Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Dr. Carolyn Dean Live
Raising Your Vibe - The Top 5 Mood-Improving Nutrients-Carolyn Dean MD ND
Spring has sprung, 2021, and it’s time to throw off the winter doldrums and grab a fresh new vibe, a new mood, and optimize life!
So, what comes first – the good mood or the motivation to take action? According to Dr. Carolyn Dean restoring the body’s natural energy mechanisms is essential to forward movement and optimal living. On today’s radio show we’re going to take a deep dive into 5 essential nutrients your body needs to boost your energy levels, clear your head, and get you ready for the next level of joy and good living!
One of the most abundant minerals in the body, #magnesium plays 1,000 important roles in the body. Magnesium is required in every cell of the body to allow mitochondria to make energy! Six of the 8 steps that create ATP energy require magnesium. Yes, that’s right! So, magnesium can improve your mood and help reduce the symptoms of anxiety and/or depression because it makes energy. Think about it…no magnesium, no energy. Without the energy to live, move and be creative, your body becomes depleted. You suppress emotions, desires, you don't engage in physical activity and you have no energy to maintain a positive, optimistic outlook. Your creations fly out the door.
Another reason why magnesium can help improve your mood is that it may improve brain function. Research shows that magnesium plays an important role in regulating neurotransmitters, which send messages throughout the brain and body. Serotonin is a hormone that helps stabilize the mood and produces feelings of well-being. It impacts the entire body, with effects on sleep and digestion, as well as stress. Magnesium is involved in the synthesis of serotonin and the inhibition of stress-inducing molecules such as glutamate and cortisol.
"When stress depletes magnesium, a vicious cycle spins out of control and depression can occur. The body needs magnesium in order to release and bind adequate amounts of serotonin in the brain for balanced mental functioning." --Dr. Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D.
Also, magnesium may affect your mood hormonally. Low magnesium is associated with low testosterone, and low testosterone is associated with low mood in men, of course, but also in women.
When you think about nutrients that impact your mood you may not be thinking…zinc! Yet
a cross-sectional study of data gathered from 14,834 Americans (7,435 women and 7,399 men) between 2009 and 2014 found an association between depression and zinc deficiency. Part of what we know about #zinc is that it influences the immune system and brain homeostasis, and like magnesium it may act on your brain’s NMDA receptors. Also, as with magnesium, low zinc levels may impair testosterone production and as we saw, low testosterone is associated with low mood in both men and women.
The body does not store zinc so building up your storage sites within the body, as can be done with magnesium, cannot be achieved with zinc. Zinc must be taken daily – either as food or supplements. ALSO, zinc is mostly found in animal-based foods so daily supplementation for vegetarians and vegans is very important.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D has become the most popular vitamin topic this past year and with good cause. The Sunshine Vitamin is associated with good health in the way that a sunshine is associated with a good mood. So, it makes sense that vitamin D deficiency would contribute to mood disorders including depression, anxiety and Seasonal Affective Disorder [SAD]. One study, in particular, pointed out the importance of vitamin D supplementation to support the body throughout the winter months when access to the valuable rays is not easily accessible to individuals who live in sun-deprived climates throughout the world.
Omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are known for their tremendous benefit to the brain and nervous system, both of which regulate mood and temperament. In addition to those impressive benefits, research shows that the Omega-3’s may help prevent depression and anxiety and daily supplementation can be of great benefit. One review showed the effect of omega-3s (with an average dose of 1422 mg/day of EPA) on reducing symptoms of MDD, (major depressive disorder) which produced benefits beyond those of taking antidepressants alone.
Vitamin B-12
Vitamin B-12 and other B vitamins play a role in producing brain chemicals that affect mood and other brain functions. B vitamins play a vital role in many bodily functions from metabolizing food to producing energy to keeping the heart and nervous system healthy. A well-formulated, highly absorbed vitamin B complex like ReAline is a natural alternative to pharmaceuticals or anti-depressants that, along with magnesium, zinc, vitamin D and adequate daily intake of Omega-3’s, can help to relax the mind & body and increases the serotonin levels in your brain to encourage a more positive mood, reduce stress, and counter the feelings of depression, anxiety, and tension.
About Dr. Carolyn Dean
Dr Carolyn Dean MD ND has been featured on national media for over 30 years offering practical strategies to improve health, vitality, and well-being the natural way. As a medical doctor, naturopath, certified clinical nutritionist and master of many modalities including acupuncture and homeopathy, Dr. Carolyn Dean MD ND has authored over 33 books and 100 publications including The Magnesium Miracle, 3rd Edition, Hormone Balance, Future Health Now Encyclopedia and Heart Health. Please note that the information and opinions expressed on these broadcasts are not designed to constitute advice or recommendations as to any disease, ailment, or physical condition. You should not act or rely upon any information contained in these broadcasts without seeking the advice of your personal physician. If you have any questions about the information or opinions expressed during these broadcasts, please contact your doctor.
Disclosure: Dr. Dean does have a financial interest in the sale of all the Completement Formulas.
Video Version: https://youtu.be/cpvNu_NNiBM
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