Friday Apr 22, 2022
Dreaming Healing with Kat Kanavos
Inspiration: Acts of Power
Host Kat Kanavos interviews New York Times bestselling author Lynn V. Andrews about the Inspiration that comes from Acts of Power. Lynn Andrews's new book Acts of Power is an intensely personal document that has assumed a special individual significance for contemporary readers, providing them with 365 daily inspirations that offer pivotal insights for living a joyful life.
Guest: Lynn V. Andrews
Bio: Lynn Andrews is the New York Times and internationally bestselling author of the Medicine Woman series, which chronicles her three decades of study and work with shaman healers on four continents. Her study of the way of the sacred feminine began with Agnes Whistling Elk and Ruby Plenty Chiefs, Native American healers in northern Canada. Her quest for spiritual discovery continued with a Shaman Curendera of the Mayan Yucatan, an Aboriginal woman of high degree in the Australian Outback, and a Nepalese healer in the foothills of the Himalayas. Today, she is recognized worldwide as a leader in the fields of spiritual healing and personal empowerment. A shaman healer and mystic, Andrews is widely acknowledged as a major link between the ancient world of shamanism and modern society's thirst for profound personal healing and a deeper understanding of the pathway to enlightenment.
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