donald Hoffman
What if the world we see isn't actually the true reality? Donald Hoffman talks with Cynthia Sue Larson about his interface theory of perception, in which what we typically assume to be "out there" is not necessarily reality--but rather something akin to the desktop user interface on a computer. And just as we don't need to execute machine language commands in order to send an email or delete a file, biological evolution has been proven to favor perceptual fitness over truthful completeness and accuracy of perception. As Hoffman writes, "... to experience is to construct, in each modality and without exception," and new findings in quantum physics and quantum biology increasingly provide scientific evidence to show this is true.

Saturday Mar 12, 2016
Living the Quantum Dream with Cynthia Sue Larson
Saturday Mar 12, 2016
Saturday Mar 12, 2016
Creating a Life Economy with John Perkins
What is an "Economic Hit Man" and what difference have they made in our lives? John Perkins talks with Cynthia Sue Larson about how he and others worked as Economic Hit Men to cheat countries out of trillions of dollars while spreading the structure and value of "death economy" greed-based values. Perkins provides insights as to how the deadly EHM cancer he and others helped create has recently spread more widely around the world and here in the United States to become the dominant system of business, government, and society today--and what we each can do to make a positive difference.
John Perkins is author of several books, including "The World is As You Dream It" and “The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.” Perkins was formerly Chief Economist at a major international consulting firm where he advised the World Bank, United Nations, the IMF, US Treasury Department, Fortune 500 corporations and governments in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. His books have sold more than 1 million copies, with 9 New York Times Bestsellers. John is founder of Dream Change and The Pachamama Alliance nonprofits devoted to establishing a world our children will want to inherit.

Sunday Mar 06, 2016
Living the Quantum Dream with Cynthia Sue Larson
Sunday Mar 06, 2016
Sunday Mar 06, 2016
"Consciousness" and "Agape" with Eva Herr
Eva Herr talks with Cynthia Sue Larson about her books, "Consciousness" and "Agape," and the need for more discussion and agreement amongst consciousness researchers and scientists about what the terms "consciousness" and "mind" really mean. Herr shares the extraordinary feeling of love and oneness from epiphanies as well as how to make it through dark nights of the soul, and discusses the importance of methylation for optimal mind-body-spirit functioning.
EVA HERR is author of the books, "Consciousness: Bridging the Gap Between Conventional Science and the New Super Science of Quantum Mechanics" and "Agape." Herr is one of the world's leading luminaries on the topics of alternative medicine and the science of consciousness. She is a popular talk show host whose no-nonsense, factual interviews and deep understanding of consciousness engages today's top thinkers in the fields of alternative medicine, science, consciousness, and human experience.