Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network

Saturday Jul 29, 2023
The Choose Love Movement with Scarlett Lewis
Saturday Jul 29, 2023
Saturday Jul 29, 2023
Shari O’Loughlin (The Compassionate Friends)
I had the most wonderful conversation with Shari O’Loughlin, CEO of The Compassionate Friends and author of the fascinating book Life From the Ashes: Finding Signs of Hope After Loss. Shari talks honestly about her feelings upon losing her 14-year-old son, Connor, in an airplane crash and how she went on to live her life in mindfulness gratitude. We discuss the topics of guilt, forgiveness, hope, and healing, and the self care tool kit she created to help her move forward after experiencing profound loss. Shari and I bonded over our shared experiences, how we appreciate precious moments in our daily lives, and the special signs our children leave us that give us much-needed comfort. https://www.compassionatefriends.org/
Learn more About Scarlett here: https://chooselovemovement.org/

Friday Jul 21, 2023
The Choose Love Movement with Scarlette Lewis
Friday Jul 21, 2023
Friday Jul 21, 2023
ONE CommUNITY, Listen, Learn, Understand: Quentin Williams, Founder of Dedication to Community (D2C)
Quentin is a Former FBI agent, federal prosecutor and thought leader trying to connect those who today seem to be the most disconnected. Quentin is the founder of Dedication to Community (D2C). This organization is a national non-profit that educates and empowers communities through skill-building workshops and ongoing forums designed to improve understanding and foster relationships while pursuing healing, reconciliation and unity. Its experts work with government agencies and the private sector by training and advising on critical issues in public safety and law enforcement, as well as diversity, belonging and equity.
Scarlett and Quentin discuss how we are stronger together and that love is the ultimate connector of people. Quentin is a great example of someone that chooses love as a living by teaching others his recipe for reconciliation:
Listen (beautifully)
Learning (hearts open)
Understanding (empathy is born + action = compassion)
Acknowledgment (of mistakes so we can learn going forward)
Action (to form meaningful relationships)
Quentin believes that if you live these five ‘ingredients’, then the rest will come organically. Listen to this inspiring podcast as Scarlett and Quentin talk about connection.
Learn more About Scarlett here: https://chooselovemovement.org/

Friday Jul 14, 2023
The Choose Love Movement with Scarlett Lewis
Friday Jul 14, 2023
Friday Jul 14, 2023
Don’t Give Your Pain Too Much Power
In this episode, Scarlett Lewis’ guest is actress Elisabeth Rohm. Elisabeth is also an entrepreneur and restauranteur with a heart for philanthropy. But most importantly, Elisabeth is a mom. She founded Respect Talks where she offers an open forum and invites thought leaders to spark poignant conversations addressing today’s biggest issues, Elisabeth’s Respect Project is an invitation to have an honest conversation and listen to each other’s suffering, joys, successes and how we can work together to find the strength to work through our pain. We need to realize that we have different perspectives and we need to really listen and show up for each other.
Elisabeth is working on a movie based on Scarlett’s book, Nurturing, Healing, Love. Mass shootings are an essential topic of our time and Elisabeth wants to share how Scarlett’s book focuses on how we should not judge each other, find forgiveness and dedicate ourselves to the mental health of our children and live a life of Nurturing, Healing, Love. Scarlett and Elisabeth discuss how we can move through life by navigating the complexities of human emotions.
Scarlett and Elisabeth talk about having the courage to be present with one another and show that you care. It takes courage to choose love over fear and forgiving others allows you to be the true version of yourself. Elisabeth truly has a heart for Choosing Love which, if you are a fan, you already know and if you’re just meeting her, you will find out!
Learn more About Scarlett here: https://chooselovemovement.org/

Friday Jul 07, 2023
The Choose Love Movement with Scarlett Lewis
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Dr. Sally Goldberg believes that ‘Nurturing, Healing, Love’ is the solution to prevent school shootings.
In this podcast, Scarlett Lewis’ guest is Dr. Sally Goldberg, a pioneer in the field of early childhood education. Sally Goldberg, Ph.D. is a professor of education, parenting expert and author. Her unique, logical, and down-to-earth advice has been quoted in numerous magazines and newspapers including Parent’s Magazine and American Baby. Dr. Sally is one of the nation’s first parent coaches and founder of Dr. Sally Parenting, Inc. She was the first parenting expert on “Parent to Parent,” a FOX TV Channel 7 weekly news segment. A prolific magazine writer, Dr. Sally has been published in a multitude of magazines across the country.
Scarlett and Dr. Goldberg believe the magic word to the healthy development of our children is ‘connection.’ Parents need to focus on connection when their children are at a young age. Dr. Goldberg says that it’s best started from birth and she describes the five areas of development and how they are carried out at each age and stage. There is a bonding and attachment process over the first three years of a child’s life which leads to self-esteem. Dr. Goldberg believes that parents can be taught to keep focusing on connection with their children at any age and stage. She also believes that a solid family (and extended family, too) creates the foundation that leads to connection.
Dr. Goldberg talks about the study, Meaningful Differences, highlighting the every day life experiences of young children and the importance of having nurturing, healing, love in their lives. This study shows that connection affects a child’s physical and emotional well-being.
Listen to this podcast to learn more about connecting with your children and the resources that Dr. Goldberg has available for parents.
Learn more About Scarlett here: https://chooselovemovement.org/

Friday Jun 30, 2023
The Choose Love Movement with Scarlett Lewis
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Casey Secor, CEO, Senior Staff Attorney for Suzerain Capital Defense
“Every person is more than the worst thing they have done.
They are: Sons. Daughters. Fathers. Mothers. Brothers. Sisters. Uncles. Aunts.”
What’s the connection between Choose Love and capital defense? EVERYTHING. Individuals that don’t receive ‘nurturing healing love’ or learn essential life skills to manage their emotional pain can end up on death row. This is where the story of Choose Love and Suzerain begins. Scarlett Lewis’ special guest is Casey Secor, CEO, Senior Staff Attorney for Suzerain Capital Defense.
Scarlett met Casey while he was working on the Parkland Shooting trial last year. This tragedy occurred at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida where 19 year old Nikolas Cruz, an expelled former student, came back to the school and killed 17 people and injured 17 others on February 14, 2018. Scarlett and Casey hope that working together they can create a new framework that can be used to change how we interact with one another, better recognize how others are struggling, reduce mass violence, and increase love and understanding.
Learn more About Scarlett here: https://chooselovemovement.org/

Friday Jun 23, 2023
The Choose Love Movement with Scarlett Lewis
Friday Jun 23, 2023
Friday Jun 23, 2023
Carin Winter of Mission Be
I was so happy to chat with Carin Winter, founder of Mission Be, a non-profit organization that offers mindfulness-based educational programs to help students better manage stress and regulate emotion, and the creator of our Choose Love Brave Breath. We start off with a grounding meditation that moves into the interesting story of what led Carin to create her organization. After seeing children struggle with pain, neglect, and feeling unseen, she recognized the need for social emotional learning on a daily basis to help them feel valued, loved, and appreciated. She discusses how the tragedy propelled her forward to launch mindful programming, shares how Jesse inspired her, explains the organization's relationship to 9/11, and the power of love. We also talk about the various benefits of mindfulness for both children and adults. Carin is filled with lots of information on how we can move forward in our brave new world
Learn more About Scarlett here: https://chooselovemovement.org/

Friday Jun 16, 2023
The Choose Love Movement with Scarlett Lewis
Friday Jun 16, 2023
Friday Jun 16, 2023
Mitigation Specialist, Kate O’Shea
Scarlett Lewis’ guest is mitigation specialist, Kate O’Shea. Scarlett met Kate when she was working on the Parkland, FL high school shooting trial. Mitigation is the storytelling part of representing the criminal defendant. Her job is to explain who a person is, and how this shooting could have happened based on their childhood and past traumas. Kate and Scarlett discuss why there is so much suffering and violence in our world and how we can address the root cause of this violence to end school shootings.
Scarlett and Kate talk about how the individuals who commit mass shootings have unmet needs and they explore how to proactively reduce and prevent these tragedies. Living through trauma as children affects brain development and can result in having no concept of the consequences of their actions. Conduct disorder is something that Kate says is a mental diagnosis given to someone under the age of 18 with a pervasive pattern of using weapons, setting fires, rule violations. This is a trauma based disorder. These are labels that suggest the conduct is what you need to be treating, but in reality the trauma and pain that are the cause of these unsettling behaviors are what needs to be addressed. Treating the underlying trauma is necessary, finding out what happened to them, rather than what’s wrong with them can help us move towards solutions instead of always being one step behind. Healthy attachment and connections, essential life skills, and support, help to overcome these childhood traumas to become successful, productive adults.
Learn more About Scarlett here: https://chooselovemovement.org/

Friday Jun 02, 2023
The Choose Love Movement with Scarlett Lewis
Friday Jun 02, 2023
Friday Jun 02, 2023
I Will Never Give Up with Dana Liesengang
"I will never give up." Those are powerful words from Dana Liesegang who is not only my dear friend and Colorado Choose Love Ambassador, she is a survivor. At age 19, Dana was sexually assaulted by a fellow Navy sailor, thrown off a cliff, and was on the brink of death. In this podcast Dana takes you on her incredible journey of waking up in a hospital hours later paralyzed from the neck down, with doctors giving no hope for recovery. She explains how tapping into her resilience, inner spirit, and stubbornness allowed her to persevere, and how forgiveness was the key to her recovery and allows her to live a life of happiness and gratitude. We talk about the Choose Love Formula and how choosing love helps Dana in every area of her life and allows her to move forward every day. As Dana says, she hopes to be the light for others to show that they can survive anything and her powerful memoir, “Falling Up: My Wild Ride from Victim to Kick-Ass Victory,” proves it's possible.
Learn more About Scarlett here: https://chooselovemovement.org/

Friday May 26, 2023
The Choose Love Movement with Scarlett Lewis
Friday May 26, 2023
Friday May 26, 2023
Lisa MacKenzie on Teaching Choose Love Program to her Students with ‘Nurturing Healing Love”
Scarlett speaks with Lisa MacKenzie, our Choose Love CA ambassador and one of our curriculum writers for the Choose Love for School Program. While piloting the original Choose Love Enrichment Program several years ago, Lisa discusses how she has taught Choose Love programming to her students with 'Nurturing, Healing, Love.' Lisa has used choose love to successfully stop the school to prison pipeline in her district.
Learn more About Scarlett here: https://chooselovemovement.org/

Friday May 19, 2023
The Choose Love Movement with Scarlett Lewis
Friday May 19, 2023
Friday May 19, 2023
“Life is Hard, Food Should be Easy."
Scarlett Lewis’ guest is leading health and wellness expert, Joy Bauer, MS, RD, CDN. Joy is one of the nation’s leading health authorities. As the nutrition and healthy lifestyle expert for NBC’s TODAY show, Joy shares reliable, practical and easy to follow advice that helps millions of people eat better, live healthier and lead more fulfilling lives. She is a #1 best selling author with 14 best selling books to her credit! In this podcast, Scarlett and Joy discuss selecting the right foods and food combinations that can catapult us to utmost health and wellbeing. Food is more than fuel and Joy’s philosophy is 90/10. Eat healthy 90 percent of the time and the other 10 can be your favorite, indulgent foods.
Food also provides an avenue for connection which is the key to happiness. We can incorporate the Choose Love pillars into our healthy eating plan. Have the courage to love yourself with what you put into your body, and commit to making meal plans and eating with your family. Be grateful for the food choices and supermarkets that we have access to in our communities. Forgive ourselves for not following healthy eating at times, but tomorrow is another day to start fresh. The compassion in action component is stepping outside of our own busy schedules and distractions to bring our family together to be present and eat together around the table. Joy provides helpful hints to simplify our family’s nutrition and how to be mindful and thoughtful about the fuel we put into our bodies. Fueling our bodies with the correct foods will increase our physical, psychological and emotional well-being.
Listen to this informative podcast for tips on how you can help yourself and your family make healthy food choices to improve our well-being and, “Have a Lot of fun!”.
Learn more About Scarlett here: https://chooselovemovement.org/