Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network

Friday Oct 11, 2024
The Anxious Voyage with Mark O’Brien: A Man for All Reasons
Friday Oct 11, 2024
Friday Oct 11, 2024
A Man for All Reasons: Mark Reid
Twenty-Ninth Episode: Mark Reid is a professor, a lawyer turned Japanese paper maker, and the creator and host of Zen Sammich, a podcast for the independent thinker and anyone who embraces life despite — or perhaps because of — its absurdity. If that doesn’t seem to make sense to you, it’s only because you haven’t met Mark (yet). He’s a man who’s not afraid to be curious, not afraid of change. He’s a man who knows he doesn’t know what he doesn’t know and is undaunted by the challenge of trying to know it. Please join us for this conversation. You don’t need a better reason than that to meet Mark.
Video Version: https://www.youtube.com/live/74P0puoh_p4?si=JXG_JoRyolRHyCYU
Learn more about Mark here:

Friday Sep 27, 2024
The Anxious Voyage with Mark O’Brien: Coffee and Connections
Friday Sep 27, 2024
Friday Sep 27, 2024
Coffee and Connections: Joi Brooks
Twenty-Eighth Episode: Joi is the creator and host of the podcast, Email and Coffee, curating conversations with captivating personalities, experts, and individuals who redefine the ordinary. She also leads the Women in Email Marketing Mastermind, which aims to nurture profound connections, to amplify targeted objectives, to celebrate triumphs, and to obliterate obstacles. In her vocation as an email marketing professional, Joi strives for the perfect blend of short-term gains and long-term sustainability. She helps small-business owners who are wrestling with time constraints, offering them strategic guidance at every step of their journeys. As Joi puts it, “It’s not just marketing: It’s rich strategy infused with creative finesse.” Please join us for an engaging conversation about coffee, connections, context, and credibility.
Video Version: https://www.youtube.com/live/xbx4Ts2d1Dc?si=h3bxSjA6pVljKHUf
Learn more about Mark here:

Friday Sep 13, 2024
The Anxious Voyage with Mark O’Brien: The Medical Messenger
Friday Sep 13, 2024
Friday Sep 13, 2024
The Medical Messenger: Cathy Calva Cather
Twenty-Seventh Episode: Have you or anyone you love suffered an adverse effect from a prescribed or over-the-counter medication? Cathy had four loved ones affected within two years. She co-founded Parallel Testing and launched Parallel Profile™ to reduce the number of deaths (128,000/year, the fourth leading cause of death) and inpatient admissions (2.7 million/year) from adverse reactions to FDA-approved medications. Parallel Profile is available to employers interested in improving the quality of care available to their employees and eliminating preventable and wasted costs for hospital care (over $200 billion/year) and drug failures. According to a senior exec at GlaxoSmithKline, 90 percent of drugs don't work for 30 to 50 percent of the people who take them. Cathy’s mission is to identify better alternatives that will work safely for each patient. She has a proven track record of developing and accelerating the growth of innovative healthcare companies that have a financial imperative to make health care more affordable, of higher quality, and more readily accessible. Please join us for a very informative conversation.
Video Version: https://www.youtube.com/live/IL8o3TqsS7E?si=MjSUx2jCaO7S313b
Learn more about Mark here:

Friday Aug 23, 2024
The Anxious Voyage with Mark O’Brien: The Letting-Go Girl
Friday Aug 23, 2024
Friday Aug 23, 2024
The Letting-Go Girl: Sarah Kalmeta
Twenty-Sixth Episode: Sarah describes herself as a master pivoter, a corporate escapee, and a philosophical explorer who’s always up for adventure. As a Change Advisor and keynote speaker, Sarah helps people understand that Change is Good."
Sarah also hosts a podcast called, The Lounge, is a published author and poet, and a big believer in community (with something special launching in Austin later this year). Her motto is “YES, And!” It’s a technique used in improv and something that helps you stay agile while having fun.
In her earlier life, she trained day in and day out in figure skating with her sights on Olympic Gold. Later in life, she set her sights higher — on the business-aviation industry. Now she soars among the stars as a well-known voice in the aerospace sector.
After having spent 15 years as a corporate executive and 13 years in Asia, Sarah discovered her definition of success had changed … and continues to evolve. She’s learned that real success – true, lasting, sustainable success – comes from choosing significance every day as a leader, as a friend, and as a human being. Sarah believes language and speech have the power to change the world and the people in it. She’ll join me on August 19th to share her story. We hope you’ll join us, too.
Video Version: https://www.youtube.com/live/61F6ZJwumz4?si=kiZk2qe7g6CTzNHJ
Learn more about Mark here:

Friday Aug 09, 2024
The Anxious Voyage with Mark O’Brien: Living Undeterred
Friday Aug 09, 2024
Friday Aug 09, 2024
Living Undeterred: Jeff Johnston
Twenty-Fifth Episode: On October 4, 2016, Jeff lost his son, Seth, age 23, to fentanyl poisoning. Recognizing his own addictions to alcohol and gambling, Jeff took a stand on December 24, 2017, and committed himself mental health advocacy. He launched The Undeterred Podcast in 2020 and founded The Choices Network, a nonprofit that promotes and encourages healthy lifestyle choices for teens and young adults. In September of 2020, he published his first book, This One’s For You: An Inspirational Journey Through Addiction, Death, and Meaning. But he wasn’t finished.
On June 29, 2021, Jeff lost his wife, Prudence, age 46, to alcoholism. Still undeterred and determined, on May 12th, 2022, he embarked on The Living Undeterred Tour, a 95-day, 20,000-mile odyssey across the United States to share stories and to find more ways to make a difference in people’s lives. In September of 2023, he launched Brightn, a mental-wellness app for young adults that targets three areas of optimal mental wellness — health, wealth, and purpose. The app is named for Brighton, Seth’s daughter, who was born three weeks after Seth died.
Jeff sold the investment company he founded at age 23 to focus on Brightn. He’s also part-owner of Tribute Kicks, a retail store and vintage clothing company in Coralville, Iowa, with his middle son, Ian. A percentage of the profits are donated to area mental wellness organizations. Jeff lives in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, with his two sons, Ian and Roman. Please join us for a conversation that promises to be eye-opening and life-affirming.
Video Version: https://www.youtube.com/live/HExIDdc18Z0?si=Q3qiY3v5KpBj-Dqu
Learn more about Mark here:

Friday Jul 19, 2024
The Anxious Voyage with Mark O’Brien: Humanity Rediscovered
Friday Jul 19, 2024
Friday Jul 19, 2024
Humanity Rediscovered: Dennis and Ali Pitocco
Twenty-Fourth Episode: Dennis is the founder and CEO of 360° Nation, a multifaceted media enterprise promoting global positivity. In collaboration with his wife, Ali, who serves as Chief Inspiration Officer, Dennis oversees several successful ventures; BizCatalyst 360° — an award-winning global media platform; 360° Nation Studios, producer of uplifting content and events; and GoodWorks 360°, a pro bono consulting service for nonprofit organizations worldwide. For more than a decade, Dennis and Ali have pursued a mission to illuminate the finest aspects of humanity and to leverage their resources to effect daily positive change worldwide. Their operational philosophy emphasizes presence, compassionate service, and the allocation of time, talents, and resources for societal benefit rather than for profit. As a contributing author to multiple best-selling books, Dennis is committed to fostering transformational change and promoting holistic wellness. Dennis and Ali strive to exemplify responsible stewardship while influencing and showcasing humanity’s highest potential. Their work reflects a dedication to ethical business practices, community engagement, and the belief that media can be a powerful force for good in the world.
Video Version: https://www.youtube.com/live/WuwBby_UtEY?si=xov9fme9nx0NVz_V
Learn more about Mark here:

Friday Jul 05, 2024
The Anxious Voyage with Mark O’Brien: The Conversation
Friday Jul 05, 2024
Friday Jul 05, 2024
The Conversation: Paula Parker and Nick Sternberg
Twenty-Third Episode: In a fairly recent LinkedIn conversation Paula M. Parker and Nick Sternberg had this exchange:
Nick: When I was younger, $3.35 an hour wasn’t enough to live on. Later, $16k a year wasn’t enough to live on. So, I found a cheap flat in a rough area and ate ramen.
Paula: I had a financial slap upside the head. I clawed my way out of it. I developed the tools, knowledge, and self-esteem to know I can get through anything life throws at me.
Nick: I like the notion of becoming less fragile by realizing the material is inferior to the mindset.
Paula: Your responses are nothing short of brilliant. Mindset isn’t the only thing — it’s everything. And boy, could we talk.
Ad, so, I invited them to come on The Anxious Voyage to Talk.
Paula M. Parker Bio:
Paula’s spent most of her life building things — structure, foundation, systems, and processes to generate recurring wealth. Assuming responsibility, leadership roles, and all things building started when her sixth-grade teacher, Miss Carmola, asked her to fill the weekly orders from the Teacher’s Supply Cabinet. Fast forward to a Global Consultancy firm for the Architecture and Engineering industries. The CEO would say, “Here’s the client, the contract, and $25k in seed money. Make it happen.” Then he’d vanish for months. Paula generated $33 million in revenue with eight percent annual growth for 15 years running and an 84 percent client retention rate. Decades later, she quit and established an advisory practice to turn ideas into reality, to make things happen, and to build wealth for businesses. And when she’s not doing those things, she’s making the best meatballs east of the Mississippi.
Nick Sternberg Bio:
Nick’s had a long career as a Creative Director and design educator. He’s been given all kinds of dubious titles like technologist, strategist, visionary, and polemicist. But they’re all irrelevant. Somehow all his clients find their way to the same basic description: He may seem overly analytical at first, but he finds the important stuff that’s true and helps you focus. He calms you down and helps you discover what you already know about yourself and your goals. Often mistaken for a tough-love therapist, he’s a miner. Nick is currently CEO of Hope and Change, an agency working to prototype the future of American corporate identity by writing and producing 21st century design fiction for big brands and finding what’s uniquely American about the little ones. He’s also a God-fearing father, husband, and family man.
Video Version: https://www.youtube.com/live/w1ZpK0Ebw1s?si=9O_iNR5uhRw0V9OG
Learn more about Mark here:

Friday Jun 21, 2024
The Anxious Voyage with Mark O’Brien: Spiritual Creativity
Friday Jun 21, 2024
Friday Jun 21, 2024
Spiritual Creativity: The Magic Mavens
Twenty-second Episode: Given my charmed Irish life, I’m fortunate enough to have crossed paths, at different times, with three wonderful women — Diane Wyzga, Gina Mazza, and Gail Harris. Diane was a guest on my show on November 6th, 2023. At some point, I wondered if the three of them should meet. So, I arranged a Zoom call for the four of us. From my perspective, it was like watching a fireworks display: Their energy was brilliant, spontaneous, and joyful. I dubbed them The Magic Mavens. And I invited them to join me to share their amazing energy with a wider audience. Please join us. You’ll be in for a treat.
The Magic Mavens are, in no particular order:
Diane Wyzga: From US Navy nurse to lawyer, noted speaker to litigation consultant, and seasoned backpacking adventurer to podcaster, Diane’s story is all about Falling Down 7 – Getting Up 8. For 30 years, Diane has been helping professionals take their stories from messages only they could hear to the publishing world, the courtroom, hospitals, board meetings, and the airwaves. Stories that swayed juries. Built markets. Spread ideas. Changed things. Today Diane helps professional women become successful Origin Story creators in the spirit of who they are: finding the words they didn’t know they had to connect with, engage, and enliven their audiences to action while transforming the lives of those they serve. When you summon the courage to say “Yes!” that’s the place where your story changes.
Gina Mazza: Gina’s worked and played with words professionally for nearly four decades as an award-winning journalist and author of four personal-growth books, including Everything Matters, Nothing Matters, which was praised in Publisher’s Weekly. Her newest book, Essential Astonishments: Poetic Reflections for Awakening, answers the soul’s longing to speak intimately about the bliss and bewilderment of the human experience. Gina’s company helps writers bring forth their creative expressions, particularly in spirituality, consciousness, and wellness. Her offerings include ghostwriting, editing, publishing consulting, creative musing, book promotion and branding. She also has a background in PR and advertising, media writing, corporate communications, entrepreneurship, and the use of intuitive guidance to elucidate one’s work, mission, passion, and purpose.
Gail Harris: Gail is a certified ghostwriter specializing in women’s memoirs and an IPNE Book Award Finalist for the memoir Finding Zoe. She collaborates with women who’ve risen above life’s challenges and are ready to share their journeys. Gail reveres the cathartic nature of storytelling — for the authors and for those who read their stories — because the healing is universal. She finds the gold in an author’s story or what sets it apart from other stories to make it marketable. Gail is also the author of the self-help book Your Heart Knows the Answer. Her company is Golden Ghostwriting.
Video Version: https://youtu.be/7TSDAh7Txrg?si=W79TVTJdUxf-V7KH
Learn more about Mark here:

Friday Jun 07, 2024
The Anxious Voyage with Mark O’Brien: Mandate to Elevate
Friday Jun 07, 2024
Friday Jun 07, 2024
Mandate to Elevate: Mariah and Byron Edgington
Twenty-first Episode: Mariah Edgington is a retired ER, ICU, Critical Care, and Flight Nurse. Byron Edgington is a retired military and commercial helicopter pilot. Published authors, TEDx speakers, creators of Mandate to Elevate LLC, they've lived in Iowa, Hawaii, and Ohio, as well as in Boquete Panama and Medellin Colombia. They now live in Tampa Florida. They’re the authors of the book , Journey Well, You Are More Than Enough: Mindset Matters, written to help people discard old paradigms that limit us in ways we might not imagine. In recognizing their differences, Mariah and Byron determined to embrace and explore them. That led them into the study of neurodivergence. They now perceive their differences as sources of strength and promise. Please join us for what will surely be a seemingly short, thoroughly engaging hour.
Video Version: https://www.youtube.com/live/fH8CmQIC7zs?si=v8RM1XqIVHO3PGEt
Learn more about Mark here:

Friday May 24, 2024
The Anxious Voyage with Mark O’Brien: The Self Regained Part 2
Friday May 24, 2024
Friday May 24, 2024
The Self Regained: Brian Kelly Part 2
Twentieth Episode: Brian Kelly, founder of Human Factors Consulting, believed vulnerability meant weakness. That affected the way he saw himself and the way he believed others saw him, leading to his feeling directionless and unhappy; creating unhealthy relationships, especially with himself; and falling short of what he wanted from life, personally and professionally. As his experience grew, he learned vulnerability and other human traits actually empower connections, healthy relationships, and high performance. And he saw the need for more human-centered leadership that values humanity as our greatest source of strength. Please join us for a conversation about re-discovering yourself through grace and acceptance.
Video Version: https://www.youtube.com/live/U-N-S2hIUTU?si=4GTKdtzTEBTqXYD0
Learn more about Mark here: