Saturday Dec 17, 2016
Kids 4 Love Project Radio
Co-Host 13yr.old Kaitlyn Martinez Founder of Backpacks 4 Kids AZ and Tracey Serebin Founder of Daisy Button Believes Kaitlyn Martinez, 13 year old student created Backpacks 4 Kids AZ in the summer of 2015. Now as of November 10, 2016 Backpacks 4 Kids AZ is an official 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization. Backpacks 4 Kids AZ collects school supplies and backpacks for children whose families cannot afford them and now we are expanding our efforts in making "Love Bundles" for kids entering foster care. August 2016 Kaitlyn Martinez was awarded a grant of $1000.00, she is going to use this grant to expand her efforts and create Love Bundles for kids entering fostering care How to help: Donate hygiene products, toys, blankets, or backpacks to one of our donation sites so we can help the children who have been displaced due to neglect, abuse, abandonment. Donate school supplies to be given to local students -Many low income families are already struggling and unfortunately cannot afford to buy the school supplies their children need. Host a supply drive to benefit Backpacks4 Kids AZ The inspiration for Daisy Button comes from an empowering series of stories written by Tracey Serebin in 2010 about 7 multi-racial children who work together to maximize their talents, accomplish their goals, help their friends and have fun in the process. Through launching her book series Tracey traveled all over the country speaking to kids and families, educators and specialists. Tracey Serebin is a Serial Entrepreneur who started her first company at 19, delivering balloon bouquets, while still in college. At 25, she Founded and was President of a company that was the largest buyer of home furnishings in the country, with Sears and Montgomery Ward as two of her clients. Years later, Tracey went on to co-create an Advertising Agency focused on creating TV commercials for car dealers, becoming one of the largest buyers of TV time in the state of Florida. While running her businesses Tracey started volunteering as a Guardian ad Litem volunteer in the early 90′s, became Vice President of the Guardian ad Litem Guild and then later started her own non-profit called For The Children to support the needs of children in Foster Care in Hillsborough County, Florida. In this role she interacted with social workers, psychologists, and teachers on a daily basis. When Tracey moved up north she pioneered the first Family Coaching practice in the country providing life skills, communication tools, inner strength and social skills to children, as well as partnering with parents to help advocate for their children within the school system. For the last 10 years she has written articles, created curriculum for children, published two books, hosted her own radio show, and conducted workshops across the country. Clubhouse Enterprises is her latest venture, pulling together her 20 years experience working with kids, and the last 10 years of helping several hundred children one-on-one by providing solutions to problems. The DB Adventures series is a culmination of her work developed into a fun, engaging, educational and entertaining endeavor married with cool technology. On the personal side, Tracey has a very active 8 year old son. She loves being outdoors, speed walking in nature, and being at the beach. Tracey’s favorite past times are reading, traveling to new places, attending live sporting events, football season, and spending time with family and friends.