Friday Feb 09, 2024
11:11 Talk Radio with Simran Singh
GodTalk: Neale Donald Walsch
Do you talk to God? Is God talking to you? To everyone? The hypothesis here is that when you express the undifferentiated essence of the universe, you project an energy that is generic. It is constant and singular, unwavering and unchanging, precisely because it is “undifferentiated.” At the highest level, this pure energy is conscious and aware of itself, because it is consciousness and awareness itself. It is that from which all differentiated consciousness and awareness springs. This primal force and prime source wants and needs nothing, for the simple and elegant reason that it is everything it could possibly want. More and more human beings are now understanding this. More and more of us are beginning to comprehend that all of us are emanations of the same single thing. We are the product of it and the possessors of it. We can also be the projectors of it. GODTALK will help you see that you really are having conversations with God all the time!
Neale Donald Walsch is the author of 40 books on contemporary spirituality and its practical application in everyday life. His titles include nine entries in the Conversations with God series, seven of which made the NY Times bestseller list. Book One remained on that list for 134 weeks. His works have been translated into 37 languages and have been read by millions of people around the world. Learn more: GodTalk, part of the Common Sentience Series by Sacred Stories Publishing
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