Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Dr. Carolyn Dean Live
Yeast Overgrowth – Do I Have It and What Do I Do? -- Carolyn Dean MD ND
I’ve been studying health since my teens, and over the past five decades I’ve developed a very wide overview and perspective on our current health care crisis. Speaking with thousands of patients, clients, and callers on my radio show, I’ve identified two clear causes of most health problems. They are Mineral Deficiency and Yeast Overgrowth Syndrome – and most people suffer from both.
The treatment that I recommend is ReMag and Yeast Management with Flora ReVive and Pico Silver. When your yeast is under control, you can alternate with Flora ReVive Lite.
Candidiasis, Candida Related Complex, Candida Hypersensitivity, and Yeast Allergies are all names for what I call Yeast Overgrowth Syndrome, which is a condition where yeast has overgrown and outgrown its natural environment in the large intestine and has invaded the small intestine. It is a health threat that remains untreated, mistreated, and if it’s ever recognized, it is undertreated. I call the protocol that goes with eliminating yeast overgrowth the Yeast ReSet because a certain amount of yeast is natural to our body and we have to hit the ReSet button to achieve the right balance.
There are a wide range of symptoms associated with Yeast Overgrowth. Perhaps, once identified, you can eliminate these conditions by balancing your yeast. I have witnessed this first-hand as many every patient, client and customer I’ve had over the past few years has had some level of Yeast Overgrowth and most didn’t know it despite thoroughly researching their condition.
Skin Conditions
Most skin rashes can be made worse by Yeast Overgrowth. They can either be due to a physical yeast infection on the skin or a result of yeast toxins being excreted through your sweat. For example, symptoms of psoriasis can be due to a yeast toxin called Zymosan. Since the standard treatment of skin rashes is cortisone creams, it’s very important to know that cortisone can grow yeast and make it worse in the long run.
Ear, Nose, Eye and Throat Symptoms
Most doctors and patients feel that many of the following symptoms are related to hay fever allergies. That’s partly correct because many people with Yeast Overgrowth also have allergies as a result of their compromised immune system, and the fact that the mucus membranes of the nose and throat are so irritated by yeast that they are defenseless against pollens, chemical smells, and odors.
Gastrointestinal Symptoms
For people who have the following GI symptoms, the first diagnosis often made is that of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). However, having written the book IBS for Dummies, I learned that most people with IBS and IBD have a degree of YOS, if not from the disease itself, then certainly from the antibiotics they take for bowel infection.
Genitourinary Symptoms
Any mucus membrane can be subject to the irritation and inflammation of yeast and yeast toxins. Vaginal symptoms are often associated more directly with YOS and therefore are self-treated with vaginal creams. The same can be said for rashes on the penis.
Heart Symptoms
Gas and bloating in the small intestine can press up under the diaphragm and interfere with normal diaphragmatic breathing. Gas building up under the diaphragm can even put pressure on the heart and potentially interfere with the heart rhythm.
Musculoskeletal Symptoms
When yeast toxins invade the blood stream they can settle in the joints causing painful inflammation and swelling. Doctors in the West don’t seem to understand how this can happen. However, in my Chinese Medicine training, I learned that certain internal meridians divert infection and inflammation to the joints in order to protect the internal organs. How smart of the body! But not so smart when we treat joint pain with drugs that try to suppress the inflammation and not get to the root cause and treat YOS.
Hormonal Imbalance
I learned from Dr. Ari Wojdani early on in my Candida training that Candida toxins cross-react with most of the organs in the body. They also block receptor sites on hormonal organs like the thyroid, ovaries, and adrenal glands.
Immune Deficiency and Autoimmune Disease
The immune system is the first line of defense against YOS and against yeast toxins, but the immune system can only do so much. It can become overloaded with toxins so that it doesn’t defend against common ailments. Yeast toxins can cross-react with body tissues, which can cause the immune system to attack these tissues in an autoimmune disease process.
The symptoms of an impaired immune system and autoimmune disease are very extensive. When your immune system is run down you are more susceptible to just about any disease. Unfortunately, prednisone is the usual drug treatment for suspected autoimmune disease, and steroid drugs encourage YOS.
Mood Disorders
Your intestines send signals to your brain, and vice versa. Therefore, when your intestines are suffering from an overgrowth of yeast, this can cause symptoms like depression and anxiety. Yeast overgrowth can produce up to 178 different toxins. As these toxins are absorbed in the colon and enter the bloodstream they can cause irritations and symptoms in every part of the body including serotonin in the gut and receptors in the brain.
Tonight on Dr. Carolyn Dean live we’ll be taking a deep dive into yeast overgrowth, do I have it and what do I do?
About Dr. Carolyn Dean
Dr Carolyn Dean MD ND has been featured on national media for over 30 years offering practical strategies to improve health, vitality, and well-being the natural way. As a medical doctor, naturopath, certified clinical nutritionist and master of many modalities including acupuncture and homeopathy, Dr. Carolyn Dean MD ND has authored over 33 books and 100 publications including The Magnesium Miracle, 3rd Edition, Hormone Balance, Future Health Now Encyclopedia and Heart Health. Please note that the information and opinions expressed on these broadcasts are not designed to constitute advice or recommendations as to any disease, ailment, or physical condition. You should not act or rely upon any information contained in these broadcasts without seeking the advice of your personal physician. If you have any questions about the information or opinions expressed during these broadcasts, please contact your doctor.
Disclosure: Dr. Dean does have a financial interest in the sale of all the Completement Formulas.
Video Version: https://youtu.be/G8TK5oMw8fU
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