Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Dr. Carolyn Dean Live
How Magnesium Vitamin D and Calcium Play Together-Carolyn Dean MD ND
When considering this equation, it must be understood that all these nutrients work synergistically and require co-factors to be successful in performing their functions in the body. In addition to magnesium, calcium, and vitamin D, Dr. Carolyn Dean, one of the world's leading experts on vitamin and mineral supplementation, also recommends vitamin K-2 for the metabolism of calcium, ReAline for the absorbable form of vitamin B-6 that works with magnesium, and ReMyte Mineral Solution for the multi-minerals that are require to support vitamin D metabolism as well as inviting potassium and selenium to the party!
Let’s see if we can get this all sorted out. Getting the ratios right might look something like this:
- Start with Diet: Whole, complete foods including healthy proteins, lots of fruits, and properly-prepared vegetables. Avoid processed foods, sugars, and other unsavory food products that diminish health and vitality.
- Focus on proper Hydration - many of our radio show listeners know that Dr. Dean recommends drinking 1/2 your body weight (in lbs) in ounces of water daily with at least 1/4 tsp of trace mineral sea salt in each liter.
- ReMag is necessary for 80% of known metabolic function, so it’s a must-have mineral that works synergistically with all the vitamins and minerals in the body. However, even with a good diet you’ll get less magnesium from your food than you would have 100 years ago because of the demineralization of the soil. This is why it’s so important to get your ReMag daily. Either follow the protocol by sipping through the day or take it in juice, green tea, or a smoothie with your meals 2 or 3 times a day. Be sure to drink your sea-salted water throughout the day as well.
- Calcium is essential for the strength and development of bones and teeth. Few people know that calcium is regulated and controlled by magnesium. Calcium is important for the transmission of impulses in nerve and muscle cells, including cardiac muscle cells. Even so, calcium can’t deliver without the balancing effect of magnesium. Magnesium opens the cells to receive a measured amount of calcium, then, after the muscle or nerve action has been performed, magnesium drives the calcium out of the cell. Calcium also has an important role in blood clotting. But that might mean that the calcification people are experiencing by taking calcium supplements is a cause of the thick blood that so many people have these days, leading to the over-prescription of blood thinning drugs. Our body holds on to calcium much more than magnesium. That may be because human beings grew up near the ocean where seawater contains three times more magnesium than calcium, which meant they had much more magnesium in their diet. Thus, we evolved mechanisms that grabbed and stored calcium but released excess magnesium (the laxative effect). Without understanding those processes, it has been suggested that we require more calcium than we do. Dr. Dean recommends a 1:1 balance of calcium to magnesium and takes the calcium RDA from the UK (700mg) and the WHO (500-600mg). Try to get 600mg of calcium in through your diet, which includes yogurt, green leafy vegetables, and bone broth. And, for those who are dairy-free you can get 300 mgs of calcium per serving with ReCalcia, Dr. Dean's picometer calcium solution.
- Vitamin D is made by the body through summer sun exposure. There’s an app for your iPhone called D minder that estimates how much vitamin D you make from the sun depending on where you are, skin type, time of year, time of day, etc. However, you require magnesium to convert sunshine vitamin D into active vitamin D. Another resource to know your vitamin D level is to participate in the GrassrootsHealth vitamin D research project, which you can join from our website RnA ReSet and click on Research. To get the most benefit from vitamin D you have to have the other co-factors in your body as well – those include magnesium, Vitamin K, Zinc, Boron and Vitamin A.
- Vitamin K2 is needed to get calcium directed to where it needs to be, in bones and teeth, not arteries, and it protects against vitamin D toxicity. Like magnesium, nearly everyone is deficient, because our eggs and butter and other natural sources are either missing from the diet or come from industrially raised animals not fed on grass. Vitamin K2 supplementation may dramatically reduce fracture rates and even reverses arterial calcification.
- Vitamin B-6 - AKA pyridoxal-5-phosphate works as a coenzyme to assist in an amazing variety of tasks – the creation of heme, the iron-containing component of red blood cells; making the hormone serotonin (the “feel good” hormone); processing carbohydrates for energy; keeping the nervous system working smoothly, and supporting hundreds of other biological functions. Having low levels of this key nutrient can lead to skin disorders, depression, dizziness, headaches, and other, more serious problems, such as heart attacks and strokes. Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate, or P5P as it is commonly known, is the active form of vitamin B6 found in Dr. Dean’s formula, ReAline. In foods or most supplements, vitamin B6 is found in one of three forms: pyridoxine hydrochloride, pyridoxal, or pyridoxamine. Inside the body, these forms of B6 have to be converted by the liver to the active form the body needs – P5P. Low rates of conversion from the inactive to the active form of vitamin B6 have been reported, especially in people with impaired liver function, Celiac disease, older adults, and in children with autism. By consuming vitamin B6 in the active P5P form, conversion is no longer necessary, and the full benefits are available immediately. Working hand-in-hand with the 100% bio-available ReMag, Vitamin B-6 will boost the performance of your energy production and nervous system to your benefit.
Essential Fatty Acids - EFAs increase calcium absorption from the gut, in part by enhancing the effects of vitamin D. They also regulate and reduce urinary excretion of calcium, possibly by reducing production of pro-inflammatory molecules called prostaglandins. EFAs have also been found to increase calcium deposition in bone, which is not surprising since bone calcification must take place in the presence of a type of fat known as a phospholipid. Finally, essential fatty acids appear to support collagen production by modulating the inflammatory response that interferes with collagen synthesis. Our soon-to-be released Omega-3 Algae A+E provides you with the necessary EFAs for optimal health.
So join us tonight for the rest of Dr. Dean’s powerful, preventive protocols and information! You will love hearing the beneficial interactions with our callers and hosts alike and answers to some of today’s most important health prevention topics including the body/mind connection, identifying the 'conflict' in the 'conflict basis' of disease and much more!!
About Dr. Carolyn Dean
Dr Carolyn Dean MD ND has been featured on national media for over 30 years offering practical strategies to improve health, vitality, and well-being the natural way. As a medical doctor, naturopath, certified clinical nutritionist and master of many modalities including acupuncture and homeopathy, Dr. Carolyn Dean MD ND has authored over 33 books and 100 publications including The Magnesium Miracle, 3rd Edition, Hormone Balance, Future Health Now Encyclopedia and Heart Health. Please note that the information and opinions expressed on these broadcasts are not designed to constitute advice or recommendations as to any disease, ailment, or physical condition. You should not act or rely upon any information contained in these broadcasts without seeking the advice of your personal physician. If you have any questions about the information or opinions expressed during these broadcasts, please contact your doctor.
Disclosure: Dr. Dean does have a financial interest in the sale of all the Completement Formulas.
Video Version: https://youtu.be/hNjYTLASjKI
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