Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network

Saturday Oct 10, 2020
Quantum Spirituality with Peter Canova
Saturday Oct 10, 2020
Saturday Oct 10, 2020
Consciousness and Dreams, plus the Movement Away from Scientific Materialist Interpretations of Creation
The first part of our show includes an interview with dream expert, Amazon best selling author, and Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network podcast personality Kat Kanavos. We will discuss the relationship between consciousness and dreams, the origin of dreams, and the different levels of consciousness.
In the second half of the show we will conclude our 3 episode presentation on spiritual wisdom, quantum physics, and consciousness focusing on the movement away from scientific materialist interpretations of creation and reality toward a consciousness-based vision. Viewers are encouraged to review the first two archived episodes in advance since each show actually constitutes a single integrated presentation to ground people in the basics of consciousness.
Video Version: https://youtu.be/3_xJsHQaw2c
Learn more about Peter here: https://petercanova.com/

Friday Sep 04, 2020
Quantum Spirituality with Peter Canova
Friday Sep 04, 2020
Friday Sep 04, 2020
Through the Lens of Quantum Physics
Last show we covered the topic of Consciousness from the perspective of spiritual traditions. This show we cover the same topic through the lens of quantum physics. The quantum world makes up our macroscopic universe yet the two microscopic and macroscopic Worlds seem to operate by a completely different set of laws. We'll try to explain how this can happen. We will also focus on the controversy between Consciousness as being the fundamental property of reality as opposed to being derived from matter as scientific materials claim.
Learn more about Peter here: https://petercanova.com/

Friday Aug 07, 2020
Quantum Spirituality with Peter Canova
Friday Aug 07, 2020
Friday Aug 07, 2020
Ancient Mystical Wisdom and Psychology
In today’s show, Peter talks about the need to develop a personal platform of knowledge to understand the forces that shape our universe and personal experience. You’ll see a powerful visual presentation on ancient mystical wisdom and psychology to help you understand the workings of consciousness, parallel dimensions, and the hidden realities that influence our lives and our universe.
Video Version: https://youtu.be/N3KlUPe0H2M
Learn more about Peter here: https://petercanova.com/