Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network

Friday Mar 01, 2024
The Choose Love Movement with Scarlett Lewis
Friday Mar 01, 2024
Friday Mar 01, 2024
Dr. Sally Goldberg, Pioneer in the Field of Early Childhood Education Part 2
This is Part 2 of Scarlett Lewis’ podcast with Dr. Sally Goldberg, a pioneer in the field of early childhood education. Scarlett and Dr. Goldberg believe the magic word to the healthy development of our children is ‘connection.’ Parents need to focus on connection when their children are at a young age. Dr. Goldberg says that it’s best started from birth and she describes the five areas of development and how they are carried out at each age and stage. There is a bonding and attachment process over the first three years of a child’s life which leads to self-esteem. Dr. Goldberg believes that parents can be taught to keep focusing on connection with their children at any age and stage. She also believes that a solid family (and extended family, too) creates the foundation that leads to connection.
Sally Goldberg, Ph.D. is a professor of education, parenting expert and author. Her unique, logical, and down-to-earth advice has been quoted in numerous magazines and newspapers including Parent’s Magazine and American Baby. Dr. Sally is one of the nation’s first parent coaches and founder of Dr. Sally Parenting, Inc. She was the first parenting expert on “Parent to Parent,” a FOX TV Channel 7 weekly news segment. A prolific magazine writer, Dr. Sally has been published in a multitude of magazines across the country.
Learn more About Scarlett here: https://chooselovemovement.org/

Friday Feb 23, 2024
The Choose Love Movement with Scarlett Lewis
Friday Feb 23, 2024
Friday Feb 23, 2024
A Sense of Safety, Peace and Calm for Your Students All in 1 Minute!
Scarlett Lewis’ guest is Avraham Frank who encourages all schools to implement a Moment of Silence each school day. He has seen the gratitude of principals, teachers, students and parents in schools who use a moment of silence each school day. Avraham reads letters to Scarlett from students and principals who have written to him with appreciation for this pause at the start of the day which allows children to not only care about themselves, but think of other children around the world. They feel proud of themselves and appreciative of their lives. This program is free and no training is necessary because it’s so simple and can be done during morning announcements. Scarlett and Avraham discuss how this moment allows children to become self-aware and develop social awareness because they realize ‘how I am feeling affects others.
The daily practice in the morning of a minute of silence in schools has resulted in children being calmer, stress-free, more focused, and happier. Attendance at these schools has gone up because the children simply look forward to this calm, relaxing time, where they can "explore themselves" and discover new character traits that they were unaware of. Schools have reported increases in math and reading scores and less running around in the hallways and less vandalism in the school yard. Children have even been doing this practice at home to face crises. This is simply an all-win practice where the the student, the parent, the teacher, and the principal -all win.In many testimonials, children have poured out their thanks to the teacher and the principal who brought the practice into the school. The practice is free and no training is needed. The dynamics are simple: Every morning the school announces over the loudspeaker that before they study the school subjects that they need to know to be successful and be able to make a living, they are given a minute to reflect. After this minute is over, the school day goes on as usual. The parents are encouraged to discuss with their child what to think about on a daily basis.
Listen to this podcast to find out how to implement a Moment of Silence in your schools. https://momentofsilence.info/
Learn more About Scarlett here: https://chooselovemovement.org/

Friday Feb 16, 2024
The Choose Love Movement with Scarlett Lewis
Friday Feb 16, 2024
Friday Feb 16, 2024
Las Vegas pastor, Troy Martinez, founder of Dads in Schools
Scarlett’s guest is Las Vegas pastor, Troy Martinez, founder of Dads in Schools. In response to rising behavioral issues, substance abuse and even gangs, Troy brought together a movement of community leaders, parents, and local volunteers who understand the power of presence to provide a safe environment that enables students to thrive as they focus on their relationships and education. This successful program can be duplicated in your area to provide sense of safety and caring. https://www.dadsinschools.com/
Learn more About Scarlett here: https://chooselovemovement.org/

Friday Feb 09, 2024
The Choose Love Movement with Scarlett Lewis
Friday Feb 09, 2024
Friday Feb 09, 2024
Andrea Ackerly, illustrator and educator, Kimberly J. B. Smith “The Dove Who Inspired Beyond Barbed Wire"
"I have been so inspired by you and what you've taught me. So much about what I've learned through the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement has led Kimberly and I to writing the words on the pages in our book The Dove Who Inspired Beyond Barbed Wire: Dr. Viktor Frankl.”
Scarlett’s guests are author and educator, Andrea Ackerly and illustrator and educator, Kimberly J. B. Smith. They discuss their new book, “The Dove Who Inspired Beyond Barbed Wire".
A shared admiration for the life and teachings of Dr. Viktor Frankl inspired this book collaboration and its message will inspire all who read it to focus on the things they can control and focus on fulfilling a loving and meaningful life of service and kindness.
Learn how to have hard conversations with your kids, about current events. This is a timely podcast! To purchase this book: https://www.amazon.com/Dove-Inspired-Beyond-Barbed-Wire/dp/1960142992
Learn more About Scarlett here: https://chooselovemovement.org/

Friday Feb 02, 2024
The Choose Love Movement with Scarlett Lewis
Friday Feb 02, 2024
Friday Feb 02, 2024
Keely Roberts after the tragedy that forever changed the lives of her family members and Highland Park, IL
Scarlett Lewis met Keely Roberts a few months after the tragedy that forever changed the lives of her family members and the Highland Park, IL community. During their July 4th Independence Day parade in 2022, a gunman opened fire killing seven people and injuring more than 40. Among the victims were Keely Roberts, and her twin sons Cooper and Luke, both 8 at the time. Cooper was hit in the back with a bullet that exited his chest, damaging his aorta, liver, esophagus and spinal cord, paralyzing him from the waist down. His fraternal twin brother, Luke, was also wounded.
The gunman Robert Crimo III, 22, is awaiting trial on 21 counts of first-degree murder, 48 counts of attempted murder and 48 counts of aggravated battery with a firearm. His father, Robert Crimo Jr., 59, was also arrested on seven counts of felony reckless conduct for allegedly helping his son procure a Firearm Owner’s Identification Card when he knew his son was a danger to the public. He recently pled guilty and is now serving time in jail. The Robertses, along with dozens of others, also filed a lawsuit against the Crimos, manufacturer Smith & Wesson, online distributor Buds Gun Shop and retailer Red Dot Arms. “We moved to Highland Park because it was safe. And then this happens,” says Keely, a former school superintendent. “But by the grace and kindness of others, a lot of good has happened too.”
Keely proposes a fantastic idea - What does it mean to be a villager? accountable for human connection, seeing the light of humanity in each other, being kind, fault versus responsibility, leaning into community, being part of something greater than yourself, asking for help, open and trust of those around you, reminding yourself there is more good than bad. caring show we don't walk along. "Human existence is a team sport" SEL is fundamentally critical, at least as important as academics.
Learn more About Scarlett here: https://chooselovemovement.org/

Friday Jan 26, 2024
The Choose Love Movement with Scarlett Lewis
Friday Jan 26, 2024
Friday Jan 26, 2024
Scarlett Interviews Jonathan Lewis Sr.
Jonathan Lewis, Sr.'s son was murdered outside his high school in Las Vegas by a group of fellow classmates. The attack occurred on 11/1/23 and he was taken off life support 6 days later. Jonathan Jr. died defending his friend. He was murdered over a set of headphones and a vape pen. His dad responded by expressing forgiveness and compassion toward his killers. He said, "I think there's a failure of all humanity to recognize that we need to be teaching our kids to co-exist." He says, 'we are the ones we've been waiting for....' https://teamjonathanlewis.com
Learn more About Scarlett here: https://chooselovemovement.org/

Friday Jan 19, 2024
The Choose Love Movement with Scarlett Lewis
Friday Jan 19, 2024
Friday Jan 19, 2024
Rick Rood, New Mexico Choose Love Ambassador and Choose Love Professional Development Instructor
Scarlett Lewis' guest is Rick Rood, New Mexico Choose Love Ambassador and Choose Love Professional Development instructor, also 5th grade educator incorporating the Choose Love curriculum, and a professional coach/educator for over 30 years. He is proficient in math/music/tech and education so Rick uses all aspects of his brain to help kids, and big kids expand and excel to be the best versions of themselves!
The Choose Love Coaching program is a 12-week curriculum-based journey towards internalization of the Choose Love concepts and successful unique-case implementation in an educational setting (school, classroom, Afterschool Program, etc.). School leaders will work in a group coaching setting or one-on-one with a Choose Love certified coach and practitioner to deepen their understanding of the core principles of the Choose Love formula and its successful and meaningful implementation.
Register for Choose Love's January spotlight webinar with Rick Rood to introduce Choose Love's new coaching program. https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/mnc6tft/lp/7a5f7524-5616-4c2a-a15d-8bc14aeec9b7
Learn more About Scarlett here: https://chooselovemovement.org/

Friday Jan 12, 2024
The Choose Love Movement with Scarlett Lewis
Friday Jan 12, 2024
Friday Jan 12, 2024
Jenna Moniz, Education Program Specialist for the HeartMath Institute
Scarlett interviews Jenna Moniz, education program specialist for the HeartMath Institute. They discuss the power the heart has to influence all organs in the body based on your thoughts and emotions. Every bodily system syncs with the heart. Using scientific measurements of heart rate variability, the time intervals between heartbeats. High HRV is a result of anxiety, stress and anger and leads to depression, health issues and higher risk of death. High HRV is a result of love and appreciation and results in enhanced well-being, performance, cognition, sleep, your body's ability to relax and recover, resilience, flexibility and adaptability. The goal is heart coherence and order, harmony and stability where your nervous system is synchronized and your bodily systems optimized. Your brain's function improves with heart coherence and enables you to access the intelligence of the heart that includes higher level thinking and problem solving capabilities. Using the Choose Love formula and changing angry thoughts to loving ones increases HRV and adds to coherence. Your level of coherence can impact those around you bringing peace, or chaos. Learn how to find coherence in this podcast and maximize your potential as well as your students’ potential.
Learn more About Scarlett here: https://chooselovemovement.org/

Friday Jan 05, 2024
The Choose Love Movement with Scarlett Lewis
Friday Jan 05, 2024
Friday Jan 05, 2024
Reformed School Shooter, Jon Romano Part 3
“Not every story has a happy ending…but the discoveries of science, the teachings of the heart, and the revelations of the soul, all assure us that no human being is ever beyond redemption. The possibility of renewal exists so long as life exists.” Gabor Mate
Scarlett Lewis continues her conversation with attempted school shooter, Jon Romano. They discuss the pain, trauma and abuse that can lead to the pathway to violence. After Jon’s incarceration, he has found that ‘healed people, heal people.’ He currently works at a homeless shelter helping others with mental health struggles. They discuss how Choose Love works in prisons using the formula (courage+gratitude+forgiveness+compassioninaction) to teach prisoners how to manage emotions, essential life skills, how to have healthy relationships and make responsible decisions.
Learn more About Scarlett here: https://chooselovemovement.org/

Friday Dec 29, 2023
The Choose Love Movement with Scarlett Lewis
Friday Dec 29, 2023
Friday Dec 29, 2023
Reformed School Shooter, Jon Romano Part 2
“Not every story has a happy ending…but the discoveries of science, the teachings of the heart, and the revelations of the soul, all assure us that no human being is ever beyond redemption. The possibility of renewal exists so long as life exists.” Gabor Mate
Scarlett Lewis continues her conversation with Jon Romano who has been released from serving a 17 year prison sentence for carrying out a school shooting in his high school in NY. He continues to heal and begins working in a homeless shelter. A man attacks him one day with knives and he becomes permanently disabled. Jon forgave the man, even advocating for a lighter sentence at his trial. He is trying to figure out how to move forward today and be part of the solution. A solution he says could come from educators never giving up on their students and through their love and caring. He believes social and emotional learning, starting as early as possible, would be helpful. He also believes that educators, parents, and students need to be aware of the resources that are available to them and make mental health a priority. In fact, Jon advocates for talking about brain illness rather than mental illness to reduce stigma and so more people will seek help. People make mistakes, learn and grow from them. We forgive people, as we forgive ourselves and allow them to take what they’ve learned to help others, and us in the process.
Learn more About Scarlett here: https://chooselovemovement.org/