Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network

Saturday Nov 28, 2020
The Second Genesis Awakening with Debara Bruhn Towt
Saturday Nov 28, 2020
Saturday Nov 28, 2020
Two of Debara's dear friends:
Carol Letkey Visionary Founder of The Village of Many Nations sharing stories with us of her hands-on experiences of harmony. Carol lived at the village among the people, the tribes and elders actively engaged with the world visiting the Village of many Nations from countries from all around the world during the Spring, Summer & Fall. (2000 to 2011)
Carol shares her experiences of hope inspired by great spirit every day, as the Native American's shared their stories and dances and arts and crafts, walks to the medicine wheel & much more. Learning to build hogans, wickups with Tipi's ...Being Taught by the elder.. Many who are now gone....
In the second half of the show Susan Whiting shares with us what we lovingly call the Organic Humanity Gardens.
Women who take action and live from the heart .. Debara has questions about what is happening now in their communities? ~ Susan with Organic Gardening feeding 100 families & Carol share ways to reach out during Covid-19 to families In Navajo & Hopi communities: The Hopi Outreach program.
How can we help? Women reaching out to touch hearts with Spiritual food and food to sustain our bodies ...
Susan said "more people are doing good then is reported on the news."... KIND ACTS…Carol said, “Make New friends, but always keep the old friends for one is silver and the other is gold.”
Let us always keep making a positive difference with our families, each other and in our communities...
Stay Safe .. Blessings to you all... Thank you Great Creator!!!
Here is where you can give to feed a family ...Mike Sweat’s Hopi OutReach www.unitedRain.org
For 25 years, I have been going to Hopi land at Christmas time. We have delivered many semi loads each year helping the elderly and those in need. Due to the fact that the Hopi tribe has been hit hard with the Covid we will not be doing our Hopi Outreach in person this year. Instead, we will be delivering food coupons for the elderly. Our goal is to have 200 elderly families receive $70 worth of food that they can redeem at McGee‘s Trading Post on the Hopi reservation. We are about halfway there and I am asking for any donation that you can possibly make to help an elderly. In order to succeed we need your help. Many thanks, in advance for all those who have helped in the past and for all the volunteers that have come each year and gave up their time and money to help those in need. To pay with PayPal please go to our website www.unitedRain.org
Learn more about Debara here:

Friday Oct 23, 2020
The Second Genesis Awakening with Debara Bruhn Towt
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Discovering Writing Technique and Tips for Virtual Family Thanksgiving for the Kids including Recipes
Debara welcomes you to join with her as she shares a songversation a tribute to you and the power of music ... The Power of I AM
A song I AM SO BLESSED (by singer songwriter Karen Drucker)
In this episode Debara invites you on your own journey of discovering a technique she invites or gives you an assignment... A tool that works for her which is sharing ... A Handwriting journey where you write with your own hand ...I am Blessed … I am healthy, I am Happy etc ... as she shares the science behind what handwriting activates and how handwriting increases neural activity in certain sections of the brain, similar to meditation. ... And high-tech magnetic resonance imaging has indeed shown that low-tech writing by hand increases neural activity in certain sections of the brain and shares more about the activity in the parietal cortex, an area of the brain involved in awareness of self … your spiritual connection …
The second part there is a meditation for you … to release stress. What's happening with Adam't ... Why eat only and Grow Organic … Their Journeys.
Tips for Virtual Family Thanksgiving for the kids
Thanksgiving Treat Recipes ~ All Organic ..experience for yourself with your body.
Dixie Salad
2-3 Cups pomegranates
2 Cups apples-chopped
3-4 bananas-sliced and diced
1-2 bunches of red grapes
Combine all ingredients and mix well. Let sit in refrigerator while you make cream
Cashew cream
2 cups cashews
11/4 cups water
Dash of organic sea salt
1/4 -1/3 cup agave nectar
1tspl Vanilla
Put cashew and water in a blender. Mix at high speed until creamy
Add the last 3 ingredients. Blend some more . Fold fruit into cream
Mashed "Potatoes and Creamy Dressing
Potatoes are boiled at threshold energy 42 Degrees
(Why do we eat this way?
(Eating cooked food is eating dead food. That will make you feel heavy and tired. Live food has live energy. It will give you energy. Simply put. A raw seed will grow, a cooked seed won't) Cooking ~ Destroys the life force)
Boil your potatoes on the stove for about 3 to 4 minutes that comes to 42 degrees Threshold energy .. add water if you like Blend (We use a Juicer) at medium speed in a Blender
Now it is ready to put in
Debara’s Divine Dressing
In a blender add 21/2 cup water
juice 2-3 small lemons .. Juiced
Dice up 1/2 Onions
1 to 2 Tbsp Ginger
add flavor Tbsp mustard
Blend it all up in Blender at high speed
with a coffee grinder or grinder
Chop up 3 times 1/4Cup sesame seeds
Put in a bowl
Chop up 3 times 1/4Cup Pumpkin seeds
(we wash all are seeds and let them dry) and keep ready to use
1/4 to 1/2 cup Raw Organic raw organic turbinado sugar
Put them in your water mix and blend them all together ~ medium speed
Organic Raw Pumpkin Pie
4 yams (medium to small) Peeled
1 cup dates
1/2 cup or more to your taste. Add Raw Organic raw organic turbinado sugar
1tsp Vanilla
1tsp. cinnamon
2tsps. Pumpkin spice
1/4tsp. nutmeg
Cut yams into pieces small enough to fit into your juicer
Run the yams and dates through your juicer with the blank plate on.
Add the rest of your Juicer plate on.
Add the rest of your ingredients. Pour evenly into the crust. Top with fresh shredded coconut and slices strawberries or berries to your taste.
Tastes like Pumpkin Pie
4 cups Carrots
3/4 cups almonds, Soaked 12-48 hours
1/2 cup walnuts, soaked 6 hours
11/2 cup dates
1tsp Cinnamon
1tsp. Ginger
1/4tsp. Cloves
Process Carrots, almonds, walnuts and dates though the juicer blank blade. Mix well. Press firmly into a 9 inch or 10 inch pie plate and refrigerate until firm. Enjoy
Learn more about Debara here:
Debara The Second Genesis Awakenings ~ Pinterest

Friday Sep 25, 2020
The Second Genesis Awakening with Debara Bruhn Towt
Friday Sep 25, 2020
Friday Sep 25, 2020
Every time YOU EAT or DRINK... you are either FEEDING DISEASE... or BUILDING IMMUNITY!
We have a Rare Moment on this week's show when Adam't Gardener ...Visionary and Creator of The Human Accelerator™...with two books now in print... Shares with us his Experience of the Bad News with refined white sugar as we all move forward into October, November & December ... Also in this current COVID19 Situation, Adam't Shares the Simple Science and the Good News of LIVING A LIFE FREE OF SICKNESS AND DISEASE. Adam't has lived this lifestyle for over 30 years while Debara has been 100% organically grown, 100% Plant Based for almost 20 years. This is a show of Hope, a way of life that is different from the Standard American Diet and at the end of the show Debara Share's a fun Healthy treat...a family recipe Adam't shared with her years ago, when she invited over 60 friends to her home for the holidays.
Walnut Truffles Treat
Ingredients: Pitted dates 1 1/2 Cup ~ Walnuts 1 1/2 Cup ~ finely chopped Coconut ~ 1 Cup~ 1 teaspoon of Vanilla Extract
We sometimes add so Powdered Cocoa ~ to your taste or liking, 4 Tbsp Cocoa(which is the dried and fully fermented seed of Theobroma cacao, from which cocoa solids (a mixture of nonfat substances) and cocoa butter (the fat) can be extracted)
We mix them up with are hands ... Fun for kids and family ... You might like to make two batches ... because You can eat them as soon as you’ve made them, but with this blend, popping them into the fridge for a few hours … ENJOY with Halloween an the coming & Holidays
Video with Instructionshttps://youtu.be/TeRCIKYA9SE
SOMETHING FUN FOR KIDS, family fun time ...
There are so many great Organic Plant recipes with lots of Natural Healing idea's
Debara The Second Genesis Awakenings ~ Pinterest
Learn more about Debara here:

Friday Aug 28, 2020
The Second Genesis Awakening with Debara Bruhn Towt
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Friday Aug 28, 2020
"Labyrinth of the Soul-filled Heart" with living Soulfully Janice Brooks
Everyone Janice greets feels the electric charge of life that touches & sparks a soulful recognition that something great is about to happen!
Let me Introduce you to a longtime friend of mine. Janice Brooks who in this conversation we will learn together about Synergy & Soulful living. Brooks with her long time Journey of enrichment, is no stranger to cultural change. Her experience as the former director of “Insight and Energetic Healing” retreat programs, and "CEO" of Green Valley Spa and Resort St. George Utah, which was one of the Top-3 rated spas in the world. (Travel & Leisure)
Her company, Jan Brooks Synergies, offers strategic communications, public affairs, corporate social responsibility (CSR) analysis, crisis management, constituency & community advocacy, organizational development training and business diplomacy consultation services, executive and leadership coach, public affairs consultant, journalist, professional speaker, community activist, actor, storyteller and poet who is currently a Community Hospice Chaplain as she provides end of life spiritual support and facilitates bedside sacred vigil ceremonies, for dying and loved ones...
She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice from Arizona State University and a Master's of Public Affairs from University of Nevada Las Vegas. She held a “Q”-top secret clearance and was a Security Specialist for the Department of Energy for nine years.
This episode, I Intuitively asked Janice to come be with us for this hour in a conversation for... food for our ...souls. Thoughts and conversation are about ~Collective Cultural change, as we experience our world changing, (the seasons of life and nature) ... Meanderings on social transformation which is all about, us.... Our spiritual chrysalis .... blood, bones and Breath regulation … Our Possiblites & Our Opportunities Into what is Essential to move forward with Agency & Responsibility .. An Awakening to an intensity ONE of Synergy for 2020 of HOPE ...
Learn more about Debara here:

Thursday Jun 25, 2020
The Second Genesis Awakening with Debara Bruhn Towt
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Take the Organic Plant Based Challenge: Ramblings from Debara
Living a Life free from Sickness and Disease
I live my life in Consciousness ...
Out of the Second Genesis Transformation: Passage to Spontaneous Regeneration by ... By Adam't Gardner
Preface page 9... There are many life phenomena in our modern age that deserve more attention than we are giving them ...
Chapter 8 ... Page 232 … Keeping "mountains" of information simple ... the "Stand Back" Perspective ...
It may seem overwhelming but living the truth of life is fundamentally simple & joyful ..... Common Heath Conditions Related to Obesity
Learn more about Debara here:

Friday May 29, 2020
The Second Genesis Awakening with Debara Bruhn Towt
Friday May 29, 2020
Friday May 29, 2020
Organic Gardening Tips for those Beginners and Everyone: An Answer for Living a Life Free of Sickness and Disease
Susan Whiting Welcome to Spring Gardening Tips for Beginners and Everyone..
Back by Popular demand .. More from their humanitarian Gardening...Several friends are calling in on this show to ask about Gardening Tips. How do you know how it is all Organic.. Pests.. Prevention.. The Class locally that Susan facilitates now are gathering outside in the Garden as she facilitates the I AM FUNDAMENTS… due to distancing with the Covid 19 ... Susan shares with us that ...The Second Genesis Awakening is all about eating Live Fresh Organically grown out of your own Garden. After 25 years in Higher Education as wellness a therapist Susan retired to working her own land as an organic and humanitarian gardener to give fresh fruits and vegetables to families locally to teach them how to grow food to restore their own health while reducing pollution on the planet. She is an advocate for all to know the freedom of growing your own food....
Max and Susan Whiting
A gift to us All.... From the Garden to your family
Learn more about Debara here:

Friday Apr 24, 2020
The Second Genesis Awakening with Debara Bruhn Towt
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Come Take the Organic Plant based Challenge with Adamt and Family
(A liberation that is not compromising your health and gives to you, A New lifestyle)
Debara & Adam
Staying at home ... Staying Safe … 2020 Covid19…sharing there day to day, with us all .... News about Boosting your immune & DNA
Learn more about Debara here:

Thursday Mar 05, 2020
The Second Genesis Awakening with Debara Bruhn Towt
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Michael Schmaeling: Farm Manager, Rodale Institute Resident Beekeeper
You are in for a heart warming show with special Guest Michael Schmaeling as he shares his unique management of Honey Bee's … Regenerative Selective Genetics’ … A rare experience with one who communicates with the bee's ...
Michael Schmaeling Founders Campus Farm Manager, Rodale Institute Resident Beekeeper. Michael manages and maintains the Institute’s treatment-free honeybee conservancy, where he selectively breeds healthy queens to create new colonies. Additionally, he is the manager of the Rodale Institute Founder’s Campus.
Mike Schmaeling ~developed innovative breeding techniques to better isolate mating when “splitting” colonies. Last year, he says he roughly tripled his colonies, which then suffered 50% mortality. Learn what happening with the colonies in 2020.
Find Mike at Rodale Institute ... https://rodaleinstitute.org/about/staff/
Learn more about Debara here:

Friday Jan 24, 2020
The Second Genesis Awakening with Debara Bruhn Towt
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Look for Surprise visits with Adam't Gardener 1st Living Segment: Adam's Lamentations, Come Take the Plant based Challenge
This 1st Living Segment .. Adam’s lamentations, Starting Year 2020 ...
Come take the Plant based Challenge
Adam’t is in the HOUSE (Host Adam't Gardener TheHumanAccelerator.org ) ~ who will be joining Debara.
Debara & I were doing some deep house cleaning a couple of months ago. We had boxes of this and that and in the bottom of one filled with a clippings from whatever was this "Cartoon" drawing that dates all the way back to, I think the late 1980's . It's just amazing to me ... the names of the drugs may have changed over the years but the Intent is still here. When will we Awaken to our awful sate of Suffering and Lamentation. We are in .. And Truthfully ...GET OFF DRUGS , AMERICA!!!
Learn more about Debara here:

Saturday Nov 30, 2019
The Second Genesis Awakening with Debara Bruhn Towt
Saturday Nov 30, 2019
Saturday Nov 30, 2019
Story Walking Radio Hour Host, Wendy Nadherny Fachon Talks About Empowering Young People, Sustainable Awareness, Ideas and Creativity
You’re in for a treat ...WE GIVE THANKS EVERY DAY!
We Welcome ...Creative… Sensible… solutions. Let’s engage with Earth… with Spirit… and with one another… heart to heart… to solve problems and co-create more meaningful life stories with Wendy Fachon, Host of the Story Walking Radio Hour is a part of D7RN's Sustainability Regeneration & Green platform shows...
Heart to Heart ... Debara & Wendy's conversation brings about a whole new shift spiritual awareness for your walk and invitation to your story and life's journey ...
Story Walking Radio Hour Host, Wendy Nadherny Fachon empowers young people, by showing how to step forward into each new life learning adventure with clarity, confidence and positive energy. Wendy began her youth work training in the school of life by observing and listening to her own daughter and son as they faced the challenges of growing up with bullying, fickle friends, and tough teachers. When her nephews, aged 5 and 7, lost their father on 9/11, she joined the boys and her sister on their bumpy journey along the road to recovery from deep trauma and upheaval.
As Wendy’s children grew into their independence, she entered into youth work and earned her RIPQA certification, Rhode Island’s 21st Century Community Learning Center program quality training. At the same time, she joined a holistic community, which informed and inspired her Story Walking practice, and in 2011, Wendy created a lyrical Storywalker CD, Fiddlesticks, to introduce the concept of Story Walking to children and parents. Wendy’s stories and associated lessons combine mindful walking, word play, environmental education and spirituality to nurture the personal development of her followers. From there, Wendy began leading programs for in-school and out-of-school-time (OST) enrichment.
One of her first youth work assignments was to form an after-school walking club to help an unusually obese child get more physically active, make friends, and increase self-esteem. At the core of the Story Walking practice is the concept that each individual is the main character in his or her own unique life story, holding the power to weave the fabric of that story through the conscious energetic choices of words, thoughts, intentions and actions, elicited in response to both fortunate and unfortunate situations. Inevitably, each story becomes an important piece of the great storied tapestry of humanity.
In 2014, Wendy published her Storywalker children’s book, The Angel Heart. Dedicated to her late father, this poetic story presents a metaphor for finding the peace, love and joy within ourselves when confronted with sadness, loss and grief.
In 2016, Wendy’s faced the unimaginable, when her 19-year-old son, Neil, was diagnosed with DIPG, an aggressive, rare, inoperable form of the brain stem cancer. Doctors said he would be dead within three months. Neil’s story was an epic battle on multiple fronts, where he rose above overwhelming adversity to outlive his prognosis enough to create a lasting impact on the world, before finally departing from his physical body. His story continues beyond his passing, as his spirit guides Wendy and the rest of his family in finding ways to bring greater hope and joy to children experiencing life threatening illnesses and other challenges. After a year of caregiving and a time of intense grief, Wendy was guided back to her Story Walking practice with a higher sense of purpose and seeks to expand her practice through the Story Walking Radio Hour.
Affiliated with The Empowerment Factory, Wendy is recognized for her creative collaboration with many youth-focused organizations and Title I schools. She is also a regular contributor to Natural Awakenings healthy living magazine, writing articles about children, health, and environmental issues.
Learn more at storywalking.com, email wendy@netwalkri.com or call 401 529-6830. Connect with Wendy to order copies of Fiddlesticks, The Angel Heart or Storywalker Wild Plant Magic Cards.
Subscribe to Wendy’s blog Writing with Wendy at www.wendyfachon.blog. Join Wendy on facebook at www.facebook.com/groups/StoryWalkingRadio
Learn more about Debara here: