Friday Nov 19, 2021
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
Trust Your Animal Instincts: Tabitha Scott
If you're struggling to stay positive, you're not alone. The pace of change and the nonexistent norm make us feel off-balance, burned out, and disconnected. Trust Your Animal Instincts reveals how to recharge your life and spark positivity through your own limitless source of power. Exhausted from the burnout of trying to please everyone, including herself, Tabitha Scott quit her job, gave away most of her belongings, and lived near a remote jungle in Costa Rica. Teetering between the wilderness there and the jungle back home, clarity and freedom emerged, along with a passion to share her insights to help others. Identify personal insulators, harmful pressures, and negativity leading to burnout Reconnect to your intuition for direction and renewed purpose Defend against energetic attacks and maintain positivity Learn how to reignite your life and tap into unbridled joy and unconditional love There's no need to travel across the world to discover your personal power--just take a journey through this book to find the answers.
Tabitha Scott is an international speaker, award-winning author, and energy thought leader. She serves as Principal of Southern Growth Studio and specializes in leading purposeful transformation through innovation, strategy, and sustainability. Tabitha has over 17 years of executive level, international experience and was honored at the White House for her thought leadership on leveraging behavior change and smart tech. Her new book, Trust Your Animal Instincts, received the prestigious Nautilus Award--putting it among prior recipients like Eckhart Tole, Deepak Chopra and His Holiness the Dali Lama.
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