Friday Aug 19, 2022
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
The Kabbalah of Light: Catherine Shainberg
Kabbalistic practices to connect with the natural genius of your subconscious and liberate the light within. Tap instantly into the subconscious and receive answers to urgent questions. This method, called the Kabbalah of Light, originated with Rabbi Isaac the Blind of Posquieres (1160-1235) and has been passed down by an ancient kabbalistic family, the Sheshet of Gerona, in an unbroken transmission spanning more than 800 years. The modern lineage holder of the Kabbalah of Light, Shainberg shares 159 short experiential exercises and practices to help you begin dialoguing with your subconscious through images. The images that pop up during these practices are unexpected and revelatory, and she discusses how to open them to greater understanding. At first, they may show you aspects of yourself you don’t like. But seeing them serves as both a diagnosis and a direct path to transformation. Fast and simple, the practices can help you discover your areas of “stuckness,” release past traumas and ancestral patterns, free the imagination, and open the way to the bliss promised us in the Garden of Eden. Beginning this fertile dialogue with your inner world leads you to uncover your soul’s purpose and manifest your dreams in this world. Once your inner dream world and outer reality have merged, you will be able to see your superconscious--your soul’s blueprint--and experience the ecstatic illumination of a heart-centered life.
Catherine Shainberg, Ph.D., is an internationally renowned teacher, healer, psychologist, and dream and imagery expert. She is the lineage holder for the Kabbalah of Light, as transmitted to her by Colette Aboulker-Muscat, revered Kabbalist and teacher, with whom Shainberg spent 10 years of intense study in Jerusalem and an additional 20 years in collaboration. In 1982 she founded the School of Images, dedicated to teaching the techniques of this ancient tradition. The author of Kabbalah and the Power of Dreaming and DreamBirth, she conducts imagery and dreaming workshops internationally and at the nine International Schools of Imagery she created around the world.
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