Friday Oct 27, 2023
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
UNDAUNTED: Carolyn Baker
We know that countless humans are reeling with climate anxiety and experiencing fear, anger, grief, despair, dread, and understandably attempting to cope with the reality of potential human extinction with massive amounts of denial. This conversation offers an alternative to being consumed with either denial or despair. At its core is the existential issue of climate catastrophe and how to live into it with compassionate, clear-eyed, vibrant, awakened intention. To be 'undaunted' is the realization that we all will face moments of despair going forward, but knowledge and discovery of skills and practices for living in the face of humanity’s most unprecedented ordeals. Carolyn Baker brings forth a conversation as a wise elder and scared steward of not only our world, but also our humanity.
Carolyn Baker, Ph.D. is the author of Dark Gold: The Human Shadow And The Global Crisis (2016) and Love In The Age Of Ecological Apocalypse: The Relationships We Need To Thrive (2015). With Andrew Harvey, she has co-authored Return To Joy (2016) and Savage Grace: Living Resiliently In The Dark Night Of The Globe (2017), and Saving Animals From Ourselves: Healing The Divine Animal Within (2019). Her previous books include Collapsing Consciously: Transformative Truths For Turbulent Times (2013); Navigating The Coming Chaos: A Handbook For Inner Transition (2011) and Sacred Demise: Walking The Spiritual Path Of Industrial Civilization’s Collapse (2009). She lives and writes in Boulder, Colorado and manages her website . A former psychotherapist and professor of psychology and history, Carolyn offers life and leadership coaching as well as spiritual counseling for people who want to live more resiliently in the present as they prepare for the future. Carolyn works closely with Andrew Harvey and other spiritual luminaries to live and promote Sacred Activism---the marriage of effecting change in the world with consciousness transformation. With Andrew Harvey in 2022 she is publishing Radical Regeneration: Sacred Activism and The Renewal of The World.
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