Friday Sep 30, 2022
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
The Art of Living: Mark Matousek
Being alive is a risky business. No matter who you are, where you live, or how much privilege you enjoy, insecurity is the price tag on human existence, with danger, loss, and suffering close at hand even in the best of times. Science is finally catching up to what sages have been saying forever. Thanks to recent breakthroughs in MRI technology, neurologists are now able—for the first time in history—to observe the human brain in the act of feeling. This has revealed a phenomenon known as neuro- plasticity, which in turn has revolutionized how we think about personal change.
Mark Matousek is an award-winning author of two memoirs, Sex Death Enlightenment: A True Story (an international bestseller) and The Boy He Left Behind: A Man's Search For His Lost Father, as well as When You're Falling, Dive: Lessons in the Art of Living, Ethical Wisdom: The Search for a Moral Life, and Mother of the Unseen World. A MacDowell Fellow and former editor at Interview Magazine, he has contributed to numerous anthologies and publications, including The New Yorker, O: The Oprah Magazine (contributing editor), Harper’s Bazaar, Yoga Journal, Tricycle: The Buddhist Review, and The Saturday Evening Post, and is a columnist for Psychology Today. A popular speaker and teacher, he offers courses in creativity and spiritual growth in the U.S., Canada, Australia, and Europe, based on his book, Writing To Awaken: A Journey of Truth, Transformation, and Self-Discovery. Matousek is a founding member of V-Men (with Eve Ensler), an organization devoted to ending violence against women and girls, and lives in Springs, New York.
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