Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network

Saturday Sep 15, 2018
The Second Genesis Awakenin with Debara Bruhn Towt
Saturday Sep 15, 2018
Saturday Sep 15, 2018
Our Celebration with Our Spotlight Guest Violet Laviolette from Our Human Accelerator online Community
Violet Laviolette is and has always been infinitely curious and passionate about following the lead and call of Spirit in her life. Even as a small child she knew that she was just not like everyone else in the way she saw and heard things. As a lifelong student and participant in many paths of spirituality and human divinity, she has studied and applied her learnings as guides to creating her own life and helping others to also embrace and envision their own divine beauty and greatness. Her emersion into becoming an involved member in many spiritual and belief paths (too numerous to list here) has given her firsthand experience with the various paths of religious and spiritual studies not just through book or seminar applications. She has been blessed to gain understanding how these paths weave together to develop her and her intuitive, empathic and healing gifts. She relies upon the whispers of Spirit for her guidance and direction. Violet has been blessed through her work to have traveled and experienced many amazing things, cultures, people and places. Yet to her the most amazing of all is helping and encouraging another to awaken to their true divine self. She is also a Reiki Master, ordained priest in the Order of Melchizedek, Hypnotherapist, Crystal Bowl chant and vibrational worker and amateur herbalist. Violet has 4 grown children and 6 grandchildren. She is a Buddhist practitioner and serves in her local temple in social outreach, teaching and preparing vegetarian/vegan meals. There is always more to learn, apply and absorb in order to rise to the next levels of self-realization and being an impactful global family member. As such she looks forward to the continued journey and being open to gathering together all she has learned and experienced into a facilitation and guidance for others seeking to expand their path. You never know where Spirit will lead you if you are open and listen for that special voice and heart promptings. It’s an amazing journey.
Learn more about Debara here:www.callinallangels.comwww.thehumanaccelerator.org