Friday Aug 05, 2022
Dreaming Healing with Kat Kanavos
Mysticism and YOU!
Who are you? Why are you? Mysticism and Mystical expression have been a part of our life, health, and healing since the dawn of humanity. There is a hidden meaning in life called Mysticism. Perhaps it began one cold night while gazing at stars and pondering, “Why am I here? Where did I come from?” Our transcendental thought became expression through sound and dance around a warm fire. We discovered answers to our soul’s origins by encouraging our mystical spirit to express.
Join Revs. Jon Scott, Serena Hemmer, Sandra Kitt, Carolyn Ballenger, and businessman/author Peter Canova as we discuss Mysticism, and a unique mystical retreat of interactive expression growth, and how we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Learn how to reconnect and embrace your mystic self through interactive dream work, soul-writing, quantum spirituality, sound vibration, drumming, deep meditation, and forgiveness cleansing…. by fire.
Rev. Jon Scott is the new First Unity of St Petersburg Spiritual Leader whose religious heritage is three generations of fundamentalist preachers. A troubadour and iconoclast who changes the energetic vibration in a room with a simple word or phrase. Rev Scott is a man who is helping create a better world by showing people new ways to see it.
Peter Canova is a businessman (luxury hotel development), multi-award-winning author (Pope Annalisa), and national speaker. His interviews include Coast to Coast with George Noory. Peter has given the keynote at venues such as Unity National Convention, Centers for Spiritual Living National Convention, and was the lead-off speaker at the Global Alliance for Transformational Entertainment (GATE) which featured the leading spiritual and inspirations speakers from around world. From the time he first experienced phenomena such as telepathy, remote viewing, intuitive medical readings, and psychic healing, Peter has spent much of his life seeking to understand Quantum Spirituality and the forces that link humanity together at an unseen level.
Rev. Peggy Ann SERENA HEMMER, MSW, LCSW-Ordained Metaphysical Minister | Psychotherapist | Hypnotherapist | Cosmic Sound Shamaness | Author/Illustrator
was ordained as a New Thought Minister following several years of study through the offerings of Unity Village Spiritual Education and Enrichment (SEE) classes and two years of study under the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). She is a Cosmic Sound Shamaness, incorporating crystal and brass singing bowls and Light Language into healing arts sessions with clients.
Rev. Sandra Kitt currently serves on the First Unity Spiritual Campus Leadership team in St. Petersburg, Florida. She leads retreats and instructs individuals and groups on Thriving, Dreams, and Spirituality. Rev. Sandra is a “Mayhem to Miracles: Sacred Stories of Transformational Hope” author and a retired Major in the United States Army, Teacher, and Counselor.
Rev. Carolyn Ballenger is a recently ordained New Thought Minister through ILLLI (Institute for Leadership and Lifelong Learning International). Rev. Carolyn has been a Unity Truth student for over 30 years and a Chaplain/Prayer Partner for 15 years.
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Facebook Professional–Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos